Tuesday, April 29, 2014

What are the hot toys this holiday season for 5-8 yr olds (boy or girl)?

Q. I need help in trying to buy my nieces and nephews some great gifts this holiday season. I am not up on kids toys or games so I would appreciate any guidance ...

5, Girl- Vanity sets, Kitchen sets, Barbies, Tea Sets
6, Girl- Lala Loopsy Dolls, Dress Up Stuff
7, Girl- Liv Girls, Video Girl (it's a Barbie with a video camera in it)
8, Girl- Girl Gourmet Cupcake Maker, Clothes, Flip video camera

I hope this gave you an idea of what girls like. Sorry, I don't know boys like I know girls... Good luck!

Is it normal for 5-8 yr olds to whine at the store for toys?

Mr. Dead

Me and my brother did it... My daughter does it, kids are kids and most of the stuff they do is normal, especially whinning to get what they want.

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