Thursday, April 25, 2013

What are some good topics teen girls should learn?

Q. I'm leading a girl group of ages 12-15, and we're short on ideas of what to learn. I want to plan the 2013 calendar, but I'm not sure what type of lessons should be put into it. What are some suggestions?
Examples we've already covered include, but are not limited to: morse code, languages, nutrition, safety precautions, first aid, crocheting, and physical education.

A. For many of these girls, it won't be long before they want to apply for their first job. How about doing a lesson on applying for jobs, interviewing, writing Thank You notes/emails, giving proper notice when planning to quit, etc. A lot of teens think that living alone at 18 will be easy. Try doing a lesson on budgeting so they get a sense of how much money they will need to pay rent, Renter's Insurance, Car Insurance, gas, groceries, utilities, etc. for one month. If these are at risk kids, you could do a lesson on cost of rasing a baby. You could have them find prices of carseats, formula, diapers, cribs, highchairs, baby food, bottles, sippy cups, clothes, toys, saftey items, etc.

Do you notice that kids in this generation look younger than they look?
Q. I noticed this from the beginning of kindergarten all the way to the end of high school though I didnt really say anything about it at firt until reaching high school. I was born in the year 1988 and I personally believe that people born in my year were the first ones to look younger than they look for the majority of them and people born after that year. Kids born before 1988 like between 1980 and 1987 all of them looked younger too except they looked more like adult kids and people born before 1980 definitely looked like adults and you would notice it when watching tv shows like full house and saved by the bell when they're teenagers they look like they should be 30. Now I'm not sure what people would say about this trend that oh looks dont mean anything whether you look younger or older. I believe it does because graduating in 2006, growing up with my age group even since elementary they just behaved like children. I know almost every kid would misbehave in elementary school or what not but people my age would keep up with doing mischief, even kids younger than me. When I was in 9th grade kids who were upperclassmen in 10th grade and so forth used to tell me that oh your class sucks all the kids your age and younger are idiots. Upperclassmen also were mischievious too but very less. I would say that my age group and younger would start a new generation. The only positive about this generation now is that the younger the look the more good looking you are but the more immature your behavior could be. Sorry if this is a stupid question or I'm confusing you guys but I hope you all know where Im getting at. Anyone agree.
I would rather hang out with older kids

A. No, your class is not the last class to look old. It's definitely my class, the class of 2013. I am suffering through exactly what you are it's actually scary. Like ever since kindergarten, I've always had an immature class (we were born in 1995 in case that matters) and now here I am at my senior year and we all still look and act like middle schoolers. Like I feel like the class that just graduated, the class of kids born from 1993-1994 were so much more mature and adult-like than us in both looks and attitude, and ready to move on to college. Idk this always annoys me because I hate looking young and want to look like how the seniors of last classes did haha. And the senior classes I'm comparing myself to don't even look half as old as the ones from when my parents were in high school! Like they all looked so cool whereas we look and act 13-14.but yea anyway, I completely understand and have no idea why this phenomenon is happening, and it is only getting worse. Like the freshmen this year look like 6th graders. Like by the time they graduate I feel like high school is just going to be a second elementary school with people giving out toy cars and **** at graduation. Maybe it's something in the water, maybe malnutrition, or maybe it's just better medicine as time goes on meaning well look younger for our whole lives and therefore live longer :)

How to make some cash as a stay at home mom?
Q. I have no college degree. my boyfriend works a weird schedule, so I can't get a day or night time job. what would be a good way to make some money? (legally, no drugs or anything like that)

A. Can you write? Magazines are always looking for articles - every library has a copy of Writers Market 2013 in their reference section.

Can you sew? I do a nice side business making cat toys (I also pick and dry the catnip and design my own toys). You can retail or wholesale them.

Can you babysit? In home sitting does not require a visit from the city that in home day cares do (but you have to keep it under 5 kids a day).

Can you drive and have a car? Craig's List has several people offering 'rent a mom/rent a daughter/rent a helper' for people looking for extra help grocery shopping when they're shut ins, or for help painting a room or cleaning up the garage.

Can you walk? Dog walking is roughly $20 per hour, $10 per half hour (you can walk a dog 10 blocks in half an hour).

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