Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Games for 6 year olds?

Q. I need games/game ideas for a 6 year olds b-day party, all the kids there are going to be around 4-6 years old.It might be indoors at a McDonalds or outdoors at a park. Please ideas for both indoors or out. Cheap or free games only please.

â Mystery Fishing Game
Kids who are 5 and 6 love this party game where they fish for prizes! For the "water" use a large appliance box, hang a sheet across a doorway, or cover a table so that the "fish" (and the person in the water) are hidden from view. Tie a string to a stick and attach a clothespin on the end of the string. Birthday party guests take turns "casting" the line into the "water". The person in the "water" puts small gifts, favors or candy on the clothespin and then tugs the string to signal that there is a "fish" on the line. Then kids pull up the line and retrieve their prize. This is a simple but fantastic birthday party game that kids adore! Have lots of prizes because 5 and 6 year olds will want to do this birthday party game again and again.

â Treasure Hunt Games
Birthday party treasure hunts can be played in many different ways. The main idea of the treasure hunt
game is to have the birthday party kids hunt hidden treasure by using clues. Several variations of this
birthday party game are listed under our treasure hunt page.

â Scavenger Hunt Games - Scavenger hunts can be played many different ways and are always fun games to play at a party. The main idea of the scavenger hunt games is to divide into teams / teams race to find (or do) the items on a list.

â Mummy Wrap Game
One of the easiest and most fun games! See which team can wrap their mummy in toilet paper first. Divide birthday party guests into teams of 2 or 3 and give them 2 rolls of toilet paper. Let teams decide on who will be the mummy and then race to see who can wrap their mummy in toilet paper the quickest using all the paper. Stock up on paper and play this game a few times switching out mummy's.

â Sponge Relay Games
Divide birthday party guests into 2 teams. Use 4 buckets - place two at the starting line and two 30 or more feet away. Fill the farthest buckets with water. Players take a sponge and run to the far bucket, dip the sponge in the water and then run back to the starting line bucket and squeeze the water into the empty bucket. The first team to fill their bucket wins. (Use larger buckets to hold the water first since a lot of the water will be lost as they race back to fill their bucket.) Variation: Race backwards for a crazy birthday party game twist!

Guess and Win Game
Fill a see through jar with lots of small candy, jellybeans, skittles, marbles or small toys. Count them before you put them into the jar. As the children arrive for the birthday party have them guess how many toys or candies they think are in the jar. Write down each birthday party guest's guess. At the end of the birthday party reveal who guessed closest to the right number. The winner takes home a small prize, or the whole jar with its contents! Tip; Use items related to your birthday party theme. Plastic bugs for an insect party, pink jelly beans for a pink or princess birthday party, rings for a glamour party etc.

More of them in this site:

What are your 4 year olds favorite toys?

Q. My 4 year old little girl broke her leg today and she has to stay off it for 6 weeks so I am trying to figure out some quiet toys I can get her that she can play with while shes in bed resting. She is our little active monkey so I'm going to have a hard time keeping her off her leg for 6 weeks.
Any toy ideas are welcome thanks and what is your kids favorite toy to play with?

Although my four year-old prefers to play with her tea sets and Littlest Pet Shop toys, I can honestly say that if your daughter needs to remain stationery that arts and crafts that she can do on a breakfast tray are more likely to keep her mind and hands busy on fun projects that can be done, especially given the time of year.

I know that most parents resist playing with clay because it is messy (or play-dough and even Moon Sand) and so I found a product called Model Magic that doesn't stain, stays pliable all day (eventually dries rubbery if left out more than 24 hours). Bendaroos are loads of fun if you have the time to sit with her and show her how to create animals, cakes, ants, etc. out of colored strings covered with wax (that is definitely a time investment). There are also plenty of Crayola Color Explosion kits where they can either scratch off pictures of their favorite characters or use a water pen to bring them to life. Lego's, what can I say, can't go wrong.

I work with pre-k children and they love making holiday decorations, foam-beaded necklaces, feather painting like the Native American Indians, etc. Pipe Cleaners Gone Crazy A Complete Guide to Bending Fuzzy Sticks is a new one just released.

ToysRUs has an interesting item: The Amazing Zubber Band Maker Kit uses a cool compound that molds like dough and hardens like rubber. The Zubber compound is easy to use. Just scoop it, mix it, press it into your mold, wait a bit, and presto! Your creation is finished! The Zubber bands are easy and fun to make, and even more fun to wear. With over 100 letters, numbers, and symbols to choose from, plus 3 colors, the Band Maker kit lets you design a wristband that is just your style.

There is a wealth of information on the Internet if you query arts & crafts for preschoolers, or even approach the sites as an art teacher looking for creative new ideas. You can make your own home-made play dough, experiment with food coloring on coffee filters, the list goes on. If you don't want to do the research you can go to your nearest craft store (JoAnn's or Michael's if you have it) and they have kits very reasonably priced that you can purchase with no hassle.

I also enjoy making food crafts with my daughter by using rice cakes and being creative with cream cheese and decorative candies for snack time. You can actually make graham cracker dominoes by spreading Nutella on opposite ends of the cracker, covering the whole block, or leaving it blank (create dots with white icing or white chocolate chips).

You always have the standby things such as card/board games. My daughter just learned how to play 'go fish" using cards that had pictures of animals on them and they had to be paired as such: Upper Case "I" for Iguana with lower case "i" for iguana. I also purchased a simple bag of marbles so we could start playing counting games. There really is A LOT out there, just try and have fun with it even though it is a challenge.

Best of luck to you and your little one!

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