Saturday, June 14, 2014

Do your kids ask for *popular toys* or *top Christmas gifts* for Christmas?


Like things they see in TV commercials or things they hear their classmates talking about? Or do they seek out things they have a truly specific interest in?

I've noticed as my kids get older they don't seek out the tv stuff or the stuff their friends talk about but they look around for specific interest things.

I have just discovered, recently, a website called fat brain toys and man has my 9 year old been having some kind of blast jotting down things from that website lol.

BQ- Know of any interesting places to shop for kids? So far I've found some pretty cool things from uncommon goods, think geek, fat brain toys, top notch gifts and places like that (not just for my kids but relatives and donations).
Oh des! I just clicked on that website- edmund scientific- and I - am - in - love! Got to order everything. ha ha ha

My kids ask for EV.RY.THING. they see on TV. Everything. I have no idea what they really want because they want everything. When my mom asked my 4yo what he wants for Christmas, his exact answer..."I want everything in the whole world." See, I told you.

ETA; It's new this year and driving me nuts. We used to watch Netflix programming a lot (no commercials) or DVR'd shows that I would FF though, but due to budget cutbacks, I got rid of both, and am now HATING network kids' TV because of all the stinking toy ads.

Cognitive Table Top Toy for School Age Children- ANY IDEAS?


I need a creative idea for a cognitive table top toy. In other words..i need a game which involves any sort of subject that will catch attention to school age(4-12 yrs). I need as many ideas as possible. ;)

Answer say Cognitive Games--and MANY ideas!!!
I've copied a few ideas from my website that is dedicated to school-age care professionals. The following are from the "Table Top Games and Literacy Threads" ...

Each person writes down a question beginning with âWhyâ
Example, Why do cats meow?
Fold the top over to hide the question, and pass it the next person-- who without looking at the question-- writes an answer starting with âBecauseâ (for example, Because I hate broccoli!) Then read out all the questions and answers. Why do cats meow? Because I hate broccoli!

Most people know how to play the traditional version of Hangman. This is for children who canât yet spell!
Play it like 20 Questions. Think of something (like you would for 20 questions) and have your partner think of âyes-or-no questionsâ to guess what it is. Each time there is a no answer-- add another part to the Hangman.
You may find the older kids also like this version!!!

BEAT THAT! ......Dice Game for Age: 5 to adult
Skills: Number, Place value, Strategic thinking
Need: 2 dice (up to 7 dice for older players)
Paper and pencil for scoring
How to play...
Roll the dice and put them in order to make the highest number possible. If you roll a 4 and an 6, for example, your best answer would be 64. Using 3 dice, a roll of 3, 5 and 2 should give you 532, and so on. Write down your answer, pass the dice, and challenge the next player to âBeat That!â
Play in rounds and assign a winner to each round.
For a change, try making the smallest number possible! This is a great game for reinforcing the concept of place value. If you are playing with younger children, explain your reasoning out loud and encourage them to do the same

Silent Hangman
Need: Flip Chart or board and marker or pen.
Like original hangman, children guess the mystery word; however, they are not allowed to speak while trying to find out the letters. This game is a good way to settle children down. When a child wants to guess a letter they must draw the letter in the air with an invisible pen. Caregiver or leader will then write it in if it is correct--- or write it to the side if not. The caregiver or leader should also not be able to talk.

Donât Forget Table Games of:
Mad-libs (done with enthusiasm), Cross-word puzzles, Word Games, Word Search, Hangman...
Board Games of: Boggle, Scrabble, Scrabble Jr., Nerdy Wordy, Banangrams. Balderdash, Staff made Jeopardy (tic-tac-toe style). Taboo
Traditional Bingo and for younger children â
Bingo using pictures (a great variety of themes may be downloaded at:
also Uno as mentioned above.

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Secret Santa present for $10?? Cool gadget idea?


We are all going to my sister's for Christmas but because most of us are travelling a long way we've decided on a secret santa present idea so not to fill up our suitcases lugging presents home. We're getting normal presents for the kids but as we (the adults) dont really care as long as the drinks are free-flowing we have pulled a name out of the hat and are limited to $10. I got my brother who has a good sense of humour and loves gadgets and retro stuff (he is 32) but nothing overly stupid like fake poo or a booby mug. I'm trying to google fun gifts and gag gifts but all I'm coming up with is just what I've mentioned.....ideas??

If he likes cool gadgets go onto the website in my source, it's called DealExtreme, to find some really cool stuff there, and it's all REALLY cheap. I've gotten lots of stuff from there and the shipping doesn't take long.

What Was this 90's Toy/Gadget Rider?

Michael E

Back when I was younger, in the early to mid 90's, there was a kid's vehicle style thing, it was like, a seat with handle bars that just sat on the ground, it was triangle shaped, had 3 small wheels, and was basically like a street sled on wheels with handle bars. My friends think it was called a dragon something, does anyone remember the name?
Edit: Youu used your body weight to sway back and forth to propel the thing, and your feet propped up on the handle bar bottom support, while you steered with your hands on the handlebars.

Roller Racers

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Friday, June 13, 2014

Toy Story 3 or Karate Kid?


What movie should my frand and I go to? Karate Kid, or Toy Story 3?


Toy Story 3 for sure. It was amazing. I almost cried though haha

Toy story 3 or Karate kid?


which movie should i go watch

toy story 3 is better then karate kid toy story brings back memories

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I need kids birthday ideas (ages 5-7).?

Tim M

I am going to rent a empty gymnasium for a kids birthday party ages 5-7. Can you name me some stuff we could do except play soccer.

How about the little bowling pins and balls? The plastic ones aren't expensive and easily found in the toy store. There are several bean bag toss games. You could also set up a great obstacle course for them to run. I think that could be pretty fun. Have a small table set up for face painting and/or a crafts station. There are lots of really inexpensive things they can make or paint and have so much fun. You could even set up a cupcake decorating station. Have fun.

Babysitting a 5, 7, 9, and 12 year old?


the youngest is a boy and all the rest are girls. I just don't know what I can do with all of them so they don't feel left out. I can't do their nails cause one's a boy, the oldest doesn't want to play little kid games. Help me?

Calm down. It will be alright. What I would suggest is bring something for each kid. Maybe bring something the boy would like such as a soldier toy figure. For the 7 and 9 year old I suggest bringing something girly and pink, assuming they are into that stuff. For example, bring a dress up kit and lipstick and play with them with that. The 12 year old is a tough one. I would ask the children's parents to see what kind of stuff the 12 year old would like.

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Thursday, June 12, 2014

High school kids and their tech gadgets and video games?


What if all the high school kids in the world. . . had all of their tech gadgets and cellphones and video games taken away for one week? What would happen to the world?

It's too bad most high school kids have never played a real video game, and don't have any high-tech stuff.

Neat gadget for a kid?


I'm looking for a cool electronic gadget for my 9 year old daughter. I gave my wife an electronic Franklin Planner and my daughter likes using it. However, I'm looking for something closer for her age or a little older age. I'm not looking for a cell phone or a gameboy. Thanks for any ideas

V-tech games

Love them all.
We are getting the piano version.

Playschool has a kid- "Ipod" like thing that you can download the great kids songs and educational tools from as well.

Happy hunting Santa.
Mine have bikes and gear and some other stuff.

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Blue Hat Toy Company Kids MP3 Player?


My Little Niece For Christmas Got A Blue Hat Toy Company Kids MP3 Player and We Don't Know Which Program To Download More Songs For It From Like Is There A Specific One? We Already Bought An Itunes Gift Card For music, But We Wanted To See If Anyone New Anything Exactly Before We Tried It? All Answers Are Accepted and Needed! Thanks!
oh and it looks like this:


My kids love their blue hat mp3 player. I only wish they made a bigger one for adults and with more memory(or an external memory slot).

To answer your questions:
1. Adding files to the radio is very simple. You hook up the radio via the usb cable AND your PC should recognize it as another disk(like any other attached or inserted disk, ie SD chips, portable hard drives). You would just go to the folder where you have music stored and copy to the assigned drive of the MP3 player.
2. But before adding files, you need to make sure you get the files in the correct format. You need to buy/get files that are in the standard mp3 format. Itunes is not in that format. I do have an ipod, but I'm not sure if you can buy from the itunes store in the standard mp3 format (files will be named *.mp3). I think the player will also play *wma files (but I'm not sure).

3. IF you want to use the itunes gift card and the ITUNES store doesn't have files in the standard mp3 format available, THEN you'll have to find a file converter.

I use the first and the original mp3 file format only. I have put these type of files onto the Blue Hat MP3 player with no problems. I think we have about 80 songs on it now and all play well.

If you are just getting into buying mp3s...... its best to buy songs in the universal format. Other mp3 players will play or convert them before playing. Even Itunes will play them.....actually they will convert the files to their format when they are added to the itunes library.

I basically have an archive library of songs that i convert from CDs(in 128 to 196 bit rates) or buy online. I try to make sure the bit rate is above 196. I have additional libraries for other formats, but they aren't my main library. This keeps me from getting stuck with only 1 vendor or player.

NOTE: The 20 songs that came on the MP3 player are stored at the 160 bit rate. Higher bit rates take up more space, but are better sound quality. 128 bit rate is the minimum rate for CD quality sound on a standard sound system. Higher quality sound systems will sound better with higher bit rates. Since the blue hat mp3 player is small, I think you should be okay to put songs with 96 bit rate. This will allow for more songs. And since it has only 256k of internal memory, you will fill up the memory quickly.


What are the worlds most annoying kids toys?


I'm talking noisy, obnoxious, horrid toys.
Please rate on a scale from 1 -10, 10 being the most annoying.
Price range, and hey if you've got a link please feel free to add it too!


If you're looking to annoy the parents of the kids you're buying toys for, you can't go wrong with a) musical instruments and b) Lego sets. You come off as someone who's encouraging their creativity and talent, but in fact the parents will soon suffer the pain of the noise of instruments not being played well, or the pain of stepping barefoot on loose bricks.

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Are these good fortunes? For paper fortune tellers (aka cootie catchers) for adults and kids?


You will be bold next year
Help your friend this week
Your smile speaks volumes
Raid your fridge tonight!
Hold your nose!
Boys will be boys
You will write a hit song
You love chocolate!
remember the little people
u will see and old friend soon
watch your step
try to see as much of the world as you can
you will have 10 kids
twins are all around you!
hold someones hand
You have successfu dreams
Help is always just around the corner
Green is the new black
Haste makes waste
When you talk people listen
Pink is your favorite color today
You have a unique talent
Help a STRONG person
A uniform is in your future
Clear eyes equal clear skies
You will ride a horse this year
Lucky numbers: 3,6,9,12,15,18
You will wear a hat this week
Shake someones hand
Read a long book soon
Think about your future...laugh about your past
You will get a new gadget soon!
You will meet a famous guy.
snowy days are cold BUT beautiful
you will get a lucky break on a test
red is your color
hug the person to your right
your health is your priority
you will be a youtube phenomena
you will see a crop circle
Mambo with your mama
geniuses are born AND made
wear clean socks!
hold the door open for an old lady
white is the color of purity
you have an infectious....laugh!
peoepelple---people learn from mistakes!
winks are as warm as hugs
stop at red lights
wave at the next car with kids in it!
it's clear you are a winner
you will get a lucky break on a test
chinese fire drill at the next safe intersection!
good things come in small packages
wear blue tomorrow
hug your friend today
eat something special today
stand tall tomorrow
call someone dear to you
Smile. You earned it!
Your nose will grow.
Your favorite PJ's will get a hole =-(
You will travel soon
A gift will come your way
Hop on one foot
wild hearts can't be broken
blue is your color today
you have a great eye
you will have 10 cars in your lifetime
you will eat less than you thought
your signature will be worth something someday.
Your next car will be electric.
You will have 10 kids
You will be attacked by a giant banana
Lucky numbers 2,4,6,8,10,12.
you will go blonde
Remember this date 12-22-2012
you heal quickly
you will make a great discovery
you will try a new food
An apple a day keeps the Dr. away
You will be class president
You will have a tea party with Bigfoot!
Watch where you step!
You will start the next jeans trend.
Nobody likes a tattle tale =-(
You will invent something great
You will host many events
Sunshine is ahead
You win contests!
You beleive in yourself.
High five the next guy you see.
"No" is a complete sentence.
A penny saved is a penny earned
You will tan easily

Yeah, I guess so.

Will you survive in the end or will you cry until you die?


Ok, i'm not absolutey sure on what will hapen or when it will, but 2012 is a big story apparently with lots of theories on what will happen. Just curious, if something happens where all technology ceased to exist or work (no more iphones, fast food restaurants, ipods, cell phones, computers, cars, appliances, etc.) and we had to go back to living the way people did in like the middle ages or whenever, would you rough it out, give it your best shot to survive in the wild like the pioneers or whoever survived in the past without all the things we take for granted, do whatever it took to survive (migrate, murder, hunt your food, bath in the river, live in the wild, kill for your territory, etc.) for as long as you could make it. OR....would you seriously just curl up in the corner with your iphone, ipod, and laptop, and cry until you were dead? Would you take it like a true human who knows the true ways of their ancestors, or would you take it like a pussy?
Be honest, people.

Me, I would probably survive, but as for most people, I hear tons of stories of how folks can't live without gadgets, and the young generation of like 9-14 now have instant access to everything. It could make an interesting reality show if you ask me. Throw a bunch of middle class 12-17 year old kids in a sort of "Kid Nation" scenario, but with no technology. (Im not sure if Kid Nation permits technology or not.) See who cracks first.

Somethin big is gonna happen but if what you're saying is true, not too many people will be prepared. Alot would probably die of nature-shock.

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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

What are the most popular kids' toys this year?

Q. I want to get my cousins something special. They don't have any video games systems (nor am I going to get them one).

Here are the top 10 toys of 2007:

1.Nintendo DS Lite Onyx

2.Hasbro i-Dog - White

3.LeapFrog FLY Fusion Pentop Computer

4.Youniverse Keep Safe Diary

5.Hannah Montana DVD Game

6.Dance Dance Revolution DVD Game

7.6' Mega Giga Ball

8.Rescue Pets Wake Me Up

9.High School musical DVD Game

10.Hasbro i-Cat - black

GoodLuck :)
If you want to buy them go to:(

toys for the kids?

linda d

what's the hottest toys for infants, toddler boys and an 8 yr old girl??? What's the best that they never seem to get sick off???
my son is only 7 months but when he turns 1, whats the best toys??? I have the fisher price drop and roar dinosaur. i saw it and just had to get it

Kids like big toys it seems. Yes, big toys are more expensive but they don't seem to get thrown into the toy box after 20 minutes. One year olds like ride on toys and things like that. Toddler boys like the same thing. They also like places to hide such as forts and tents. As for an 8 year old girl--they're all different. Some like dress up and some like playing house and cooking with pretend food and some like make-up and dressing up Barbies.

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Cheap, sturdy toys for preschoolers?


Where do I buy the best inexpensive toys? What are the best toys that kids stay interested in?

WalMart has a good selection and the prices are reasonable.

Kids like to do role playing. Miniature kitchens, tool-shops, dress-ups, etc. are a lot of fun and very educational for toddlers. They are learning about the world around they through playing out what they see.

Supervised crayons, water-color paints, construction paper, blunt-edged scissors and glue sticks are another cheap, but very fun for kids this age. They love to create and it helps them to improve their hand-eye coordination too.

The beauty about this age is that they are learning while playing. It is effortless and fun.

What are the best toys for baby that are not too expensive to buy?

Jill Tregr

Looking for the best toys for baby that are affordable. We are buying tons of toys and we are trying to cut down on expenses so what toys for baby would you recommend we get?

Babies at this age need basic toys, and not all the expensive electronic gadgets.

I would look for something that encourages the baby to crawl/cruise - often toys where you push a button down, and then the toy moves further ahead.

musical toys are always a hit. I would look for something that encourages cause and effect, and better hand/eye coordination - xylophones, drums (which you can make out of an empty plastic container and a small wooden spoon), tambourines, bells, maracas and rainmakers. There are lots of baby-proof toys out there, and the baby sets can be fairly inexpensive because they are plastic and small. Also nothing wrong with pots, pans, plastic containers and wooden spoons, and spatulas.

Books - this is so important for speech development, learning how to read, setting the precedent for enjoying reading, and getting some quality time with a parent or caregiver. There are all different types of books for babies and preschoolers, just be prepared for some chewing. I still buy board books for my toddler and preschooler, because they are cheaper than the paper ones. And, some of the board books have the entire story and illustrations for 1/2 the price. Get a family library membership - libraries also offer story time even for babies.

Stacking toys and shape sorters - Wal-mart and TRU each make their own cheaper version than Fisher Price, but the FP is a thicker plastic. Be prepared that your baby will not be able to sort shapes for quite awhile. Stacking toys just need to be varying degrees of sizes, shapes and colors (to help differentiate the shape, and keep their interest). Great for hand/eye coordination and motor skills.

Blocks - get something that is easier to grasp in their small hand - larger, or squeezable, or even small. Just not too small that they are a choking hazard. TRU and Wal-mart each have their own knockoffs, which will save you a bunch of money.

Balls - I would get a bunch of softer balls. I would buy them in different sizes. If you have trouble finding them, my toddlers seem to be into the dogâs balls (we wonât go there). I donât mind because they are indestructible (no chewing off small pieces) and most are squeezable.

And a couple of plastic containers in which to put stuff in. The stuff can be the shapes from the shape sorter, blocks, balls or other small toys. Older babies like to put stuff into a container, dump this into another container or out on the floor.

Babies are fascinated with themselves (actually I think they just see "other" babies). One of our babies went to daycare. They have a mirror, mounted behind Plexiglas) that was about 3 feet tall and 6 feet long. All the babies and toddlers were fascinated with it. A small unbreakable mirror would do. We hooked up a baby car mirror (unbreakable), that was too small for the car, up to the side of the coffee table (in this house we attached it to the railing that runs along the living room).

And the very best toy is YOU! Babies want to interact with their parents/caregivers. They want to play interactive games like Peek-a-boo, or pat-a-cake or sing nursery rhymes or childrenâs songs. This is the best place to find the tunes and lyrics for nursery rhymes Because I was never great at remembering the tune or the lyrics, or both.

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Monday, June 9, 2014

What toy can I make using household items for kids 6-12 years old?


If they are 6-12 years old they are old enough to make the toy themselves with just a bit of parental guidance. If you've got the room for it you can make a cardboard castle with a washing machine box (appliance stores are happy to get rid of them) or multiple boxes bolted together. You can use half used cans of whatever paint is in the basement to paint them. Older kids could use a utility knife to cut windows. I've seen this done with a refrigerator box, opening up the box so it could be stored flat and have it set up like a staggered storefront.

You could have them build a puppet theater and make puppets from old spare socks and buttons, fabric scraps, etc. The kids could write a script and reall plan a show.

you can do at home science experiments (get a book on ideas, but one is to pour some vinegar into an empty water bottle, fill a balloon up with a little baking soda with a funnel, carefully attach the balloon to the neck of the bottle, keeping the baking soda end flopped over so the baking soda doesn't fall in, then lifting the baking soda end up so the baking soda falls into the vinegar, causing a big fizzy mess and making the balloon inflate from the gas produced. Hope that made sense.

You can make rag dolls.

Kids that age are often interested in cooking; teach them to cook. Not a toy, but something to keep them busy and fun to do for kids.

6 year old wetting herself?

Nisha N

My daughter will be 6 in june. She has been potty trained since 21/2. Since starting kindergarten at almost 4 she started wetting herself. Not at home. A year now she also started wetting herself at home. She has a 3 year old and a 11/2 year old sisters. She doesn't seem to care that she wets herself. I make her change her sheets and her clothes herself. She seems to rather play or watch tv than take 2 min and go to the bathroom. She's been to the dr and anything medical was ruled out. She wets herself and tells no one. Only when we ask her then she will say. We have to constantly tell her to go to the bathroom. We never had to do this before. She wears pull ups at night now cause of the constant wetting and i have started waking her up 2 times at night. She gets nothing to drink and the dr put her on " minirin" to help with the night wetting. don't seem to be working. She is a very emotional, sensitive, shy child but very smart. I have tried ignoring it...see if she would stop.. i tried talking endlessly asking why she does it but she always say she don't know. I have taken away toys. Nothing works. I asked her if she is scared of the toilet or is it too big or small with the home and kindergarten toilet. She knows how to use it and never had a problem before. I need help. She is starting school in August and i am getting worried. Why is this happening?

Sometimes kids go through what people call a back slide. they feel llike they aren't getting enough attention with siblings around, and they do things like that so that they can get the attention that they crave. My 4 year old tells me all the time that he wants to be a baby again like his new brother and when I ask him why he tells me because he wants me to treat him like a baby with the cuddling and the kisses, SO I started treating him like a baby, when he wanted something to drink I gave it to him in a bottle, when he told me that he can't drink out of a bottle he wanted his cup I told him big boys get cups babies get a bottle, he quickly said he was a big boy and didn't mention wanting to be a baby again. Another thing that it could be and I know that this may sound impossible, it sexual abuse. I was molested when I was a baby and then after I was adopted my adopted father molested and raped me from 7 until almost 15 when I was taken from them, I wet the bed as a sort of defense mechanism, my doctor said, like My subconcious thought if I was dirty then it wouldn't happen anymore, I wet the bed until a year after I was taken away and then I felt safe and stopped completely! I know that may not be the answer you were looking for but that is a classic. I am sure that it isn't your daughter's issue but you may want to look at all possiblities especially if the doctor says that it isn't a medical condition like a small bladder or an over active bladder!!

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What is this movie? robbers & a kid in new house with rc toys?


I saw it years ago. I think it was about a kid who made sort of a clubhouse in a new home that no one had moved into yet. I think he was hiding in the attic or something when a couple of robbers decided to use the house as their hideout. The kid was always playing with remote control toys and used them to mess with the robbers. I also remember something about the kid dropping a can of beans on one of them. Please help me figure this out! Thanks

"Remote" featured a RC Swiss Mountain Climber that yodeled among other radio controlled toys.
"Home Alone 3" primarillary featured a kid with a RC car.

RC Helicopter OR Car?


I am looking for something built to last
Im getting an RC Helicopter or RC Car. Im wondering which one i should get and 1 under $60.

Radio controlled models can be costly, but are tremendously enjoyable. Toy grade models might be good for kids, but someone who is pursuing a radio controlled model hobby should invest in a hobby grade model.

The most common and preferred RC model is the car. But let this not limit your search and options. The concept and principle of the RC model is virtually the same, and all hobby grade models are simple and robust in design. Most require some practice to master the control. A car is a good place to start, and later you can invest in an airplane or other more advanced model. A person who has access to a free open ground (even a big football field is fine!) can safely invest in assembling a hobby grade RC airborne device since in the beginning stages, one requires lots of space to practice the control of the model.

There are dedicated hobby grade RC model makers who have hundreds of different models, and they will almost surely have one that suits your wallet and preference.

The only limit to the amount that you can invest is solely based on your own capability. If you wish, you can invest in a low end model or you can go for the latest high end models with sophisticated circuits and controls. This is especially true with respect to the airborne models. But, wise investment is required and investment is NOT recommended if you are not a real radio controlled device enthusiast, since these hobby grade RC toys are costlier than the toy grade models available in retail shops. If you are questioning whether you can find time to play with the RC model, then the hobby grade toy is probably not for you.

In earlier times when internet was non-existent, face to face meeting was the only way the enthusiasts could contact each other. Even phone or snail mail was too clumsy to interact effectively. But the enthusiasts have always traveled long distances for the sake of their hobby just to meet one another. This is the indulgence in the hobby. But, the advent of internet has virtually reduced the world, your âarmâs length awayâ being just âa-click-of-your-mouse-awayâ. Real life meeting is not at all required, but still one can connect to another remote control hobby enthusiast from another end of the world. Real life groups are still the most effective means to get to pursue the hobby more effectively. Online groups can be of help to connect and to organize more extensive events, and to know about the various hobby related activities taking place.

Time is the most important factor when considering any hobby. A hobby is an activity that has grown more than just a âwish to tryâ activity, and you yearn to do it day in and day out. One might not always find the time, but the passion for the activity is what makes it worthwhile. If the thought of playing with remote controlled toys piques your interest, then it means you possibly have a flair for RC controlled models and you should give a try.

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Splitting Bills Fairly BF + 2 Kids?


My BF & I have been living together for just under a yr. we split rent 50/50 for the most part. Occasionally, 1 of us would pay slightly more, but that was usually 'cause 1 of us loaned the other some $ for something. For other bills, we kind of paid as we went - he'd pay storage, I'd pay electricity, I'd pay his phone, etc.
Recently, he suggested we start splitting everything 50/50. He said that "it's really what is fair." Seems logical. However, he has 2 small children from a previous relationship that stay w/us part time. 

They stay w/us an absolute min of 9 days a month, though it is more often than not 11-12 days a mo, but has been as much as 14 days.

My BF makes considerably more a mo than I do. However, he has deductions from his check (child support [which is calculated as if they were w/us 8 days ea. mo], new tools for work, & paying back for an overage of unemployment he received yrs ago). After deductions, his actual take home pay is about $350 more per mo than mine.

I often pay for things like toys & kid art supplies, food & clothes for the kids, etc. I do this because I love his kids. I also sew, so often make clothing & toys for the kids, either upcycling old clothes or using bought materials.

I do all of the cooking, including almost always packing the kids' lunches for school.

Currently, my car is inoperable, but when it is running, he uses my car most Mon.s, every Thur, & every Fri to transport the kids to & from school. I take the bus those days. 

He usually pays most of the out-of-the-house entertainment costs, like going to 1 concert a mo, 1 dinner out a mo, & perhaps a movie. I usually pay for 1 additional dinner out a mo.

Now, knowing all of this - is it fair of me to ask that the split be more like 60/40 considering the fact that the children's costs are an integral part of our monthly budget? Or should it still be 50/50? 

With 50/50, I rarely have even an extra $20 a mo to spend in JUST me (new clothes, makeup, etc.) I'm ok w/ that i

Short answer. 50/50 seams fair, but its not.
50% of a total take home is what it should be.
So if one makes $200 a week, you pay 50%
on that amount =$100. If the other makes
$300 a week they pay 50% of that amount

R&Sers would you get your kids a gift card or...?


My 12 year old wants a gift card for Christmas clothes (she want to make her own choices in clothes...thatâs fine) Iâm only putting $100 on this card, but sheâs unsure where she wants the card from, Kohls, Jc Penny, or even Wal-Mart.

Well I told her I could possibly buy two cards with $50 on each, but then I was in Wal-Mart picking out some odds and ends when I came across the Wal-Mart visa debit card. I have a visa debit myself and love it, but Iâm not too sure if that is over the top for a 12 year old. This way sheâll be able to grab some clothes at different stores and not have to worry about being confined to one store.

Should I get one and put in in my name so I can still approve of items? (sheâs not getting anything sluttty , not under my watch) or should I put it in her name? Is that even allowed with visa debit cards? Will it have to be put in my name anyway?
That's what I mean , a pre-paid card

You have no idea what you're talking about, we live on a once source income, my husband and he only makes $14 an hour. We are not rich, we can not afford to through money around, we had to put the billd off just for christmas this year, with hopes to catch up in the next few months.
My mother bought my daughter clothes with ducks and bears on them and she was humiliated at school. She wants to pick out her own clothes and at age 12, I think she is old enough to pick out a shirt she actually likes.

But I'd love to see all this money you claim I have, maybe you can find it and tell me where it is.
Sorry typed too fast..we live on One income and we had to put the bills off, just so my kids can have a good christmas.
Oh excuse me for wanting my kids to go to school with decent clothes, perhaps youâll be happier if I went to the salvation army to buy my kids clothes..or maybe just to make you happy I should send them with their old pants with wholes, stained clothes. Thatâll boost my kids spirit right? Oh and a pre-paid card is not consumer debt, weâll be able to pay our bills in the next few months, with no problems, itâs all calculated out. I feel sorry for your kids if you have any, it seems you could care less what they wear. Fashion is one thing but appropriate clothing for school is different. Oh and Iâm not angry with you, just shocked that you donât give a crud about kids, or their clothes. I feel very sorry for your children to have such a heartless mother.
See there, no couldn't possibly understand what parents go through. I also go to the salvation army for myself, why?..because I was raised poor too, but my children come first, unlike you who seems to only care for herself.

I'm blocking you now because you are becoming a pain in the butt and if you have no kids and are not a parent, this question was not for you anyway.

I was addressing the Parents and since you are not one the you have no reason to be here.
Thanks Kerri

The gift card is a great idea for choosy kids, I noticed you were only buying clothes which is wonderful that you let your kids pick out clothes that suites them, good clothes could really boost self confidence and if the bears and ducks scarred her then itâs best that you go with her while sheâs spending, which Iâm sure you will because sheâs only 12.

I also noticed a couple of negative people on here, but you know what Anna? Donât worry about them, I also bought my kids clothes that they hated, over and over and my kids did everything they could to avoid wearing them. Get the card, let them pick out the clothes they like and you donât have to worry about taking clothes back or having your kids upset that you bought clothes they donât like.

Iâve been through this, I have a couple of kids myself, one who's 12 as well and I know kids refuse to wear things they donât like.

Besides, have you ever seen the âThereâs no way in h*ll, Iâm going to wear thisâ face as your kid opened her present?
Have you seen the stunned, big eyed, no breathing face with the dull sounding, âuhhâ¦thanks momâ as your kid tosses the box aside?

Iâve seen both of those, Iâve also seen clothes hidden, clothes âlost at schoolâ and clothes simply thrown away. Iâd rather get the card for clothes, that way you know you didnât waste your money.

Besides $100 will not go a long way anyway, I spent $75 at kohls and only got four shirts, defiantly not a whole wardrobe. Buy every thing else, toys and such but defiantly let your kids pick out their own clothes..

Gift cards are not the lazy way out, sometimes itâs the only way kids will get the clothes they really will wear, instead of opening the package and tossing it aside. As a mother, I understand your dilemma. Iâd go with a pre-paid visa or master card, you keep it and only break it out when you both agree on something acceptable.

God Bless

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Sunday, June 8, 2014

How to celebrate christmas with toddlers?

I luva Chr

How do I make it fun for a 2 year old boy and a 3 year old girl. There my nieces and nephews. Include:

Please help
No opening gifts till Christmas Evening When everyones there

It's tricky with kids that young. If you overstimulate them, they will get really cranky really quickly.

Morning- Have them help you make an easy breakfast (I suggest 'Monkey Bread'). Then open presents and eat.

Afternoon- They can play with their new toys while watching Christmas cartoons (I own the collection of classic Christmas cartoons).

Evening- Family dinner. Give them holiday themed coloring book and crayons to keep them busy and calm.

what do toddlers like for girls?

Q. i have a baby sister she is 2 and i dont know what to get her for christmas please help

My 2 year old likes baby dolls, doll houses and toy kitchens

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Top Attractions in California? 10 points?


I am Thinking to Travelling to CA on a vacation , Is Los Angeles the best Part of California?

and what's the top tourist attractions there?

Thanks very much.

Any answers would be appreciated.

There are literally hundreds of things to do here in LA. Here is my list of âmust seesâ for families with kids. Visit as many as you have time for.:

Disneyland: The Happiest Place on Earth. Half a billion visitors canât be wrong. #1 Destination.
Universal Studios: A theme park that grew out of a studio tour. #2 Destination.
Even if you donât visit Disneyland or Universal Studios Tour, Downtown Disney District and Universal City Walk are very fun places to visit for shopping and eating. And theyâre free to visit. If youâre adventurous, try the indoor skydiving ( Itâs a blast!

Hollywood: Hollywood Boulevard is ready for its close-up, thanks to years of urban renewal and renovation. Most kids wonât really like the Walk of Fame or Chinese Theater, but they might enjoy the people dressed in costume who stand in front of the Chinese Theater. They will pose with you or the kids, and expect tip money. Right across the street is the El Capitan theater, which was restored to its former glory, is owned by Disney and shows Disney movies.

Other theme parks include Knottâs Berry Farm and Six Flags Magic Mountain, which are both more geared towards the fast-ride teen crowd.

Olvera Street/Union Station: Olvera Street is the birthplace of LA, and it emphasizes our Mexican heritage. In addition to the Avila Adobe (oldest building in LA), you can eat at some pretty good Mexican Restaurants, do a little shopping, and taste a churro. If you donât want to go to Tijuana, this is as close as it gets without going there. Union Station has great architecture from a bygone age. Also, you are 2 blocks from Phillippeâs (see below).

Santa Monica Beach and Pier: Great beach scene and a classic seaside amusement park, complete with antique carousel that has been in a lot of TV and movies. (The Sting and "Three's Company" come immediately to mind).Bubba Gump Shrimp Company right on the pier. Kids love the rides on the pier, and the games. Or just playing in the sand.

Griffith Park - Home of the Los Angeles Zoo, Griffith Park Observatory, Travel Town, the Greek Theatre, Pony Rides and Griffith Park Railroad, Merry-Go-Round, and Gene Autry Museum of Western Heritage. While the zoo is not as good as San Diego Zoo, it is still good, and enough to entertain most kids. The Pony Rides and railroad are for the younger kids. Travel Town is a rail museum where youâre not SUPPOSED to climb on the engines, but kids have been ignoring those signs for 40 years. The recently renovated Observatory is a lot of fun. Or you can just play in one of the picnic areas in the park. There are plenty of toys to play on.

Los Angeles Science Center: A favorite museum for kids for over 40 years. Exposition Park, by the Coliseum.

Discovery Science Center, Santa Ana: The big cube right next to I-5, exit Main St.

Los Angeles Childrenâs Museum: Located in the Hansen Dam Recreation Area, currently under construction. Original location near the music Center is closed.

La Brea Tar Pits/Paige Museum: What kid doesnât like dinosaur exhibits?

Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach: Lots of fun marine exhibits for kids to explore. And the mac and cheese at Bubba Gumpâs across the street is good, too.

Legoland, Carlsbad: This is more of a San Diego attraction, but kids 10 and under generally love it.

Places to Stay:
Since LA is so spread out, there is no single place that is close to EVERYTHING. Most people who come here tend to stay in Hollywood, Santa Monica, or Anaheim. In Hollywood, I recommend the Orchid Suites, Hollywood Celebrity Hotel, or Holiday Inn Walk of Fame, all near Hollywood and Highland. In Santa Monica, the Holiday Inn Santa Monica is close to the pier and reasonably priced. In Anaheim, I recommend the Howard Johnson (HoJo) Anaheim, and the Candy Cane Inn. There is also a nice place in Burbank called the Best Western Media Center, very close to Warner, NBC, and Universal Studios.

Places to eat:
In-N-Out Burger: Multiple locations, best burger in LA, ask anyone.
Pinkâs Hot Dogs: 709 N. La Brea, just north of Melrose. You might even see a celebrity. Maybe.
Tommyâs Chili Burgers: Look for the shack, an LA tradition. The original location is at Beverly & Rampart, a couple miles west of downtown.
Canterâs Deli: 419 N. Fairfax, between Beverly & Melrose. Near CBS, you might spot a celebrity.
Phillippeâs: 1001 N. Alameda. Great roast beef sandwiches. Near Union Station and Olvera Street. Watch the mustard, itâs hot.
Titoâs Tacoâs: Voted best tacos in LA, even though itâs in Culver City. King Taco is a good alternate if you can deal with East LA.
The Pantry: Corner of Figueroa and 9th, downtown. Huge portions, they never close, GREAT steak and eggs.
Medieval Times and/or Pirateâs Dinner Adventure: Dinner and an adventure show, both are on Beach Blvd in Buena Park, you get to eat with your hands.

ideas for kid play area under section of stairs?


I have an understairs toilet. It covers from the top of under the stairs to about half way. I also have a cupboard that runs the other length of under the stairs from middle to downstairs. It's big enough to crawl in. My 2 yr son likes to hide his toys in here and I would like to know any ideas of converting it to a secret place for him. Like a little kiddy hide away. A cosy place for reading or playing. It must be safe aswell. If u have any website links to pictures aswell that would b great. Iv seen only ideas for the full length of the understairs.

Floor: Make the floor soft with a fuzzy bath mat, lambskin rug, or other soft rug.
Walls: Paint the walls a unique color that he really loves. Consider deep purple, pale spring green, or ocean-y deep teal. Avoid overly-bright primary colors, as they can be overwhelming in a small space.
You might consider making one wall a magnetic or chalkboard wall.

Lighting: Hang battery operated twinkle lights, or put a child safe lamp in the corner, such as one of these:

Surprises: Place a little, wooden treasure chest in there with special surprises. It could be anything you think he'll love - a chunky, cool seashell; a geode or other special rock/crystal; an unbreakable snow globe; a favorite book, a little flashlight . Here are some other options:

Safety: For now, leave it open or hang a sheer mesh curtain that will allow him to feel "hidden" while you can still check on him easily. When he is older, you can add a door, with or without a window.
Use clear packing tape or color-matched duct tape to secure any cords so that there is no strangulation risk. Check for splinters, protruding nails, and other hazards. For now, stay near while he plays, and don't allow small objects, food or drink in the hideaway.

Have fun!

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