Saturday, May 3, 2014

What are some good toys for Autistic boys ages 4.?

Q. I have a nephew and we are trying to get some toys for Christmas or just any time of the year for him. He really likes to throw things so I suggest soft balls or blocks. I want something more that can simulate his mind. He is four years old and hasn't spoke yet, he is more on a level of a two year old. Plus he is very ACTIVE and LOVES WATER or anything to do with pouring studd out. Please give me your suggestions!!! Thanks! =)


Things to consider when choosing toys for boys or girls with autism.

Special Interest:

When choosing toys for autistic children think about what they like. Many autistic kids have a deep interest in a special subject. Does the child you are shopping for have an interest in a particular subject? If so look at gifts in these areas. If the child is interested in dinosaurs, cars, or planes then look at toys or books related to this area. However, if this is a highly specialized area you may want to keep an eye out for these types of items all year long as they can be difficult to find around Christmas.

Developmental Ability:

When choosing toys for children with autism think about their developmental ability rather than their age. Some children may be in grade school, yet their developmental age may be closer to preschool.

Here's a website designated by therapists for toys for children with autism. These toys simply helps them cope with sensory issues because these are sensory toys. This is a VERY excellent website. Here's the website:

Good luck with everything! I wish you the best. :)

Summer ideas for kids ages 2, 4 & 5?


Okay my step kids have been out of school for 2 weeks and they already getting bored. In turn they are becoming hard to control, which is putting me on the hard to live with side. Their dad just got a new job where he goes out of town (truck driving) & that means me and the kids have lots of time together. I try to play school with them, take them outside and play soccer, play with the dogs, you name it I've done it. They are getting tired of it all and I'm trying to do something to get them to chill. I have house work to do, school things, and getting the youngest (who usually lives with the mother) on some days who is 2. The kids are either bored, fighting, or constantly bugging me where I can't get anything done. Help would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. This is my first summer alone with them. Sometimes they do get to go to the lake, splash pad, the park, and movies. but I need day to day things not big things.

Depending on your kids and what there interests are i'll tell you what mine like! arts and crafts are always really good things to do! let them paint outside, play with playdough, or just color! We have theme weeks, where 1 week we pick a theme and learn/play lets say its "medival theme week" have them make paper swords one a cardboard fortress one day...make paper crowns one day...and let them watch a movie/cartoon about nights! maybe do a sports theme week..different games every day! maybe have them "help with house work?" most parents think its easier to not let them help, but you should have a little fun chore list, and give them stickers on every "chore completed" and take away stickers for attitude then if they earn enough they can pick out a toy at the end of the week, or go somewhere fun? hope this helps!

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