Saturday, May 31, 2014

How do you other mothers cope with doing homework and having a toddler around?? =/?


I'm 21 and a single mother, and started going back to school, because I need my diploma. no point in having a Administrative Offie cirtificate if I don't have a diploma. a lot of jobs I seen require the diploma or at least a GED.

but my question is: HOW did other mothers, or young mothers cope with a toddler around while trying to do homework????
I have a 19 month old son, and he's always getting into everything, and making a mess. I'm trying to do homework and keep an eye out for him. I don't want to have to keep putting him in his play pen for a long time while I try to finish homework. and then stop to feed him, or give him snack all the time.
and I defenantly don't want to just have him sit in his play pen with the tv on all day. I'd rather have him make a mess and run around the house.. but I need to some how get him interested in his toys, or maybe buying him a toy that he can get attracted to, and play on his own for a while.

props to single mothers even younger than I am.. and all mothers, (espicially with multiples!). lol. I don't know how other people do /done it.. It's driving me crazy!!

I can get work done during his lunch time, or nap time. but once he's awake and wants to play he's up and about making a mess everywhere, and putting things in his mouth.

and no, his father isn't in the picture.. so not getting any help from him =/

You do it while they are sleeping or occupied. My husband/their father is in the picture but has 16 hour work days 4 days a week so needless to say I'm on my own most of the time. AND I have a 2 year old and a 5 month old. I sync their naps and do it when they sleep. I've been going to school since 2010. So if you can imagine....I've been doing school work since he was born, through my #2 pregnancy and still now with 2 kids.
My son LOVES spongebob so when it comes on I can sneek a quick book read or turn in an assignment (online classes) while he's busy. It's hard but doable, because I'm an art student sometimes I get out his "art" set while I'm drawing too.
Maybe babyproof the house more? I had gates set up in the livingroom for the longest time until he learned where he could and couldn't go. Then find what he likes and go with it..also find a compromise, so what if he's playing with your hair brush or chewing on the remote or even throwing a few blocks in the kitchen won't hurt him or you. Learn what is dangerous and not that big of a deal.
Try to get a routine too. Get him fed and a drink and some of your time before getting things done then kind of time it. If you see it's about snack time then ditch the lesson plans and get him something to eat first.
It's hard but doable don't give up.

Is this enough presents for my one year old?

Q. Hello. I have a baby boy who just turned one on December 15th, 2010. && was wondering if the toys I got him is enough. && if so, do you think they are good toys?? I just need a little reassurance. My husband says it's more than enough, but I just keep wanting to buy my little man more. I really love spoiling him! Thx for any in put. Here's my list of everything that is wrapped and under our tree && in his stocking:0)

Baby Luke's Christmas toys:

1. Fisher Price Little People Farm bonus pack
2. Fisher Price Little People Airport Playset
3. Fisher Price  Click 'N  Fun Barnyard
4. Fisher Price Spin and Sparkle Car Wash
5. Fisher Price Stack 'N Learn Alphabet Blocks
6. Fisher Price Croc Block Wagon
7. Fisher Price Chatter Telephone
8. Hasbro Busy Ball Popper
9. Giant Floor Pad(for drawing/coloring)
10. Crayola Beginnings Triangular Crayons(Washable & for toddlers)
11. (15) pack of HotWheels
12. Stuffed Sock Monkey

1 stuffed Christmas Lion
4 hot wheels 
1 rubber spike light up ball
1 cookie monster book
1 small box of goldfish(Xmas edition)
1 small bag of chocolate coin medallions

It's probably too much. He's likely to get overwhelmed halfway through.

A friend growing up had a fun tradition when the kids were little. They would open one present a day each day from Christmas to epiphany a la the 12 days of Christmas.

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Where to sell kids toys?

Megan Quin

Hi guys :)
So, im getting rid of my old toys ( bratz, barbies, dollhouses, pollypockets& littlest petshop ) & they are actually in really good condition, i just have no idea where to sell them. any ideas?
Ooh & i would prefer to sell at a store, not anything to do with the internet like ebay & amazon.

I would try craigslist first. You can either look for a buyer (WTB) or post your items under toys. After that I'd look for an independent toy shop and try to sell to them. Like Kokomo Toys in well Kokomo, Indiana. After that I'd look for a general thrift store hoping they would buy toys.

What toys will work my 7 month old kid smart?


Nhoy, my career encompassed 27 years selling toys to retails stores. In addition, I raised a son and a daughter.

When I was young, available toys, compared to today's, were simple and unsophisticated. Also, rather uncomplicated. We, myself and brother Philip, had wonderful times with such objects as shoe boxes, spatulas and other rather simple household items. Think, if you will, how our imaginations thought of the shoe box as a castle or a gasoline station or a school house. Think, if you will, how the spatula imitated a cowboy's pistol. Modern toys, although intricate and seemingly interesting leave little to the imagination. The first 2 years of a child's life, the "formative years", present immense opportunities for parental influence in areas involving the development and stimulation of the child's mind. Leave your 7 month old to discover his or her imagination with simple items. They may be candy dishes, spoons or napkin rings by your definition and preference, but to a 7 month old that , which sparks their imagination will adopt the "toy" title. Babies find incredible interest in natural items within their environment. They are curious and inquisitive. Spending large amounts of money on elaborate "toys" is unnecessary, at best. Reading to your child, although you may feel that at 7 months the child is incapable of understanding, is most beneficial both as an example of reading and as mental stimulation. Children learn, in their formative years, through imitating those within their environment. Reading to your child may, very well, encourage that "first word" sooner than later. It will also, hopefully, set a presendent for reading that your 7 month-old may wish to inherit later as he or she gets older. In addition to reading, talk to your 7 month old and talk a great deal to him or her. Conversation directed to your child not only stimulates it's mind, it also shows ongoing attention and illustrates love and importance. Your 7 month old may not presently understand the spoken word, but definitely understands the mental stimulation and graciously understands his or her importance within your family unit.

The purchase of toys for children is okay, within limits and for the right reasons. For gifts and occassions, certainly toys may be appropriate. However, many parents purchase toys to selfishly offer their children distractions so they may have uninterrupted time. Factually, a child's interest in new toys is short. Soon you have a large box filled with toys of which your child has no further interest. Second-hand stores thrive on such things.

The best and most mentally stimulating toys from which a child may benefit are his parents. Hopefully, you or your and you spouse, if appropriate, are parents who have investigated and developed a proper agenda for contributing to their children's intelligence, or "smarts" as is used in your question.

I hope I have been helpful.


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I Heard Pixar Is Making a Toy Story 4?


I heard it is coming out November 2013. Or maybe it is Incredibles 2? I know they are coming out with Monster's Inc. 2. Do you agree that Cars 2 bombed? I saw it with my kids and it was AWFUL. I hope the other installments of classic Pixar movies aren't as bad...Thoughts?Opinions? Please share your feedback.

By The Way, Monsters Inc. 2 is already titled Monsters University and already got a release date, June 21, 2013. Speaking to Vacanted Date To Pixar, It could be Toy Story 4 in 2013 because of Tom Hanks said about the terrible-reviewed movie, Larry Crowne, there will be a Toy Story 4. it might be cross a $4 billion mark for Pixar if Brave and Monsters University went up to $280M in the final gross. Cars 2, i agreely bombed down for the worstest gross Pixar movie since A Bug's Life in 1998 all because of Jeff Gordon???? man, Jeff Gordon won 84 races in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series and 4 Championships, don't bombed down that movie with Jeff Gordon in it!!!! I Think Pixar is going to get a Razzie for the first time for the Worst Animated Movie.

Do you notice that kids in this generation look younger than they look?

I noticed this from the beginning of kindergarten all the way to the end of high school though I didnt really say anything about it at firt until reaching high school. I was born in the year 1988 and I personally believe that people born in my year were the first ones to look younger than they look for the majority of them and people born after that year. Kids born before 1988 like between 1980 and 1987 all of them looked younger too except they looked more like adult kids and people born before 1980 definitely looked like adults and you would notice it when watching tv shows like full house and saved by the bell when they're teenagers they look like they should be 30. Now I'm not sure what people would say about this trend that oh looks dont mean anything whether you look younger or older. I believe it does because graduating in 2006, growing up with my age group even since elementary they just behaved like children. I know almost every kid would misbehave in elementary school or what not but people my age would keep up with doing mischief, even kids younger than me. When I was in 9th grade kids who were upperclassmen in 10th grade and so forth used to tell me that oh your class sucks all the kids your age and younger are idiots. Upperclassmen also were mischievious too but very less. I would say that my age group and younger would start a new generation. The only positive about this generation now is that the younger the look the more good looking you are but the more immature your behavior could be. Sorry if this is a stupid question or I'm confusing you guys but I hope you all know where Im getting at. Anyone agree.
I would rather hang out with older kids

No, your class is not the last class to look old. It's definitely my class, the class of 2013. I am suffering through exactly what you are it's actually scary. Like ever since kindergarten, I've always had an immature class (we were born in 1995 in case that matters) and now here I am at my senior year and we all still look and act like middle schoolers. Like I feel like the class that just graduated, the class of kids born from 1993-1994 were so much more mature and adult-like than us in both looks and attitude, and ready to move on to college. Idk this always annoys me because I hate looking young and want to look like how the seniors of last classes did haha. And the senior classes I'm comparing myself to don't even look half as old as the ones from when my parents were in high school! Like they all looked so cool whereas we look and act 13-14.but yea anyway, I completely understand and have no idea why this phenomenon is happening, and it is only getting worse. Like the freshmen this year look like 6th graders. Like by the time they graduate I feel like high school is just going to be a second elementary school with people giving out toy cars and **** at graduation. Maybe it's something in the water, maybe malnutrition, or maybe it's just better medicine as time goes on meaning well look younger for our whole lives and therefore live longer :)

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My 6 month old daughter trying to walk?????


Is this normal. She is my only child & I'm unsure if this is early or not. She already sits up & has been doing that for a month now. She had been crawling for a couple of months now. She says dada, mama, baba, & a few other words that I can't quite understand;) She pulls up on things & trys her hardest to get on her feet. I think this is early but I'm not sure! What is the average age a baby starts to walk? I just want to know if she's a fast learner.
Just b/c Keligh isn't a fast learner doesn't mean my daughter isn't! I wouldn't post a question for no reason you idiot! She does talk, she pulls herself up, & all that! I breastfed her so she's learning fast I guess. Don't hate!
I just had to go there b/c I hate being called a liar. Thanks for all the positive comments.
Dood idea. I'll put up some pics & videos when I get home from work so all you haters check back later!!!! Thanks!!

At 6 months old my son was doing the same things speech wise and was able to get up on all fours into a crawl stance, but not actually crawling, about a month later. My own child was also sitting up on his own by 5 months old. It's not impossible, it's just not something most kids do until they are a couple months older. It doesn't make one child smarter or dumber though than anyone else, it just means they did it when they were ready to do it. My son by the way didn't walk until he was about 13 months old, almost 14 months.

The normal ages for walking and the proper muscle development though happen between 10 months - 18 months. Walking is such a wide range of when kids will actually take off and do it there is no way to really tell a certain set month of when all kids usually reach this major milestone. Some go earlier and some later than others.

What you need to do is don't let her do this herself yet because she is going to be wobbly and weaker in her muscle development even though in her mind she may think she's ready to do it. Hold her hands or under her arms while sitting on the floor and let her stand while you hold her. Maybe get her a jump in toy that she can sit and jump in, like a "Johnny Jump Up". It will help her "kick" from the floor to strengthen the leg muscles she'll need later for walking. Alot of babies sometimes will do this, but they all usually will crawl for a few months before they will actually step into walking. It's normal as well for some to skip crawling all together and one day just get up and walk on their own motivation. Every child is different. Some kids have started walking around 9-10 months old, it's not uncommon, but it's also not typical of every child.

When you go to your next well check visit with the pediatrician you may want to mention things like this that your child is doing at home and ask the pediatrician for recommendations or guidance about your child and their development. They will be your best resource to help you understand your child's development and what is happening.

Good luck to you and ignore all these other "parents" or "experts" who tell you your child can't go early on something because of ___. My son is my first child, but I went into motherhood with enough common sense and head knowledge to know that just because it's in a book or on line or because "so and so said or did" doesn't make it true or even so for every single child. You have to keep reminding yourself that "my child is unique for who they are and will reach their milestones in their own time and in their own way when they are ready." It doesn't matter what anyone elses child does or did, only what your's is doing and what's best for them.

What are the best toys for a 6 month old?

Possibly something to help with learning to crawl.

In fact if youâre Christmas shopping with a infant in mind, you may find thereâs a boggling number of choices.

In the very early years safety is of special concern. A person wants to select well constructed toys, that are free of any sort of small parts that might potentially detach. Children at this age certainly will put toys in their mouths. Another reason one might also be concerned about the country of origin given the recent spate of tainted toys originating in China.

Toys for the the under one set are often aimed at emerging skills, such as fine and gross motor skills, tactile stimulation, etc.

Babies at 6 months are gaining the ability to sit up. And so toys that they can manipulate on the floor in front of them are attractive.

Babies between 6 and 12 moths of age will also begin to move (creep, crawl, take first steps) so there are many toys aimed at supporting this development too.

A few favorite suggestions:

Melissa & Doug Deluxe Wooden First Vehicles Set

Sturdy first vehicles for small children. The size and weight are appropriate for very young children to grasp and carry. I find that many young children will spend endless amount of time pushing a small rolling toy around. These are toys that they are likely to play with for a good long while. I do not know what the country of origin is, Melissa & Doug is a favorite brand - some of their things are made in China, others in other Asian nations such as Vietnam.

(Also available for sale thru various sellers on

Blocks are also another great âgrow with me toyâ. Even very young children will enjoy a small set of colorful blocks which they can simply pick up and explore. These can be added to as the child grows into more sophisticated pretend and build play. Haba makes some beautifully whimsical blocks that are manufactured in Germany.


Sorters come in, well, all âsortsâ of sizes, colors, and configurations for young kids. And are often treasured toys for kids between 6 mos and a year and a half or so. They love to place objects inside of something and dump them out again and again. Melissa and Doug make some toys they label as âfill and spillâ with cute themes (bugs in a jug, fishbowl, picnic baskets etc.). Thereâs also the old fashion âshape sortersâ and these come in many âthemesâ these days too. For examples, just try searching for âshape sorterâ or âfill and spillâ on

If you are concerned about the nation of origin - I will note that is one toy website that allows customers to conduct product searches that include not only age, gender, price, but also the country of origin (and it allows you to exclude China if you so wish).

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Friday, May 30, 2014



I HAVE $300.00 CASH


I NEED IT QUICKLY...!!!!!!!!

- mp3 players
- gift cards.. (they r good cuz then they can get wat they want)
- shoes..
- juwelleries..
- toys.. (barbies, GIJo's, lego's, gameboys..)
- novel.. (they can b good gifts too..)
- watch
- makeup set

i donno if they r grls or boys.. n if they r adults or kids that u want to get these gifts to... hope this helps u.... good luck

in fable 3, where is the toy bow for a gift to the kid?


I've searched every gift shop, and i've found everything else, except this toy.
Thanks everyone. I found it in a house i own in Millifields. I checked at least 25 of the houses i own...and i own every house in the game. So thankfully i found it quickly at 25. It is one of the most rare toys to find. I found like 50 toy guns, dolls, and chessboards. So goodluck to anyone else who happens to need a bow, because you cannt buy it anywhere, not even in Aurora

I have found that in Aurora the gift shop there sells toy bows

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What toys are vintage?


I want to grab toys for my kids that will be a great buy for the future. Should I just look for unique toys or what? My friend had the McDonalds magic maker for French fries. Now the Nugget maker is $80.

What you buy your kids now depends very much on the age, interests and personalities of your kids.
If/when they're old enough to appreciate toys as collectables rather than as toys, then you can begin to start a joint hobby for you and them of collecting vintage/antique toys as a more or less separate thing from the toys they actually play with.
The most valuable antique toys are not normally "unique", indeed their value often depends on them being known as a commercially made item, but are very, very, rare to have survived in reasonably good condition, even rarer still in their original box.
Perhaps the best way to kindle an interest your kids in the right directions for this purpose is to gently steer their interest towards the general types of modern toys which have been made a very long time, and have a 'back catalogue' of similar, very collectable, antique counterparts, such as toy cars, trains and soldiers for boys, and dolls, and doll houses for girls, and board games for both. If they grow to like the modern products, they are more likely to appreciate vintage examples of the same thing.

Do they make a modern "Jack in the Box" kids toy or is the only one available vintage?


We all know the kids toy "Jack in the box" that plays the toon, "Pop goes the weasel." Is this toy no longer being made? Does anyone make a modern day version? I saw some on eBay, but and a sock monkey version, but wondered about other similar toys?

here you go:

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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

What are some good travel toys? FAST


What are some good travel toys for an airplane with 3 kids. One 3 year old girl, 9 year old boy and 11 year old girl.

oh, and the airplane ride is about 6 hours[two different flights, 1st one 1 hr and the other is 5 hrs and is today


Coloring books, they are quiet. Bring books that you can read to them. If you have action figures or plush toys bring those, as they won't irritate the other passagers with repetative noises. Try not to bring hard plasitcs if at all possible, as kids will be kids and will bang on things with them for noise. Most airlines will have movies on, so that can occupy them for at least an hour (hopefully). Just try to pay attention to them and keep them busy. Play "eye spy" or have them draw you pictures of what they are looking forward too. Lots of ideas, just have to use your imagination, and keep theirs working too!

Flying with young kids?

Keri C

Tomorrow morning I am headed out to Salt Lake City, UT to visit my father and grandparents. I have a 20 month old daughter, who has flown before and a new 7 week old daughter. I'm pretty stressed about how to handle airports with little ones and carseats and toys etc... We are flying out of Manchester and into Detriot for a 1hr layover... I'd really like some helpful tips and advice from other parents who have flown with litttle kids.

honestly its very hard,i travel with my kids all the time now age 3 and 5.i would suggest get a magazine for older daughter and maybe something to colour in.also be prepared that their ears might hurt.obviously make sure their fed n always have water and snacks,they might sleep through the journey if you re lucky.
don't be embarrassed to ask for assistance from staff,and if you have luggage that you re taking on board you will have to get a passenger to help you as you cant carry your baby,hold on to your young daughter and carry bags.whenever i fly i feel like a superwoman lol

Good LUCK!!!

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What are your Christmas traditions? :)?

Erin Lauve

I just like to know what other people do for their Holidays, I'm nosy. Lol. I think it's fun to see what kinds of different things people do. So what are your favorite things about Christmas? What do you look forward to the most? What are your traditions? What do you have for Christmas dinner?

I'll share mine. I spend the entire week before Christmas shopping for gifts and baking cookies and pies. My kids help decorate the sugar cookies and gingerbread men because they're the only ones I make that require decorating. We always go as a family to pick out a tree and then the next morning we decorate it together and spend the day decorating the house and putting up outside decorations. On Christmas Eve night we go to church and then over to my in laws to let the kids open one present. Christmas day is sort of chaotic. We wake up and the kids open their gifts over here at our house and then we have a breakfast casserole always for breakfast. I always feel bad cuz the kids don't have much time to play with their new stuff. We go over to my husband's parents house and the kids spend a couple hours with them opening gifts. Then we pack up and head up to my parents for the rest of the day which is usually from about 1pm-late at night. I am always excited to get over there and see my family. Me and my sister help my mom make dinner. We always have ham, mashed potatoes, corn, green bean casserole, rolls, cranberries, beats, squash, deviled eggs, ham rolls (sandwich ham rolled up with cream cheese and garlic powder inside), stuffed celery, and a veggie tray. My mom always has tons of baked cookies, cheesecake, pumpkin pie, apple pie and candy in several jars all over the house. So the kids don't get antsy, we let them open one gift shortly after we arrive and then we all open gifts as a family after dinner. It's always my mom, dad, sister, 2 brothers and their girlfriends, me, my husband and our three children. Then the next morning my kids still don't get to play with their new stuff, lol, cuz we go 3 hours to my husband's grandparents family Christmas every year. We all (about 14 of us) go out to lunch and then go back to their house to open gifts and spend the day together. Every year we spend the night there and finally when we get home the next day, they get to play with all their stuff. And the house is a disaster from hauling things home from 3 different places so it keeps me busy :) Also, every year my husband and I donate to Operation Christmas Child, Toys for Tots, a local food pantry, a children's hospital and the Salvation army. Christmas doesn't feel complete to me unless we help those in need out so that is my favorite part. Especially packing the Operation Christmas child boxes. My second favorite thing is that I have a Christmas party at my home every year with a few close friends and their kids. So the men usually watch football in the living room while us girls sit around drinking wine and chatting at the table and then all the kids run around playing. We have pizza, subs, veggie and cracker trays, desserts, adult drinks and everyone just has a really good time. I can't wait to hear about your traditions. :)

Ill start from the 10th December - well I'm 15, and I love christmas. I have two nans (grandmas as you may call them) and on the 10th I decorate one of my nans homes and a few days after, sometimes on the same day I go decorate the others home. Whilst we decorate we dance around to Christmas music and if we're still decorating after a while we'll start a film up (this is in both of my grandmas homes that we do this) we put out some cinnamon scented candles and light them, and ill usually stay over in one of their houses. The next day I go back home to my mums and my nan (my mums mum) comes with me and we decorate ours. First we will put up the little decorations,
Then we decorate my room then put up the tree, and decorate that (my Favourite part). Sometimes I help decorate my dads apartment but usually he does that without me, he just puts up a tree and some little decorations like some lights around the TV and a photo of us on the wall, one year, I think it was 2011, it was really nice. We went christmas shopping (which never happens usually with me and him because he hates town) then we came back to his flat and wrapped gifts. It was so nice and he was playing christmas music too, which never usually happens either because he hates it haha. So yeah usually a week after the 12th I break up from school for my holiday break. We make things and write cards and post some to the neighbours and walk in the ice and snow (if it has snowed) to people we know's homes and deliver the cards. I love doing that. So yeah usually on the 21st we go shopping to get some last little gifts and see the last of the decorations in the shops. We go for the food shopping (starting from the morning) on LIKe the 22nd or 23rd. On the 24th it's so magical, everyone's all excited and I read christmas stories to my 4 year old brother and tell him about Santa. We leave cookies, milk and carrots out for the reindeer and Santa and its all exciting. We watch a christmas film, usually home alone or it's a wonderful life, sometimes both, and then go to bed. Me and my mum tuck up my brother into bed and read him christmas stories. When he falls to sleep I go and lie in the bed with my mum for a bit and read a magazine or tell christmas stories or something and then I head up to my room. I usually still can't sleep because I love christmas so much. Sometimes I cry at night thinking about all the memories and how ill have to wait another year for this fantastic season again. On christmas morning I'm usually first to wake up then my brother and me wake up my mum. She says (and she's said this from when I was a child :')' 'let me go and see if he's been' referring to Santa. This gets my Brother (and me) so excited. Then we go and open our gifts. Last year I got a tarantula from my mum (I'd wanted a pet spider for so long) and a bunch of other things, but she also put some money towards a dog for me later on in the year as part of my christmas present along with my two nans. So we open our things and then I go down to my nans and open what I get off her. My mum drives along to her mums (my other nans) and then I go to hers and open my things from there. Sometimes we go up to my great aunts for dinner and open gifts from the whole family there. Sometimes we just stay in my nans for dinner though. If we went to my aunts for dinner we usually head back to my nans and my mum and brother and me sleep there then go to ours on the 26th. So yeah that's basically my traditions and sorry it's so long. I'm glad this question was asked because it got me all excited for this christmas. 4 months :-) happy holidays

What's christmas like in your country?

Q. Here in Iceland on the 1st of december they start showing on TV a kids show that is aired everyday until December 24th. The show is literally called "The Christmas Calendar" (Jóladagatalið). Normally, every episode is about 5 minutes long but it's never the same story every year, they either make a new show every year or show older episodes that have been shown some years before. The episodes they're showing this year was actually made in Denmark and is called "The Christmas Calendar 2011: The Pact. (Jóladagatalið 2011: Sáttmálinn). It's about a kid that helps some elves find a pact that will kill some evil elf queen. Well enough of that.

December 12th kids put a shoe in their window to get a present from one of the Icelandic santa clauses, called The Yule Lads (Jólasveinarnir). We have 13 santa clauses. Every night, from 12th - 24th december they put presents in the children's shoes, like candy or small toys, but if the kids behaved badly they will give them a potato, which kids don't like. That's why most kids behave well this time of year. In case you're confused it's actually their parents that give them the presents ;), but the kids don't know that.

On December 23rd, many Icelanders have a skate (a type of fish) for dinner. It's an old Icelandic tradition.

Christmas is actually celebrated on the 24th, not the 25th. All day until 6 pm on the 24th, everybody waits for christmas to start. A few minutes before 6 pm, you can hear ringing church bells ringing on the radio and on the tv. Then when they stop at exactly 6 pm, a man says "Good Icelanders, merry christmas" (góðir Ãslendingar, gleðileg jól). Then kids open the present their mom and dad gave them, and then we eat. Some people eat lamb meat, some eat pork and some eat ptarmigan meat which is very popular on christmas. Then after we've washed the dishes after dinner we open the rest of the presents, from relatives and friends. We don't get any gifts from the American Santa Clause. Usually at my home my parents film us opening our presents, and I'm sure some people do too. We still have tapes older than 10 years old of me and my siblings opening presents. The presents are kept, while still in the christmas packages, under the christmas tree. Some people have a fake tree and some people have a real tree.

Christmas ends at the end of january 6th the next year. called "the 13th" (Ãrettándinn), the 13th day of christmas. At that day we light a bunch of wood and stuff and make a big fire. Usually one fire in every town (towns are really small in Iceland expect for Reykjavík, which is not a really big city when you think about it. My town only has about 1000 habitants.) People stand by the fire and some some men are hired to shoot fireworks near the fire. We also have fire and fireworks on december 31st, the last day of the year.

Now i have explained almost everything about christmas in Iceland, expect for a few things like decorations and that but yeah. What's christmas like in your country? (I know you won't be able to explain it in a very long way like i did.)

It was very interesting to learn about Christmas in Iceland! Thank you! Here is how we celebrate Christmas in the USA! :
Throughout the month of December people decorate there houses and there is TV shows and movies that have to do with Christmas on TV! On December 24th it is Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve lots of people like to eat seafood. Its kind of a tradition. And before kids got to sleep they leave milk and cookies out for Santa to eat.On December 25th it is Christmas day and kids run down to the Christmas tree and open tons of presents they got! We tell the kids that Santa Clause left them there! (But its actually the parents who did). We also have stockings which are in the shape of a sock much much bigger. There is small gifts inside of them. If the child was bad they get a piece of coal inside theirs. We also have a big dinner on Christmas with turkey. We also like to sing songs around Christmas time! Here is two verses to a very popular Christmas song in our country:

You better not shout
You better not cry
You better watch out im telling you why
Santa Clause is coming too town
He sees you when your sleeping
He knows when your awake
He knows if you've been bad or good so be good for goodness sake
Santa Clause is coming to town

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Have people gone over the top with birthday parties and christmas gifts?


Special entertainment ,tonsof food, hundreds of dollars on each kid for christmas. Then you have so many toys you can't even store them.

yes too much.

i was raised one gift on christmas from santa and one from my parents (a few more from extended family), and one gift on my birthday...

when i turned about 13 i decided i wanted whatever money my parents planed to spend on me that year for christmas to be turned into a donation to some kind of fund(cancer research etc.)

i find kids want too much because they get so much

Top Ten (silly) reasons kids like to take piano lessons?

I'm thinking along the lines of:

"Number one reason why kids love to take piano lessons is that they get to drive their family crazy by playing the same song over, and over and over"

Any more ideas? :)

i like to learn christmas songs in the middle of summer and then play them all the time, really loud so everyone can hear, or I try to play piano with my toes/upside down/elbows, or get my toys to play the piano. Or i cross my hands over so the left hand is played higher and the right hand is played lower. Well, my parents say I need to play the piano more, what do they expect? =/

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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Stay at home moms How do you manage your house and play with your kids?


I have a three month old and a two year old and wanting to know how you manage your time with chores, cooking and finding time for your children. I want my house to stay presentable to guest, but I dont know how to manage my time. Help Please

My kids are pretty much the same age as your - I have found that the best way to keep up is to just stay on top of things. Here's an example of my typical day:

5:30 (ish) - Wake up, shower, get dressed, start some laundry, have breakfast or a cup of tea while reading the newspaper or a book.

7:30 (ish) - Kids wake up, I get them up, bathed, dressed, make and feed them breakfast.

After breakfast time we usually go outside and play if the weather is nice (not right now - there's a ton of snow on the ground), or we play indoors by learning or reading or just being silly. I've been working with my two year old on her letters, colors, shapes, animals, animal sounds, and different objects (tree, grass, flower, sky, ect...).

During the morning time I also do some housework like finishing up laundry and cleaning if my daughter is pretty absorbed in playing something (the baby doesn't do much so she just hangs out on the play mat or in her playpen looking at colorful toys and batting at toys).

I then play with the kids a little more or we go for a walk.

I either make lunch for the kids or we pack a lunch and go meet my husband at work for lunch and eat with him.

After lunch, we run errands if needed, buy groceries, go to the park, to the library, for a walk , or to playgroup or other community activities for kids, or we just stay home and play outside or inside or read some more, do some learning activities, ect.

During the afternoon I usually finish up housework. My 2 year old daughter then goes down for her nap at 2 or 3:00, depending on her mood that day, and during this time I have a few hours to myself. During this time I finish up any remaining housework, do yardwork, spend time doing some of my hobbies (I love to scrapbook and crochet), read a book, hang out outside for awhile, and just have some ME time.

The girls wake up from their naps at around 5:00 p.m. I get them up and started on an activity of some sort while I make dinner, or sometimes I let my 2 year old "help" me make
When my husband gets home at 6:30, supper is on the table, we have a nice dinner together as a family and then I clean up the supper mess, clean the kitchen, do the dishes and get all that stuff cleaned up.

We then have about 2 or 3 hours to spend together as a family and this is mostly spent playing, but occasionally we have a movie night where we put in a kid - friendly movie and make some popcorn (a fun treat at our house for our 2 year old daughter), and just have fun. I also straighten up the house a little at this time if needed.
At 8:30, it's bath time and bedtime story time and then bedtime for our girls, and then my husband and I have an hour or two to spend together just the two of us before we go to bed for the night.

It's all about just staying on top of things and not letting stuff pile up. Do a little here and there - let your two year old "help" you and yes play with them, but also let them play on their own a little bit so that you can get your work done too. If you straighten up the house at night after the kids are in bed, then it will be clean in the morning and then just keep on top of it during the day - throw in a load of laundry here and there, pick up the house as it becomes messy, do the dishes when your kids are involved in something, do the deep cleaning during nap time. You'll find that it's easy if you just keep on top of things! Give it a try - it sounds impossible - but it's not. It took me awhile to figure it out too - but don't worry, you'll find a groove that works for you - just stick with it!

What can I do about my bossy (almost) 7 year old?


Before I go any further, I know I'm going to get a lot of crap for asking this. "Why did you have kids in the first place?" and blah blah blah. I'm not asking for the rude responses. I would like some suggestions on how to curb this behavior.

I know being bossy is 'normal' but I'm really starting to get sick of hearing my daughter bossing her younger brother around. He's only 3. She's constantly yelling at him "DON'T PLAY WITH MY TOYS!" "DON'T GO IN MY ROOM" "DON'T GO IN THE KITCHEN" and other nonsense. I keep telling her that if she doesn't want him to play with her toys, then she needs to put them away. If she doesn't want him in her room, then she needs to close her door. So on, and so forth. I'm constantly telling her that she isn't his mother, so she doesn't need to hound him like that. On top of that, she's constantly tattle-tailing on him. As soon as he drops his pants to use the toilet, she's yelling "MOM, HE'S PULLING HIS PANTS DOWN!" or if I give him permission to go in the fridge to get a Go-Gurt or a Capri Sun, she's running to me to tell me what he's doing.

I do not leave my kids in one room while I am in another, unless I am in the bathroom. They are always where I can see them, so I know exactly what my son is doing. My daughter knows this. I have even caught her whispering in his ear that if he goes next to the TV, then the boogeyman will jump out and bite his hands off, just so he doesn't try to turn the TV off on her. I am seriously at my wits end over this.

Any suggestions on how I can curb this behavior? Time-outs don't work for her. She's in time-out still snitching and bossing him around- "GET me some tissues. GET me a drink." etc. Help please!!!
Massy- why would I beat my son? He's not the one doing anything wrong in 90% of the time. Besides, beating doesn't solve anything. I am not going to physically strike any of my kids for this.
Abel- I do believe in spankings, but not over something like this. It's not going to teach her anything. In our household, we reserve spankings for more serious things, and they are few and far between. And if I spank over this, she's going to easily be spanked 20 times or more.

Cloud Rose- He knows that there is no boogeyman. The funny thing is, he only shuts off the TV when she's bossing him around excessively. He tries to stand up for himself by saying "You are not my mother!". I have taken things away from her- her dolls, access to the Wii, no, etc. She's just so stubborn and strong-willed. I just don't know how to deal with this logically anymore.
Damonem- would you mind emailing me or YIMing me? You bring up a lot of good points, but I would like to go into further discussion, if you will, over some things. You seem to have a lot of knowledge about this and I would like some more insight. Thank you :)

(Reads over your inquiry and hangs head) one thing that you need to keep in mind is that the purpose of time-out is to forestall the advent of an explosive situation where a kid is about to lose control; what you are facing with your daughter is not that scenario, compadre. What I think is the greatest danger here is that your frustration building beyond your ability to contain it and doing something terrible that is almost irreversible for no good reason without actually solving the problem.

Considering the frequency of this kind of behavior, surely by now you have picked up on a pattern that offers insight as to whether or not this is going to occur. If I were the family government, I would take the kid aside for some »female bonding« that consists of some time-consuming chore around the house or perhaps assisting you in the kitchen with making cookies or something. This is excellent for when this kid is watching TV when she bosses around her kid brother.

Another countermeasure I would consider if I were you is to give your daughter a taste of her own medicine. Get up from the computer and start barking all kinds of orders at your daughter the same way that she has done to your son; try for at least ten different orders within 60 seconds' time. Keep that up for about ten minutes; a few sessions of cadet-and-drill sergeant should give your daughter pause whenever she feels the need to boss around her kid brother.

Yet another countermeasure to attempt is to spend one-on-one time with the 3 y/o using the 7 y/o's toys; if the 7 y/o gets too obstreperous over the whole thing, the 3 y/o has some hand-me-down toys courtesy of his big sister (^_^).

Before I began typing my reply, there was a response that recommended taking your bare-bottomed daughter over your lap and spanking her. I am not so sure about that considering that you are rather frustrated at your daughter who seems to have taken your inaction to mean that her conduct is okay. Spanking only makes sense if the parent is willing to demonstrate a profound change in family government related to something dangerous a kid is doing to himself or another kid in terms of physical danger or if there is a harsh criminal punishment attached to her misconduct; as annoying as your daughter's drill-sergeant routine on her kid brother is, I do not really think that it meets the aforementioned requirements.

If your daughter challenges you on the hand-me-down toys response and it looks like she is going to do more than merely bark orders at her brother, time-out or even spanking would make sense at that moment. Remember, both of those tactics are to FORESTALL an escalating situation rather than extinguishing it after the fact.

One final thought -- it seems like your daughter wishes to have something to control in her life; seriously consider analyzing your household and daily life for the »small stuff« that are comical at worst if mismanaged by your daughter (along with her kid brother when he gets into that neighborhood). Exempli gratia, when the time comes around for a proactive injection in the doctor's office, allow your daughter to decide where she is to be given the needle and how she wants to deal with the pain. If there is to be an outing, set the stage the night before for your daughter to decide what she wants to wear (within reason, of course!!!) so that the kid feels that the outing is being done with her rather than unto her. Between the absolute »no-no's« and »have to's« of life is a gray area where a kid can exercise some discretion with the right kind of family government; capitalize upon it!!!

Also, forego the TV as the main means of entertainment and converge on board games and card games where everybody can take part. Your child relatives might have to bust a move at the poker or blackjack table someday; teach them the mechanics of those games so that they win the whole pot . . . just kidding!!! Still, negotiating for a fair day's pay or for vacation time is a lot like playing poker or blackjack in that there are crucial mechanics that have to be dexterously exploited if there is to be a euphoric epilogue. What are you waiting for!?! Get going, compadre; that's an order!!!

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Toddler toys?


What is a good thing to buy for a 21m old? I'm always looking for something that will hold her attention because she's at home all day (except when I take her to the park) and she gets bored. She already has legos, trains, a kitchen, books, the usual. I'm thinking either a play tent or a little people playset. Any ideas?

My daugher is 21 months old (and I have a 3-year-old daughter as well). My older daughter LOVED her Little People at that age and still does. My older daughter has/had a much greater attention span than my younger daughter, so she tends to play with things for longer periods and always has.

Some other things that my daughters like(d) to play at that age...

- Wooden puzzles
- Reading books
- Dancing to music
- Toy kitchen
- Musical instruments (harmonica, drum, tambourine, bells, xylophone, flutophone, etc.)
- Dolls
- Play-doh
- Crayons
- Paint with water
- Bubbles
- Helping with easy housework -- mopping floor, dusting
- Pretending to be a dog/cat/elephant/etc.
- Drawing with chalk on the sidewalk
- Chasing me or her sister around the house
- Pulling a toy for the cats to chase

I'm sure there's more, but that's what I can think of off-hand. Hope it gives you a few more ideas!

Toddler toys for Christmas?


Looking for ideas for my two year old son for Christmas. I feel like he has everything
in the store. 10 points most informative

Honestly, at that age they are more excited about opening and tearing the wrapping paper than anything else. What I did was saved things he needed anyway like new clothes, socks, pull ups, bubble bath, etc. and wrapped it. I also bought him things like art supplies, a kids apron, and good things that occupy his time. I also got kind of lucky that my sons birthday is in November, we stash away some of the toys from his birthday and re-wrap them for Christmas. I am pretty sure this is the last year we can do this. But honestly, there are very few toys out there that are truly good for a 2 year olds development.

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Are these good fortunes? For paper fortune tellers (aka cootie catchers) for adults and kids?


You will be bold next year
Help your friend this week
Your smile speaks volumes
Raid your fridge tonight!
Hold your nose!
Boys will be boys
You will write a hit song
You love chocolate!
remember the little people
u will see and old friend soon
watch your step
try to see as much of the world as you can
you will have 10 kids
twins are all around you!
hold someones hand
You have successfu dreams
Help is always just around the corner
Green is the new black
Haste makes waste
When you talk people listen
Pink is your favorite color today
You have a unique talent
Help a STRONG person
A uniform is in your future
Clear eyes equal clear skies
You will ride a horse this year
Lucky numbers: 3,6,9,12,15,18
You will wear a hat this week
Shake someones hand
Read a long book soon
Think about your future...laugh about your past
You will get a new gadget soon!
You will meet a famous guy.
snowy days are cold BUT beautiful
you will get a lucky break on a test
red is your color
hug the person to your right
your health is your priority
you will be a youtube phenomena
you will see a crop circle
Mambo with your mama
geniuses are born AND made
wear clean socks!
hold the door open for an old lady
white is the color of purity
you have an infectious....laugh!
peoepelple---people learn from mistakes!
winks are as warm as hugs
stop at red lights
wave at the next car with kids in it!
it's clear you are a winner
you will get a lucky break on a test
chinese fire drill at the next safe intersection!
good things come in small packages
wear blue tomorrow
hug your friend today
eat something special today
stand tall tomorrow
call someone dear to you
Smile. You earned it!
Your nose will grow.
Your favorite PJ's will get a hole =-(
You will travel soon
A gift will come your way
Hop on one foot
wild hearts can't be broken
blue is your color today
you have a great eye
you will have 10 cars in your lifetime
you will eat less than you thought
your signature will be worth something someday.
Your next car will be electric.
You will have 10 kids
You will be attacked by a giant banana
Lucky numbers 2,4,6,8,10,12.
you will go blonde
Remember this date 12-22-2012
you heal quickly
you will make a great discovery
you will try a new food
An apple a day keeps the Dr. away
You will be class president
You will have a tea party with Bigfoot!
Watch where you step!
You will start the next jeans trend.
Nobody likes a tattle tale =-(
You will invent something great
You will host many events
Sunshine is ahead
You win contests!
You beleive in yourself.
High five the next guy you see.
"No" is a complete sentence.
A penny saved is a penny earned
You will tan easily

Yeah, I guess so.

Will you survive in the end or will you cry until you die?


Ok, i'm not absolutey sure on what will hapen or when it will, but 2012 is a big story apparently with lots of theories on what will happen. Just curious, if something happens where all technology ceased to exist or work (no more iphones, fast food restaurants, ipods, cell phones, computers, cars, appliances, etc.) and we had to go back to living the way people did in like the middle ages or whenever, would you rough it out, give it your best shot to survive in the wild like the pioneers or whoever survived in the past without all the things we take for granted, do whatever it took to survive (migrate, murder, hunt your food, bath in the river, live in the wild, kill for your territory, etc.) for as long as you could make it. OR....would you seriously just curl up in the corner with your iphone, ipod, and laptop, and cry until you were dead? Would you take it like a true human who knows the true ways of their ancestors, or would you take it like a pussy?
Be honest, people.

Me, I would probably survive, but as for most people, I hear tons of stories of how folks can't live without gadgets, and the young generation of like 9-14 now have instant access to everything. It could make an interesting reality show if you ask me. Throw a bunch of middle class 12-17 year old kids in a sort of "Kid Nation" scenario, but with no technology. (Im not sure if Kid Nation permits technology or not.) See who cracks first.

Somethin big is gonna happen but if what you're saying is true, not too many people will be prepared. Alot would probably die of nature-shock.

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masculinity vs. femininity:how toys are sold to kids?


we are doing a report on masculinity vs. femininity.

I need to look for articles on how toys are sold to the growing trend of selling independently to boys or girls, using pinks and blues ect..

Wow! That sounds like an interesting paper. :o)

I don't know if you found these during your research & I didn't read them but hopefully they help. (NEED ADOBE ACROBAT TO VIEW)

What is hot to sell on eBay?

Q. I need ideas, please. No cars or jewelry or antiques. What else?

Kids toys sell ridiculously well.

We've bought 25 cent toys at garage sales, and put them in groups of 4 or 5, and they've sold for $8-9.

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Monday, May 26, 2014

Free christmas toys for my kids who have sum?

Q. I'm a single mother I need help can u help me

There are a few organizations that give out free toys to need children, or children whose parents can't afford to give them Christmas gifts. Toys for tots gives toys to kids who need them; You can also go to Salvation Army and ask about their program that is similar to Toys for Tots, or go to some local churches because a lot of them donate toys to kids.You might also want to go to your child's school and ask about it, because a lot of schools have programs where they let kids pick certain toys if their parents can't afford it. If you live near a YMCA, they have a Women and children crisis center that sometimes helps women to give gifts to their children. Those are the few that I could think of. I hope this has helped, and I hope you and your kids turn out to have a good Christmas! God bless. :)

Leads in kids toys?


Most of my babys toys are from china! Her theme is Hello Kitty. So i've been collecting a bunch of hello kitty things such as stuff animals, hello kitty figures, lamps, tin boxes, those hello kitty mcdonalds toys. Its all made from china! should i be worried?!? Shes just one & puts everything in her mouth. Do i need to throw them out? One of fisher price toys on the recall list she got on christmas so would it still contain lead?

I would go find the fisher price web site and go through their recall list. I found a toy on there my kids have and reported it, they are suppose to be sending me a package to return the toy and then giving me a coupon for the toys worth to buy a different toy, not on the list. So go check it out, but try to keep her away from any toys you are concerned about until you can find out if they need to be returned. I also saw on the news there is a "Lead Test Kit" you can buy at most hardwear stores so you can test your childs toys with out having to try searching through all the recall lists. Good Luck, and be safe

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What are the top toys kids are wanting for?

Elinor Gun

So has your kids told you what they want for birthday? Let me hear some good ideas say for girls around age 7-10 yrs old? This info will help me alot!

If you can find a Wii (and want to spend the money on it), there's a lot of really nice girl-friendly titles.

Has your kids toys ever went off by themselves?

Q. I'm a little parnoid because the house we lived in before was haunted for those who believe me. Now were living in a apartment & this 1 particular toy(riding toy) keeps going off during the night by itself. How could this happen? AND has your kids toys ever done the same thing?

Oh yes this has happened a lot. Very creepy.

But there are a few reasons for this.

My son got a remote control air plane when he was little. It was preschool type toy and he would hold the controls like a steering wheel and drive the plane around the house.

We noticed sometimes while watching tv the airplane would make noises when no one was near it. It would beep, wheels would turn & so on. Other times the tv would flicker too or get static on it.

Turned out that the remote for the airplane and our tv remote were on the same what is it called frequency. My husband discovered this himself. He's an electronic engineer.

Another time in our old house during the middle of the night we'd hear a preschool Mr. Potato head game going off by itself. We'd hear out of the blue "Opps, I lost all my parts can you help me?" lol Drove us crazy! The toy didn't have an off button & would time out making itself go to sleep. It would go on & off by itself often. At first thought it was our dog or even our daughter sneaking out at night bumping it. But we'd put it on top of the tv stand out of reach and it would still do it!

My daughter loaned the toy to our neighbor one weekend. Late one night around 11pm our neighbor knocked on the door in his robe. He looked tired and had the game saying it would shut up. lol

Turns out it was the batteries were low. We found replacing them more often when the screen dimmed it stopped doing it.

We've had other toys too that do this. Toys that light up and play music are creepy. We had a stuffed bear that would start to play Twinkle Twinkle little star on it's own.

I do believe in haunted houses. I grew up in Columbus, MS. I saw it profile on tv a few years ago as one of the most "Haunted towns in MS." Dateline or Primetime profiled it. I grew up being one of the kids in the victorian houses for tour groups. We'd make butter, decorate a christmas tree, sew and stuff like that while tour groups walked by.

All the homes in the area were haunted. My best friend & I often changed clothes in a room where a baby had died. You would see the form of the baby on the feather bed. The maid would fix the bed before tours and sometimes while standing there changing we'd see the form appear by itself. It was a high bed so we thought maybe something was pulling on it from under it but that never happened.

I grew up in an area where part of civil war took place. Ditches were dug all through out neighborhood. They were ditches the soldiers would hid behind while they fought against the north. Plus many indians died in the area too. We had a famous trial near us & as you walked through the woods trees marked in red paint were where indians had been buried. Very creep.

My 14yr old says we have ghosts in the house. We have an old piano from the mid 1800s. My daughter says she often sees a little girl around 10 sitting near it at night. The idea scares me to death. lol

I've often smelled and felt my grandfather's presence. I smell Old Spice & Peppermints.

Now I don't believe ghost can move things or touch things. Ghosts are mentioned in the bible after Jesus dies and he is seen in ghost form. Ghosts are more the spirit that moves our human body. We pass easily from Heaven to Earth.

My brother in law is a Baptist pastor and we've often spoke on this subject.

Demons are the ones who attack, move things and throw things. Demons, I believe are after the spirits who belong to God. Demons can trap the spirits. Demons also want to attack us and use us to attack others.

you can't believe in the good with out believing in the bad

Edit - "I do believe in ghosts but they don't play with little kid toys, that's just silly. " - very true. It is more the engery not ghosts can't touch things but their energy can.

I watched a tv show that showed a demonologist talking to a ghost child who was trapped by a demon. They tested the power of the little girl to make sure she wasn't a demon. she was asked to turn and move the flashlight which she didn't. Then she was asked dim it which she did.

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Sunday, May 25, 2014

♂ What would you name 5 boy?


You can use your own names, but 2 of the boys must be twins.

For a better chance at best answer, please describe each of the boys. You can tell me their birthdays, ages, personalities, appearances, hobbies, pretty much anything you want about them. Have fun, and star if you want a girl's version. =)

Christopher Brady "Chris" - born September 3rd, 2002 (10 years old) - He is tall with longish hair, he plays football and soccer, he loves to be outside and hangout with his friends. His favorite color is green and he is very shy. He keeps to himself and has a small close group of friends. Besides sports, he also loves to play the guitar and play video games.

Ryan Andrew - born January 8th, 2005 (7 years old) - He has light brown hair and green eyes. He is a fun loving kid with a ton of energy. He loves running around and playing soccer with his older brother. He is always laughing and making jokes and is extremely outgoing. He loves being around people.

Matthew Lucas "Matt" - born July 26th, 2008 (4 years old) - He has blonde hair and brown eyes. He is a very funny little boy and is always making silly faces. He has a very outgoing and wild personality. Matt loves playing with cars and trains and messing around with his older brothers.

James William "Jamie" & Jack Everett - born November 12th, 2011 (1 year old) - They are identical twins with brown hair and brown eyes. Jamie is very quiet, low maintenance, doesn't cry much and likes to just sleep and be held and play with his toys. Jack is the opposite, very loud and yelling and laughing all of the time and always throwing things around, but loves to cuddle. They love being in each others company.

How appropriate is punishing a toddler for regressing in his potty training ?


My son who will turn 4 in May 2012 has been potty trained since he was 2 . Since he realized I was pregnant with my 2 nd child he has been having more and more accidents. At the beginning we used the star system for everytime he did in the toilet but then after a while it stopped working. A couple of month ago I started putting him in the naughty chair everytime he had an accident but now the accidents are increasing in frequency especially since the baby was born in October 2011. Today I told him that since he is acting like a baby I will start removing all the big boy's toys until he starts going to the toilet regularly... R we doing the right thing?

He is not doing it to misbehave, punishing him makes no sense.

He is not 4 yet, yet you seem to classify him as 4..the is a huge difference between a boy who is 3 and 4.Even months apart.
he is feeling threatened by the new baby.
You need to see it in his view, not yours.
Try giving him more time alone with you, special time..Always let him know he is so loved by you.

Taking away his toys is not the answer either. He can not help what is happening. Anxiety does that

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