Saturday, August 10, 2013
What is the name of the charity where you donate toys and they give them to kids in the hospital?
best toys for kids in hospital image
The Direct
I want to buy some toys for the kids. I've heard of this organization but I don't know of the name.
Always contact any charity first to see their guidelines. Here's basic How To info.
Ronald McDonald House
St Jude's Children's Hospital's%20charity&sc_mt=b&sc_adid=10141226602&plt=STJGENSEGOOGL0003058&gclid=CLzI-JyIsrQCFWGnPAod7CgApQ
Donating Toys to Inspire Children
Always contact any charity first to see their guidelines. Here's basic How To info.
Ronald McDonald House
St Jude's Children's Hospital's%20charity&sc_mt=b&sc_adid=10141226602&plt=STJGENSEGOOGL0003058&gclid=CLzI-JyIsrQCFWGnPAod7CgApQ
Donating Toys to Inspire Children
What can you make for kids in the Hospital?
I am working on a community service progect and I need to know what I can make for kids in a hospital bed. these kids are anywhere for 2- 11 so what can I do?
the smallest things can make kids in the hospital happy.
like teddy bears or any type of stuffed animal.
if youre looking more so on the cheap side
small things like toy cars for boys and little necklaces for girls.
but you can usually find teddy bears pretty cheap =]
you dont have to go all out .
hope this helped :)
oh i just thought .. if you have to MAKE them something then a cute idea would be to use colorful pipe cleaners and make flower bouquets. that would be fun to make, and inexpensive. :)
the smallest things can make kids in the hospital happy.
like teddy bears or any type of stuffed animal.
if youre looking more so on the cheap side
small things like toy cars for boys and little necklaces for girls.
but you can usually find teddy bears pretty cheap =]
you dont have to go all out .
hope this helped :)
oh i just thought .. if you have to MAKE them something then a cute idea would be to use colorful pipe cleaners and make flower bouquets. that would be fun to make, and inexpensive. :)
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Friday, August 9, 2013
How difficult is it to brew your own beer?
best learning gadgets for kids image
Mike S
I've heard of individuals learning how to brew some tasty beer and I was wondering about some of the secrets.
The basic homebrewing equipment is not all that expensive – you can probably get everything you need to start for $100 - $150 – and we'll be glad to direct you to it online in our related products section. Of course, you could also choose to ruin our fun and buy it from some local brewing supplies store. In order to start brewing, you will need the following items:
Primary fermenter
Airlock and stopper
Plastic hose
Bottling bucket
Bottle brush
Bottle capper (if glass bottles are used)
Stick-on thermometer
Household items
Now we will explain what these items are and give you a basic idea of what you do with them, although the more detailed brewing instructions come in steps 2, 3, and 4.
A brewpot is a huge pot made of stainless steel or enamel-coated metal which is of at least 16-quart capacity. You might have a huge pot at home already, but it's no good if it's made of aluminum or if it's a chipped enamelized pot. These will make the beer taste funny. You use the brewpot to boil up the beer ingredients or "wort," as described in 3. Cook up some beer).
Primary fermenter
The primary fermenter is where the wort goes after you've boiled it, and it's where the beer begins to ferment and become that fabulous stuff that makes you so funny and charming. The primary fermenter must have a minimum capacity of 7 gallons, and a lid which seals airtight and accommodates the airlock and rubber stopper. There's no faking these puppies – you've got to buy one that's made for the purpose. Make sure the one you buy is made of food-grade plastic, as this kind of plastic doesn't allow the bad stuff in or let the good stuff out.
Airlock and stopper
The airlock is a handy gadget which allows carbon dioxide to escape from your primary fermenter during fermentation, thus keeping it from exploding, but doesn't allow any of the bad air from outside to enter your beer's hygienic little world. It fits into a rubber stopper which has a hole drilled into it, and the stopper goes in the top of your primary fermenter. The stoppers are sized by number, so make sure you figure out what size of hole you have and what kind of stopper fits it.
Plastic hose
This small, wind-powered burrowing machine is . . . no, just kidding, we're talking about an ordinary five-foot length of food-grade plastic hose. You need it to transfer beer from place to place, and you need to keep it clean and free of kinks or leaks.
Bottling bucket
This is a large, food-grade plastic bucket with a spigot at the bottom. It must be at least as big as your primary fermenter, because you need to pour all the liquid from your primary fermenter into your bottling bucket prior to bottling your beer.
After primary fermentation, you place the beer in bottles for secondary fermentation and storage. You need enough bottles to hold all the beer you're going to make (a 5-gallon batch of beer is about 640 ounces, so if you're using 16-ounce bottles you'll need 40). The best kind of bottles are solid glass ones with smooth tops (not the twist-off kind) that will accept a cap from a bottle capper. You can use plastic ones with screw-on lids, but they look crappy and they're not as good for fermentation. It's your call, but we recommend you go with the glass ones.
Whether you use glass or plastic bottles, make sure they are dark-colored. Light damages beer, so you want your bottles to be as dark as possible.
Bottle brush
This is a thin, curvy brush which you can insert into a bottle in order to clean it out really well. We haven't even gotten into how clean everything has to be, but we will, and the bottle brush is a specialized bit of cleaning gear you will need.
Bottle capper
If you take our advice and buy glass bottles, you will need some sort of bottle capper to secure the caps on them. You'll also need caps, of course, and you can buy them from any brewing supplies store. The best sort of bottle capper is one which can be affixed to a surface and worked with one hand while you hold the bottle with the other. There are also cheaper ones which require two hands on the capper, but these can be a pain. Go where your budget guides you.
Stick-on thermometer
This is a thermometer which you can apply to the side of your primary fermenter. They look like thin strips of plastic and they are backed with an adhesive. You can purchase them online, from a brewing supplies store, or from a pet store or aquarium store (they are also used for aquaria).
Household items
In addition to the above specialized equipment, you will need the following household items:
Small bowl
Rubber spatula
Oven mitts/pot handlers
Big mixing spoon (stainless steel or plastic)
Once you've got all these things, you're properly armed.
For you, the beginning brewer, this step is accomplished all at once, because you are simply going to buy a "beer kit" which tells you what kind of beer it will make and includes all the necessary ingredients. (More experienced brewers find a recipe they like and purchase the ingredients separately. Not you, novice.) A beer kit consists of a big can of hopped malt concentrate and a packet of yeast. You will also need to purchase additional "fermentables" (this is the stuff that makes alcohol. All together now - "More fermentables means more alcohol"). Common additional fermentables are include brewers sugar, dry malt extract, liquid malt extract, rice syrup, demerera sugar, Belgian candi sugar or any combination of the above. You will need at least two pounds, and not more than three on your first go-round (you want to get just drunk enough to be charming, remember).
Beer kits eliminate a lot of your capacity for error and let you get used to the procedure before you start messing around with loose ingredients. These beer kits are available online or at brewing supplies stores and most people in the world brew with beer kits. Some brewers like the convenience and certainty of them so much that they continue to use them throughout their homebrewing careers.
There are, however, many variations on the brewing theme. We don't provide you with any recipes in this article because it is aimed at the beginning brewer. If and when you wish to move beyond beer kits, we recommend that you purchase a book about homebrewing which contains a good recipe section, subscribe to a brewing magazine which will provide you with new recipes each month, or look on the Internet yourself for online recipes. (We took the liberty of including some links to homebrewing books with this SYW.) Once you've selected a recipe, you can then purchase the required ingredients and proceed.
Clean and sanitize your equipment
Cleanliness is incredibly important. You must clean and sanitize all of your equipment right before you start brewing, and keep everything clean throughout the process. Bacteria and fungi are everywhere and if enough of them get into your beer they will completely ruin it. The good part is that if you do clean everything you will make an excellent first batch of beer. At the first stage of brewing, you will need to clean and sanitize the following items:
At the first stage of brewing, you will need to clean and sanitize the following items:
Primary fermenter
Brew spoon
Airlock and stopper
Small bowl
Rubber spatula
Big mixing spoon
Later stages will also require you to clean and sanitize other items, and when we say that you should refer to the following cleaning and sanitizing instructions.
Cleaning refers to the removal of any visible crud, sediment, film, dust, etc. from all of your equipment. This can be accomplished with dish soap and a cloth or brush. Or if you're lucky enough to have one, you can just use a dishwasher.
Sanitizing is a separate procedure from cleaning, and it requires the use of heat, chlorine or iodine mixed with water to kill off any remaining bacteria. If your dishwasher has a "heat dry" cycle, you're in luck. Turn it on and let the steam in the dry cycle do the work for you.
If you are not blessed with a dishwasher (no doubt, one of man's greatest inventions) you will need to sanitize the old fashion way.
First, you need to mix up some sanitizing solution, using either unscented chlorine bleach (2 ounces per 5 gallons of water) or pure iodine (not the stuff your mom put on your wounds, but stuff you have to buy at a brewing or restaurant supply store) and cold water.
Mix this up in a big basin, a sink or a bathtub, so long as whatever equipment you put it in has been thoroughly cleaned.
The primary fermenter and the bottling bucket don't need to be soaked; you can mix up sanitizing solution right in them. You can even soak your other items in these two pieces.
All small items should be completely immersed in the sanitizing solution in the sink or in one of the large pieces of equipment. Once everything is full of or immersed in sanitizing solution, you can kick back and wait (30 minutes if you are using bleach, 5 minutes with the iodine solution) while the solution does its work. If you are using bleach you need to rinse everything thoroughly after it is sanitized. Set everything somewhere clean and let it dry. Don't allow small children, pets or gypsies to rummage through the equipment, don't sneeze on it. We want everything to be nice and clean for the brewing. OK. Let's make some liquid nirvana!
Instructions for making great beer from a beer kit
Bring 2 quarts of water to 160-180°F, basically steaming but not boiling. Then remove from heat.
Add your beer kit and additional fermentables according to the directions. Suggested fermentables, as we mentioned before, include brewers sugar, dry malt extract, liquid malt extract, rice syrup, demerera sugar, Belgian candi sugar or any combination of the above. Each will impart its own unique flavor profile. Ask your local shop owner for advice on how to get what you want.
Stir aggressively to ensure that everything gets dissolved. Put a lid on the pot and let it sit for 10-15 minutes on the lowest heat setting. This will ensure that you achieve sanitation.
Add the contents of your pot to 4 gallons of cold water already in your primary fermenter. Mix well, at least a minute or two. This helps add oxygen to your wort prior to adding your yeast. Trust us, your yeast will thank you for it later (if you know what we mean). When the side of your fermenter feels cool to the touch, it is safe to add your yeast. Some kits recommend re-hydrating your yeast in water first. This is not really neccessary.
Ferment as close to recommended temperature range as possible
Primary fermentation
You have now made wort (it's not exactly beer yet). Your wort will begin to ferment within the first day, and it will continue to do so for 3 to 5 days. You can tell that your wort is fermenting when you see little air bubbles rising up through the water in the airlock. This is basically just the gas produced during the fermentation process being forced out of the fermenter. After five days, you should begin to check on your beer every day, to see if it is still fermenting. If the water in the airlock is still bubbling, the beer is still fermenting and you must leave it alone. You can ruin your beer and cause your bottles to explode if you bottle your beer before primary fermentation has finished. When the bubbling stops or slows until there is a pause of two minutes between bubbles, primary fermentation is completed and your beer is ready to be bottled.
Bottling and Secondary Fermentation
Secondary fermentation takes place in the bottles, so you don't get to drink your beer just yet. You can go ahead and try some, but it won't be carbonated so you might not like it very much.
First, of course, you must clean (be sure to use your bottling brush and get all the crud out of your bottles) and sanitize (see section 3) the following items: Bottling bucket, Bottles, Bottle caps, Plastic hose, Saucepan, and Mixing spoon.
Make sure you have enough bottles to contain your new brew. Five gallons of beer is equivalent to approximately 640 ounces, so you need to plan accordingly, e.g., if you have 16-ounce bottles you'll need about 40. You should also make sure you have more than enough caps, in case you screw up and have to re-cap some of the bottles.
You will also need to have some pure dextrose on hand, to make a priming solution. This is what allows the remaining yeast in your beer to carbonate the beer. Take the saucepan and put two or three cups of water in it, and dissolve 3/4 cup of dextrose in the water. Bring the solution to a boil over medium heat, then cover it and set it aside to cool for 15 to 20 minutes.
After the priming solution has cooled, place your cleaned and sanitized bottling bucket on the floor. Place the primary fermenter on a chair, table or counter directly above the bottling bucket. Try not to shake up the beer inside the fermenter too much when you move it, because you want all the sediment to stay on the bottom. Attach the plastic hose to the spigot on the primary fermenter and put the other end of the hose in the bottom of the bottling bucket. Pour the priming solution into the bottling bucket, and then open the spigot on the fermenter, allowing the beer to flow into the bucket and mix with the solution. Don't try to get the last of the beer out of the fermenter, because it contains sediment you don't want.
Close the spigot on the fermenter, take off the hose, and clean it well. Then get the fermenter out of the way and put the bottling bucket up where it was and hook up the hose to its spigot. Line up all your bottles on the floor underneath it and stick the hose into one of the bottles. Then you're ready to open up the spigot on the bottling bucket and let the beer fly. Stick the hose in all the way to the bottom, and when the beer gets really near the top, yank the hose out and stick it in the next bottle. The level in the bottle drops when you take the tube out, and you want to leave about one inch of airspace at the top of the bottle (as close to one inch as possible; much more or less than that is not good). Therefore, you should be yanking the hose out when the beer is more or less right at the top of the bottle. If you have any financial aid money left over from last semester, invest in a bottle filler. It will make bottling less messy and be the best $2.99 you ever spent.
Once all the beer has drained out of the bucket, get ready to put the caps on your bottles. You need to do this right away, because every second that your beer remains exposed to the elements is a bad second. We've warned you about the bacteria and fungi. If you are using plastic bottles with screw tops, you can just sit down on the floor with your beer and twist them on. If you're using glass bottles with metal caps, you're going to need to use a bottle capper, and it will be way easier if you move them to a table or wherever you're going to sit and work. Follow the directions of the capper you've purchased, and take your time. If you suspect that one of the caps didn't go on correctly, rip the cap off and put on a new one. Check all your bottles for leakage and re-cap any that leak.
Once you've got all your bottles capped, you need to find a cool, dark place to put them while secondary fermentation takes place. They should not go in your fridge. Refrigerators are too cold for the yeast to do its work. You might as well put your beer wherever it was you put your fermenter, like in a closet, in the basement, in the attic or wherever, so long as the location is at a steady temperature of around 60 - 70 degrees. Now comes the really hard part. You have to leave your beer there for a minimum of two weeks before you can drink any of it. We know you've already waited for like, a whole week or maybe more, but you must be patient.
You must also continue to be clean. We know you're tuckered out from all that bottling, but you have to clean out all of your equipment before you shove it into the closet. You'll be doing yourself a huge favor, as the equipment will be much easier to clean and sanitize next time you want to make beer, and, therefore, it will be easier to make your next batch
The basic homebrewing equipment is not all that expensive – you can probably get everything you need to start for $100 - $150 – and we'll be glad to direct you to it online in our related products section. Of course, you could also choose to ruin our fun and buy it from some local brewing supplies store. In order to start brewing, you will need the following items:
Primary fermenter
Airlock and stopper
Plastic hose
Bottling bucket
Bottle brush
Bottle capper (if glass bottles are used)
Stick-on thermometer
Household items
Now we will explain what these items are and give you a basic idea of what you do with them, although the more detailed brewing instructions come in steps 2, 3, and 4.
A brewpot is a huge pot made of stainless steel or enamel-coated metal which is of at least 16-quart capacity. You might have a huge pot at home already, but it's no good if it's made of aluminum or if it's a chipped enamelized pot. These will make the beer taste funny. You use the brewpot to boil up the beer ingredients or "wort," as described in 3. Cook up some beer).
Primary fermenter
The primary fermenter is where the wort goes after you've boiled it, and it's where the beer begins to ferment and become that fabulous stuff that makes you so funny and charming. The primary fermenter must have a minimum capacity of 7 gallons, and a lid which seals airtight and accommodates the airlock and rubber stopper. There's no faking these puppies – you've got to buy one that's made for the purpose. Make sure the one you buy is made of food-grade plastic, as this kind of plastic doesn't allow the bad stuff in or let the good stuff out.
Airlock and stopper
The airlock is a handy gadget which allows carbon dioxide to escape from your primary fermenter during fermentation, thus keeping it from exploding, but doesn't allow any of the bad air from outside to enter your beer's hygienic little world. It fits into a rubber stopper which has a hole drilled into it, and the stopper goes in the top of your primary fermenter. The stoppers are sized by number, so make sure you figure out what size of hole you have and what kind of stopper fits it.
Plastic hose
This small, wind-powered burrowing machine is . . . no, just kidding, we're talking about an ordinary five-foot length of food-grade plastic hose. You need it to transfer beer from place to place, and you need to keep it clean and free of kinks or leaks.
Bottling bucket
This is a large, food-grade plastic bucket with a spigot at the bottom. It must be at least as big as your primary fermenter, because you need to pour all the liquid from your primary fermenter into your bottling bucket prior to bottling your beer.
After primary fermentation, you place the beer in bottles for secondary fermentation and storage. You need enough bottles to hold all the beer you're going to make (a 5-gallon batch of beer is about 640 ounces, so if you're using 16-ounce bottles you'll need 40). The best kind of bottles are solid glass ones with smooth tops (not the twist-off kind) that will accept a cap from a bottle capper. You can use plastic ones with screw-on lids, but they look crappy and they're not as good for fermentation. It's your call, but we recommend you go with the glass ones.
Whether you use glass or plastic bottles, make sure they are dark-colored. Light damages beer, so you want your bottles to be as dark as possible.
Bottle brush
This is a thin, curvy brush which you can insert into a bottle in order to clean it out really well. We haven't even gotten into how clean everything has to be, but we will, and the bottle brush is a specialized bit of cleaning gear you will need.
Bottle capper
If you take our advice and buy glass bottles, you will need some sort of bottle capper to secure the caps on them. You'll also need caps, of course, and you can buy them from any brewing supplies store. The best sort of bottle capper is one which can be affixed to a surface and worked with one hand while you hold the bottle with the other. There are also cheaper ones which require two hands on the capper, but these can be a pain. Go where your budget guides you.
Stick-on thermometer
This is a thermometer which you can apply to the side of your primary fermenter. They look like thin strips of plastic and they are backed with an adhesive. You can purchase them online, from a brewing supplies store, or from a pet store or aquarium store (they are also used for aquaria).
Household items
In addition to the above specialized equipment, you will need the following household items:
Small bowl
Rubber spatula
Oven mitts/pot handlers
Big mixing spoon (stainless steel or plastic)
Once you've got all these things, you're properly armed.
For you, the beginning brewer, this step is accomplished all at once, because you are simply going to buy a "beer kit" which tells you what kind of beer it will make and includes all the necessary ingredients. (More experienced brewers find a recipe they like and purchase the ingredients separately. Not you, novice.) A beer kit consists of a big can of hopped malt concentrate and a packet of yeast. You will also need to purchase additional "fermentables" (this is the stuff that makes alcohol. All together now - "More fermentables means more alcohol"). Common additional fermentables are include brewers sugar, dry malt extract, liquid malt extract, rice syrup, demerera sugar, Belgian candi sugar or any combination of the above. You will need at least two pounds, and not more than three on your first go-round (you want to get just drunk enough to be charming, remember).
Beer kits eliminate a lot of your capacity for error and let you get used to the procedure before you start messing around with loose ingredients. These beer kits are available online or at brewing supplies stores and most people in the world brew with beer kits. Some brewers like the convenience and certainty of them so much that they continue to use them throughout their homebrewing careers.
There are, however, many variations on the brewing theme. We don't provide you with any recipes in this article because it is aimed at the beginning brewer. If and when you wish to move beyond beer kits, we recommend that you purchase a book about homebrewing which contains a good recipe section, subscribe to a brewing magazine which will provide you with new recipes each month, or look on the Internet yourself for online recipes. (We took the liberty of including some links to homebrewing books with this SYW.) Once you've selected a recipe, you can then purchase the required ingredients and proceed.
Clean and sanitize your equipment
Cleanliness is incredibly important. You must clean and sanitize all of your equipment right before you start brewing, and keep everything clean throughout the process. Bacteria and fungi are everywhere and if enough of them get into your beer they will completely ruin it. The good part is that if you do clean everything you will make an excellent first batch of beer. At the first stage of brewing, you will need to clean and sanitize the following items:
At the first stage of brewing, you will need to clean and sanitize the following items:
Primary fermenter
Brew spoon
Airlock and stopper
Small bowl
Rubber spatula
Big mixing spoon
Later stages will also require you to clean and sanitize other items, and when we say that you should refer to the following cleaning and sanitizing instructions.
Cleaning refers to the removal of any visible crud, sediment, film, dust, etc. from all of your equipment. This can be accomplished with dish soap and a cloth or brush. Or if you're lucky enough to have one, you can just use a dishwasher.
Sanitizing is a separate procedure from cleaning, and it requires the use of heat, chlorine or iodine mixed with water to kill off any remaining bacteria. If your dishwasher has a "heat dry" cycle, you're in luck. Turn it on and let the steam in the dry cycle do the work for you.
If you are not blessed with a dishwasher (no doubt, one of man's greatest inventions) you will need to sanitize the old fashion way.
First, you need to mix up some sanitizing solution, using either unscented chlorine bleach (2 ounces per 5 gallons of water) or pure iodine (not the stuff your mom put on your wounds, but stuff you have to buy at a brewing or restaurant supply store) and cold water.
Mix this up in a big basin, a sink or a bathtub, so long as whatever equipment you put it in has been thoroughly cleaned.
The primary fermenter and the bottling bucket don't need to be soaked; you can mix up sanitizing solution right in them. You can even soak your other items in these two pieces.
All small items should be completely immersed in the sanitizing solution in the sink or in one of the large pieces of equipment. Once everything is full of or immersed in sanitizing solution, you can kick back and wait (30 minutes if you are using bleach, 5 minutes with the iodine solution) while the solution does its work. If you are using bleach you need to rinse everything thoroughly after it is sanitized. Set everything somewhere clean and let it dry. Don't allow small children, pets or gypsies to rummage through the equipment, don't sneeze on it. We want everything to be nice and clean for the brewing. OK. Let's make some liquid nirvana!
Instructions for making great beer from a beer kit
Bring 2 quarts of water to 160-180°F, basically steaming but not boiling. Then remove from heat.
Add your beer kit and additional fermentables according to the directions. Suggested fermentables, as we mentioned before, include brewers sugar, dry malt extract, liquid malt extract, rice syrup, demerera sugar, Belgian candi sugar or any combination of the above. Each will impart its own unique flavor profile. Ask your local shop owner for advice on how to get what you want.
Stir aggressively to ensure that everything gets dissolved. Put a lid on the pot and let it sit for 10-15 minutes on the lowest heat setting. This will ensure that you achieve sanitation.
Add the contents of your pot to 4 gallons of cold water already in your primary fermenter. Mix well, at least a minute or two. This helps add oxygen to your wort prior to adding your yeast. Trust us, your yeast will thank you for it later (if you know what we mean). When the side of your fermenter feels cool to the touch, it is safe to add your yeast. Some kits recommend re-hydrating your yeast in water first. This is not really neccessary.
Ferment as close to recommended temperature range as possible
Primary fermentation
You have now made wort (it's not exactly beer yet). Your wort will begin to ferment within the first day, and it will continue to do so for 3 to 5 days. You can tell that your wort is fermenting when you see little air bubbles rising up through the water in the airlock. This is basically just the gas produced during the fermentation process being forced out of the fermenter. After five days, you should begin to check on your beer every day, to see if it is still fermenting. If the water in the airlock is still bubbling, the beer is still fermenting and you must leave it alone. You can ruin your beer and cause your bottles to explode if you bottle your beer before primary fermentation has finished. When the bubbling stops or slows until there is a pause of two minutes between bubbles, primary fermentation is completed and your beer is ready to be bottled.
Bottling and Secondary Fermentation
Secondary fermentation takes place in the bottles, so you don't get to drink your beer just yet. You can go ahead and try some, but it won't be carbonated so you might not like it very much.
First, of course, you must clean (be sure to use your bottling brush and get all the crud out of your bottles) and sanitize (see section 3) the following items: Bottling bucket, Bottles, Bottle caps, Plastic hose, Saucepan, and Mixing spoon.
Make sure you have enough bottles to contain your new brew. Five gallons of beer is equivalent to approximately 640 ounces, so you need to plan accordingly, e.g., if you have 16-ounce bottles you'll need about 40. You should also make sure you have more than enough caps, in case you screw up and have to re-cap some of the bottles.
You will also need to have some pure dextrose on hand, to make a priming solution. This is what allows the remaining yeast in your beer to carbonate the beer. Take the saucepan and put two or three cups of water in it, and dissolve 3/4 cup of dextrose in the water. Bring the solution to a boil over medium heat, then cover it and set it aside to cool for 15 to 20 minutes.
After the priming solution has cooled, place your cleaned and sanitized bottling bucket on the floor. Place the primary fermenter on a chair, table or counter directly above the bottling bucket. Try not to shake up the beer inside the fermenter too much when you move it, because you want all the sediment to stay on the bottom. Attach the plastic hose to the spigot on the primary fermenter and put the other end of the hose in the bottom of the bottling bucket. Pour the priming solution into the bottling bucket, and then open the spigot on the fermenter, allowing the beer to flow into the bucket and mix with the solution. Don't try to get the last of the beer out of the fermenter, because it contains sediment you don't want.
Close the spigot on the fermenter, take off the hose, and clean it well. Then get the fermenter out of the way and put the bottling bucket up where it was and hook up the hose to its spigot. Line up all your bottles on the floor underneath it and stick the hose into one of the bottles. Then you're ready to open up the spigot on the bottling bucket and let the beer fly. Stick the hose in all the way to the bottom, and when the beer gets really near the top, yank the hose out and stick it in the next bottle. The level in the bottle drops when you take the tube out, and you want to leave about one inch of airspace at the top of the bottle (as close to one inch as possible; much more or less than that is not good). Therefore, you should be yanking the hose out when the beer is more or less right at the top of the bottle. If you have any financial aid money left over from last semester, invest in a bottle filler. It will make bottling less messy and be the best $2.99 you ever spent.
Once all the beer has drained out of the bucket, get ready to put the caps on your bottles. You need to do this right away, because every second that your beer remains exposed to the elements is a bad second. We've warned you about the bacteria and fungi. If you are using plastic bottles with screw tops, you can just sit down on the floor with your beer and twist them on. If you're using glass bottles with metal caps, you're going to need to use a bottle capper, and it will be way easier if you move them to a table or wherever you're going to sit and work. Follow the directions of the capper you've purchased, and take your time. If you suspect that one of the caps didn't go on correctly, rip the cap off and put on a new one. Check all your bottles for leakage and re-cap any that leak.
Once you've got all your bottles capped, you need to find a cool, dark place to put them while secondary fermentation takes place. They should not go in your fridge. Refrigerators are too cold for the yeast to do its work. You might as well put your beer wherever it was you put your fermenter, like in a closet, in the basement, in the attic or wherever, so long as the location is at a steady temperature of around 60 - 70 degrees. Now comes the really hard part. You have to leave your beer there for a minimum of two weeks before you can drink any of it. We know you've already waited for like, a whole week or maybe more, but you must be patient.
You must also continue to be clean. We know you're tuckered out from all that bottling, but you have to clean out all of your equipment before you shove it into the closet. You'll be doing yourself a huge favor, as the equipment will be much easier to clean and sanitize next time you want to make beer, and, therefore, it will be easier to make your next batch
If I want to learn to build cool gadgets and vehicles what should I go to school for?
I want to build something like a rocket powered skateboard or a flying glider like on spiderman 3. I'm not some young kid who's fantasizing I just want to build things and sell them I want that to be my occupation
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
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What suggestions do you have for a 26 month old toddler who refuses to eat solid food?
best toddler developmental toys image
My grandson was born 2 months premature. He has a mouth full of teeth but will not eat solid food. He gags or spits the food out. Also he will not pick up food to put in his mouth. I have never seen a baby who did not put things in his mouth before. He is in Early Steps because he was premature. The Early Steps people are quite concerned about his refusal to eat solid food. His pediatrician seemed unconcerned. An evaluation was done and he shows some developmental delay. Any suggestions would be helpful.
I would say that your grandson almost definately has sensory integration issues with either the tactile sense (the way it feels) or his sense of taste (or probably both). It is very common in premature babies who often have an immature central nervous system at birth. My daughter had (has) this and she too gagged and even vommited up certain foods and would not put food (or anything else for that matter) in her mouth.
I will give you some suggestions that worked for us but first I want to strongly encourage you to seek out professional help as sensory issues can be very difficult and they don't tend to go away on their own. The best person to see would either be a speech therapist or an occupational therapist that deals with food issues in children. Make sure that they are expeienced with sensory issues as the strategies used can be very different from other types of therapy.
It took 10 months of solid work with our daughter but now she will eat almost anything (still working on wobbly textures like egg and jello). Here are some things that worked for us that may also work for your daughter/son:
1. Don't listen to anyone tell you that "he will eat when he is hungry enough". This is not true for kids with sensory issues. My daughter would have starved if not for the formula she was drinking. Make sure that he gets plenty of whatever nutrition he will eat/drink while you are trying new foods.
2. Start with the spoon (it is no point trying to feed him if he can't tolerate the spoon in his mouth). Disassociate the spoon with food; put some out with his toys and encourage him to play with them several times a day. Let him bang them, shake them, ‘feed’ his teddies; whatever it takes for him to like them. When he is comfortable with this try just touching the spoon to his lips (several times a day). When he is comfortable with this try putting the spoon in her mouth (just once but several times a day). Start moving the spoon around and gradually increasing the time the spoon is in his mouth. When he is comfortable with all of this, then start adding food.
3. Try brushing (electric toothbrushes are great) his teeth , gums and tongue before each meal (you don’t need toothpaste) or using a ‘Nuk’ brand gum massager (looks like a tiny nobly egg on the end of a toothbrush) or massage his mouth with your finger (DON'T put your finger between his teeth!). This will desensitize his mouth and get him ready for eating.
4. Introduce new foods SLOWLY. If he will have a little rice cereal in a bottle I would start with that. Then try to get him to eat/drink it from a spoon at the same consistency as the bottle. When she will do that slowly thicken it until it is the consistancy of baby food then SLOWLY start to add flavour.
5. Stick to one food (or one flavour of baby food) at a time; once he is happy eating that you can try introducing a new food. If you find he has trouble transitioning from one food to the next try giving a food that he likes with 1 teaspoon of the new food added in. When he is happy with that add 2 teaspoons and so on till he is happy to eat the new food.
6. Use whatever you need to get him to eat – if distracting her with the television or singing to him while he eats helps then do it. If dipping everything in tomato sauce works, do it. You can always wean him off those things at a later date.
7. If you get stuck on a particularly difficult food try giving 1 teaspoon of the food, as the first food of the day, every morning for 15 days. Never give any more than 1 teaspoon even if he seems to like it. At the end of the 15 days he will probably happily eat the food (if he doesn’t, try again in a month or 2).
8. Try to make meal times happy and relaxed. He will be much more willing to try new things if he feels he can trust you.
9. Be kind to yourself: Remember that your child's food issues are no reflection on your parenting; the fact that he will only eat mashed potato and yoghurt does NOT make you a bad parent.
10. Try not to focus too much on what he eats at any one meal; instead judge his diet by what he eats over the day or week. Realise that the food issues will probably not resolve very quickly. Be patient and set long term goals.
I wish you the very best of luck. It is not an easy issue.
I would say that your grandson almost definately has sensory integration issues with either the tactile sense (the way it feels) or his sense of taste (or probably both). It is very common in premature babies who often have an immature central nervous system at birth. My daughter had (has) this and she too gagged and even vommited up certain foods and would not put food (or anything else for that matter) in her mouth.
I will give you some suggestions that worked for us but first I want to strongly encourage you to seek out professional help as sensory issues can be very difficult and they don't tend to go away on their own. The best person to see would either be a speech therapist or an occupational therapist that deals with food issues in children. Make sure that they are expeienced with sensory issues as the strategies used can be very different from other types of therapy.
It took 10 months of solid work with our daughter but now she will eat almost anything (still working on wobbly textures like egg and jello). Here are some things that worked for us that may also work for your daughter/son:
1. Don't listen to anyone tell you that "he will eat when he is hungry enough". This is not true for kids with sensory issues. My daughter would have starved if not for the formula she was drinking. Make sure that he gets plenty of whatever nutrition he will eat/drink while you are trying new foods.
2. Start with the spoon (it is no point trying to feed him if he can't tolerate the spoon in his mouth). Disassociate the spoon with food; put some out with his toys and encourage him to play with them several times a day. Let him bang them, shake them, ‘feed’ his teddies; whatever it takes for him to like them. When he is comfortable with this try just touching the spoon to his lips (several times a day). When he is comfortable with this try putting the spoon in her mouth (just once but several times a day). Start moving the spoon around and gradually increasing the time the spoon is in his mouth. When he is comfortable with all of this, then start adding food.
3. Try brushing (electric toothbrushes are great) his teeth , gums and tongue before each meal (you don’t need toothpaste) or using a ‘Nuk’ brand gum massager (looks like a tiny nobly egg on the end of a toothbrush) or massage his mouth with your finger (DON'T put your finger between his teeth!). This will desensitize his mouth and get him ready for eating.
4. Introduce new foods SLOWLY. If he will have a little rice cereal in a bottle I would start with that. Then try to get him to eat/drink it from a spoon at the same consistency as the bottle. When she will do that slowly thicken it until it is the consistancy of baby food then SLOWLY start to add flavour.
5. Stick to one food (or one flavour of baby food) at a time; once he is happy eating that you can try introducing a new food. If you find he has trouble transitioning from one food to the next try giving a food that he likes with 1 teaspoon of the new food added in. When he is happy with that add 2 teaspoons and so on till he is happy to eat the new food.
6. Use whatever you need to get him to eat – if distracting her with the television or singing to him while he eats helps then do it. If dipping everything in tomato sauce works, do it. You can always wean him off those things at a later date.
7. If you get stuck on a particularly difficult food try giving 1 teaspoon of the food, as the first food of the day, every morning for 15 days. Never give any more than 1 teaspoon even if he seems to like it. At the end of the 15 days he will probably happily eat the food (if he doesn’t, try again in a month or 2).
8. Try to make meal times happy and relaxed. He will be much more willing to try new things if he feels he can trust you.
9. Be kind to yourself: Remember that your child's food issues are no reflection on your parenting; the fact that he will only eat mashed potato and yoghurt does NOT make you a bad parent.
10. Try not to focus too much on what he eats at any one meal; instead judge his diet by what he eats over the day or week. Realise that the food issues will probably not resolve very quickly. Be patient and set long term goals.
I wish you the very best of luck. It is not an easy issue.
What is the best way to work with temper tantrums and sensory issues with toddler?
Wait a min
I have a toddler who was some sensory issues, so I buy him specifically recommended toys. He has had a tendancy to throw temper tantrums from time to time (especially when told "No"). These tantrums include head banging, scream as loud as possible, pinching self, biting self, pulling hair and sometimes acting out on older sibling. I have tried to distract him with things when I see the behavior starting. I have tried time out in the playpin. It much more controllable at home because he can run and play and stay busy. Going to the store and driving around are another story because he is strapping in the cart or car seat. Just looking for more ideas to curb this behavior.
Many thanks!
My son has Sensory Integration Disorder and High Functioning Autism and we have gone through the same thing. He is 5 now and a lot has improved but it is still a challenge.
How old is your son? If he is only 3 or 4 it may just be normal acting out- kids with sensory problems often develop a little more slowly that other kids- he may be going through the terrible two's a little late. :)
But it may be something more. I was a preschool teacher prior to having my own kids, and while I could teach him academics, he needed socialization skills that could only be learned through group settings and by modelling others. There should be a program set up through the school system in your area for children with developmental issues. Once he started that it made a big improvement in his behaviour, but it took a while for it to show. He still goes to it until he starts Kindergarten next year.
For right now, I would suggest bringing him to his pediatrician and getting a formal diagnosis and setting him up with Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy and maybe a Behaviour Specialist dealing with Sensory Defensiveness and Self Injurous Behaviours (biting self, banging into walls, etc). Much of the acting out my son did was because of frustration since he couldn't communicate what was wrong or couldn't do something he was trying to do. And your son may benefit from that as well. They showed me how to do Brush Therapy and to use pressure balls to help calm him and that helped a lot.
My son still doesn't like being told no (what kid does, lol), and time out and the usual behaviour modification techniques did not work. We had to figure out why he was doing the things that he was doing.
For instance, he would scream every time we went to the store and I put him in a cart. We figured out that it was caused by the movement of the cart- Vestibular movement really bothered him, going backwards in the cart moved the fluid in his ears and made them hurt. Turning him around and putting him in the cart (not the seat) fixed it. He also gets overwhelmed by crowds and open spaces, i.e. stores, theme parks, malls etc. Giving him a blanket to cover up under looks wierd, but it gave him a safe place to hide and he would quiet down. Try to find out what is bothering him and is it under or over stimulation- then try to fix it.
Remember that all his senses are used, tags, clothes, sounds, smells, bright light, movement, routines and feeling sick or allergies all can contribute.
I would also suggest joining a support group (online or in person) to get ideas- things like this take a lot of energy and emotion and every kid is different, what works for one may not work for another.
Some of it may be just accepting his limitations, knowing that over time they will get better and trying to keep a positive attitude, knowing that as hard as it is for you, it is worse for him. I know how frustrating and hard that can be.
Hope this helps, and God bless.
Sorry for spelling errors, spell check isn't working lol
My son has Sensory Integration Disorder and High Functioning Autism and we have gone through the same thing. He is 5 now and a lot has improved but it is still a challenge.
How old is your son? If he is only 3 or 4 it may just be normal acting out- kids with sensory problems often develop a little more slowly that other kids- he may be going through the terrible two's a little late. :)
But it may be something more. I was a preschool teacher prior to having my own kids, and while I could teach him academics, he needed socialization skills that could only be learned through group settings and by modelling others. There should be a program set up through the school system in your area for children with developmental issues. Once he started that it made a big improvement in his behaviour, but it took a while for it to show. He still goes to it until he starts Kindergarten next year.
For right now, I would suggest bringing him to his pediatrician and getting a formal diagnosis and setting him up with Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy and maybe a Behaviour Specialist dealing with Sensory Defensiveness and Self Injurous Behaviours (biting self, banging into walls, etc). Much of the acting out my son did was because of frustration since he couldn't communicate what was wrong or couldn't do something he was trying to do. And your son may benefit from that as well. They showed me how to do Brush Therapy and to use pressure balls to help calm him and that helped a lot.
My son still doesn't like being told no (what kid does, lol), and time out and the usual behaviour modification techniques did not work. We had to figure out why he was doing the things that he was doing.
For instance, he would scream every time we went to the store and I put him in a cart. We figured out that it was caused by the movement of the cart- Vestibular movement really bothered him, going backwards in the cart moved the fluid in his ears and made them hurt. Turning him around and putting him in the cart (not the seat) fixed it. He also gets overwhelmed by crowds and open spaces, i.e. stores, theme parks, malls etc. Giving him a blanket to cover up under looks wierd, but it gave him a safe place to hide and he would quiet down. Try to find out what is bothering him and is it under or over stimulation- then try to fix it.
Remember that all his senses are used, tags, clothes, sounds, smells, bright light, movement, routines and feeling sick or allergies all can contribute.
I would also suggest joining a support group (online or in person) to get ideas- things like this take a lot of energy and emotion and every kid is different, what works for one may not work for another.
Some of it may be just accepting his limitations, knowing that over time they will get better and trying to keep a positive attitude, knowing that as hard as it is for you, it is worse for him. I know how frustrating and hard that can be.
Hope this helps, and God bless.
Sorry for spelling errors, spell check isn't working lol
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Thursday, August 8, 2013
Is it legal to take out LIFE INSURANCE on a child in the UK?
best kids toys of 2010 image
Was it legal for a mother to take out three life insurance policies on her daughter in 1990?
The three policies had a twenty year term and are due to return a dividend in 2010. Now that i am 19 and don't live with my mother anymore, legally who does this money belong too?
Please Help!
Some useful links would be appreciated too , Thanks!
Yes, you have an endowerment policy by the sound of it.
The money belongs to who the mother said she wanted it to go to, it could be herself or the child.
You have to be related/dependant upon them in some way.
Granparents do it for Granchildren for University or just a lump sum to help with the downpayment on a house.
Below is an example of a company retailing life assurance
Good parents,” said Dr. Jonas Salk, developer of the polio vaccine, “give their children roots and wings.” With a gift of permanent life insurance, parents and grandparents can do just that: provide the roots of financial stability and the wings of economic freedom that can help children soar toward their dreams.
So forget the latest hi- tech toy for your child, or giving adult children the most sophisticated culinary accessories. More and more, financially savvy parents and grand parents are giving a permanent life insurance policy as wedding gifts, graduation, and birthday presents and for just about any other meaningful family occasion. While a gift of life insurance may lack the immediate “wow” factor, its value can outlast any video game, computer, or even a brand new car. It’s probably the only gift where you may receive two thank you notes, one now and a second one 15 years or so later, when the child is an adult and begins to appreciate the enduring value of life insurance.
Purchasing a life insurance policy on the life of a young person can help establish a foundation for a lifetime of financial security. The cash value or death benefit can also be used to help pay for college or college loans, for a down payment on a new home, or to take advantage of a potential business opportunity.* It is an equally appealing gift to give to a young married couple just starting out to help provide much needed permanent protection the couple may not be able to otherwise afford. As one New York Life client said, “As I got older, I saw the benefit of a permanent policy. I wish I had been able to buy this type of life insurance in my 20s or 30s. Now I can do that for my kids. It’s a great feeling to know I helped to make them financially stable.”
What exactly makes life insurance a great gift?
Life insurance offers a lifetime of protection and financial security: Whether it’s a gift for a child or young adult, the policy can provide a lifetime of financial protection. As long as the premiums are paid, the policy can never be cancelled and when the child matures he/she may have the option to buy more protection at favorable rates. The policy you purchase for a son or daughter today can still be there years from now, providing death benefit protection for this child's own son, daughter, or spouse.
It’s a gift that will increase in value over time: A gift of permanent life insurance won’t end up collecting dust in a few weeks. Every year the premiums are paid, the cash value in the policy grows. Depending on the size of the policy, it can have quite a substantial amount of money in it by the time the child reaches the age of 18, which can be used to help pay for college. Or the policy can continue to grow and the cash value could be used as the down payment on a first home. Buy it for a young adult, and the cash value can grow to be used for any number of purposes, including funding their children’s education, or, if there is no longer a need for the full death benefit, partially funding their own retirement decades from now.*
The cash value grows on a tax favored basis: Under current law, cash values that accumulate in the policy are tax deferred. Even when cash values are borrowed through policy loans, there may be no tax consequences in many instances. Finally, proceeds received by beneficiaries are generally not taxable as income. Consult with your tax advisor for more details. Few gifts have so much versatility.
Now is always the best time to buy: Premiums for a life insurance policy are based on age, so whenever you buy, the premiums will never be lower. Of course, the younger the child is, the less you will pay in premiums. Also, buying now locks in the rate on a permanent policy at the insured's current age for life.
It protects the child’s future insurability: Once the policy has been issued, coverage cannot be canceled as long as all required premiums are paid. By purchasing a policy on a child or grandchild with a Policy Purchase Option(PPO), you can ensure that no matter what the health of that child is when they become an adult, he/she can obtain additional life insurance at affordable rates, with no evidence of insurability. In other words, no matter what the state of their future health, they will be able to buy life insurance and have at least some protection for their family. With a PPO, the insured has a right to purchase additional insurance at designated dates, regardless of insurability. That’s quite a gift.
How the policy works
If the insured is a minor, the policy is owned by the purchasing adult until the child reaches the age of majority as defined by state law (with ownership transferred at a later date). The beneficiary is generally a guardian or parent. With adult insureds, the policy is generally owned outright by the insured, who selects the beneficiaries.
You have two choices regarding how premiums should be handled. First, you can take a lump sum (such as $10,000) that would otherwise be given as an outright gift to the child or grandchild; instead, purchase a single premium life insurance policy for whatever face amount that sum buys. The advantage is that no further premiums are required. (There are tax consequences associated with gifting amounts. You should consult with your own tax professional for tax advice.)
The second choice is to select the premium or death benefit desired. Then, make the scheduled premium payments. (Note that there may be gift tax consequences, since the premium is considered a gift to the insured. Consult your tax advisor before acting.)
First Steps
The first step toward creating “roots and wings” for your children/grandchildren is to talk with a New York Life agent. After a thorough discussion with you about what you want the policy to accomplish, your agent can recommend the best permanent policy to fit your needs. Your agent can also provide customized policy illustrations that shows the potential cash value and how much the policy will cost, including how many years you will have to pay premiums and other payment options.
For many people, life insurance can be the first and most valuable financial gift they give to their children/grandchildren. Life insurance can be the gift that provides both lasting protection when children leave home and the economic freedom to pursue their dreams. Either way, it’s a gift that will have lasting significance for both the giver and the recipient.
If you would like to discuss how permanent life insurance may benefit your children or grandchildren talk to your New York Life agent or to find a New York Life agent near you go to
(*Loans against the policy accrue interest and decrease the death benefit and cash value by the amount of the outstanding loan and interest.)
Yes, you have an endowerment policy by the sound of it.
The money belongs to who the mother said she wanted it to go to, it could be herself or the child.
You have to be related/dependant upon them in some way.
Granparents do it for Granchildren for University or just a lump sum to help with the downpayment on a house.
Below is an example of a company retailing life assurance
Good parents,” said Dr. Jonas Salk, developer of the polio vaccine, “give their children roots and wings.” With a gift of permanent life insurance, parents and grandparents can do just that: provide the roots of financial stability and the wings of economic freedom that can help children soar toward their dreams.
So forget the latest hi- tech toy for your child, or giving adult children the most sophisticated culinary accessories. More and more, financially savvy parents and grand parents are giving a permanent life insurance policy as wedding gifts, graduation, and birthday presents and for just about any other meaningful family occasion. While a gift of life insurance may lack the immediate “wow” factor, its value can outlast any video game, computer, or even a brand new car. It’s probably the only gift where you may receive two thank you notes, one now and a second one 15 years or so later, when the child is an adult and begins to appreciate the enduring value of life insurance.
Purchasing a life insurance policy on the life of a young person can help establish a foundation for a lifetime of financial security. The cash value or death benefit can also be used to help pay for college or college loans, for a down payment on a new home, or to take advantage of a potential business opportunity.* It is an equally appealing gift to give to a young married couple just starting out to help provide much needed permanent protection the couple may not be able to otherwise afford. As one New York Life client said, “As I got older, I saw the benefit of a permanent policy. I wish I had been able to buy this type of life insurance in my 20s or 30s. Now I can do that for my kids. It’s a great feeling to know I helped to make them financially stable.”
What exactly makes life insurance a great gift?
Life insurance offers a lifetime of protection and financial security: Whether it’s a gift for a child or young adult, the policy can provide a lifetime of financial protection. As long as the premiums are paid, the policy can never be cancelled and when the child matures he/she may have the option to buy more protection at favorable rates. The policy you purchase for a son or daughter today can still be there years from now, providing death benefit protection for this child's own son, daughter, or spouse.
It’s a gift that will increase in value over time: A gift of permanent life insurance won’t end up collecting dust in a few weeks. Every year the premiums are paid, the cash value in the policy grows. Depending on the size of the policy, it can have quite a substantial amount of money in it by the time the child reaches the age of 18, which can be used to help pay for college. Or the policy can continue to grow and the cash value could be used as the down payment on a first home. Buy it for a young adult, and the cash value can grow to be used for any number of purposes, including funding their children’s education, or, if there is no longer a need for the full death benefit, partially funding their own retirement decades from now.*
The cash value grows on a tax favored basis: Under current law, cash values that accumulate in the policy are tax deferred. Even when cash values are borrowed through policy loans, there may be no tax consequences in many instances. Finally, proceeds received by beneficiaries are generally not taxable as income. Consult with your tax advisor for more details. Few gifts have so much versatility.
Now is always the best time to buy: Premiums for a life insurance policy are based on age, so whenever you buy, the premiums will never be lower. Of course, the younger the child is, the less you will pay in premiums. Also, buying now locks in the rate on a permanent policy at the insured's current age for life.
It protects the child’s future insurability: Once the policy has been issued, coverage cannot be canceled as long as all required premiums are paid. By purchasing a policy on a child or grandchild with a Policy Purchase Option(PPO), you can ensure that no matter what the health of that child is when they become an adult, he/she can obtain additional life insurance at affordable rates, with no evidence of insurability. In other words, no matter what the state of their future health, they will be able to buy life insurance and have at least some protection for their family. With a PPO, the insured has a right to purchase additional insurance at designated dates, regardless of insurability. That’s quite a gift.
How the policy works
If the insured is a minor, the policy is owned by the purchasing adult until the child reaches the age of majority as defined by state law (with ownership transferred at a later date). The beneficiary is generally a guardian or parent. With adult insureds, the policy is generally owned outright by the insured, who selects the beneficiaries.
You have two choices regarding how premiums should be handled. First, you can take a lump sum (such as $10,000) that would otherwise be given as an outright gift to the child or grandchild; instead, purchase a single premium life insurance policy for whatever face amount that sum buys. The advantage is that no further premiums are required. (There are tax consequences associated with gifting amounts. You should consult with your own tax professional for tax advice.)
The second choice is to select the premium or death benefit desired. Then, make the scheduled premium payments. (Note that there may be gift tax consequences, since the premium is considered a gift to the insured. Consult your tax advisor before acting.)
First Steps
The first step toward creating “roots and wings” for your children/grandchildren is to talk with a New York Life agent. After a thorough discussion with you about what you want the policy to accomplish, your agent can recommend the best permanent policy to fit your needs. Your agent can also provide customized policy illustrations that shows the potential cash value and how much the policy will cost, including how many years you will have to pay premiums and other payment options.
For many people, life insurance can be the first and most valuable financial gift they give to their children/grandchildren. Life insurance can be the gift that provides both lasting protection when children leave home and the economic freedom to pursue their dreams. Either way, it’s a gift that will have lasting significance for both the giver and the recipient.
If you would like to discuss how permanent life insurance may benefit your children or grandchildren talk to your New York Life agent or to find a New York Life agent near you go to
(*Loans against the policy accrue interest and decrease the death benefit and cash value by the amount of the outstanding loan and interest.)
What is a good gift to get for a 3 year old girl who has everything?
Q. Any hot toys or new stuff that every kid has to have? Lol.
Ok, I guess I forgot to mention she's not my child? I wouldn't be asking for anyone's advice if it was for my own kid. -_-
Ok, I guess I forgot to mention she's not my child? I wouldn't be asking for anyone's advice if it was for my own kid. -_-
I went to this site. It has the top ten toys for this year:
I went to this site. It has the top ten toys for this year:
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How would you decorate a unisex kids' bathroom?
best kids toys etsy image
Right now we have a baby girl but we know we want at least one more child that could be a boy or girl. The cabinets are espresso, the counter and floor are white marble, and the shower has white subway tile. The hardware is brushed nickle and we want to keep the walls white or really light.
P.S. no green please
Pick a neutral theme. Not a current cartoon character as they can be to camp and who know what will be cool in 3 or 4 years. Bathrooms for kids should be fun and kid friendly. Gives them something to look at during the dreaded potty training chronicles.
Reachable items are important.
Add a shelf for kid books.
A cubby for bath toys.
A low mirror and a stool that they can sit or climb on.
If finances allow put in a kid height sink.
Decorative wall vinyls are easily removable if you choose to alter the colors.
Bold colors are a plus.
I suggest a plain white or beige. Then add colors in the bath set, towels and rug.
Personally I would run with a dolphin theme
Add these in silver
Then add some bright oranges and yellows in the towels and rugs.
Pick a neutral theme. Not a current cartoon character as they can be to camp and who know what will be cool in 3 or 4 years. Bathrooms for kids should be fun and kid friendly. Gives them something to look at during the dreaded potty training chronicles.
Reachable items are important.
Add a shelf for kid books.
A cubby for bath toys.
A low mirror and a stool that they can sit or climb on.
If finances allow put in a kid height sink.
Decorative wall vinyls are easily removable if you choose to alter the colors.
Bold colors are a plus.
I suggest a plain white or beige. Then add colors in the bath set, towels and rug.
Personally I would run with a dolphin theme
Add these in silver
Then add some bright oranges and yellows in the towels and rugs.
Where can I find a design for a pachinko machine?
I have a little kid and he gets a kick out of watching me drop toys in his bead coaster and watching it bounce around. This made me think that he'd really like a pachinko machine, but I don't really want a whole machine, I just need a known working pin-layout design and I'll go buy a board and some nails and paint by number as it were. Does such a thing exist?
I see, why don't you try this site to take something better for you
: )
I see, why don't you try this site to take something better for you
: )
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How much allowance should an 8 year old, a 10 year old, and a 12 year old get?
best kids toys 10 year olds image
I have three kids, two boys ages 8 and 10, and a 12 year old daughter. They do chores, help out, they're good kids. They're always asking for money or asking me to buy them candy or toys or nail polish or whatever else, me and my husband agree it might be a good idea for them to have an allowance. We haven't decided how much they should get yet. They each do 3 or 4 chores a day (washing dishes, laundry, taking care of pets, sweeping, etc.) and help me out with any other tasks I have for them to do. The oldest cooks dinner once or twice a week. They're good with keeping their rooms clean and stuff like that. They never complain when I ask them to do things and are pretty good with getting them done right away.
I trust the older two to not waste all of their money on candy and useless junk that they don't need, though the youngest will definitely need some guidance.
How much do you suggest I give them? If you are a parent, how much do your kids get? If you are a child, how much do your parents give you?
**Also, this is not my account, I don't have a yahoo answers account so my niece let me use hers.
5 a week...
5 a week...
What are some tips for teaching piano lessons?
I'm about to start teaching piano lessons to a kid around the block. (Yes, we're friends already.) He is 10 years old, and doesn't like sitting still for long. He always wants to show me his new toys and such. I will be giving him a 30 minute lesson once a week. Does anyone have any tips on how to keep him interested in the piano and how to teach him? He has never played before, so it will be from the very beginning of teaching. Thanks everyone!
Can he read music? Or will you be teaching him without music? I would start off the lesson by asking him to fool around on the piano, and see if he can ear out a song. If you lose his attention due to his difficulty with playing, offer to play the piece for him to hear. Or start working on something else. I never could focus for the entire half hour either, and my piano teacher allowed some small talk, but never for more than a couple minutes. And don't let him bring his toys to your house. (Or make him put away his toys if the lesson is at his house).
Can he read music? Or will you be teaching him without music? I would start off the lesson by asking him to fool around on the piano, and see if he can ear out a song. If you lose his attention due to his difficulty with playing, offer to play the piece for him to hear. Or start working on something else. I never could focus for the entire half hour either, and my piano teacher allowed some small talk, but never for more than a couple minutes. And don't let him bring his toys to your house. (Or make him put away his toys if the lesson is at his house).
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Wednesday, August 7, 2013
What was your favorite toy or gift you received as a child for Christmas?
best kids powered riding toys image
OK. It's not even October yet and I am super excited about Christmas. I am 25 and my favorite gift as a child was a pink Barbie power wheels corvette. I remember riding it around the block believing I can drive a real car, letting other kids play with it and my mother yelling at me because I would let the other kids play with it more than I did. So what was your favorite toy or gift you recieved for Christmas as a child?
Also in the 70s for me, I loved the Hot Wheels track set I recieved - those orange stips of track that you could join together to make loops, hairpin curves, jumps, and such. I spent YEARS playing with that, and now my son is passing it down to my grandson. Some things just don't leave the family!
Also in the 70s for me, I loved the Hot Wheels track set I recieved - those orange stips of track that you could join together to make loops, hairpin curves, jumps, and such. I spent YEARS playing with that, and now my son is passing it down to my grandson. Some things just don't leave the family!
What is the difference between old and new toys?
I need answers other than 'new toys are modern'. please be specific. it's for homework
Neo please,that is hardly an answer. like MATERIALS, technology. PLEASE be more specific
Depending on how far you go back and what kind of 'toys' you are talking about, there can be many different answers. Here are a couple of examples to explain what I mean...
In electronics, video games, radios and televisions for example, many old 'toys' consisted of wooden construction with little plastic and occasionally metal for design purposes. Old televisions used tubes and transistors, while new toys use LCD technology and HD properties. Old computers used tubes and transistors as well, were the size of a standard room, had the processing power of a modern wrist watch, and made calculations on a long sheet of paper. Today's computers have motherboards, graphics cards and accelerators and network cards that can transmit information through the air without wires, and many fit in your lap.
Older video game systems had wood paneling, and if you popped them open, would maybe see a heat sink and a small motherboard to read the media. Today's video game consoles have so many boards, wires and switches that if you tried to take it apart without proper training, it could look like a crash victim's intestines.
Another example is vehicles. Older toys had all metal bodies and no safety devices. As the technology and education grew, safety belts, airbags, shatterproof windshields, and crumple zones on the bumpers made for a more reliable and safer ride.
If you are referring to the actual term of the word 'toy', older toys had absolutely no computers in them, while just about every new toy has at least some sort of computer technology somewhere inside of it. A good example of this is Woody and Buzz from Toy Story. Woody is a pull-string doll with a mechanical voice box that, if you had one of these back in the day, would actually lower the pitch if you restrained the string from going back into the voice box at it's normal speed. Buzz on the other hand is the new toy, electronics in every inch of the toy, and everything is digital to the push of a button.
Toys from the old days were usually something like a stick with a Frisbee on top of it, or going even further back, nothing but a flat piece of plastic that you throw around. A hula-hoop is nothing more than a hollow plastic tube connected in a ring. The original Mr. potato head was pieces of plastic pertaining to eyes, mouths, arms and legs that you pressed into a real potato.
Put simply, old toys used a lot more imagination, and kid's had plenty of it back then. Today, new toys could pretty much play with themselves, and have so many chips and wires and stereo speakers that you could have built E.T's phone with about a quarter of the stuff you find in them.
So the short answer is; The difference between old toys and new toys is the evolution of technology. As higher quality materials became cheaper and more accessible, they became a bigger part of the new toy line. New strides in technology allowed more interactivity such as movement and sound. In the case of television, sharper picture and color. In the case of vehicles, safety and comfort. In the case of computers, smaller sizes and higher processing speeds. And in the the case of a child's toy, More interactivity and, sometimes, less imagination.
Depending on how far you go back and what kind of 'toys' you are talking about, there can be many different answers. Here are a couple of examples to explain what I mean...
In electronics, video games, radios and televisions for example, many old 'toys' consisted of wooden construction with little plastic and occasionally metal for design purposes. Old televisions used tubes and transistors, while new toys use LCD technology and HD properties. Old computers used tubes and transistors as well, were the size of a standard room, had the processing power of a modern wrist watch, and made calculations on a long sheet of paper. Today's computers have motherboards, graphics cards and accelerators and network cards that can transmit information through the air without wires, and many fit in your lap.
Older video game systems had wood paneling, and if you popped them open, would maybe see a heat sink and a small motherboard to read the media. Today's video game consoles have so many boards, wires and switches that if you tried to take it apart without proper training, it could look like a crash victim's intestines.
Another example is vehicles. Older toys had all metal bodies and no safety devices. As the technology and education grew, safety belts, airbags, shatterproof windshields, and crumple zones on the bumpers made for a more reliable and safer ride.
If you are referring to the actual term of the word 'toy', older toys had absolutely no computers in them, while just about every new toy has at least some sort of computer technology somewhere inside of it. A good example of this is Woody and Buzz from Toy Story. Woody is a pull-string doll with a mechanical voice box that, if you had one of these back in the day, would actually lower the pitch if you restrained the string from going back into the voice box at it's normal speed. Buzz on the other hand is the new toy, electronics in every inch of the toy, and everything is digital to the push of a button.
Toys from the old days were usually something like a stick with a Frisbee on top of it, or going even further back, nothing but a flat piece of plastic that you throw around. A hula-hoop is nothing more than a hollow plastic tube connected in a ring. The original Mr. potato head was pieces of plastic pertaining to eyes, mouths, arms and legs that you pressed into a real potato.
Put simply, old toys used a lot more imagination, and kid's had plenty of it back then. Today, new toys could pretty much play with themselves, and have so many chips and wires and stereo speakers that you could have built E.T's phone with about a quarter of the stuff you find in them.
So the short answer is; The difference between old toys and new toys is the evolution of technology. As higher quality materials became cheaper and more accessible, they became a bigger part of the new toy line. New strides in technology allowed more interactivity such as movement and sound. In the case of television, sharper picture and color. In the case of vehicles, safety and comfort. In the case of computers, smaller sizes and higher processing speeds. And in the the case of a child's toy, More interactivity and, sometimes, less imagination.
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What movies of 2010 will be nominated for the Academy Awards?
best kids toys of 2010 image
2010 has been a great year for films such as Inception, Toy Story 3, How To Train Your Dragon, Iron Man 2, The Karate Kid, Robin Hood, Alice in Wonderland, Cyrus, Date Night, Dinner for Schmucks, The Other Guys, Prince of Persia, and Shrek Forever After.
What movies do you think will be nominated for an Oscar or who will win?
Inception will be up there, Robin Hood too, still got time for some great films to be released
Inception will be up there, Robin Hood too, still got time for some great films to be released
How many people die a year from crininals in indiana due to guns?
help add on to this please. Corrections and add ons. Please... I have this report due Tuesday and I have to present this. Im con for gun control.
Hello, my name is Kaleigh Ray and I am against the resolution. Which is, currently in Indiana firearms do not need to be registered, and you do not need a permit to purchase one. You do need a permit to purchase a handgun.
There have been so many deaths due to guns, some accidental, some not. Even if it’s the one “who’s using the gun” it doesn’t matter. A lot of the excuses used are that it depends on the person who has the gun in his or her hand, but we wouldn’t have to worry if there were more laws against gun control. There will still be shootings, but why not take more charge and stop more deaths while we can?
Endangering children
-In 2010 Indiana had the 18th-highest rate of deaths from the use of guns among children and teens at age 19 and under. Having more laws from being able to purchase a hand gun freely helps prevent situations like this from happening.
-Over the years there have been a lot of incidents endangering children due to the use of guns. A lot of the accidents have occurred, from kids mistaking guns for toys. More than 500 children die annually from accidental gun shots. “Americans own 200 million firearms, and 35 percent of homes contain at least one gun. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention studied and found out that more than 1.7 million children live in homes with loaded and unlocked guns.” Those who own guns need to be more accountable for keeping them out of children and others hands.
High Rate of Gun related Crime
-“More than 30,000 U.S men, women, and children die each year from gunshot wounds, the highest homicide rate from guns in the world. Of those 30,000 deaths only about 1,500 are due to accidental shootings.”
More background checks
-Having more background checks will help us have more with security. We will still be able to use them, but will be more strict to who we sell them too.
is anyone nice enough to add more in my paragraphs && help correct?? :)
16 thousand of those deaths are due to suicide. No one killed another person in those. That leaves about 14 thousand deaths a year due to gun violence. Of those 14K deaths, 9 thousand were gang or drug related and most was black on black violence. Blacks are 13% of the population but are 48% of the inmates in jail for murder. Hispanics, 14% of the population, not counting illegals, make up another 22% of the population in jail for murder. So, 71% of violent murders are committed by 27% of the population. If you remove those ethnic groups from the mix, we have one of the lowest gun violence rates of any country, and the lowest of any country that guarantees that citizens can own firearms, both pistols and rifles.
Fact, over 800,000 known, and an estimated 1 million additional violent crimes were stopped by armed citizens. Doctors kill almost 80,000 a year from medical mistakes. Fact; Legal prescription drugs kill almost 200,000 people a year. Fact: you are 15 times more likely to be killed by a doctor than a gun and 40 times more likely to die from taking a prescription drug than by a gun. Watch the below video.
Are you against prescription drugs? Are you against doctors? do you think they should be banned? Car accidents kill more children year than guns, should they be banned?
16 thousand of those deaths are due to suicide. No one killed another person in those. That leaves about 14 thousand deaths a year due to gun violence. Of those 14K deaths, 9 thousand were gang or drug related and most was black on black violence. Blacks are 13% of the population but are 48% of the inmates in jail for murder. Hispanics, 14% of the population, not counting illegals, make up another 22% of the population in jail for murder. So, 71% of violent murders are committed by 27% of the population. If you remove those ethnic groups from the mix, we have one of the lowest gun violence rates of any country, and the lowest of any country that guarantees that citizens can own firearms, both pistols and rifles.
Fact, over 800,000 known, and an estimated 1 million additional violent crimes were stopped by armed citizens. Doctors kill almost 80,000 a year from medical mistakes. Fact; Legal prescription drugs kill almost 200,000 people a year. Fact: you are 15 times more likely to be killed by a doctor than a gun and 40 times more likely to die from taking a prescription drug than by a gun. Watch the below video.
Are you against prescription drugs? Are you against doctors? do you think they should be banned? Car accidents kill more children year than guns, should they be banned?
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what to get my 8 year old who wants to become a large animal veterinarian?

best kids toys of 2012 image
I bought her a visible horse for her last Christmas. It was her FAVORITE present! I want to encourage her dream. Any parent, or grandparents, out there who have such a child, or similar yet with a different aim, Please advise us where to look on the web. Thank You!
I guess the best website would be to look for presents. Also, look at the humane society and of course
I'm an avid animal lover. I have 2 dogs and 5 guinea pigs! I grew up on a farm and wanted to become a vet assistant after high school but couldn't find a school in rural PA.
I Want to Be a Veterinarian
I Want to Be a Veterinarian
Stephanie Maze
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$10.00 List Price (Save 97%)
Usually ships in 1-2 business days
All (16)
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Ideal for kids who love animals, this book explores the many interesting facets of a veterinary
career. Exciting full-color photographs complement intriguing facts about the many different kinds of vets, how veterinary science began, and its future. 8-3/4 X 10-1/2. Full-color photographs
I hope this helps. Merry Christmas to you and your family
Provides an overview of what is involved in veterinary medicine and related fields.
... See more details below
This was on Barnes and Noble
This is from Amazon:
Barbie Vet Center For Pretend Play
Best Toys For Girls That Want To Be Veterinarians
The Barbie Pet Vet center is the perfect place to play Veterinarian. She can give her play patient a X-ray, give them a shot or take their blood presure all in one place. The play cell phone has fun realistic sound with Barbie's voice on the other line to make an appointment for her pet.
Barbie I Can Be Vet Center
Barbie I Can Be Vet Center
Amazon Price: $92.95 (as of 11/24/2012)Buy Now
* Cell phone has realistic sounds.
* Realistic lights and sounds.
* 11 vet play pieces includes stethoscope, ear light, shot, blood pressure cuff, play scissors, dentist?s mirror and tweezers
* Also included are a IV drip, plush puppy and Pet Vet Center
Best Selling Barbie Veterinarian Dolls
Best Toys For Girls That Want To Be Veterinarians
Barbie I Can Be... dolls are designed to help girls play out different roles of fun careers that girls generally dream about becoming. The Veterinarian " I Can Be" Barbie is just that a Barbie Veterinarian with all the things a Veterinarian needs. There are several Veterinarian Barbie dolls to chose from each with different types of jobs taking care of animals.
Barbie I Can Be Pet Vet Doll
Barbie I Can Be Pet Vet D...
Barbie I Can Be Kitty Care Vet
Barbie I Can Be Kitty Car...
Barbie I Can Be Pet Vet Doll
Barbie I Can Be Pet Vet D...
Barbie I Can Be Pet Vet African American Doll
Barbie I Can Be Pet Vet A...
Barbie I Can Be...Pony Doctor
Barbie I Can Be...Pony Do...
Fun Veternarian Books For Young Girls
If you have a young reader that wants to be a Veterinarian when she grows up or just loves animals. She may love these books for young readers about taking care of horses, wild life, pets or becoming a Veterinarian.
I Can Be a Pet Vet (Barbie) (Step into Reading)
I Can Be a Pet Vet (Barbi...
Vet Barbie (Barbie Young Readers)
Vet Barbie (Barbie Young...
Happy Tails: Animal Shelter [Old Version]
Happy Tails: Animal Shelt...
The Rescue (Dog Whisperer)
The Rescue (Dog Whisperer...
Biscuit Visits the Doctor
Biscuit Visits the Doctor
Veterinarian Computer Games For Girls
Pet Vet: Animal Hospital Triple Treat - 3 Complete Games in 1
This is a cheap girls computer game that any pet loving, veterinarian wanna be girl will love. While looking at the game at a computer stand point the graphics could be a little bit better but for the price and what it is meant to do it is a fun game for girls to play with.
Pet Vet: Animal Hospital Triple Treat - 3 Complete Games in 1
Pet Vet: Animal Hospital Triple Treat - 3 Complete Games in 1
Amazon Price: $6.99 (as of 11/24/2012)Buy Now
* 3 Levels of challenging gameplay
Dog Vet Kit With Cage
Best Toys For Girls That Want To Be Veterinarians
This is a fun dog vet kit with cage, mini dog and lots of vet tools to use to take care of the dog. There are 18 pieces in the vet set includeing a brush for the dog, dog food, dog medicine and a stethoscope. The Veterinarian toy set is adorable and will be played with for hours.
Dalmatian Vet Kit
Dalmatian Vet Kit
Amazon Price: $26.98 (as of 11/24/2012)Buy Now
* 18 pieces set includes plush Dalmatian puppy and vet cage
* Contains can of food, can of vitamins, bone, tray, brush, blood pressure meter, mirror
Veterinarian Crafs and Activities For Kids
Girls That Want To Be Veterinarians
There are lots of free cool crafts and things to do online that girls would love to do related to animals, pets, zoos and other Veterinarian related activities.
I guess the best website would be to look for presents. Also, look at the humane society and of course
I'm an avid animal lover. I have 2 dogs and 5 guinea pigs! I grew up on a farm and wanted to become a vet assistant after high school but couldn't find a school in rural PA.
I Want to Be a Veterinarian
I Want to Be a Veterinarian
Stephanie Maze
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$8.55 price
$10.00 List Price (Save 14%)
Eligible for FREE SHIPPING details
Usually ships within 24 hours - Same Day delivery in Manhattan details
Marketplace (New and Used)
$10.00 List Price (Save 97%)
Usually ships in 1-2 business days
All (16)
Used (11)
New (5)
Ideal for kids who love animals, this book explores the many interesting facets of a veterinary
career. Exciting full-color photographs complement intriguing facts about the many different kinds of vets, how veterinary science began, and its future. 8-3/4 X 10-1/2. Full-color photographs
I hope this helps. Merry Christmas to you and your family
Provides an overview of what is involved in veterinary medicine and related fields.
... See more details below
This was on Barnes and Noble
This is from Amazon:
Barbie Vet Center For Pretend Play
Best Toys For Girls That Want To Be Veterinarians
The Barbie Pet Vet center is the perfect place to play Veterinarian. She can give her play patient a X-ray, give them a shot or take their blood presure all in one place. The play cell phone has fun realistic sound with Barbie's voice on the other line to make an appointment for her pet.
Barbie I Can Be Vet Center
Barbie I Can Be Vet Center
Amazon Price: $92.95 (as of 11/24/2012)Buy Now
* Cell phone has realistic sounds.
* Realistic lights and sounds.
* 11 vet play pieces includes stethoscope, ear light, shot, blood pressure cuff, play scissors, dentist?s mirror and tweezers
* Also included are a IV drip, plush puppy and Pet Vet Center
Best Selling Barbie Veterinarian Dolls
Best Toys For Girls That Want To Be Veterinarians
Barbie I Can Be... dolls are designed to help girls play out different roles of fun careers that girls generally dream about becoming. The Veterinarian " I Can Be" Barbie is just that a Barbie Veterinarian with all the things a Veterinarian needs. There are several Veterinarian Barbie dolls to chose from each with different types of jobs taking care of animals.
Barbie I Can Be Pet Vet Doll
Barbie I Can Be Pet Vet D...
Barbie I Can Be Kitty Care Vet
Barbie I Can Be Kitty Car...
Barbie I Can Be Pet Vet Doll
Barbie I Can Be Pet Vet D...
Barbie I Can Be Pet Vet African American Doll
Barbie I Can Be Pet Vet A...
Barbie I Can Be...Pony Doctor
Barbie I Can Be...Pony Do...
Fun Veternarian Books For Young Girls
If you have a young reader that wants to be a Veterinarian when she grows up or just loves animals. She may love these books for young readers about taking care of horses, wild life, pets or becoming a Veterinarian.
I Can Be a Pet Vet (Barbie) (Step into Reading)
I Can Be a Pet Vet (Barbi...
Vet Barbie (Barbie Young Readers)
Vet Barbie (Barbie Young...
Happy Tails: Animal Shelter [Old Version]
Happy Tails: Animal Shelt...
The Rescue (Dog Whisperer)
The Rescue (Dog Whisperer...
Biscuit Visits the Doctor
Biscuit Visits the Doctor
Veterinarian Computer Games For Girls
Pet Vet: Animal Hospital Triple Treat - 3 Complete Games in 1
This is a cheap girls computer game that any pet loving, veterinarian wanna be girl will love. While looking at the game at a computer stand point the graphics could be a little bit better but for the price and what it is meant to do it is a fun game for girls to play with.
Pet Vet: Animal Hospital Triple Treat - 3 Complete Games in 1
Pet Vet: Animal Hospital Triple Treat - 3 Complete Games in 1
Amazon Price: $6.99 (as of 11/24/2012)Buy Now
* 3 Levels of challenging gameplay
Dog Vet Kit With Cage
Best Toys For Girls That Want To Be Veterinarians
This is a fun dog vet kit with cage, mini dog and lots of vet tools to use to take care of the dog. There are 18 pieces in the vet set includeing a brush for the dog, dog food, dog medicine and a stethoscope. The Veterinarian toy set is adorable and will be played with for hours.
Dalmatian Vet Kit
Dalmatian Vet Kit
Amazon Price: $26.98 (as of 11/24/2012)Buy Now
* 18 pieces set includes plush Dalmatian puppy and vet cage
* Contains can of food, can of vitamins, bone, tray, brush, blood pressure meter, mirror
Veterinarian Crafs and Activities For Kids
Girls That Want To Be Veterinarians
There are lots of free cool crafts and things to do online that girls would love to do related to animals, pets, zoos and other Veterinarian related activities.
Why are people so mean to Michael Jackson?
Kayla Bieb
I was just wondering. I get not everyone is gonna like you but some people just say the rudest things! I don't think he did anything. He's a very innocent man in my eyes.
For these reasons - hateful, ignorant, stupid or jealous.
I agree, you're not going to like everybody but the level of disrespect is ridiculous.
Ignorant people actually choose to be ignorant. The information is there but they chose not to learn it so they're acting out of their own lack of knowledge. The same knowledge that they rejected. IMO to reject knowledge is stupid. There is hope for this group, as soon as they decide to enlighten themselves, they'll no longer be ignorant.
Now stupid people have other mental issues that cannot be helped. They can look at information all day long but they cannot process it. They are without common sense. I believe that common sense is something that you are born with. For the people that don't have it, well "God takes care of babies and fools." These people are speaking out of their own stupidity and insecurity as well. If I was stupid, I would be a little insecure.
People that are hateful and mean to other human beings usually have very little or no self-esteem and are unhappy with themselves. Trashing someone else is a confidence boost for them but the real problem never gets fixed which is their own miserable existence. The old saying "misery loves company" is very true.
Then you have your jealous folks, which needs no explanation.
Michael was truly amazing! He was greatness. He wouldn't get such a rise out of people if he wasn't.
These are examples of information being available and not utilized:
Some people think MJ was only around boys. Media reports fail to mention the sisters, mothers and whole families at Neverland Ranch and with him on vacation, some which can clearly be seen in photos and video footage. Jordan's mom, June Chandler who was also a blk/asian ex-model traveled with Michael right along with Jordan and his little sister Lily. June Chandler also testified she never witnessed any abuse and didn’t recall any stories of MJ with other boys. This information is available and ignored. There's even a video on YouTube of Michael at Neverland with children and parents. A family trip
Some people think Michael was sleeping in bed with strange children. This is not true. Michael was speaking of sharing a bedroom and not a bed. He didn't have a regular size bedroom like most of us have. His bedroom was 2 stories, like a small apartment without the kitchen. Even in the same conversation that some like to reference they leave out the part where he said at least twice that he did not sleep in the actual bed. They also leave out the part where the boy said that “there was one night” he asked Michael if he could sleep in his room and the boy himself said Michael piled up blankets and slept on the floor. The whole conversation about this subject is usually ignored and it's on tape.
Some believe he had a life size doll in his room when he died. This is also BS. Another lie. There is even a picture of his room that is also available. The picture shows a little girls baby doll left in his room possibly by his little daughter, Paris. For God's sake the man had 3 kids. Like children don't leave toys in their parent's room. That is the first thing I thought when I saw it because I knew he had children that age. When it comes to Michael, some act like it's the first time they ever heard of anything.
Some people also think he was a junkie when his autopsy report states he had no drugs in his system other than the medication Murray used that night. The toxicology report even lists every drug you can think of and next to each drug it is documented that they were NOT present in his system. These documents are available to the public on the internet and they are ignored. And let's not forget during the trial every inch of the autopsy was covered for about 2 days and people are still clueless.
Some people ignore photos, video footage, taped recordings, legal documents, court transcripts and believe what they want to believe and see what they want to see which leads me to think they are one of the 4 groups above.
For these reasons - hateful, ignorant, stupid or jealous.
I agree, you're not going to like everybody but the level of disrespect is ridiculous.
Ignorant people actually choose to be ignorant. The information is there but they chose not to learn it so they're acting out of their own lack of knowledge. The same knowledge that they rejected. IMO to reject knowledge is stupid. There is hope for this group, as soon as they decide to enlighten themselves, they'll no longer be ignorant.
Now stupid people have other mental issues that cannot be helped. They can look at information all day long but they cannot process it. They are without common sense. I believe that common sense is something that you are born with. For the people that don't have it, well "God takes care of babies and fools." These people are speaking out of their own stupidity and insecurity as well. If I was stupid, I would be a little insecure.
People that are hateful and mean to other human beings usually have very little or no self-esteem and are unhappy with themselves. Trashing someone else is a confidence boost for them but the real problem never gets fixed which is their own miserable existence. The old saying "misery loves company" is very true.
Then you have your jealous folks, which needs no explanation.
Michael was truly amazing! He was greatness. He wouldn't get such a rise out of people if he wasn't.
These are examples of information being available and not utilized:
Some people think MJ was only around boys. Media reports fail to mention the sisters, mothers and whole families at Neverland Ranch and with him on vacation, some which can clearly be seen in photos and video footage. Jordan's mom, June Chandler who was also a blk/asian ex-model traveled with Michael right along with Jordan and his little sister Lily. June Chandler also testified she never witnessed any abuse and didn’t recall any stories of MJ with other boys. This information is available and ignored. There's even a video on YouTube of Michael at Neverland with children and parents. A family trip
Some people think Michael was sleeping in bed with strange children. This is not true. Michael was speaking of sharing a bedroom and not a bed. He didn't have a regular size bedroom like most of us have. His bedroom was 2 stories, like a small apartment without the kitchen. Even in the same conversation that some like to reference they leave out the part where he said at least twice that he did not sleep in the actual bed. They also leave out the part where the boy said that “there was one night” he asked Michael if he could sleep in his room and the boy himself said Michael piled up blankets and slept on the floor. The whole conversation about this subject is usually ignored and it's on tape.
Some believe he had a life size doll in his room when he died. This is also BS. Another lie. There is even a picture of his room that is also available. The picture shows a little girls baby doll left in his room possibly by his little daughter, Paris. For God's sake the man had 3 kids. Like children don't leave toys in their parent's room. That is the first thing I thought when I saw it because I knew he had children that age. When it comes to Michael, some act like it's the first time they ever heard of anything.
Some people also think he was a junkie when his autopsy report states he had no drugs in his system other than the medication Murray used that night. The toxicology report even lists every drug you can think of and next to each drug it is documented that they were NOT present in his system. These documents are available to the public on the internet and they are ignored. And let's not forget during the trial every inch of the autopsy was covered for about 2 days and people are still clueless.
Some people ignore photos, video footage, taped recordings, legal documents, court transcripts and believe what they want to believe and see what they want to see which leads me to think they are one of the 4 groups above.
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Where can I find toys made in the USA?
best kids toys made in usa image
Arse B
With Christmas coming up, I don't want to buy my kids more poisonous junk from China. If eveyone starts boycotting Chinese made crap, we can make a difference in getting manufacturers to make good, safe, quality toys in the USA!
Several sites now have lists of toys not made in China, including this one:
Several sites now have lists of toys not made in China, including this one:
What are the best and most unique souvenirs/gifts from the United States?
In July I will be taking a trip to Brazil for the WYD. While there, I will be staying with one (maybe two) families. And as a thank you for letting me (and my group) stay in their homes, I would like to 'bring a gift from the US for them. It can't be anything too specific like shirts or toys for little kids as we don't know the specifics of the family. (Though in retrospect, there will be children, we just won't know how many). Anyways, I need ideas of what would be a nice inexpensive gift to show my thanks and appreciation that the whole family would use/ like.
Since we are US-Ukraine company, we can give the right answer (though it is for sure there is no right or correct answer on this questions) .
As Ukrainian (or Brazilian) I would love to get some cups with symbols of the USA on them. Or some pens or some place, notebook - everything with and in colors of US. Caps will work fine too.
Umbrella.... Just small stuff with ... yes, right, with symbols of US on them.
As US - well, anyway, all American stuff is made in China ... and who knows if my Brazilian pals have any problems if they show up with the stuff that I can bring from US with American symbols everywhere.
I guess, it would be better if I just buy something expensive but really necessary , like small cute camera or radio or something like this. I need to go to yahoo answers and look for reallly good advise .:-)
Since we are US-Ukraine company, we can give the right answer (though it is for sure there is no right or correct answer on this questions) .
As Ukrainian (or Brazilian) I would love to get some cups with symbols of the USA on them. Or some pens or some place, notebook - everything with and in colors of US. Caps will work fine too.
Umbrella.... Just small stuff with ... yes, right, with symbols of US on them.
As US - well, anyway, all American stuff is made in China ... and who knows if my Brazilian pals have any problems if they show up with the stuff that I can bring from US with American symbols everywhere.
I guess, it would be better if I just buy something expensive but really necessary , like small cute camera or radio or something like this. I need to go to yahoo answers and look for reallly good advise .:-)
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How much gratitude do you expect of children?
best kids meal toys ever image
Do you expect them to be grateful for the chance to go to school, or just for the chance to go on special, fun outings, such as an amusement park? (Or neither?)
Do you to expect them to be grateful every time you make the effort to prepare them food (e.g., ordinary meals), or only for treats and special meals? (Or neither?)
If gratitude is something you expect from your children, how have you gone about cultivating it? Or do you think that feeling grateful for life's basics is unnatural or unimportant?
Good is one thing to teach a child to say "thank you" when they are given something they wanted or needed, it is another thing to expect there to be heartfelt emotion attached to the expression of gratitude. Saying "thank you" can become an automated response, and in most cases it does become an automated response even into adulthood. With children the attention seems to be focused 99% on the item or special occasion and the 1% focus is for a quick "thank you" followed by immediate immersion in the activity.
And to me that is fine, they are kids, I expect kids to be polite...I do not expect them to be perfect angels and lavish me endlessly with gratitude.
How do you teach a child to be truly grateful for something they have received? Is that something that can be taught? How do you teach a child to show more gratitude? If you could teach/train a child to show more gratitude, whose benefit is that for really, the child's or the parent's? Is it truly gratitude if a child has been taught to profusely say "thank you" over and over again right after being given a meal, trained to say "mmm your a good cook" during the meal followed by more thank you's after the meal?
It is not really heartfelt is it? Just an extension of the automated "thank you" response.
Like I said, I do not expect overt gratitude from my 3 year old son, I simply expect him to be polite by saying "please" and "thank you" and, depending on what he is receiving, I expect his gratitude will match his excitement and if HE decides an overzealous heartfelt wave of gratitude is called for, the hope is he will express such gratitude.
The only way to teach this is by example. Higher levels of gratitude from a child can only come spontaneously, it is not something that can be coached into a kid, if it is then the gratitude comes off as disingenuous, insincere. If a child is raised in a home where mom cooks the meals and puts dinner in front of dad and dad says nothing, just starts eating...chances are the children will hardly ever say "thanks for cooking mom" without being prodded.
My son is 3 years old. He was taught gratitude though observing example. New toys I buy for him that he thinks are just ok he always says thanks and gives me a little hug before playing with the toy. I never know what he will just like and what he will love. But when I buy him a toy he loves, he gets really excited and says "thanks dad, this is soooo cool, wow" and he gives me a big hug, then he will play with the toy for a few minutes and then does the unexpected...he comes up to me hugs me hard again and says "thanks dad, your the best" and dad's heart melts. :-)
Same with most anything we do for him, he is appreciative and grateful for things other people do for him...just like his Mom and Dad are.
EDIT : "Children do not have the life experience to be grateful."
My son is a child. 3 years old. He has had 3 years of life experience observing mom and dad expressing gratitude to each other and to him as well, he HAS learned what gratitude is and how to express it.
Good is one thing to teach a child to say "thank you" when they are given something they wanted or needed, it is another thing to expect there to be heartfelt emotion attached to the expression of gratitude. Saying "thank you" can become an automated response, and in most cases it does become an automated response even into adulthood. With children the attention seems to be focused 99% on the item or special occasion and the 1% focus is for a quick "thank you" followed by immediate immersion in the activity.
And to me that is fine, they are kids, I expect kids to be polite...I do not expect them to be perfect angels and lavish me endlessly with gratitude.
How do you teach a child to be truly grateful for something they have received? Is that something that can be taught? How do you teach a child to show more gratitude? If you could teach/train a child to show more gratitude, whose benefit is that for really, the child's or the parent's? Is it truly gratitude if a child has been taught to profusely say "thank you" over and over again right after being given a meal, trained to say "mmm your a good cook" during the meal followed by more thank you's after the meal?
It is not really heartfelt is it? Just an extension of the automated "thank you" response.
Like I said, I do not expect overt gratitude from my 3 year old son, I simply expect him to be polite by saying "please" and "thank you" and, depending on what he is receiving, I expect his gratitude will match his excitement and if HE decides an overzealous heartfelt wave of gratitude is called for, the hope is he will express such gratitude.
The only way to teach this is by example. Higher levels of gratitude from a child can only come spontaneously, it is not something that can be coached into a kid, if it is then the gratitude comes off as disingenuous, insincere. If a child is raised in a home where mom cooks the meals and puts dinner in front of dad and dad says nothing, just starts eating...chances are the children will hardly ever say "thanks for cooking mom" without being prodded.
My son is 3 years old. He was taught gratitude though observing example. New toys I buy for him that he thinks are just ok he always says thanks and gives me a little hug before playing with the toy. I never know what he will just like and what he will love. But when I buy him a toy he loves, he gets really excited and says "thanks dad, this is soooo cool, wow" and he gives me a big hug, then he will play with the toy for a few minutes and then does the unexpected...he comes up to me hugs me hard again and says "thanks dad, your the best" and dad's heart melts. :-)
Same with most anything we do for him, he is appreciative and grateful for things other people do for him...just like his Mom and Dad are.
EDIT : "Children do not have the life experience to be grateful."
My son is a child. 3 years old. He has had 3 years of life experience observing mom and dad expressing gratitude to each other and to him as well, he HAS learned what gratitude is and how to express it.
Were Sailor Moon toys in McDonalds or Burger King?
I know that Sailor Moon was a very popular TV show in the 90's and with it's recent comeback I was wondering if Sailor Moon toys were ever in the kids meals at fast food restaurants like McDonalds or Burger King?
If they were what were they?
NO they were never in kids meals~~~have thousands of small toys in my collection.
NO they were never in kids meals~~~have thousands of small toys in my collection.
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Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Where can I get mechanical toys for my baby?
best kids toys online image
My boy turned 1 recently and he's fascinated with anything mechanical (wheels, hinges, containers, keys, doors, etc). My online searches have come up with older kids' toys like electronics and other things a bit beyond the comprehension of a baby. Thanks for your help!
I advice going to ToysRus its the best toy selling Company there had ever been as a kid myself i advice ToysRus...........your welcome Happy Birthday for the kid by the way... :)
I advice going to ToysRus its the best toy selling Company there had ever been as a kid myself i advice ToysRus...........your welcome Happy Birthday for the kid by the way... :)
What are some top online shopping sites you look at daily?
holly b
I am looking for deals always and buying kids clothes, toys, womans, mens stuff
household stuff
what are some online stores you check out daily
I "like" places I shop at on Facebook, and let them post their deals in my 'feed' there. Lots of '30% off plus free shipping, today only' stuff. Twitter's good for that too.
I "like" places I shop at on Facebook, and let them post their deals in my 'feed' there. Lots of '30% off plus free shipping, today only' stuff. Twitter's good for that too.
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What fun activities can I do with the kids that I babysit?
best kids toys outdoor image
I am 14 years old, so I don't have a car and I cant drive any wear. I am looking to be the best babysitter on the block. Any ideas of what I can do? The kids that I babysit for don't like board games.
The people dont have a tv or anything like that!
It depends on their age.
1-3; make healthy, fun snacks with them. Like ants on a log. (A celery stick with peanut butter & raisins) or grab a bunch of toys and play with them.
4-6; Girl- Bring out some Barbies, or give them a makeover! Maybe even have a scavenger hunt in the backyard! You can make snacks with them too(: Boy- Play with toy cars with them! Have them color a picture or finger paint! (Girls can do this too)
7-9; Ask them what they would like to do. They're now at the age where they are beginning to grow up and will want to decide on their own. You can make some crafts with them, make some snacks, (again) play with dolls (depending on how mature they are) play tag, hide and seek, etc. My sister is 8 and she still loves playing & seek, and painting!
10+; Ask them what they would like to do. Girl- You could give her a makeover, or style her hair. Or you can have a little fashion show with her. Help her pick out cute outfits and design clothes on a sheet of paper. Boy- You could play football or soccer or some sport like that with them outside. Have them engage in outdoor activity. 10 year old boys tend to be very hyper and active. Wouldn't want to keep them in the house!
It depends on their age.
1-3; make healthy, fun snacks with them. Like ants on a log. (A celery stick with peanut butter & raisins) or grab a bunch of toys and play with them.
4-6; Girl- Bring out some Barbies, or give them a makeover! Maybe even have a scavenger hunt in the backyard! You can make snacks with them too(: Boy- Play with toy cars with them! Have them color a picture or finger paint! (Girls can do this too)
7-9; Ask them what they would like to do. They're now at the age where they are beginning to grow up and will want to decide on their own. You can make some crafts with them, make some snacks, (again) play with dolls (depending on how mature they are) play tag, hide and seek, etc. My sister is 8 and she still loves playing & seek, and painting!
10+; Ask them what they would like to do. Girl- You could give her a makeover, or style her hair. Or you can have a little fashion show with her. Help her pick out cute outfits and design clothes on a sheet of paper. Boy- You could play football or soccer or some sport like that with them outside. Have them engage in outdoor activity. 10 year old boys tend to be very hyper and active. Wouldn't want to keep them in the house!
What do you put in your kids easter basket?
As a new parent i need some idea's ^^
Their four years old and i already got a bag full of little toys for the dollar store and plan to get candy.Share you idea's?
When my kids were small, we skipped the baskets entirely, placing candies and the like in outside "container type" toys. You know, a plastic wheelbarrow lined with with Easter grass, some candy, and outdoor items such as a ball, sidewalk chalk, a jump rope, yoyo, etc...
Some years I used new sandbox buckets and filled them with sandbox toys.... Anything outdoorsy after a long winter spent inside was always a hit.
And yes, for the naysayers I do know that Easter is not Christmas... However, I was a single mom with three boys and an extremely tight budget. There was no money for just buying outside toys as they were needed... That just wasn't happening, so I used the money I might otherwise spend on a bunch of candy to buy them toys that would get them outside and moving....
So far as candy went, I'd buy bags of Reese eggs, jelly beans and the like, and then I would divide it between all the "baskets." Everyone got one special chocolate bunny.
Your kids are still little, they'll appreciate almost anything...
A very Happy Easter to you and yours. :)
When my kids were small, we skipped the baskets entirely, placing candies and the like in outside "container type" toys. You know, a plastic wheelbarrow lined with with Easter grass, some candy, and outdoor items such as a ball, sidewalk chalk, a jump rope, yoyo, etc...
Some years I used new sandbox buckets and filled them with sandbox toys.... Anything outdoorsy after a long winter spent inside was always a hit.
And yes, for the naysayers I do know that Easter is not Christmas... However, I was a single mom with three boys and an extremely tight budget. There was no money for just buying outside toys as they were needed... That just wasn't happening, so I used the money I might otherwise spend on a bunch of candy to buy them toys that would get them outside and moving....
So far as candy went, I'd buy bags of Reese eggs, jelly beans and the like, and then I would divide it between all the "baskets." Everyone got one special chocolate bunny.
Your kids are still little, they'll appreciate almost anything...
A very Happy Easter to you and yours. :)
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How can I creatively decorate my kids rooms without painting?
top toddler toys girls image
I have a 7 yr old boy and a 3 yr old girl. I need ideas on decorating their rooms without painting them. Thanks.
1. Cover wall space with your child's own original artwork.
2. For young children, use crepe paper on a roll (available at teacher's supply or craft shops) for finger, sponge, or other tactile painting. You can lay the paper flat, let your child paint to her/his heart's content, and then hang the finished painting from your child's wall. Another method is to hang blank sheets from ceiling to floor like wallpaper and let your child 'body paint' right onto the wall. This can be a fun activity for the whole family, as long as you don't mind getting a little messy yourself. Make handprints, footprints, and splatters. It's like coloring the walls, but without the parental wrath and permanent damage.
3. Older children may already have a collection of artwork from school art classes. Turn your child's room into a mini-museum by framing your child's drawings and paintings with paper, pegboard, or wooden frames, and hanging them throughout the room.
4. Finally, pre-teens will enjoy the time-honored tradition of the magazine collage. Use a removable, non-damaging adhesive (such as Sticky Tack) to arrange clipped pictures of movie stars, favorite musicians, and coveted shoes all over the walls. The best part of this decorating technique is that your child can add to it every day.
5. Liven up white walls.
6. If your child's heart is set on changing the color of the walls entirely, try using wallpaper - without actually pasting it up. Take a trip to the home goods store and pick out paper samples or remnants. Don't worry if the remnants aren't large enough to cover the whole wall - creating a collage of different patterns and colors is part of the fun.
7. To add texture, choose some fabric remnants from a crafts store to hang as tapestries. If your child sleeps in a bunk bed, fabrics can be hung from the sideboards to create a "tent". This can make the room feel bigger, and creates a great place for pretend!
8. Add 3-dimensional interest.
9. Hanging mobiles aren't just for babies. Fill some space in the room by fashioning a "chandelier" out of old toys, stuffed animals, or any lightweight objects. Older children might enjoy making mobiles that reflect their hobbies. Baseball cards, old ballet slippers, and sports ribbons are all good materials.
10. Hanging fabric from the walls - attached only at the top with some neat finishing nails - adds a splash of color to a room, and you can always take it down. Also try hanging picture frames (with nails through the fabric) on top of the fabric sheet to have a nice picture collage.
11. Add decorative knobs to the furniture. Thousands are available now, you'll find one that will relate to something important in your child's life - their favorite sport, an animal they love... You can even get them really involved by letting them paint their own knobs!
12. Self-stick, peelable, wallpaper borders, murals, and designs. They do not damage the walls, yet add a lot of color and character. Has your son out-grown ABC's and cartoon cars? Peel them off, wash the walls, stick on the Batman borders and stickers. They are available at many places that sell wallpaper as well as on-line. They will last for a year at least. Actually, these self-stick borders are nice for adding an easy splash of color to any room. Some of these products are 'cheap-looking' (like shelf paper), but many are indistinguishable from quality wallpaper.
13. Remember to hang art and other decorations low enough for the child to appreciate... and yes, touch. Too many nicely-decorated children's rooms have the pictures, shelves, etc. all at adult height. Who cares if it looks like it came out of a magazine? Whose room is it anyway? Put that ABC poster down at toddler level so she can appreciate it.
1. Cover wall space with your child's own original artwork.
2. For young children, use crepe paper on a roll (available at teacher's supply or craft shops) for finger, sponge, or other tactile painting. You can lay the paper flat, let your child paint to her/his heart's content, and then hang the finished painting from your child's wall. Another method is to hang blank sheets from ceiling to floor like wallpaper and let your child 'body paint' right onto the wall. This can be a fun activity for the whole family, as long as you don't mind getting a little messy yourself. Make handprints, footprints, and splatters. It's like coloring the walls, but without the parental wrath and permanent damage.
3. Older children may already have a collection of artwork from school art classes. Turn your child's room into a mini-museum by framing your child's drawings and paintings with paper, pegboard, or wooden frames, and hanging them throughout the room.
4. Finally, pre-teens will enjoy the time-honored tradition of the magazine collage. Use a removable, non-damaging adhesive (such as Sticky Tack) to arrange clipped pictures of movie stars, favorite musicians, and coveted shoes all over the walls. The best part of this decorating technique is that your child can add to it every day.
5. Liven up white walls.
6. If your child's heart is set on changing the color of the walls entirely, try using wallpaper - without actually pasting it up. Take a trip to the home goods store and pick out paper samples or remnants. Don't worry if the remnants aren't large enough to cover the whole wall - creating a collage of different patterns and colors is part of the fun.
7. To add texture, choose some fabric remnants from a crafts store to hang as tapestries. If your child sleeps in a bunk bed, fabrics can be hung from the sideboards to create a "tent". This can make the room feel bigger, and creates a great place for pretend!
8. Add 3-dimensional interest.
9. Hanging mobiles aren't just for babies. Fill some space in the room by fashioning a "chandelier" out of old toys, stuffed animals, or any lightweight objects. Older children might enjoy making mobiles that reflect their hobbies. Baseball cards, old ballet slippers, and sports ribbons are all good materials.
10. Hanging fabric from the walls - attached only at the top with some neat finishing nails - adds a splash of color to a room, and you can always take it down. Also try hanging picture frames (with nails through the fabric) on top of the fabric sheet to have a nice picture collage.
11. Add decorative knobs to the furniture. Thousands are available now, you'll find one that will relate to something important in your child's life - their favorite sport, an animal they love... You can even get them really involved by letting them paint their own knobs!
12. Self-stick, peelable, wallpaper borders, murals, and designs. They do not damage the walls, yet add a lot of color and character. Has your son out-grown ABC's and cartoon cars? Peel them off, wash the walls, stick on the Batman borders and stickers. They are available at many places that sell wallpaper as well as on-line. They will last for a year at least. Actually, these self-stick borders are nice for adding an easy splash of color to any room. Some of these products are 'cheap-looking' (like shelf paper), but many are indistinguishable from quality wallpaper.
13. Remember to hang art and other decorations low enough for the child to appreciate... and yes, touch. Too many nicely-decorated children's rooms have the pictures, shelves, etc. all at adult height. Who cares if it looks like it came out of a magazine? Whose room is it anyway? Put that ABC poster down at toddler level so she can appreciate it.
How can I teach music to my toddler?
I have a three year old girl and I want to get her into learning music and theory as early as possible. I want her to grow to be a top musician, but none of that X-Factor rubbish. I'd prefer it if she did something useful.
Toddlers learn by doing what they see their parents do. She sees you sweep the floor and she wants to do it to. She sees you with laundry baskets and she wants to help.
Sing to her. Sing with her. Sing about the things that you are doing together. Silly little things about climbing the stairs, about choosing what to wear today. Just off the top of your head, but it will engage her interest and spark a notion that music is a natural expression of our lives. Always sing lullabies at bedtime. I had a record player beside each of my childrens' beds and a supply of records that they loved to play. They are now all grown and all enjoy music recreationally. .
If you are an instrumentalist, play every day. Let her dance to your music. If you have a piano and friends who are musical, invite them for family dinners and some fun music time afterwards. I have noticed when reading biographies of successful musicians, they often mention that they grew up in music filled homes.
I would suggest that you make music a happy experience for her. I would avoid some musical toys with tinny sounds that will ruin her musical ear. When she is a little older and has the concentration, fine motor ability, and sufficient attention span, start her with instrumental lessons, taking care to choose a teacher who has experience and success with very young students.
Music theory is not the place to begin. Babies learn to speak words before they can produce and identify individual letter sounds. Children first learn to read sight words before they master the sound-letter relationships that are used do decode new words. Music theory will come as she learns and enjoys various genres of music. She will come to notice that some songs seem to work with clapping in groups of three while others work with claps in groups of four. She will wonder why - and that leads to you working on some beginning music theory with rhythms, notation, and on and on.
Please realize that unless she is some sort of prodigy, it is too early to see if she has any natural talent to sing, to play an instrument, or to compose. It is quite possible for her to be able to develop a love of music but not possess exceptional performance skills. Never let her think you are disappointed in her if she can't measure up to your very high expectations. Ultimately, you have to let her grow into the woman that she was meant to be - which could be a top musician, or maybe not.
Toddlers learn by doing what they see their parents do. She sees you sweep the floor and she wants to do it to. She sees you with laundry baskets and she wants to help.
Sing to her. Sing with her. Sing about the things that you are doing together. Silly little things about climbing the stairs, about choosing what to wear today. Just off the top of your head, but it will engage her interest and spark a notion that music is a natural expression of our lives. Always sing lullabies at bedtime. I had a record player beside each of my childrens' beds and a supply of records that they loved to play. They are now all grown and all enjoy music recreationally. .
If you are an instrumentalist, play every day. Let her dance to your music. If you have a piano and friends who are musical, invite them for family dinners and some fun music time afterwards. I have noticed when reading biographies of successful musicians, they often mention that they grew up in music filled homes.
I would suggest that you make music a happy experience for her. I would avoid some musical toys with tinny sounds that will ruin her musical ear. When she is a little older and has the concentration, fine motor ability, and sufficient attention span, start her with instrumental lessons, taking care to choose a teacher who has experience and success with very young students.
Music theory is not the place to begin. Babies learn to speak words before they can produce and identify individual letter sounds. Children first learn to read sight words before they master the sound-letter relationships that are used do decode new words. Music theory will come as she learns and enjoys various genres of music. She will come to notice that some songs seem to work with clapping in groups of three while others work with claps in groups of four. She will wonder why - and that leads to you working on some beginning music theory with rhythms, notation, and on and on.
Please realize that unless she is some sort of prodigy, it is too early to see if she has any natural talent to sing, to play an instrument, or to compose. It is quite possible for her to be able to develop a love of music but not possess exceptional performance skills. Never let her think you are disappointed in her if she can't measure up to your very high expectations. Ultimately, you have to let her grow into the woman that she was meant to be - which could be a top musician, or maybe not.
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How do I go about requesting toys from toys for tots in Houston Texas?
best kids toys this year image
I need a little help for the holidays this year.I dont have any money to buy my kids toys this year.If anyone can help me out with the information i'd really appreciate it. Thank you!
This is the link I found, but it says that requests are closed for this year. There is also a phone number listed, so you could try calling them to see if they allow any exceptions.
This is the link I found, but it says that requests are closed for this year. There is also a phone number listed, so you could try calling them to see if they allow any exceptions.
Is anyone else afraid to buy your children toys for christams?
I am very apprehensive about giving my kids toys for christmas this year because of all the recalls. Is anyone as worry as I am, and what are you giving them instead?
Hi I have a 4 year old and it has taken forever for myself and my wife to get his xmas presents. Yes the recalls were a factor. and small pieces.. to be honest though you have to let go of a lot of fears and go with what you feel is safe. The usual fisher price Little tykes.. etc. Basically any toy can be dangerous and can be part of a recall.. Basically ... you have to think you cannot protect your child from every single danger you basically have to minimise the dangers... Go with age appropriae toys... and then at least you get away from the too small swallow problem..
have a good xmas and ... bring your kids some joy nt worries.
BTW .... the young lady saying she is giving toys that have not been tested on animals .. basically how safe are they.. also .. it is well known hat all the chemicals in everything used by people has been tested on animals. Becasue a comany states they have not tested thier products on animals ony means they havnt doen tthe testing... in the past all the ingredients they use have been tested on aimals. They use already tested chemicals known to be safe.... and then they dont have to test thier final products to forfill sate and federal laws.. Think about it .. if they produced totally untested products.... and a reaction how eer small they would be sued for millions.. these comanies are not stupid but they believe the public are.. and in general unfortunately the public fall for this every day........ You only have to look at comanies like the Body shop... yep ..they were taken to task about this very same thing...
Hi I have a 4 year old and it has taken forever for myself and my wife to get his xmas presents. Yes the recalls were a factor. and small pieces.. to be honest though you have to let go of a lot of fears and go with what you feel is safe. The usual fisher price Little tykes.. etc. Basically any toy can be dangerous and can be part of a recall.. Basically ... you have to think you cannot protect your child from every single danger you basically have to minimise the dangers... Go with age appropriae toys... and then at least you get away from the too small swallow problem..
have a good xmas and ... bring your kids some joy nt worries.
BTW .... the young lady saying she is giving toys that have not been tested on animals .. basically how safe are they.. also .. it is well known hat all the chemicals in everything used by people has been tested on animals. Becasue a comany states they have not tested thier products on animals ony means they havnt doen tthe testing... in the past all the ingredients they use have been tested on aimals. They use already tested chemicals known to be safe.... and then they dont have to test thier final products to forfill sate and federal laws.. Think about it .. if they produced totally untested products.... and a reaction how eer small they would be sued for millions.. these comanies are not stupid but they believe the public are.. and in general unfortunately the public fall for this every day........ You only have to look at comanies like the Body shop... yep ..they were taken to task about this very same thing...
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Monday, August 5, 2013
Where is a good place to donate toys for christmas?
best kids toys for christmas image
I want to know a place in Rhode Island. I am trying to get a grant. If you knew what it feels like not to get toys on christmas you'd want to do it too. Just please look for programs like adopt a family and toys for tots. I bet the children not getting toys will love it. Thank you!
First of all thank you for actually thinking of others this Christmas, you won't believe how selfish people can get around now. Ask your church, many times they will set up a program around Christmas. Or try sending them anonymously to a children's hospital or just a regular hospital and they will give them to the kids.
Merry Christmas!
First of all thank you for actually thinking of others this Christmas, you won't believe how selfish people can get around now. Ask your church, many times they will set up a program around Christmas. Or try sending them anonymously to a children's hospital or just a regular hospital and they will give them to the kids.
Merry Christmas!
Who plans on buying their kids toy made in china this Christmas?
I am just wondering if you are planning on buying china made toys for your kids this christmas or if you are planning on avoiding them? And Why?
There are plenty of toys made in the US and we are not stuck buying China toys. The step 2 mail box is made in the US!!
I do believe china is trying to kill us off, don't you see they have to many people and not enough land, they will take all they can get.
Just think the job oppotunities for the Americans if we started making toys here in the US
Do we really have a choice?
Everything is made in China these days.
It makes me sick that they can do this to us! It's only due to the West that they have an economy because we keep buying their rot!
I'd rather pay more money for something decent instead of some not so cheap, nasty, dangerous, plastic rubbish that will poison my kids!
Do we really have a choice?
Everything is made in China these days.
It makes me sick that they can do this to us! It's only due to the West that they have an economy because we keep buying their rot!
I'd rather pay more money for something decent instead of some not so cheap, nasty, dangerous, plastic rubbish that will poison my kids!
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What's christmas like in your country?
best kids toys christmas 2011 image
Q. Here in Iceland on the 1st of december they start showing on TV a kids show that is aired everyday until December 24th. The show is literally called "The Christmas Calendar" (Jóladagatalið). Normally, every episode is about 5 minutes long but it's never the same story every year, they either make a new show every year or show older episodes that have been shown some years before. The episodes they're showing this year was actually made in Denmark and is called "The Christmas Calendar 2011: The Pact. (Jóladagatalið 2011: Sáttmálinn). It's about a kid that helps some elves find a pact that will kill some evil elf queen. Well enough of that.
December 12th kids put a shoe in their window to get a present from one of the Icelandic santa clauses, called The Yule Lads (Jólasveinarnir). We have 13 santa clauses. Every night, from 12th - 24th december they put presents in the children's shoes, like candy or small toys, but if the kids behaved badly they will give them a potato, which kids don't like. That's why most kids behave well this time of year. In case you're confused it's actually their parents that give them the presents ;), but the kids don't know that.
On December 23rd, many Icelanders have a skate (a type of fish) for dinner. It's an old Icelandic tradition.
Christmas is actually celebrated on the 24th, not the 25th. All day until 6 pm on the 24th, everybody waits for christmas to start. A few minutes before 6 pm, you can hear ringing church bells ringing on the radio and on the tv. Then when they stop at exactly 6 pm, a man says "Good Icelanders, merry christmas" (góðir Íslendingar, gleðileg jól). Then kids open the present their mom and dad gave them, and then we eat. Some people eat lamb meat, some eat pork and some eat ptarmigan meat which is very popular on christmas. Then after we've washed the dishes after dinner we open the rest of the presents, from relatives and friends. We don't get any gifts from the American Santa Clause. Usually at my home my parents film us opening our presents, and I'm sure some people do too. We still have tapes older than 10 years old of me and my siblings opening presents. The presents are kept, while still in the christmas packages, under the christmas tree. Some people have a fake tree and some people have a real tree.
Christmas ends at the end of january 6th the next year. called "the 13th" (Þrettándinn), the 13th day of christmas. At that day we light a bunch of wood and stuff and make a big fire. Usually one fire in every town (towns are really small in Iceland expect for Reykjavík, which is not a really big city when you think about it. My town only has about 1000 habitants.) People stand by the fire and some some men are hired to shoot fireworks near the fire. We also have fire and fireworks on december 31st, the last day of the year.
Now i have explained almost everything about christmas in Iceland, expect for a few things like decorations and that but yeah. What's christmas like in your country? (I know you won't be able to explain it in a very long way like i did.)
December 12th kids put a shoe in their window to get a present from one of the Icelandic santa clauses, called The Yule Lads (Jólasveinarnir). We have 13 santa clauses. Every night, from 12th - 24th december they put presents in the children's shoes, like candy or small toys, but if the kids behaved badly they will give them a potato, which kids don't like. That's why most kids behave well this time of year. In case you're confused it's actually their parents that give them the presents ;), but the kids don't know that.
On December 23rd, many Icelanders have a skate (a type of fish) for dinner. It's an old Icelandic tradition.
Christmas is actually celebrated on the 24th, not the 25th. All day until 6 pm on the 24th, everybody waits for christmas to start. A few minutes before 6 pm, you can hear ringing church bells ringing on the radio and on the tv. Then when they stop at exactly 6 pm, a man says "Good Icelanders, merry christmas" (góðir Íslendingar, gleðileg jól). Then kids open the present their mom and dad gave them, and then we eat. Some people eat lamb meat, some eat pork and some eat ptarmigan meat which is very popular on christmas. Then after we've washed the dishes after dinner we open the rest of the presents, from relatives and friends. We don't get any gifts from the American Santa Clause. Usually at my home my parents film us opening our presents, and I'm sure some people do too. We still have tapes older than 10 years old of me and my siblings opening presents. The presents are kept, while still in the christmas packages, under the christmas tree. Some people have a fake tree and some people have a real tree.
Christmas ends at the end of january 6th the next year. called "the 13th" (Þrettándinn), the 13th day of christmas. At that day we light a bunch of wood and stuff and make a big fire. Usually one fire in every town (towns are really small in Iceland expect for Reykjavík, which is not a really big city when you think about it. My town only has about 1000 habitants.) People stand by the fire and some some men are hired to shoot fireworks near the fire. We also have fire and fireworks on december 31st, the last day of the year.
Now i have explained almost everything about christmas in Iceland, expect for a few things like decorations and that but yeah. What's christmas like in your country? (I know you won't be able to explain it in a very long way like i did.)
It was very interesting to learn about Christmas in Iceland! Thank you! Here is how we celebrate Christmas in the USA! :
Throughout the month of December people decorate there houses and there is TV shows and movies that have to do with Christmas on TV! On December 24th it is Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve lots of people like to eat seafood. Its kind of a tradition. And before kids got to sleep they leave milk and cookies out for Santa to eat.On December 25th it is Christmas day and kids run down to the Christmas tree and open tons of presents they got! We tell the kids that Santa Clause left them there! (But its actually the parents who did). We also have stockings which are in the shape of a sock much much bigger. There is small gifts inside of them. If the child was bad they get a piece of coal inside theirs. We also have a big dinner on Christmas with turkey. We also like to sing songs around Christmas time! Here is two verses to a very popular Christmas song in our country:
You better not shout
You better not cry
You better watch out im telling you why
Santa Clause is coming too town
He sees you when your sleeping
He knows when your awake
He knows if you've been bad or good so be good for goodness sake
Santa Clause is coming to town
It was very interesting to learn about Christmas in Iceland! Thank you! Here is how we celebrate Christmas in the USA! :
Throughout the month of December people decorate there houses and there is TV shows and movies that have to do with Christmas on TV! On December 24th it is Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve lots of people like to eat seafood. Its kind of a tradition. And before kids got to sleep they leave milk and cookies out for Santa to eat.On December 25th it is Christmas day and kids run down to the Christmas tree and open tons of presents they got! We tell the kids that Santa Clause left them there! (But its actually the parents who did). We also have stockings which are in the shape of a sock much much bigger. There is small gifts inside of them. If the child was bad they get a piece of coal inside theirs. We also have a big dinner on Christmas with turkey. We also like to sing songs around Christmas time! Here is two verses to a very popular Christmas song in our country:
You better not shout
You better not cry
You better watch out im telling you why
Santa Clause is coming too town
He sees you when your sleeping
He knows when your awake
He knows if you've been bad or good so be good for goodness sake
Santa Clause is coming to town
Ex girlfriend married with a kid still trying to contact me?
Q. A while back from 00-04, i was with this girl for about 4 years. Everything was great. We never fought, and it seemed to be perfect. She got a great job and starting working on her career, and we ending up drifting apart. So there never was really a break up. She slowly just kind of fadded away. Anyway 3 or 4 years goes by and she sends me an email out of the blue, saying she just wanted to say hi, and she thinks of me often, always calling me hunny, and ending eamils with talk to you soon. So i sent her an email back just saying hi and everything, told her i think about her to. And after about 3 emails she was gone. I found out that she had gotten married before she sent that email. So again..her we are 2 1/2 years later in 2011, and she pops up again. She has a 2 year old son, and she emails me for christmas asking how things were. I ignored her becuase I can't figure out why she keeps trying to keep in touch with me. A week goes by, i don;t answer her, so she sends me a friend request on facebook. Again i don't except it for 2 days, and then she posts on my comments that i have made with other people, just small shes trying to get me to talk to her. Now according to her profile shes happily married and found her soul mate and all that. I know if shes not happy shes not gonna tell me that, she keeps everything bottled up inside. And the right thing to do is keep ignoring her like i have been doing. Something tells me something isn't right with her i was just curious on some opnions on what shes thinking. Does she still have feelings for me or miss me? it seems kind of shady to be doing this. I have no intentions of getting involved with her while shes married just to make that clear. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Sounds like she's working up to convincing you to be her boy-toy on the sly. Tell her to piss off.
Sounds like she's working up to convincing you to be her boy-toy on the sly. Tell her to piss off.
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