Saturday, May 3, 2014

How do we get our 7 year old daughter to play with her toys?

lisa z

Our 7 year old daughter refuses to play with toys. She wants all these toys and has alot of toys but doesn't like to play with them. She said she gets lonely in her room playing by herself. She would rather go to bed or just sit and stare into space than play with her toys. I have never heard of a kid not wanting to play. we don't want to be mean and take them all from her but there is no point of her having them all since she don't play with them anyway. she said it doesn't matter if we give them away.

Invite some neighborhood kids over.

What kind of toys are 6-7 year olds into now?


My daughter is turning 7, and she's starting to get some birthday/ Christmas money in and of course she sees all the toys in the store and she wants to start spending. Thing is- the stuff she sees and wants seem more appropriate for pre-teens rather than a 7 year old. For example, Monster High. That stuff seems like it's more for 10 year olds, not 7 year olds. She also likes K-nex/ Legos, which I don't have a problem with. I'm just needing ideas for things to get her or suggest relatives to get her. I've been suggesting clothes, things for her room, etc but what kid gets excited over area rugs and underwear? So obviously toys, but what toys are kids into OTHER THAN the ones that look like prostitutes? I'd like to keep my child as young and innocent for as long as I can. She doesn't have an iPad, iPhone (like who's she going to call?), tablets, etc. She was REALLY wanting a TV/ game system in her room, and I don't know if she's old enough for that. Help please?

If she likes K-nex and Legos then I'd try Goldieblox to be honest. I'm getting my 6 year old a sewing machine this year, something she's been asking for, just one of those 6+ kid ones that do a straight and zig-zag stitch, then we'll get some patterns so she can start with blankets and then doll clothes, things she is interested in trying to make.

If my daughter was given a certain amount of money for birthdays/christmas then I'd ask her about what she's interested in. She's pointed out "Stompees" for instance and I've reminded her that with our toy rules they only have one use, to be a slipper you stomp in. Toys for us need to have more than one purpose, durable, etc. So I'd be directing her towards crafts, music instruments, etc. I'd probably let her get something like playmobil which she really likes, and maybe a doll (like American Girl-esque, though not American Girl at this age, probably more like Cabbage Patch doll...) and then craft things, paint, markers, crayons, an easel, clay, hand molds, etc. That's the fun of the sewing machine, she'll be able to plan out a project, we'll get the fabric at the store (a lot of stores have pre-printed fabric as well...) and then she can make it herself. And no, I'm not saying girls should learn to sew, but more that it's an avenue of expression that takes planning, cutting, piecing together, and putting together, which I think is good for them to learn.

An easy bake oven or something similar is something else I'd consider, though I'd prefer just getting her a kids' cookbook and baking set and teaching her with the oven. Or a woodworking kit, heaven knows I loved working with wood as a kid.

Fun advertisement for goldieblox included if you want to get her a bit more excited for it.

Add: I was looking at American Girls for my daughter, or something similar. There was a great review though and she said that if your daughter is the type who sleeps with their doll, plays hard, etc, then it's not quite time. She recommended 8-10 and up. I'm including their review. I know my daughter likes barbies but I don't, so we get mostly baby dolls, and toddler-types.

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What are some good toys for Autistic boys ages 4.?

Q. I have a nephew and we are trying to get some toys for Christmas or just any time of the year for him. He really likes to throw things so I suggest soft balls or blocks. I want something more that can simulate his mind. He is four years old and hasn't spoke yet, he is more on a level of a two year old. Plus he is very ACTIVE and LOVES WATER or anything to do with pouring studd out. Please give me your suggestions!!! Thanks! =)


Things to consider when choosing toys for boys or girls with autism.

Special Interest:

When choosing toys for autistic children think about what they like. Many autistic kids have a deep interest in a special subject. Does the child you are shopping for have an interest in a particular subject? If so look at gifts in these areas. If the child is interested in dinosaurs, cars, or planes then look at toys or books related to this area. However, if this is a highly specialized area you may want to keep an eye out for these types of items all year long as they can be difficult to find around Christmas.

Developmental Ability:

When choosing toys for children with autism think about their developmental ability rather than their age. Some children may be in grade school, yet their developmental age may be closer to preschool.

Here's a website designated by therapists for toys for children with autism. These toys simply helps them cope with sensory issues because these are sensory toys. This is a VERY excellent website. Here's the website:

Good luck with everything! I wish you the best. :)

Summer ideas for kids ages 2, 4 & 5?


Okay my step kids have been out of school for 2 weeks and they already getting bored. In turn they are becoming hard to control, which is putting me on the hard to live with side. Their dad just got a new job where he goes out of town (truck driving) & that means me and the kids have lots of time together. I try to play school with them, take them outside and play soccer, play with the dogs, you name it I've done it. They are getting tired of it all and I'm trying to do something to get them to chill. I have house work to do, school things, and getting the youngest (who usually lives with the mother) on some days who is 2. The kids are either bored, fighting, or constantly bugging me where I can't get anything done. Help would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. This is my first summer alone with them. Sometimes they do get to go to the lake, splash pad, the park, and movies. but I need day to day things not big things.

Depending on your kids and what there interests are i'll tell you what mine like! arts and crafts are always really good things to do! let them paint outside, play with playdough, or just color! We have theme weeks, where 1 week we pick a theme and learn/play lets say its "medival theme week" have them make paper swords one a cardboard fortress one day...make paper crowns one day...and let them watch a movie/cartoon about nights! maybe do a sports theme week..different games every day! maybe have them "help with house work?" most parents think its easier to not let them help, but you should have a little fun chore list, and give them stickers on every "chore completed" and take away stickers for attitude then if they earn enough they can pick out a toy at the end of the week, or go somewhere fun? hope this helps!

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My mom always bringing the kids toys...innocent habit or bad precedent?

Mom to Lea

My folks live a little over an hour away and come to see my kids who are 3.5 and 10 months about twice a month. My kids are crazy about them, especially my 3.5 year old son. My mom loves shopping Goodwill, garage sales, etc. and is always bringing some little trinket or toy. So now when she comes through the door, he is checking her bag to see what she brought him. Let me add he is a really sweet kid and never throws a fit demanding stuff (well at least not yet, knock on wood). But I still wonder if its setting a bad example that he expects something, or if its just fun for him and Nana and to leave it alone?
Chase's mom-my mom was the one who announced she would bring a toy everytime, even though I told her he loves her for her and she doesn't need to. I have told him she doesn't have to bring him a toy. And he does love playing with my folks, he is all over them when they are here, its not like give me a toy and go away. But he does get excited to see what she's brought him. Its usually something like a little matchbox car she got for a quarter.

I do the same thing with my grandson.....he has a toy box at my house, and I periodically add a new toy so there is usually something new for him to see when he visits.

And when I visit I usually have something I picked up for him, but I do not give it to him as soon as I walk through the door. I visit for a while first, and then give him my gift.

Maybe you could just have your son wait for a while, so his focus is on your mom, rather than what she brought.

It's hard to resist when you have grand kids, you are out shopping, and see something cute that you know the child would like. :o)

3.5 year old resitant to toilet training?

Leah S

My 3.5 year old is a very stubborn, independant, obsessive child, who absolutely refuses to be toilet trained. He does not want to sit on the potty, even with clothes on, and with every bribe in the book. I try not to let him know that i am frustrated, but the school year is coming up soon, and they don't take kids who are still in diapers. I think he feels safe in his diapers - and I know that he really hates change. Any ideas?

Wow at 3.5 he knows what he is doing. It seems as though it is more of a power struggle than anything else. He knows that he has the upper hand in this but that needs to change. Take him to the dr and rule out any med issues. If he is healthy it's time to get tough mom. Tell him that he needs to start using the potty. Do not ask him. Stand firm. If he wants to do big boy things ( go outside and play, attend b-day parties, have big boy toys, watch t.v. etc) then he needs to be a big boy and go potty. If he refuses don't give him an ultimatum! Just tell him "Mommy is sorry! I thought that you were ready to be a big boy. If you're not ready than that's okay." Don't freak out. It's a set-up! Take away his big boy toys and give him back his baby toys. Don't let him have juice, candy, or big boy snacks instead give him milk or water only to drink and boring foods. Absolutely no Mc Donalds! Take him to the store and make him sit in the cart, no walking at all. Walk down the big boy toy aisle "by mistake" and when he says "oooh mom! I want that!" Just smile and say "Oh no sweetie, that's a big boy toy" then take him down the baby isle and pick up something like a soft rattle and offer to get that instead. The key is not to sound angry or tell him that he is being punished. You want him to get the message that big boys go potty and babies use pampers. Let him know that at anytime if he decides to be a big boy you will treat him as such but until then he will be taken care of and treated as a little boy and not a big one. He will get the point VERY QUICLKY! Just be consistant and DO NOT give in. He'll be potty trained before the week is out!

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What toys do 8 year olds play with?

J Clark

atcion figures
cards video games
Do they like hot wheels
science kist

Besides all kind of toys you have mentioned, I recommend you to give some exciting science tools for young curious minds. It could be a telescope with guide book to explore the night sky. Another choice is to give kids microscope to explore the microscopic world. Another option is an infrared stealth binoculars for night vision.

Just my 2 cents. Hope this helps.

What's a kids life like in NYC?


I have to write this report about the daily life of kids in NYC. Can anybody tell me what a kid's life (especially home life) is like in new york? I have to write about what their homes look like, what they do in the day, etc etc. THANKS SO MUCH!
okay yo dude like totally take a chill pill i'm american too dude I just need to do this totally uncool report man, and I need some info about your life yo, instead of eating cheerios and playing wii cuz everybody does that dude.
lol XD

Okay, I'm the mom of two kids - ages 13 and 8.

I don't know exactly what you are looking for, you're question was a bit vague. And, also, some of the things about a kid's life here are the same as anywhere else. As another poster said, school, homework, etc.

Here are some differences:

Most children here live in apartments, sometimes very, very small apartments. That means that they might share a room and have very little storage space for their toys and clothes. They might have to do homework in the living room. Many homes do not have eat in kitchens or dining rooms. Our home has a dining room, but we only have a "galley kitchen (a thin kitchen with cabinets on either side with little space in between.) My older daughter always tells me that this is a "one person kitchen" and that I have to stay out when she is cooking in it - she loves to cook!

Also, most people do NOT have backyards. We do, but it's so small, you'd probably laugh if you saw it. Just room for a table and a few chairs, a big planter and a lounge chair, and a free standing grill. That's all. Postage stamp size!

School - elementary school is pretty much like everywhere else, except that most kids can walk to school, and of those that can't, most take the City buses and get a "bus pass" to permit them to ride the bus for free or half price. My younger daughter walks to school - it's only a couple of blocks away.

Middle school and high school are different. For middle school in most parts of the City you have to apply to get into the middle school you wish to attend that is in the district you are zoned for. For high school you have to apply to get into the school you most want to attend anywhere in the City. The list for middle school is shorter, as it's only in a certain area. But for high school, you could go anywhere (theoretically. I've told my daugher that she can't go anywhere that is more than an hour and 10 minutes by subway.) Also, for high school there are: specialized schools, selective schools, arts schools, small schools, comprehensive schools....tons of different types of schools. For some you must take this big test called the SHSAT (Specialized High Schools Acheivement Test). It's a big deal because doing well on that is your ticket to some of the most competative schools in the City, like Stuyvesant High School. Getting into Stuy is like getting into Harvard! It's that competative! Other schools might require an interview or an audition.

While high school admissions is particularly rough (and the kids applying are only 13 after all) there is competition for a LOT of things here! For one thing, many middle schools also require an interview or audition (and this is for 10 year olds!) And there is LOTS of competition for kids entering certain private pre-schools - particulary if they come from families who want their kids to eventually attend certain private elementary schools! (We didn't do any of that - we went public school all the way. Most New Yorkers do, no matter what you hear!)

But it's hard to get your kids into popular summer programs, swim classes, art classes! Everything is about knowing when and how to apply!

Okay, enough of this stuff. There's fun too. There are playgrounds everywhere. There are wonderful children's museums and hands on science museums. There are great ice cream places and chocolate shops! When kids go to school, they often meet kids from many different cultures who speak a variety of languages. Just walking around NYC is a learning experience for children.

And there are activities. My older daughter takes horseback riding lessons in Prospect Park and art classes in Dumbo. My younger daughter takes tennis in Prospect Park and piano at the Brooklyn Conservatory of music. Many kids take instruments or paricipate in organized sports (we have friends with children playing peewee football and little league baseball is big around this part of Brooklyn.)

I guess that's enough - probably more than you wanted to hear. Mostly, though, it's school and homework and chores. Just like everywhere else.

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Friday, May 2, 2014

Picky about your kids' toys?

Theodore M

Does anyone dislike the selection at Toys R Us? I am really picky about my son's playthings! I love stuff that not everybody else has. Not only that, but toys that allow for open-ended play that engage his imagination and thought. So many toys today do too much for the child. I am always looking for people to talk to about this, so if you are someone like me, please respond and let's discuss this!

Ever seen a kid spend more time playing with a cardboard box the toy came in?

Give your kids tons of balls... big, little, bouncy, lightened, fuzzy...
Some good books...
Plenty of cardboard boxes, paper towel tubes, paints... pots, pans... stackable spoons...

Depending on your child's interests: lego, erector sets, pretend play things...

That assuming your child does not mouth everything.

Buy at garage sales and thrift shops, they are a dime a ton, and you can donate those you don't like

When your child is at the imitation age, get them old cell phones and other imitation stuff...

Get different textures and shades... toy stores don't have them... I remember myself as a 6 month old and can tell that my perception of color at that age was much deeper than it is now. Just because basic colors are instant attention grabblers (i.e. best sellers) does not make them more stimulating.

Bikes, walkers... bath toys...

One of the best things you can get is one of these:
I have no idea how these are called in English, if at all; we call them "Swedish Walls". They've been clinically proven to accelerate 1-year-olds' mental development, along with physical, as at this age physical and mental development is highly correlated; and they can fit even in the smallest apartment.

Hard to be specific without knowing your child's age.


Dog wont stop chewing Kids' toys..?

Alicia Rus

Our English Mastiff puppy (about 10mths) wont stop chew the kids' toys. She has plenty of her own!! Our other dog, a 2 year old Black Lab, doesnt have this problem. Does anyone have suggestions?! please!
The kids are 5 & 3.. So, its difficult to keep them put away. I will try the substitution! thanks much Mike.

Make sure that your puppies toys are not similar to the kids (like stuffed animals) and never toys shaped like shoes and slippers. Not sure why its difficult for the kids to keep their toys picked up at age 3, they should be doing it...not you, but thats getting off topic. Every time the puppy grabs a child's toy, firmly say "drop it" and take it away. If you see her going toward your child's toy say "leave it". Giving an appropriate toy at this time will help reinforce what she is allowed to have.

One thing I did when my dog was a puppy was teach her boundaries. She learned she was not allowed in the bathrooms or my daughters room. That is great especially when the kids have friends over that are nervous with dogs. Our dog has a basket for her toys (though she never learned to pick up, but not for lack of tying on my part) that she goes to for a toy or bone. She will nose through till she finds the one she wants.

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Where are good ideas for Christmas present for kids?

Q. I have 4 neices/nephews from 3 to 10. Where's a good place to get ideas for gifts for Christmas? And is it better to buy online or fight the lines of Black Friday?

There are many lists put out by different toy stores, kids magazines,etc.

There is the Toys R Us Fabulous 15:

Also, K-Mart has it's own Fab 15 list:

There are others, but I don't know the URLs off the top of my head.

As far as online vs black friday, I personally shop online. One, I don't like to get up early. Two, I don't like being trampled by people trying to get the 3 TVs for the special price. And Three, you will usually find bargains just as good or nearly as good online if you keep your eyes open.

Furby 2012, yes or no?


Furby, 2012

A Young boyâs idea of the best and worst toy of 2012

Ok, so, I have been itching to say something about Furby. I have a friend who owns the old furby, and it would be completely normal to own one. (As long as itâs not hot pink, lol) I, for some reason, was lured to it like a cobra. I knew I could get it, but thankfully, a sarcastic 20 year old snapped me out of it. His very dry remarks made furby look like he needed to go to a mental hospital.

I then read one from a mother, who gave furby a better review, but I was told of the no on/off button crisis. Great, now Iâm gonna be waking up in the middle of the night hearing furby go: âME HUNGRYâ or âOOGA OOK BLAH BLAH MOOSH MOOSHâ (An example of itâs annoying âFurbishâ.) I have a feeling my father, who, when working, is quite stressed, would take that little thing and throw it out our 2 story condo deck onto the concrete.

I then, though, heard it could be put to sleep, and permanently close its eyes in a mode very similar to an âoffâ mode. That upped my hopes a little.

That was then crushed by the fact âHow you treat your furby shapes itâs personalityâ Well thatâs juuuuuusst great. Now Iâm gonna have a demonic furby thatâs all like âWHY THE $%^& DID YOU CRAM ME IN THE TOY BOX FOR DAYS WITH YOUR ^%$# DIRTY GI JOE, PUNK!?!?!?!?!?!â So, that gives me an idea.

If a creepy doll like chucky were to come to life and murder his owner, furby is case file number 1.

After reading so many reviews to the point my eyes hurt, I still am oddly drawn to the prospect of having my own furby. Do the doctors drug me at birth? Maybe. Do the commercials have a certain announcer that hypnotizes kids? Possible. Is it just kid nature? Most likely.

Anyways, we will never know weather or not to get a furby!

Comment below with thoughts on if I should get a furby! ï

Furby's are wonderful toys and yes you should get one, though they are on the pricey side they are excellent toys and are now new and improved. Yes buy a 2012 Furby.

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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Question on buying gifts for kids at a Children's Hospital? Help?


Hi. I want to buy toys for kids at a children's hospital by me. I've never done anything like this, so I don't really know what to do. I don't know how many kids there are, I don't know how many boys vs girls, etc. Should I call the hospital and ask for these details so I have the right gifts? And I just show up with them? I'm a little confused.

Please offer any advice you can, especially if you've done something like this or work at a hospital!
This should be obvious, but I put it in this section because people looking in "health care" may work in health care and know the answers to my questions.

Find the website for the hospital. There should be a "how you can help" page on there. If there is, look for their wishlist or some other area that outlines things that make great donations.

If it's a large Children's hospital, you can pretty much guarantee that they have all kids of all ages with all kinds of needs. Art Supplies are always a good choice. Everything from toddler crayons up to nice brushes and Acrylic paints for older kids. Video games (E rated) are always good. Legos, fun pens, fun paper, scrapbooks, action figures/dolls, art kits, clay, play-doh, books, all are usually happily accepted.

One thing to remember is that usually the items MUST be new to lower the risk of infection.

If they don't have a website, then call the main line. When the operator asks how to direct your call, say, "I'm interested in donating some toys for the children. Can you direct me to someone who can help me pick appropriate things?"

Question on buying gifts for kids at a Children's Hospital? Help?


Hi. I want to buy toys for kids at a children's hospital by me. I've never done anything like this, so I don't really know what to do. I don't know how many kids there are, I don't know how many boys vs girls, etc. Should I call the hospital and ask for these details so I have the right gifts? And I just show up with them? I'm a little confused.

Please offer any advice you can, especially if you've done something like this or work at a hospital!

Yes you should call and ask, most hospitals have toy drives or set ways to donate or to give gifts. Call them, they will give you directions on how to do it properly and what is needed probably. Also bless your soul.

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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Vintage barbie toy hunt...can anyone remember this?

Q. did you happen to have as a kid the Barbie outfit design kit? Itâs like this plastic thing where the lid flips up and you can put different types of fabric on front of a doll and when you close the lid it looks like you designed a new outfit? Itâs tough to explain, but one of the volleyball parents let Adison play with the one that was their daughters 15 years ago and she absolutely loves it. I want to try and find one, but Toys R Us doesnât carry it anymore, and I canât find it on ebay or craigslist because I donât know what itâs called.


What toys are vintage?

Q. I want to grab toys for my kids that will be a great buy for the future. Should I just look for unique toys or what? My friend had the McDonalds magic maker for French fries. Now the Nugget maker is $80.

What you buy your kids now depends very much on the age, interests and personalities of your kids.
If/when they're old enough to appreciate toys as collectables rather than as toys, then you can begin to start a joint hobby for you and them of collecting vintage/antique toys as a more or less separate thing from the toys they actually play with.
The most valuable antique toys are not normally "unique", indeed their value often depends on them being known as a commercially made item, but are very, very, rare to have survived in reasonably good condition, even rarer still in their original box.
Perhaps the best way to kindle an interest your kids in the right directions for this purpose is to gently steer their interest towards the general types of modern toys which have been made a very long time, and have a 'back catalogue' of similar, very collectable, antique counterparts, such as toy cars, trains and soldiers for boys, and dolls, and doll houses for girls, and board games for both. If they grow to like the modern products, they are more likely to appreciate vintage examples of the same thing.

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My 3 year old is excellent, should I consider a private-school setting?


I am just trying to understand my 3 year old. Anyone else have a child like this one? So I had my son when I was 17 years old. I gradutaed from high school, and I am in college. We live on our own, and I work 30 hours per week. Doing pretty well for ourselves! I do the best I can, sometimes I feel it is not enough. I take my son to the library 3 times a week after preschool and read with him. He enjoys reading. He listens well. If I tell him to do something, he says, "okay mommy". I go to the daycare to pick him up, and when I ask how is day was, "they say perfect.all of the time". I mean he plays like other children, but he is very independent. I watch him sometime in school and he likes to discover things in the classroom on his own. He sits still during storytime. He likes speaking spanish. (i watch Go diego Go with him) I tell him something, and he remembers it. Lately, we did some scenarios on: Hi how are you? Fine thank you, how are you?. He says it so perfect. He is polite and I get nothing but compliments about him and his manners. The only issue is that, many kids in his classroom are not necessarily bad, but wild, and all over the place. They have temper tantrums, sometimes they push on him, and he will just cry. I mean of course I don't want him to hit other childre, but I just tell him to say, "That's not nice. I don't like it. Please do not do that." and tell the teacher. He is very sensitive. His school is pretty good, but the parents of the children don't seem to have a grip on their children. (NOT TO SAY EVERY CHILD IS SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE MINE)...I just want to know, when it gets time for pre-k, should I consider private schools, or public? It makes me a little nervous. Also if I am in college with financial assistance, would I be able to get financial assistance for my son's tuitiion? Private schools in my area re $22,000 for pre-k! Boston!
I notice that people replying are thinking I would like to send my son to a private school to avoid bullying. No. Not the case. My kid is not perfect as I did clarify orginally for that idiot who said that they get concerned. Get a grip. I went to public schools and noticed that 3/4 of the time, teachers spent class time sending kids to the office. I never learned anything. Anybody from the Boston area would know that Boston Public Schools are the worst!Kids getting shot, etc. All I am saying is that my son enjoys learning, and I would like him to be in an environment where other children enjoy learning as well. Of course there will be kids with problems. AGAIN, MY KID IS NOT PERFECT!..I mean I could try public, I'm not against any ideas as you can see. I am on here for ideas and suggesstions, not criticism of my kid! And i already mentioned that I help him deal with bad kids appropriately. Not hitting. He will understand because I talk with him A LOT, he is very smart. No bad comments

Your son sounds a lot like my son was at that age. He's an easy going sensitive kid, which I find that very often the smartest kids are. He taught himself to read at 2, and by 3 he was reading what they read at his private K - 8 in 1st grade, and the school had an extremely rigorous curriculum. We didn't encourage it, because he was very premature, so we didn't want to stress him, but he just loved to read. In preschool he didn't understand when other kids wanted to grab his toys, his attitude was Well, OK, but can't you see there are a zillion other toys around here?! But, if you really want mine..... If he really liked the toy, he'd just keep walking away from the other kid. Being an only child, he didn't understand being mean, like some kids were. Luckily he was in a great developmental preschool that didn't go for bad behavior, the teachers taught the children how to behave, as that is the main purpose of preschool -- learning appropriate social behavior for K. My son did learn how to stand up for himself, like most kids do, and the smarter kids are great with their mouths. But no fighting, that's so low class. He's now a teen, the nicest, happiest kid around, still the at the top in his class, very popular with his peers, and the girls all like him because he's nice (and cute).

Hey, in part I did send my kid to private school to avoid bullying - and all the other problems that are far more rampant in public schools! Lots of parents send their kids to private school for the nicer environment. But we chose private mainly because they weren't going to teach reading until the end of K at the local public school (really great for a public school, literally one of the highest ranking in the state), and they said they'd send him to another grade for reading and math, and I didn't think that was a great idea, especially socially. Also, I was concerned he might grow bored, and act out. The private school had a much more rigorous curriculum and it was the best fit for my son.

While some private schools are crappy, a good private school is better than a good public school, the standardized test scores show that clearly. My dh participates in the admissions process for his Ivy alma mater and he speaks to kids who are 1st in their class at *good* public schools, 4.+ gpa, yet scored 1500 on the SAT (national average, at my son's school the avg is 2000+), 1s and 2s (out of 5) on their AP tests, and their writing is not really at a high school level. Private schools choose their students, so obviously, they are going to admit kids who will do well and not be trouble, especially in high school, when it's easier to tell than admitting in K. Most private schools in big cities like Boston, LA, NY, Chicago, get many applications per space. The most important things they look for are ability to do the work and Good Behavior, doesn't matter how much money the parent has, it's not worth the problems! It's very easy to get kicked out of private school, which makes the parents more likely to monitor the behavior of their kid, since they will still have to pay the whole year's tuition even if their kid is kicked out in Sept.

There may be some good public schools in your area, you should go and take a look and speak to parents. Also, there may be magnet or charter schools that are good. (Some are really bad, so you have to check.) Public school ratings:

There tends not to be as much financial aid in K - 8 as there is in high school. The best thing you can do is apply and see what happens. Often the most expensive schools have the most aid available, but also the most applications per space. You would likely qualify financially, they might want to know about the father, being a student is fine since you're also working. (If someone is married and one parent is a student, they may assign an income to that parent for figuring financial aid, since attending school is a choice.) Some schools may also allow you to work off part of the tuition. Most good private schools have more applications than they have spaces, especially in places where the public schools are low rated, so apply early and attend all of the functions to find out more about the schools and to meet the staff.

In my area, a lot of non-Catholic kids attend Catholic schools because they are much cheaper than non-religious private schools. Our private schools cost about the same as in Boston, but some small Catholic schools start off at $4000 a year, in nice areas.

Good luck!

Angry 3 year old, any suggestions?


My 3 year old son seems to have a hard time playing with kids his own age. He gets angry when they invade his space of play or want the toy he is playing with. If he gets frustrated during play he throws his toys, I mean anytime he is angry he throws and breaks things. He also likes to scream at the top of his lungs when he is mad, and it does not take much for him to get mad. He is an only child and lives an otherwise nice life. Is this normal behavior, should I be concerned and are there any ideas on how I can control these outbursts? Time-out, reward charts and taking his toys away have all worn out there duties, he is very smart and these techniques just do not work any more. Thanks!

I have had an angry 3 year old. They can be hard to handle.
You need to be firm with him though, to let him know that it will NOT be tolerated.
What do you do when he screams? Rush to him and try to fix whatever the problem is? If so, then do the opposite. Totally ignore him, turn around, and walk away.
If he is doing it and getting your attention, even if it is upset attention, then change your reactions, and just walk away. don't even talk to him.

If you can catch him about to start, you can catch his eye, jerk him around (gently, of course), to look at you some, and give him a good glare, saying "No." Say it in a 'dangerous' tone. I mean, your whole body language has to change to threatening, to make it firm enough for him to listen.

Offer alternatives instead, ways to deal with his anger that ARE appropriate. Tell him how you deal with your anger. Anger can be a hard emotion to get a handle on sometimes, and at 3 they are just now learning this.
If you help him through it respectfully, your relationship will be better for it in the long run.

Could it be a combination of not just anger, but also pent up energy? Is he running around enough? Exercise might help him too.

Good luck.

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how does someone go about getting their kids name on a toys for tots list?

in costa mesa california

My mum used to be on the Toys for Tots list when I was little. I'm in Maryland though but I'm sure the same applies for all of them. Though they might have changed their policies. To get on it for us, my mum called a local branch of the Toys for Tots and explained to them about how she was a single mother working three jobs and we had to scrimp and save for food and clothes. At one point we were even living in the back of her car! The people listened to my mum and after talking it over with some others, they determined that we were impoverished enough to get aid and they donated some toys.

So my suggestion would be to go to a Toys for Tots drive, ask for a number of a supervisor or someone in charge and call them up/talk to them! I'm sure they'll help out!

Leads in kids toys?


Most of my babys toys are from china! Her theme is Hello Kitty. So i've been collecting a bunch of hello kitty things such as stuff animals, hello kitty figures, lamps, tin boxes, those hello kitty mcdonalds toys. Its all made from china! should i be worried?!? Shes just one & puts everything in her mouth. Do i need to throw them out? One of fisher price toys on the recall list she got on christmas so would it still contain lead?

I would go find the fisher price web site and go through their recall list. I found a toy on there my kids have and reported it, they are suppose to be sending me a package to return the toy and then giving me a coupon for the toys worth to buy a different toy, not on the list. So go check it out, but try to keep her away from any toys you are concerned about until you can find out if they need to be returned. I also saw on the news there is a "Lead Test Kit" you can buy at most hardwear stores so you can test your childs toys with out having to try searching through all the recall lists. Good Luck, and be safe

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What Should I Get For Christmas 2011?

Q. My family members are asking me what I want for Christmas but I can't think of anything! I am a teenaged girl and this is what I already have (and i am not trying to brag or anything because i worked hard and bought most of this stuff for myself)
Things i have:
a laptop
an itouch
an iphone
a kindle
a portable dvd player

I think that is all that is majorly noteable.
I want an iPad 2 but i don't know if I really need it and it is too expensive to ask for and I rather have a lot of less expensive things than one $600 thing.

My favorite stores are Hollister and Abercrombie&Fitch. I also love VS Pink and Bath and Body Works and stuff. Besides asking for gift cards and clothes and stuff, I also need a more expensive big gift as my main gift (maybe an electronic you can think of that i dont have that isnt too expensive?) I was also thinking maybe like more hair straighteners or curlers or something? Some cool hair tool gadget?

I guess if this would help, a little about me: I am sporty and athletic but am girly in the sense that I love makeup and hair tools and stuff. I dont really like video games and i like listening to music.

Please answer if many gift ideas because to ask for various things from various people so there can be a lot of items on my list. I was also thinking of asking for some kind of awesome electronic device that is really cool that isn't as well known like not an ipad or ipod some cool unique electronic device that does cool stuff that i may not have heard of?

Thank you for your help and answers :)
I am grateful for everything I have and I spend a lot of time doing community service and helping others so please don't lecture me on that. Also, I hate Justin Beiber, and celebrities like that and also disney channel stuff and i dont like gossip magazines and all that. The Music I listen to is basically DRAKE AND EMINEM and thats pretty much it. I think i will put "Take Care" on my list.
I also already have a camera btw

Just be thankful to be alive and around the people you love everyday maybe this year you should ask for starving kids to be fed or people who arent as fortunate as you to have all they want pray for them

iPhone 4S as a birthday gift for a 13 year old ?

Q. Hey guys, should I ask my parents for an iPhone 4s for my birthday ?
I have an iPod Classic 8GB , MacBook Pro 2011 , Nikon D90 and a Samsung Galaxy Ace, and all of these are still in good condition ! I didn't break them because I really care a lot about my gadgets so I try my best to take GOOD CARE of them !

I will also promise my parents , if I get the iPhone 4, I will improve my grades ! If I don't improve it, then take the phone back. And also, I will participate in more sports, now, I play Badminton, Soccer and Basketball, but I'm more into Badminton. And another thing is that , I will take part in lots of activities ! Such as rap competitions, dancing and stuff like that....

My parents both have an iPhone 4S and my sister has an iPhone 4. I was thinking maybe, I can give my sister my laptop to share with her, because her laptop got stolen last year .
But yeah, the main thing is , should I ask my parents for it ? My sister is 17 years old and my 22 year old cousin say I'm mature and already responsible. So should I ?

And I don't want to hear " Your a spoiled kid " and stuff like that because I'm not.


It sounds like you're a pretty good kid, but as a parent, I would not buy you one, simply for the fact that kids lose things, and that phone isn't a cheap investment. Sorry.

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What to get a 1-year-old for birthday that isn't a toy?


My godson's 1st birthday is approaching and I am having a hard time thinking of a gift. His parents are very smart rummage sale shoppers so he has more than enough clothes and toys - even things for when he is several years older. I thought of a savings bond but that is more than I am able to spend right now. Any ideas?

You know, some kids seem to have all the toys in the world but they don't have the one thing they really, really want and would love. Him being only 1 though, that's going to be tough to determine since you can't just ask him.

At that age, ride on toys for outside are a huge hit.
So are sandboxes and water toys (kid sprinkler, water mat, sand and water table, etc.)
A ball popper is also a very huge hit.
So are paints.
If he doesn't have any of these, they are a "must have" toy for a 1 yr old. Age 1-2 is all about the senses, and water, sand and speed are the biggest hits!

Also, some kids may have all the clothes they will ever need, but if they really, really, REALLY want that spiderman costume or PJ set or hat, but mommy can't afford it (let's face it - dress up and character clothes are WAY expensive) he probably doesn't have it.

For non-toys and non-clothes:
toothbrush and toothpaste
first piggy bank
room decor: glow-in-the-dark stars/planets for the ceiling or a cute lamp or pillow

Toys for a 1 year old?

Q. I'm going to my little cousin's birthday party tomorrow and he is turning 1. What would be some good toys for him?

Really big Legos (the kind the size of your fist, so he can't choke on them).

A ball

A car/fire truck/police car/etc (also the large kind meant for kids that young)

Shape sorter

If you go to the toy store they will put the age the toy is meant for somewhere on the packaging.

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Is it appropiate for kids to have laptops a sidekick iPod practicly every hi tech gadget that comes out?

Q. if they are like 7 8 9 10 years old

It depends on the age of the kid and how much they use it. Since we are in the information age it is good for them to be familiar with the hi-tech gadgets out there. I let my kids us laptops and other gadgets within limits. There is a time and a place. The older kids will need to use some of these things more for school. I also balance it with making them go outside and play. I also make sure they eat well. Like anything it involves balance.

High school kids and their tech gadgets and video games?

Q. What if all the high school kids in the world. . . had all of their tech gadgets and cellphones and video games taken away for one week? What would happen to the world?

It's too bad most high school kids have never played a real video game, and don't have any high-tech stuff.

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

kids and learning?


kids play with ever-more-complex toys and learn what? Kids play with each other and learn social skills. Is this one big reason why things are not going so well any more?

(And I wonder if someone will break this long-overdue tie by voting);_ylt=AioLpCfG.xMSDMAOSi3T0S7sy6IX?qid=20060722110641AAloBka

kids learn on their own...they need to learn about life as an unrestricted field of good. Where there is no limit as to how much good a person can do, and the most good a person does will get them more than any bad could ever give a person. And that will only be known when they realize that the life of good they lived has given them wisdom over the next person whose money has given them ego and no substance to coinside with their age. Kids are good, some become bad after bad things they learn from mostly TV or at home.

Kids and toys?

Q. I have one daughter age of 7 and one step-son he is 10 and they both are always fighting over toys. how can I teach them to share?

1.Tell them about the poor kids who wish they had these toys!
2.Let them play with the toys at different times!
3.Take their toys away until they learn to share!
4.Show them how it feels when someone refuses to share with them
Example:Go buy something like a toy that both of them wants and say it yours and when they ask to play with it you say so you want me to share?( Then they are suppose to say yes)(they may not but if they do)!You say no im not sharing my toy! Then if they ask why then say becasue you guys dont know how to share! Then ask them how they felt when you said that you are not sharing your toy! Then say well thats how each of yall feel when yall dont share you make a person sad because ou wont share!If this doesnt work sorry with my kids it did!

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Non-breakable/toddler friendly nativity scene??

Q. Does anyone know where I can find kid friendly nativity scene? I have quite a bit of decor; however, A LOT of breakables so I am not putting them out this year due to having a 16 month old. Can anyone recommend a website or a store that has things that are OK if my daughter gets into them. I don't want anything plush for my own decor. Thanks!


I don't know where you live but you should be able to find something nice in that list.

Some of the ones at:

are pretty cute

toddler friendly holidays/vacations?


just want a list of a few places and what attractions they have, i don't want a 10 page travel guide please :l
live in the UK, preferably wanting to go abroad

well if you want to stay in the UK, try glynn barton cottages in cornwall by newquay. there cottages designed for toddlers, which have a cot, high chair, bed guards, monitors, toddler beds, child friendly crockery etc. the site also has things to do such as a indoor swimming pool, indoor soft play barn, play room full of toys, tennis court, childrens play area and climbing frames, animals to feed and eggs to collect etc
and theres loads of things around like a beach in a 30 min drive, riding stables 8 miles away, and within 15 miles theres dairlyland farm world, crealy adventure park and within 20 miles theres a newquay blue reef aqaurium, newquay zoo and water world

lapland - only a 3 hour flight and loads to do, such as see santa, snowmobile rides (children can ride in the things that trail behind tho i dont know what there called) reindeer rides, husky rides, tobogganing etc and im sure if you wrap your toddler up warm he/she will love it and love the snow
loads of websites for holidays in lapland although i recommend

paris - i think its only a 2 hour flight and loads of stuff to do too, a main one is disneyland, theres another theme park like parc asterix (all designed for kids), sight seeing such as going up the eiffel tower although i hope your toddler isn't afraid of heights! go for a cruise on the river seine, kids science museum called cité des sciences et de l'industrie or maybe a zoo called parc zoologique de paris

or again just stay in the uk and go to butlins which has swiming pools, free fun fair, golf, go karts, shows and entertainment on all the time etc

hope i help and have a nice holidayy x

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What are the most popular kids' toys this year?

Q. I want to get my cousins something special. They don't have any video games systems (nor am I going to get them one).

Here are the top 10 toys of 2007:

1.Nintendo DS Lite Onyx

2.Hasbro i-Dog - White

3.LeapFrog FLY Fusion Pentop Computer

4.Youniverse Keep Safe Diary

5.Hannah Montana DVD Game

6.Dance Dance Revolution DVD Game

7.6' Mega Giga Ball

8.Rescue Pets Wake Me Up

9.High School musical DVD Game

10.Hasbro i-Cat - black

GoodLuck :)
If you want to buy them go to:(

Are vintage Fisher Price toys safe for 1 year old?


My daughter just loves the vintage Fisher Price toys at our church. I recently bought her a 1972 toy, which she sometimes puts in her mouth. Do these old toys pose any health risks to her? Do they contain lead based paint, etc? I would just like to know for sure to be safe! Done some research online, but havn't found much information. Any answers would be appreciated!

No and "maybe". No if they have been opened and not sealed but due to no limitations in the 70's on lead paint usage I would say no unless the toy is vinyl and not plastic. Maybe if the toy is new and never been opened due to large amounts of metal they used in the 70's and these parts oxidize and you can never thoroughly clean these enough so toys without exposed metal I would say no. It's really not a good choice.
We have 2 kids ages 10 + 13 and we have never let them have pre 90's Fisher-Price due to the "unseen" dangers.
Fisher-Price can send you a testing kit and some other manufacturers offers these too.

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What are the hot toys this holiday season for 5-8 yr olds (boy or girl)?

Q. I need help in trying to buy my nieces and nephews some great gifts this holiday season. I am not up on kids toys or games so I would appreciate any guidance ...

5, Girl- Vanity sets, Kitchen sets, Barbies, Tea Sets
6, Girl- Lala Loopsy Dolls, Dress Up Stuff
7, Girl- Liv Girls, Video Girl (it's a Barbie with a video camera in it)
8, Girl- Girl Gourmet Cupcake Maker, Clothes, Flip video camera

I hope this gave you an idea of what girls like. Sorry, I don't know boys like I know girls... Good luck!

Is it normal for 5-8 yr olds to whine at the store for toys?

Mr. Dead

Me and my brother did it... My daughter does it, kids are kids and most of the stuff they do is normal, especially whinning to get what they want.

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Games for 6 year olds?

Q. I need games/game ideas for a 6 year olds b-day party, all the kids there are going to be around 4-6 years old.It might be indoors at a McDonalds or outdoors at a park. Please ideas for both indoors or out. Cheap or free games only please.

â Mystery Fishing Game
Kids who are 5 and 6 love this party game where they fish for prizes! For the "water" use a large appliance box, hang a sheet across a doorway, or cover a table so that the "fish" (and the person in the water) are hidden from view. Tie a string to a stick and attach a clothespin on the end of the string. Birthday party guests take turns "casting" the line into the "water". The person in the "water" puts small gifts, favors or candy on the clothespin and then tugs the string to signal that there is a "fish" on the line. Then kids pull up the line and retrieve their prize. This is a simple but fantastic birthday party game that kids adore! Have lots of prizes because 5 and 6 year olds will want to do this birthday party game again and again.

â Treasure Hunt Games
Birthday party treasure hunts can be played in many different ways. The main idea of the treasure hunt
game is to have the birthday party kids hunt hidden treasure by using clues. Several variations of this
birthday party game are listed under our treasure hunt page.

â Scavenger Hunt Games - Scavenger hunts can be played many different ways and are always fun games to play at a party. The main idea of the scavenger hunt games is to divide into teams / teams race to find (or do) the items on a list.

â Mummy Wrap Game
One of the easiest and most fun games! See which team can wrap their mummy in toilet paper first. Divide birthday party guests into teams of 2 or 3 and give them 2 rolls of toilet paper. Let teams decide on who will be the mummy and then race to see who can wrap their mummy in toilet paper the quickest using all the paper. Stock up on paper and play this game a few times switching out mummy's.

â Sponge Relay Games
Divide birthday party guests into 2 teams. Use 4 buckets - place two at the starting line and two 30 or more feet away. Fill the farthest buckets with water. Players take a sponge and run to the far bucket, dip the sponge in the water and then run back to the starting line bucket and squeeze the water into the empty bucket. The first team to fill their bucket wins. (Use larger buckets to hold the water first since a lot of the water will be lost as they race back to fill their bucket.) Variation: Race backwards for a crazy birthday party game twist!

Guess and Win Game
Fill a see through jar with lots of small candy, jellybeans, skittles, marbles or small toys. Count them before you put them into the jar. As the children arrive for the birthday party have them guess how many toys or candies they think are in the jar. Write down each birthday party guest's guess. At the end of the birthday party reveal who guessed closest to the right number. The winner takes home a small prize, or the whole jar with its contents! Tip; Use items related to your birthday party theme. Plastic bugs for an insect party, pink jelly beans for a pink or princess birthday party, rings for a glamour party etc.

More of them in this site:

What are your 4 year olds favorite toys?

Q. My 4 year old little girl broke her leg today and she has to stay off it for 6 weeks so I am trying to figure out some quiet toys I can get her that she can play with while shes in bed resting. She is our little active monkey so I'm going to have a hard time keeping her off her leg for 6 weeks.
Any toy ideas are welcome thanks and what is your kids favorite toy to play with?

Although my four year-old prefers to play with her tea sets and Littlest Pet Shop toys, I can honestly say that if your daughter needs to remain stationery that arts and crafts that she can do on a breakfast tray are more likely to keep her mind and hands busy on fun projects that can be done, especially given the time of year.

I know that most parents resist playing with clay because it is messy (or play-dough and even Moon Sand) and so I found a product called Model Magic that doesn't stain, stays pliable all day (eventually dries rubbery if left out more than 24 hours). Bendaroos are loads of fun if you have the time to sit with her and show her how to create animals, cakes, ants, etc. out of colored strings covered with wax (that is definitely a time investment). There are also plenty of Crayola Color Explosion kits where they can either scratch off pictures of their favorite characters or use a water pen to bring them to life. Lego's, what can I say, can't go wrong.

I work with pre-k children and they love making holiday decorations, foam-beaded necklaces, feather painting like the Native American Indians, etc. Pipe Cleaners Gone Crazy A Complete Guide to Bending Fuzzy Sticks is a new one just released.

ToysRUs has an interesting item: The Amazing Zubber Band Maker Kit uses a cool compound that molds like dough and hardens like rubber. The Zubber compound is easy to use. Just scoop it, mix it, press it into your mold, wait a bit, and presto! Your creation is finished! The Zubber bands are easy and fun to make, and even more fun to wear. With over 100 letters, numbers, and symbols to choose from, plus 3 colors, the Band Maker kit lets you design a wristband that is just your style.

There is a wealth of information on the Internet if you query arts & crafts for preschoolers, or even approach the sites as an art teacher looking for creative new ideas. You can make your own home-made play dough, experiment with food coloring on coffee filters, the list goes on. If you don't want to do the research you can go to your nearest craft store (JoAnn's or Michael's if you have it) and they have kits very reasonably priced that you can purchase with no hassle.

I also enjoy making food crafts with my daughter by using rice cakes and being creative with cream cheese and decorative candies for snack time. You can actually make graham cracker dominoes by spreading Nutella on opposite ends of the cracker, covering the whole block, or leaving it blank (create dots with white icing or white chocolate chips).

You always have the standby things such as card/board games. My daughter just learned how to play 'go fish" using cards that had pictures of animals on them and they had to be paired as such: Upper Case "I" for Iguana with lower case "i" for iguana. I also purchased a simple bag of marbles so we could start playing counting games. There really is A LOT out there, just try and have fun with it even though it is a challenge.

Best of luck to you and your little one!

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Monday, April 28, 2014

Question on buying gifts for kids at a Children's Hospital? Help?


Hi. I want to buy toys for kids at a children's hospital by me. I've never done anything like this, so I don't really know what to do. I don't know how many kids there are, I don't know how many boys vs girls, etc. Should I call the hospital and ask for these details so I have the right gifts? And I just show up with them? I'm a little confused.

Please offer any advice you can, especially if you've done something like this or work at a hospital!

Yes you should call and ask, most hospitals have toy drives or set ways to donate or to give gifts. Call them, they will give you directions on how to do it properly and what is needed probably. Also bless your soul.

What would be a good name for an organization that gives toys, games, etc to kids in hospitals ...?


And do you think having a PenPal system would be a good idea (What the PenPal system is: Each month you can sponsor a child in the hospital and write to them and send extra money for presents and b-day/C-mas presents, etc) And would it be something that you would do?
So....1) What do you think would be a good name for this kind of organization
& 2) Would the PenPal system be something that you would do (and/or do you think it's a good idea)?
Thank you!:)

If this was for some hospital like St. Judes, I would say go for it. Name? How about, Pixies of Good Will?

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Little kid cars? that run on batteries?

Q. anyone know where I can find a bigger plastic car that runs on batteries for older kids?

are you talking about a toy car like hotwheel?

Dont kids play with toys any more?

Q. I see kids ages like 9-12 (Sorry kiddies but that is children) doing everything except play with toys lately.

I see them on cell phones,or 10 yr old girls dressing like hookers wearing way too much make up. I have even seen kids that age walking down the street smoking like its no big deal. They even talk about sex like they really know first hand what its like. ( Kinda scary I think)

Is it just my area here or are kids now a days trying to grow up too fast?

whose to blame for this?

When I was that age I was playing with cars,He-mans, Gi Joes and that sort of thing.
cancan: you gave me an idea for another question.

Kids toys are different these days - cell phones are the new "walkie-talkies". They play video games of cars, he-man, and GI Joe.

As for the "grow up too fast" argument, there are a few things going on that really don't go well together.

Twelve year olds have more knowledge (as you pointed out) about sex and other adult topics than newlyweds did a few generations back.

At the same time, the children aren't responsible for their actions as they are still children. Unfortunately, parents are limited in their right to discipline their children and many lack discipline themselves.

So, children remain children despite their abundant adult knowledge until long after they should've become adults. The nation is full of 20 year old children, and 12 year old girls dressed like hookers.

What's the solution? Turn off the fking TV and talk to your kids. Teach them responsibility. Be open with them about them becoming adults. Don't close your eyes and mumble abstinence - it isn't reasonable and it doesn't work. Instead, validate their emotions and facilitate their decision making.

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My 1 year old child doesn't seem to kid like toys.?

He's been crawling for a while and can pull himself up against things and stand. He seems to not really have any interest in his toys and prefers crawling around all day looking at bits of fluff on the floor.

Sounds normal enough, do you sit on the floor & play with him? This is very important you can't expect him to play with the toys himself he will follow your lead. What toys does he have? Kids this age love things they can push button on & that jangle & make noises.

What to get a 1-year-old for birthday that isn't a toy?


My godson's 1st birthday is approaching and I am having a hard time thinking of a gift. His parents are very smart rummage sale shoppers so he has more than enough clothes and toys - even things for when he is several years older. I thought of a savings bond but that is more than I am able to spend right now. Any ideas?

You know, some kids seem to have all the toys in the world but they don't have the one thing they really, really want and would love. Him being only 1 though, that's going to be tough to determine since you can't just ask him.

At that age, ride on toys for outside are a huge hit.
So are sandboxes and water toys (kid sprinkler, water mat, sand and water table, etc.)
A ball popper is also a very huge hit.
So are paints.
If he doesn't have any of these, they are a "must have" toy for a 1 yr old. Age 1-2 is all about the senses, and water, sand and speed are the biggest hits!

Also, some kids may have all the clothes they will ever need, but if they really, really, REALLY want that spiderman costume or PJ set or hat, but mommy can't afford it (let's face it - dress up and character clothes are WAY expensive) he probably doesn't have it.

For non-toys and non-clothes:
toothbrush and toothpaste
first piggy bank
room decor: glow-in-the-dark stars/planets for the ceiling or a cute lamp or pillow

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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Travel probes with kids ?

Hey my 10yr old girl and me and my dog and my dad are going to missasip in 2WEEKS we are from st Louis so ya we have a hando sivic so ya she is boured all the time we have a iPhone for her and that it so eny cheap ideas for my girl ffrom her getting bouerd

Tell her all about the other children in the world who have no car,no house,no food,no holidays,no electrical gadgets of any kind,get no education,get no healthcare and after that if you have not sent her to sleep with boredom listening to you,you could play I spy.
If you can download an Ap for her I phone on how to speak and spell English correctly,she could give you some much needed lessons.

travel tips please...?


i'm from the philippines. scheduled flight is on April 23, manila-taipei-new jersey. i'm a mom. will be traveling with 3 children ages 10, 9 and 7. what should i prepare? what should i expect to experience in the airports?

I'm a former Flight Attendant and while you have a pretty long journey in front of you, your children are good ages to fly.

First of all, have they flown before? Talk to them about the flight, especially security. Flying is fun for kids but the security can be intimidating. Explain that they might have to take off their shoes and everything has to go on the belt. They will also have to go through this multiple times.

This TSA page from their site is aimed at younger children but you might still find it useful.

I find my biggest problem with my 8 and 6 year olds is their commentary. Explain that they are to be *very* good while you're checking in and no joking in security period. Also, while there is a language barrier, they shouldn't make jokes or comments even if they wont be understood. My kids are bilingual and think they can say whatever they want in international airports.

Make sure they stay together. Two of mine are "wanderers" and will stray off as soon as they see something interesting. The middle child is good and is always at my elbow but I have to lecture my other two to keep up and not get lost.

Once past security, you all can relax a little before your flight. It's safer in theory because everyone is either flying or working in that area of the airport. Before security, it's basically a public area. Resist the temptation to linger to say good-bye and get you and your kids past security asap. This can take ages and it's better to get it done with as quickly as possible after check-in.

Bring lots to keep them occupied. Have each bring a backpack. I also pack a change of clothes for each of us but if that seems too much, just bring a t-shirt and shorts. If there's a spill inflight, you'll probably have time to rinse and dry clothes (they dry fast thanks to the dry air in airplanes).

Bring some sort of alternate drinking item. I doubt they still use sippy cups but maybe something with a spout. The F/A's will fill these instead of open glasses if you want. This is especially important with electronical toys.

Big subject. Explain that these toys have to be off for take-off and landing but then can be resumed. Bring extra batteries. If you are taking a DVD player or computer, make sure there's at least 5 hours battery life in it. Turning the screen light down saves battery time. Bring the recharger and recharge in Taiwan (plus one for the states). You might need a converter. Fully recharge everything before leaving your home because they can't be recharged inflight. I also only allow the DVD player in the air, not on the ground for practical reasons (dropping it, having to leave quickly, etc). With older kids, this may or may not be a useful restriction or simply allow it while waiting at the gate in Taiwan.

They must keep the volume turned all the way down or off, or some gadgets have the option of earphones. Bring extra pairs (easy to pack and easy to lose!) Same goes for the movie. You may have to buy a gadget that allows three headsets to be plugged in. I have one for my three (forgot it last trip-and regretted it!)

A new movie(s) and/or new games might be a good idea. Keep them occupied for such a long trip. Get reading materials in their native language, as it might not be possible once you leave the Philippines.

Bring snacks. So far, nothing has been taken by security. Mostly they're concerned about drinks so buy those after you get through security, assuming you'll have time.

Consider ordering special meals espcially if your kids are fussy eaters. The kids' meals are often very greasy so I don't recommend them. Ask your travel agent or call the airline for a list of what is offered. We don't eat pork so we order kosher. No, you don't have to be Jewish to do so too!

Hope you have a good trip!

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What kind of car should I get?

Q. So, my parents are getting me a car. With that being said, I do work and I will be paying the car payments including for gas and car mechanical failures. I am 16 and this is NOT my first car. Yes, my parents don't mind spending money, etc. on me obviously and I was just wondering from your opinion - what kind of car I should get or what do you think is better.


I was looking at these cars:
2012 Chevy Volt
2012 Hyundai Tucson
2012 Hyundai Sonata
2012 Cadillac SRX
2012 BMW X6M
2012 Porsche Cayenne
2012 Porsche Panamera
2011 BMW M3
2012 Mercedes Benz CLS 63 AMG
2012 Lexus IS F

I have close enough in money to afford a Porsche Panamera & Porsche Cayenne because I have been modeling and acting and I have been saving up with that money since I was 10 when I started. I still do modeling and acting but, little of it now since booking have been slow so I got myself a job at a local restaurant and at a lawyers office. I am home schooled so I have enough time to work, etc.

For value and performance overall, especially for a car that I would like to keep for years from now, what car should I get?

I KNOW: You are going to say also, what is she doing driving a high performance, luxury or everyday car if she doesn't even know how to drive and she is just 16. In my state, the driving age is 14. I have never been involved in a car accident, never caused one and have never gotten any points taken off my license. I know how distracting it is to have friends in the car as my friend has died from that fatal accident but, I honestly don't drive with friends in the car. I only drive with family members in the car or on my own. No music. Just listening to that good old sound of car horns and the environment. (:

From your point of view, like I said, which is better? Please no negativity. Just answers. I know someone is going to put something negative on this post but, I did ask for an answer. I did not however ask for a mean one.

I hope you reply with what you think! Thanks! (:

*p.s. I know that I will have to go to driving school if I wanted to drive a high performance vehicle to know how to control the car, etc.* #JustSaying. (:
@mechanic_girl_C: Thanks for responding! (: I'll keep the Hyundai's in mind. ^_^
@iwastypingthat: Yes. No music seriously. (: Thanks for responding also! ^_^ I'll keep what you mentioned in mind about resale and safety with those cars.
@Raff: Thanks for responding! (: Ouch! That's off of my list for good. Haha yes, I do actually. ^_^
@apeweek: I've read through the information given on the volt and yes, it's reliable & very safe, etc. but I have come to the conclusion to just leave the volt off of my list. I did go down to test drive the Volt today and it's not really for me. It's safe, has the features but it also balls down to how much room is in the vehicle. It's great for someone who wants something small but I like to have a more space. (:
@GM Customer Svc: Thanks for the information on the SRX. (:

You should get a Chevy Volt. I'm sure this will make many readers scream, but hear me out. There is independent support for this position.
Consumers Reports has the Volt as one of their "recommended" cars. In fact the Volt is the ONLY recommended American car in the small car category. See link:
The Volt in fact came in first place - beating every other car Consumer Reports tracks - in their Buyer Satisfaction survey. See link:
It also aced their first year reliability rankings. Note that Consumer Reports did not initially like the Volt - they trashed it in an article after the car first came out. But after testing it for a few months, they radically changed their opinion. This is the key - test drive one and see for yourself.
Volt got top 5-star scores in safety testing from both NHTSA and the Insurance Institute - see link (yes, recent "Volt fire" stories are sheer nonsense):
The Volt's little secret is that this is a wickedly fun-to-drive car, great acceleration, full of technological gadgets, and it attracts a lot of attention. Driving past gas stations is fun, too.
Plus - it's not even as expensive as most people assume. Depending on your driving pattern - and taking into account that electricity is much cheaper than gasoline - the total cost of ownership could even be cheaper than a comparable car. Below is a spreadsheet where you can input your own driving needs and see what kind of car is cheapest to drive:
Yes, I own one. It's the best car I have ever owned. If you go with a Volt, be prepared for arguments with everybody. Do your research so you can answer your critics. This is a great car, the car of the future.

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Anybody remember this kid's gadget?

I saw some pictures of Boy Meets World and remembered I used to have this gadget that let you watch tv shows that you bought on small discs. It was made for kids. It's not a portable DVD player because it only played the special discs that you bought separately. I just wana look it up for nostalgic purposes. It came out in the early 2000s. Possibly around 2002-2003. I also had Spongebob episodes too. Thanks!

i know what your talking bout!i used to have a blue one!but crap i cant remember eather i want to say its the v-mingo but thats something else

What gadget should i buy to see my kid from long distance?

I need to have a gadget, on which i can see my kids, i don't know if i should use a device or just laptop.

IPhone 4s. I have it and it's awesome really cool light, good shape and color and really really easy to operate anyways only with the 4s u can call ur kid and face chat so how it works is u call ur kid and on the screen it says face time and all u do is just press it. U should use that cuz u could call ur kid anytime and anywhere soo ya u should check into it and the 4 and 4s there is a difference but get the 4s I'd go with AT&T.

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7 year old hoarding 2 year old sisters toys?

Q. My 7 year old step daughter will take my 2 year old daughters toys and hide them in her room, whether it be a simple baby toy or toy she may have got at a fast food restaurant that she didn't get. Only thing I can think is jealousy but I guess I just don't understand. How should her dad confront her and why do you think she does this?
It is kind of a funny situation. I don't favor my child, yet I refuse to punish my husbands daughter. I feel that is his job. My step daughters door is closed at all times and we have talked to her about this since my daughter was about 6 months. She would "play" with her and take my daughters toys and sit out of reach and she would cry. We told her if she plays with her little sisters toys then vice versa unless she plays together. It hasn't seemed to help. My daughter is not yet 2 but hasn't got the concept of sharing yet, but her older sister will play with her toys above her head. I feel helpless sometimes.

I don't know what to tell you other than I have the same thing and what stopped it (my 10 yr old taking and placing his younger brothers toys) is that when I found them I would take one of his favorite toys and confiscate it for awhile. Its teasing and jealousy and pretty normal.

I think she is just looking for attention. I call my oldest into his room and will point to say a weeble wobble (on top of a 5ft tall chest of drawers) , ok you want to take that weeble wobble thats your choice and so now I will take your nintendo DS, have fun with your little brother's weeble wobble, so needless to say he doesn't pull that trick too often.

I think even @ 7 the concepts of borrowing, stealing, and sharing aren't clear to most kids and I don't think its about that.

What are the top toys kids are wanting for christmas this year?


So has your kids told you what they want for christmas yet? Let me hear some good ideas say for girls around age 7-10 yrs old? This info will help me alot!

Webkinz are quite popular--they are stuffed animals that also "live" online.

There's also a new Barbie MP3 player that, in addition to playing music, also allows users to log onto an online Barbie community.

If you can find a Wii (and want to spend the money on it), there's a lot of really nice girl-friendly titles.

Build a Bears continue to be hot items.

There's a Monopoly "Boutique" Edition that is all about shopping at the mall.

There's also a Monopoly Jr. focused on the super-popular Disney Channel movies and shows.

Anything High School Musical will be very popular as well--there is a DVD of the live concert tour, plus keychains, poster books, dolls, and more. Hannah Montana dolls will also be big sellers.

For a 7-year-old, if she's still into dolls, consider the new Newborn Cabbage Patch doll. They're on sale this week at Toys R Us for only $12 with free shipping--and they're really cute.

Other ideas:
Activity kits (including jewelry kits) from companies like Klutz ( ) and Creativity for Kids ( )

Gift cards. Kids love being able to pick out their own gifts.

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