Saturday, April 12, 2014

i have a son aged 2 years, what sort of knowledge building toys can i buy for him ?


I am living in Chennai, India, any knowledge building toys that makes the child involved and interested, which is availabel in india(if possible in Madras(new name Chennai) is what i am looking for. I am also looking for parental tips for my son aged 2 years and daughter aged 5 months.

The Lamaze Company makes excellent toys for infants, as does Baby Einstein. The Lamaze toys are great for sensory stimulation, which increases the infants vision and spatial awareness, attention span and motivates them to hold their heads up, roll over and want to reach and grab, etc.

Building toys are wonderful. My son always loved the basics: Lincoln logs (which are making a big comeback, now) and the Legos/Duplos. If your child is 2, he would be better off with just the Lincoln logs (made of wood and easier to put together, and not a choking hazard) or the larger Duplo blocks.

My son also loved Tinkertoys, but I think they may not sell those anymore, because they have sticks that may be considered hazardous.

Other toys that are great are puzzles, building blocks that don't have to be put together, just the colored, different shaped ones that your son can stack and build forts with. Those let him be creative and fun without making him stick to any kind of pattern.

You can find many, many things on Ebay! Lots of things you can't even find in stores any longer people will have on Ebay.

Other things I always encourage my students' parents to have on hand is plain paper and lots of crayons and markers. Let them draw and write and create. I don't like coloring books, because they limit their imaginations. Kids have very vivid imaginations, and they can create many magical things!

One word of parenting advice: whatever your child is doing, do it with him! He needs you to be an active parent, to help him see other ways of building, stacking, creating or just having fun. Otherwise, he won't learn as he plays, and he will just become isolated. Children need some alone time, but they need their parents, too. Even your daughter needs lots of interactive play time with you.

Have fun and don't be afraid to be silly with your kids! Every day should be a magical, fun day!

What measures need to be taken to boost India as a brand?( general view)?


Perception of India in general population in Europe is not so promising. What measure would you ppl suggest?

Consider the negatives first:
1. India is a violent and dangerous place. Recent massive media coverage on rape and the poor treatment of women is only the tip of an iceberg. It is a horrible country for girls and women although there is lip-service to the joys and sanctity of motherhood. And most police offices will not make out a formal report on any attack on a woman, for the obvious reason that there are simply too many of them. "It's part of everyday life - it's perfectly natural - it can't be controlled."
I saw in the paper recently that a 14-year old had been killed by his classmates who coveted his cellphone. They said as explanation, "It was a nice phone, we wanted it. And he died so easily - we didn't realise." No sense of regret or guilt - just "...we wanted it."
2. Corruption is endemic. Most people carry with them a sum of cash to bribe policemen, public officials, shopkeepers, bar-tenders, postmen, taxi-drivers, professionals such as lawyers, architects, computer repair engineers and so on. Politicians bride their electorates prior to elections: sarees to the women, toys for kids, seeds and tools for the men. The Anti-Corruption Bureau has always a series of allegations and police complaints about its own corruption. They all say, "It isn't corruption - it's just out-of-pocket expenses, administrative costs, sales commission, introduction fee."
3. Discipline is unknown. Indian mentality assumes that laws are to be broken; regulations to be ignored; health and safety to be in the hands of gods - not the civil service or the police. Is it legal for trucks to drive at night with no lights showing? No but everyone accepts it, including the police. It is legal to kill baby girls because they have "no value in the inheritance?" Of course not, but an estimated 25,000 are murdered at birth each year. Is it acceptable for motorbikes to travel the wrong way on any roadway? Not legally but everyone accepts it as normal, including the police. Is it legal to dump rubbish out of your car as you travel? No it is illegal but the Mumbai-to-Pune highway is a 100 km garbage dump of plastic bottles, plastic bags, food cartons, newspapers, used diapers and so on. And village roads are even worse.
4. Political chicanery. There are no free elections. Almost all politicians buy their votes or they are members of a ruling dynasty or they enlist the help of religious leaders. Most Hindu and Islamic parties will include deities or religious leaders in their election advertising. Voters, especially uneducated people in villages but also among the city professionals, will vote for the candidate and the party whose deity matches the one in their own houses. So a Sikh will never vote for a Parsee; a Hindu never for a Muslim; a Catholic never for a Protestant; A Buddhist never for a Hindu and so on . Bribery is rife [see above] and the country is run by a dozen or so "royal" families dating back before Independence in 1947.
5. Indian education is about pieces of paper; not knowledge and skills; and certainly nothing about employability or usefulness. Students learn by rote entire textbooks and the answers to previous examination papers. Cramming-colleges make fortunes every year by coaching students to cheat in exams. Most occupational certificates [electricians, hairdressers, car-mechanics, plumbers and glaziers, etc] can be purchased, not actually studied and examined. The All India Council for Technical Education, which accredits colleges and approves curricula, is currently under investigation for corruption: its officers apparently selling accreditations to rich college patrons for private "consultancy" payments.

NOW; how to present these "not so promising" aspects in a positive light?

Honestly; I don't know but I'll keep thinking and come back if anything comes to me.

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Toy story 3 or Karate kid?


which movie should i go watch

toy story 3 is better then karate kid toy story brings back memories

Toy Story 3 or Karate Kid?


should i watch the karate kid or toy story 3

I love them all but Toy Story 3 as they are really funny films!

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Friday, April 11, 2014

AARRGGG!!! Shut your kid up.?


I can not go anywhere outside of my house without having to put up with someone's misbehaving child. Why should I have to tolerate screaming, yelling, and crying from someone else's kid. We need places that are deemed kid-free. Maybe then I go to the theatre and can watch a damned R rated movie at 11:00 at night without someone's cranky toddler interrupting it. Perhaps even shop without having to tune out the whining kid whose parent won't buy them a toy they want. Control your kids!! is your fault they act this way. Plus, why is there a kid at the movie theater that late. At that point, it is your fault, not thiers that they are crying. They should be in bed.
No more comments about when I have kids. I don't want them and will not have them. My boyfreind is getting a vasectomy. No comments about this either, we ARE getting married, and are old enough to know what we want. 24 and 30.

Try to look at this from my point of view:

(This really happened about a month ago)

I am a stay at home mom of three sweet kids ages 7, 3, and 2 months. My husband works long hours and I'm usually stuck at home all day with the kids because we only have one car. To top it off, baby #3 was a C-section, so I'm just recovering from surgery. One day I decide to drop my husband off at 7am so that I can take the kids out to do something fun for the day, since they've been cooped up all week in the house. We decide to go to the mall. I get into the first store at the mall, and there is a kid's play area. My daughter who is 3 wants to play, he brother who is 7 doesn't. She startes whining, he won't budge. The baby is woken up by his sister's whining, so he starts screaming full blast (hard to fault him, he's only 2 mos old and just got woken up). So I quickly rush everyone to the checkout, and quickly pay. It took us 30 minutes to get to the mall, and in our 10 mins there, I can see this isn't going to work. So as quickly as I can, holding a crying newborn, pushing a stroller, and trying to keep a hand on my 3 yr old, I head for the closest exit. Everyone is staring at me, shooting me dirty looks. One older lady says loudly, "I can't believe she has that poor baby out like that." Other people mutter under their breath because they don't want to hear my children. Guess what, at this moment, I don't either. Did I have any idea that this would happen, no, of course not, or we wouldn't have driven an hour round trip for 10 minutes at the mall. I just wanted to get out of the house for a little while. I'm still in pain from the surgery, and carrying the baby, the shopping bag, and pushing the stroller is not helping, but I don't have anyone to help me right now. We can't afford a sitter, and even if we could, I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving a baby that young, plus he still nurses, making it impossible for me to be away from him.

So what should I do? Sit at home until my kids grow up? The thing about being out in public is that we have to share space with others. When I take my kids out, they might overhear people cussing, or teens making out, plenty of things that I would rather not subject them to, but guess what, unless it's happening in my house, I have no say so over what other people do. Children are people, they are not nusinces, and they have just as much right to be in a public place as anyone else does.

Do you think Eclipse will beat Toy Story 3 for the number 1 movie?


I think Toy Story 3 will stay on top.

That's doubtful. This is because twilight is rated pg13 and little kids may not be able to see it. Also toy story has been around for many childhoods. Even parents have wanted to see this movie. Finally you need to think of the audiences. For twilight it will be teens, and young couples or adults. While toy story 3 it will be interesting to children-due to having it fun and animated Pulse interesting to many children, teens-due to having toy story 1 & 2 being made during their childhood, adults because their children enjoy it as well as being interested in the story line and finally grandparents would enjoy the good message and spectacular and it would be enjoyed by their grandchildren.

Toy story will be rated higher than eclipse.

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Thursday, April 10, 2014

When kids hit (about age 2 1/2)?


Is this the age that especially little boys hit?

Recently my friends son got hit by this other friends son both boys are about 2. The little boy hit the other little boy with a wooden toy so hard that it left a welt.

Now I'm worried to have my baby by this little boy!

The mom doesn't spank -She left after that happened.

Anyone have any advice or stories to help ease my mind?

In my opinion it's a shame that parents let their kids behave certain ways and don't try to correct the behavior. "Oh, it's just a little boy, little boys are rough."

Uh, excuse me, that may be all well and good, but there's nothing that says you can't go over to your little boy, take his hand and say very firmly that hitting is unacceptable. Why some parents don't see that as clearly as I do is baffling. (phew, OK, vent over)

Anyway, if her child is acting that way in your house and she doesn't discipline him, I think you have every right to go over to the child and get down on his level, grasp his arm and get his attention and tell him that hitting is not permitted or accepted in your house, and if he continues to break the rules of the house he will have to go sit in the corner.

You'll probably offend the Mom, but it's better than having your kid beat senseless by another kid who isn't being taught to have manners.

Picky about your kids' toys?

Theodore M

Does anyone dislike the selection at Toys R Us? I am really picky about my son's playthings! I love stuff that not everybody else has. Not only that, but toys that allow for open-ended play that engage his imagination and thought. So many toys today do too much for the child. I am always looking for people to talk to about this, so if you are someone like me, please respond and let's discuss this!

Ever seen a kid spend more time playing with a cardboard box the toy came in?

Give your kids tons of balls... big, little, bouncy, lightened, fuzzy...
Some good books...
Plenty of cardboard boxes, paper towel tubes, paints... pots, pans... stackable spoons...

Depending on your child's interests: lego, erector sets, pretend play things...

That assuming your child does not mouth everything.

Buy at garage sales and thrift shops, they are a dime a ton, and you can donate those you don't like

When your child is at the imitation age, get them old cell phones and other imitation stuff...

Get different textures and shades... toy stores don't have them... I remember myself as a 6 month old and can tell that my perception of color at that age was much deeper than it is now. Just because basic colors are instant attention grabblers (i.e. best sellers) does not make them more stimulating.

Bikes, walkers... bath toys...

One of the best things you can get is one of these:
I have no idea how these are called in English, if at all; we call them "Swedish Walls". They've been clinically proven to accelerate 1-year-olds' mental development, along with physical, as at this age physical and mental development is highly correlated; and they can fit even in the smallest apartment.

Hard to be specific without knowing your child's age.


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Babysitting help for a beginner babysitting kids aged 1-6?

Daisy L

I need to know everything about babysitting kids aged 1-6. I need to know about every age, games for each age, meals and links for food I can cook kids (healthy), advertising, tips for every age, and maybe a few of your babysitting stories if you want to write them. I prefer very big answers like 2 big paragraphs. Thanks!

TODDLERS(ages 1-3) Toddlers Usually-
Feeds him/her self,
uses one two or three word senences
is determained to do things on their own
Climbs on Furniture
Runs Skips Jumps Climbs and Gallops(Older toddlers)
Dresses self (with help)
Bushes teeth (with help)

Most Toddlers still wear diapers Unless they have a Dirty diper you can change it quick and easy. 1. Get clean diaper Unsnap or pull down his/her pants and remove Dirty diaper.lift legs to clean him/her and dry him/her off. put clean diaper on.If it was a dirty diaper dump contents of the diaper in toilot throw disposible diaper away or put Cloth diapers were the parent told you. Wash your hands.
Toddlers can usually eat their food by them selves. Move high chair away from stoves, Electrical applieces and Hot liquids.Do let child stand in the chair and sacure the saftey straps. Toddlers can easly choke on food if they run or walk. Some good food ideas are sliced cheese, Crackers, sliced Hotdog, sliced fruit, sliced vegitables and other finger foods. Make sure there cut up small though. Also Ask the parents about any food allergys!!
You can tell when they are getting tierd They rub their eyes, Pull on their ears, get cranky and may even get circles around their eyes. Most Toddlers dont want to go to sleep. Get them into their pajamas and their teeth brushed etc.. try reading them a bedtime stroy be firm that its bedtime tell him/her that your close by turn off the lights and turn on any night lights there may be. Say goodnight then leave.
Toddlers like fun activities like:
Large Blocks
Cars and Trucks
Picture Books
Push and Pull Toys
Play Dishes
Dolls and Puppets
Play Tools
rocking horse
stacking blocks(knocking them down)
Rolling a ball hide and seek

PRESCHOOLERS(ages 3-5) Usually:
Walks up and down stair without help
Dresses alone puts shoes on
uses fork and spoon
Brushes teeth by him/her self
Talks well
Asks a lot of questions
learns to you toilot
Likes to show off
good snacks for preschoolers are :
Fresh Fruits
Hard-boiled eggs
Many Preschoolers ocaionally wet the bed Don't yell at them just get them clean clothes take off all their sheets and bedding get new bedding a send them to bed.
Good Activitys for Preschoolers:
Dolls and Trucks
Picture Books
Paper and Crayons
sand toys
toy dishes
toy broom
playing outside
Blowing bubbles

SCHOOL AGED(ages 5 and older)
Loses baby teeth
Understands that games have rules
know what is Pretend and what is real
Does more by him/her self
is interested in sports and music

Fruit and vegitables
apple sauce

skipping rope
paper airlanes


Picky about your kids' toys?

Theodore M

Does anyone dislike the selection at Toys R Us? I am really picky about my son's playthings! I love stuff that not everybody else has. Not only that, but toys that allow for open-ended play that engage his imagination and thought. So many toys today do too much for the child. I am always looking for people to talk to about this, so if you are someone like me, please respond and let's discuss this!

Ever seen a kid spend more time playing with a cardboard box the toy came in?

Give your kids tons of balls... big, little, bouncy, lightened, fuzzy...
Some good books...
Plenty of cardboard boxes, paper towel tubes, paints... pots, pans... stackable spoons...

Depending on your child's interests: lego, erector sets, pretend play things...

That assuming your child does not mouth everything.

Buy at garage sales and thrift shops, they are a dime a ton, and you can donate those you don't like

When your child is at the imitation age, get them old cell phones and other imitation stuff...

Get different textures and shades... toy stores don't have them... I remember myself as a 6 month old and can tell that my perception of color at that age was much deeper than it is now. Just because basic colors are instant attention grabblers (i.e. best sellers) does not make them more stimulating.

Bikes, walkers... bath toys...

One of the best things you can get is one of these:
I have no idea how these are called in English, if at all; we call them "Swedish Walls". They've been clinically proven to accelerate 1-year-olds' mental development, along with physical, as at this age physical and mental development is highly correlated; and they can fit even in the smallest apartment.

Hard to be specific without knowing your child's age.


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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

How do you do Easter?


With your kids/family?

I make my kids Easter baskets with candy and toys and leave it outside their bedrooms. My husband hides jelly beans all over the house for the kids to find. Then, everyone comes over for a big Easter dinner, with ham, deviled Easter eggs, hot cross buns with lemon curd, salad, angel food cake, and chocolate bunny truffles for dessert. I give all my guests some nice candy to take home.

Why do people buy kids toys on easter? I understand Christmas and birthdays, but not Easter toys?

Q. I used to get an Easter basket with toys and candy when I was little also. I just don't understand the significance.

Technically for Christmas and Easter you arent meant to get gifts, but everyone likes giving them and receiving them, so why not? plus people who dont care about the actual holidays historical meaning just use it as an excuse to buy things

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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

At what age do kids stop using booster seats?


When the seatbelt fits them correctly:


Safety belts are designed to fit the average adult male. Women and children (especially in older vehicles) simply do not fit. While there is little that can be done for adults (weâre still working on boosters to fit grown-ups who might want them LOL) belt positioning boosters make that adult belt fit your child.

Keep children in booster seats until they pass the "5 Step Test" (usually around 10-12 years old and close to 5 feet tall) in every vehicle in which the child rides. If the child meets the 5 Step Test in one vehicle, but not another, the child will need a booster for every vehicle in which the 5 Step Test is not met.

Weight is a useless measurement of whether a child is ready for the adult seat belt or not. Age is only helpful when considering the child's ability to sit properly.

In order to work properly, a shoulder belt needs to be across the collarbone and the lap belt needs to be on the hipbones. However, children often slip the shoulder belt under their arm or behind their back, losing all upper-body protection. Or, they slide forward so their knees bend comfortably over the edge of the seat, making the lap belt ride up on the abdomen. In these cases, the seat belt CANNOT work properly! Children can slide down and out of the restraint, or the belt can be forced into the stomach, causing damage to internal organs. These types of injuries are known as "seat-belt syndrome."

However, some children should NOT be in boosters.
Children under 40 pounds and under the age of four should remain in a 5 point harness at all times.

A booster does not restrain the child the way the harness does, it simply "boosts" the child up in order to make the adult-sized belt safely fit a child-sized body. Children under age 4 do not possess the ability to sit perfectly at all times, and a child who leans forward to retrieve a cup or toy, or who twists around to see something or someone behind them, will not be protected in a crash and is at risk for serious injuries and possibly death. Also, children this age sometimes still fall asleep in the car. The slumping that occurs when this happens means they are not properly positioned and should be in a 5 point harness for that trip. Ideally all children should remain in an appropriate 5 point harness until age 5.

The 5 Step Test

If you answer "No" to any of these questions, your child must be in a booster seat:
1. Does the child sit all the way back against the auto seat?
2. Do the child's knees bend comfortably at the edge of the auto seat?
3. Is the lap belt touching the top of the thighs, not the tummy?
4. Is the shoulder belt centered on the shoulder and chest?
5. Can the child stay seated like this for the whole trip?
BELT-POSITIONING BOOSTERS CAN NOT be used with only a lap belt!
(See your car dealer for a lap/shoulder belt retrofit.)

Top 15 Disney songs????


what are your top 15 Disney (not Pixar b/c it'd be too hard then) songs and why? here's my list:

15. "Son of Man" -Tarzan (Phil Collins is pretty awesome, and this song is catchy and up beat)

14. "Be Prepared" -The Lion King (one of the best Disney villain songs ever!)

13. "Cruella De Vil" -101 Dalmatians (Not very long, but pretty catchy)

12. "You Can Fly" -Peter Pan (Peter Pan just happened to be my favorite movie as a kid other than Toy Story)

11. "Kiss the Girl" -The Little Mermaid (easily the best song in the whole movie.... well "Under The Sea" is pretty good)

10. "Bella Notte" -Lady and the Tramp (i really wanted to put this higher, but i couldn't find a spot. so top ten will have to be good enough)â¦

9. "Bare Necessities" -The Jungle Book (just a song about doing almost absolutely nothing... like a Disney version of "The Lazy Song")â¦

8. "Hakuna Matata" -The Lion King (sung by the funniest duo in Disney History)â¦

7. "Zero to Hero" -Hercules (upbeat and just freakin' awesome)â¦

6. "A Whole New World -Aladdin (awwwwww... how magical :P)â¦

5. "Be Our Guest" -Beauty and the Beast (in my opinion, better than the song "Beauty and the Beast")â¦

4. "Friend Like Me" -Aladdin (it's hard to put this one above "A Whole New World" but it's just funnier)â¦

3. "I Wanna be Like You" -The Jungle Book (Come on, who doesn't love when Baloo and Louie dance?)â¦

2. "You'll Be in my Heart" -Tarzan (Phil Collins makes the list again, w/ a slower but more powerful song)â¦

1. "Why Should I Worry" - Oliver in Company (Billy Joel... enough said)â¦

so what are yours? and remember, no Pixar songs (other wise "You've Got a Friend In Me" and "I Wouldn't Have Nothing If I Didn't Have You" would have been on my list)

also, I tried to have the links to all of the songs... but freakin' Yahoo! won't let me add more than 10!

Snow White - Heigh-Ho
Aladdin - A Whole New World
Aladdin - A Friend Like Me
Pinocchio - When You Wish Upon A Star
The Lion King - Hakuna Matata
The Lion King - In The Jungle
The Lion King - Can You Feel The Love Tonight
The Lion King - Circle of Life
The Lion King - Just Can't Wait To Be King
Beauty and the Beast - Be Our Guest
Beauty and the Beast - Tale as Old As Time
Beauty and the Beast - Belle
Pocahontas - Colors of the Wind
Fox and the Hound - Best of Friends
The Little Mermaid - Under The Sea

I like all of those.

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toys for a 3 1/2 year old?


My son loves to build things - do you know of any wonderful "toys" that let a child build and use their imagination? I have the usual - Legos, wooden blocks, big carboard blocks . . . I'm just looking for a new activity for him. Thank you!

Kid knex is the best construction toy my kids have ever had I bought one cheap set and my kids played with it constantly for a week I then added to it, they have played with that more than anything else since they were around three, they are six and seven now and they are still going strong. I have since introduced the version knex which is for older kids and is just as popular but the kid knex is not on it's way out yet. It is also one of the most popular thing that their friends play with they also have lego, playmobil, mechano, bricks and a room full of stuff.

What are the most popular kids' toys this year?

Q. I want to get my cousins something special. They don't have any video games systems (nor am I going to get them one).

Here are the top 10 toys of 2007:

1.Nintendo DS Lite Onyx

2.Hasbro i-Dog - White

3.LeapFrog FLY Fusion Pentop Computer

4.Youniverse Keep Safe Diary

5.Hannah Montana DVD Game

6.Dance Dance Revolution DVD Game

7.6' Mega Giga Ball

8.Rescue Pets Wake Me Up

9.High School musical DVD Game

10.Hasbro i-Cat - black

GoodLuck :)
If you want to buy them go to:(

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Monday, April 7, 2014

What are the top ten best movies from last year?


For me:
1. Black Swan
2. The Kids are All Right
3. True Grit
4. The King's Speech
5. Inception
6. The Social Network
7. Toy Story 3
8. How to Train Your Dragon
9. Blue Valentine
10. Winter's Bone

what rabbits are the best for kids?

Q. im looking for little ones

For young kids? No rabbits are good rabbits for little kids. :( I'm sorry. But they have sharp claws and most don't like to be held. There are a few out there that do, but not most. When they get picked up they will scratch and squirm and can cause some serious damage. I have a couple old scars and some fresh cuts from the little guy I have now. Rabbits can also be given heart attacks quite easily and a child who's screaming and running around could literally scare a bunny to death. Another thing is a rabbit can't be left in a cage all day. They need a living space that's at least 8 square feet and a play space of at least 24 square feet. A stuffed animal rabbit would be a better idea. Now if the children are older and can understand that you have to be quiet and gentle with the bunny I would suggest a larger rabbit, around ten pounds. They won't be as delicate as say a small dwarf rabbit. But bigger does not mean lazier and all rabbits needs several hours a day of play time. Below is a basic list of things you need and have to do to own a bunny.

1. Environment
Your bunny needs a cage/hutch/pen big enough for it to stand up and stretch complete out. The ideal amount of space would be eight square feet. I started my guy off in a cage that was one and half by two feet and I could immediately see his discomfort. Eight square feet is the best but you could get away with six. Then your bunny needs a play area where it can spend several hours a day running around and being a bunny. This space needs to be at least twenty four square feet. This could easily be bedroom or a living room that's been bunny proof. My guy has my bedroom and a thirty six square foot run in he backyard. This space is essential for a healthy bunny, especially if that's where it'll be spending most of it's time. Your bunny's living space must also not contain any wire floors. Those cause sore feet. It's best to have a solid floor. But if the hutch/cage has a wire floor make sure your bunny has a wooden resting board that's big enough for him to stand on comfortably. Also never keep your bunny outside at night. Bunnies can easily be given a heart attack if scared and there's too many predators out at night. Also make sure if your bun is just going outside to play that you coat him with a bunny approved flea spray. Better safe than sorry. Bunny's also don't do well in heat. When the temp gets over eighty five Fahrenheit you need to evacuate bun to a cooler area.
2. Food And Water
A thirty two ounce water bottle is ideal. As for food, a pellet high in fiber, around eighteen percent, should be good. Most pellets list that right on the back of the bag. Make sure the pellets don't have any extra treats like sunflower and pumpkin seeds in it. Mine decided he didn't want the pellets, which had all the nutrients he needed in it. He'd eat all the seeds and leave the rest. He dropped a lot of weight this way, which lead to a skinny bunny. So make sure there's no treats in the food. You can put the food in a crock. Also Timothy hay. This is absolutely necessary. Your bunny should have free choice of hay so make sure he always has hay. You can also feed him things like dark leafy greens(lettuce) and carrot tops, they love those. Dandelions are also good. You can feed these treats however often you like, just not so often it's the only thing your bunny eats. If you want to give him treats, try yogurt drops, but don't give him to many.
3. Toys
A board bunny is a destructive bunny. Make sure you have a heavy arsenal of toys. You can use things like detergent caps(make sure to completely rinse them out), paper towel rolls, wood chews, grass mats, and those cat balls with the bells in them are very entertaining. You also may want to invest in a salt and or mineral lick. The bunnies like em and it's good for them.
4. Litter box
It's quite easy to litter train a rabbit. Just keep placing the box in the corner you see your bunny using as his bathroom and eventually he'll get the idea. It took my guy just a few days, all the every bunny is different. Make sure the box is big enough for him to sit in comfortably and avoid the ones with grates because like someone else said, the bunny needs to be able to eat his poop. It is really gross but they do. Bunnies have two different types of poop pellets, one that is for getting rid of waste and one that contains nutrients they don't process the first time through. They eat those. Just a suggestion but putting his hay in one end is a great idea. It entices them to use the box, not to mention they spend a lot of time in their boxes so usually nibble on what's already there anyways. As for the litter that goes in side avoid wood shavings. Make sure whatever you use doesn't have any bad dusts or oils in it that could be harmful to bunny lungs and intestines. It usually says on the bag if it doesn't have any of that stuff in it. And don't use cat litter.

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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Kids and toys?


I have one daughter age of 7 and one step-son he is 10 and they both are always fighting over toys. how can I teach them to share?

1.Tell them about the poor kids who wish they had these toys!
2.Let them play with the toys at different times!
3.Take their toys away until they learn to share!
4.Show them how it feels when someone refuses to share with them
Example:Go buy something like a toy that both of them wants and say it yours and when they ask to play with it you say so you want me to share?( Then they are suppose to say yes)(they may not but if they do)!You say no im not sharing my toy! Then if they ask why then say becasue you guys dont know how to share! Then ask them how they felt when you said that you are not sharing your toy! Then say well thats how each of yall feel when yall dont share you make a person sad because ou wont share!If this doesnt work sorry with my kids it did!

Why blame McDonalds for giving away kids toys?

Dr Skipper

Almost every fast food restaurant nowadays have kids toys! They're just cute. I never went to McDonald's for the toys even as a kid...i went because it tastes good!
omg I still have a toy from McD's from when I was LITTLE and it still functions perfectly. It's a little videogame where you're a monkey and you have to catch all of the bananas. :D I had a stuffed animal monkey and when I was little I played that game as a way to "feed" him by catching the bananas for him <3

I agree, so what if McDonald is giving away toys, a lot of other fast food places do that too. Also in the end toy or no toy it is the parents who take their kids to McDonald and orders the food. Now in my opinion there is nothing wrong with eating fast food every once in a while but it shouldn't be an everyday thing. It's common sense to know that fast food isn't good for you and that if you eat that stuff (especially three times a day) you're going to gain weight. Just like in the move Super Size Me. Basically the toy is just an extra treat so to speak, something the kids can play with while they are eating or after they are done eating. Besides they already offer healthier foods too so you get to choose. Either way the toy isn't to blame.

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How do you deal wth a 3 yr old stubborness?


I spank him, i talk to him and even take away his favorite toy but it still don't work, how do i deal with it?

Children of this age normally try to acquire some autonomy and decide things for themselves. And you really do have to let him have his way as much as you can without letting him endanger himself or make life very incovenient for you. Or else, he is going to have psychological problems later on.

"Toddlers are constantly striving for more independence. This creates not only special safety concerns, but also discipline challenges. The child has to be taught, in a consistent manner, the limits of appropriate vs. inappropriate behavior."
"It is important for parents not to follow into a pattern of negative behavior with yelling, spanking, and threatening of their own."

Here is advice from a pediatrician about how to parent such children:


The toddler years are the time to begin instilling values, reasoning, and incentives in the child to conform to accepted rules of behavior.

It is important for parents to be consistent both in modeling behavior and in addressing appropriate vs. inappropriate behavior in the child.

Positive behavior should be both recognized and rewarded.

Time-out may be initiated for negative behavior or exceeding established limits.

The toddler´s favorite word may appear to be "NO!!!" It is important for parents not to follow into a pattern of negative behavior with yelling, spanking, and threatening of their own.

Teach children names of body parts.

Stress unique, individual qualities of the child.

Teach concepts of please, thank you, and sharing with others.

If not already reading to the child on a regular basis, this is a good time to start -- it will enhance the development of verbal skills.

How do I make my iPhone ring without service?

Angela Ava

I have an original iPhone without service for my toddler to play with when my husband or I are using our iPhones. However, my kid keeps stashing it with his toys and losing it. We can never find it when we need it. Since it never leaves the house and is always on our wifi, is there some way that my husband or I could "call" the inactive phone with our phones or computer so that we can find it quickly when we need it? I'm not sure what you'd even search for to find an app like that. Thanks!

Check this out. I think you have to hack it first but it talks about a program called veency or vnc.....???

I googled "can i control my iphone from my computer"


Google "remote control locator". This is the first thing I found, but it's $30. I'm sure there's gotta be something cheaper.

Hope this helps ;)

PS. Why would you "need" it, if it's old and unused?


Appleâs Find my iPhone service which was available as part of the annual paid service â MobileMe has gone completely free with the release of iOS 4.2 for all iDevices including iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. While the other MobileMe services will still remain premium, this one feature is now available free for everyone.

apparently says it is only for iphone 4 but worth a shot maybe?)

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Toddler toys?


What is a good thing to buy for a 21m old? I'm always looking for something that will hold her attention because she's at home all day (except when I take her to the park) and she gets bored. She already has legos, trains, a kitchen, books, the usual. I'm thinking either a play tent or a little people playset. Any ideas?

My daugher is 21 months old (and I have a 3-year-old daughter as well). My older daughter LOVED her Little People at that age and still does. My older daughter has/had a much greater attention span than my younger daughter, so she tends to play with things for longer periods and always has.

Some other things that my daughters like(d) to play at that age...

- Wooden puzzles
- Reading books
- Dancing to music
- Toy kitchen
- Musical instruments (harmonica, drum, tambourine, bells, xylophone, flutophone, etc.)
- Dolls
- Play-doh
- Crayons
- Paint with water
- Bubbles
- Helping with easy housework -- mopping floor, dusting
- Pretending to be a dog/cat/elephant/etc.
- Drawing with chalk on the sidewalk
- Chasing me or her sister around the house
- Pulling a toy for the cats to chase

I'm sure there's more, but that's what I can think of off-hand. Hope it gives you a few more ideas!

Do you think toddlers need lots of educational toys?

Dynamite L

I just got an easel for painting/chalkboard and four wooden puzzles with knobs on the pieces and more age appropriate books for my grandbaby. What other toys would help a 16 month old?

I think Toddlers need an equal amount of educational toys and independent environmental experiences. It's amazing the things you can entertain a toddler with! At 16 months they love to dance to music (maybe educational songs), musical instruments, Playdough, they love to read, Puzzles are great, bubbles, beanbags, crayons. Anything that stimulates motor skills at this age is appropriate. They should be learning how to color, kick, attempting to jump, rocking on a toy horse, the idea of balance (bean bags on head), throw a ball/bounce a ball, using a spoon to eat, just to name a few.
I use to work with one year old's in a pre-school environment. We would also use our imaginations a lot. Imagine what you can do with a box. Pretend your rowing a boat, racing a car, Puppet shows.
Exploring outdoors is most important, this is where they learn about the world, sun, sky, grass. Magnifying glasses are neat, any outdoor exploring toys, or just a bird feeder, so they can watch/explore birds. Just some ideas, hope it helps.
Good Luck,

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Advanced Toddlers?


Does anyone have a child that you believe is advanced and possibably gifted? What are some of the things your child does that makes you think that they are advanced? What do you think is the next step in preparing for their educational future?
Why is it acceptable for a parent to be proud of a child who excels in sports, music, art, etc...but if the parent mentions that their child is unusually intelligent people jump all over them?

I am not posting this question to be competitive. I simply want to figure out educational options for my child because at age 2 and a half she can already pass the kindergarten readiness test. I am worried about an education system that focuses on the lowest intellectual denominator. I want my child to challenged by school and love learning.

My daughter, who is 22 months old, sounds very similar to yours. My mother is a teacher, and she is amazed at what my daughter knows - more than some of the 5 year old kids that she tests at school.

I don't push my daughter to focus on learning, and never have. We have provided her with all kinds of educational toys (letter puzzles, sorting toys, etc), and she is just drawn to it. Even when playing outside, she'll count the flowers in the garden or leaves on the ground. Or, look at a magazine, and start naming the letters she sees.

I was a preschool teacher, and also worked in a Montossorri preschool for several years, and have seen all kinds of children with many different levels of abilities. I believe the best thing to do is provide your children with the tools they need, and if they seem to be gifted - seek opportunities to help them actively learn - but make it fun. A two year old does not need to sit and have a "preschool lesson", but will probably love to look at books and tell you the letters, or count out crackers for a snack. I've even seen a 3 year old who was beginning to read.

Many schools will allow a 4 year old to enter kindergarden, but only if the parent inquires about it. It also depends on the maturity of the child, etc.

The schools in our area also group children in to classes according to their ability. For example, your child may be enrolled in kindergarden, but may go to a first grade class for reading or math, if you child excels in one particular area.

Have fun with your toddler, encourage them, and be proud!

In the newest issue of Parents magazine, there was an article..?


something like toddler rules? It was really cute and funny, and I wanted to keep it, but I think I accidentally threw my copy away while I was cleaning this weekend. :( Does anyone know what book it was from? Or perhaps a link to it? I'd really appreciate it, I thought it was hilarious. Thanks.

God I hope this is it because it took me forever to type. excuse the horrid spelling and typing and what not. My hands were hurting, its late, im tired, and it was a lot to type. and I hope no one else did this also. because that would suck. lol I couldn't find this on the site but found my mag.

Dear mom and dad,
thank you for your interest in remaining my parents. Below is a list of my demands.
The Toddler Contract

1. Food
a. for breakfast, there will be only milk from my sippy cup while I'm watching tv (see section 2)
b. from breakfast until what you probably call lunch, i will be provided with an unending supply of cookies. no arguments.
c. for lunch i will eat yogurt, anything containing fruit on the bottom will make me pick them out and throw it on the ground or else throw it up on your carpet.
1. so no fruit on the bottom.
d. from lunch until dinner i will enjoy having something to lick. why not a lollipop? why not seven?
1.between licks, i may place the lollipop on your grandmothers turkish rug. this will be okay with you.
e. for dinner i will have macaroni and cheese. any attempts to give me veggies in addition to the mac and cheese will result in tears.
1. and don't you dare hide anything in the cheese sauce, because, my God, how you will rue the day.
f. after dinner, you may provide me with ice cream.
1. no frozen yogurt. trust me, i know the difference.

2. TV
a. the tv will be on all the time, unless I say differently. you are to sit by my side, quietly, hands folded in lap, while I watch my shows.
1. you may arise to fetch me a snack.
b. no diaper changing or pleas to engage in physical activity will be tolerated during watching of tv.
c. turning off the tv will result in much kicking and screaming.

3. Toys
a. there will be many
1. they will always be strewn about the house so that i may simply reach down and pick up a toy, no matter where I am.
2. they will be loud, complicated and contain many small pieces. i enjoy shooting noises that go w-shooop! or zim zim zim.
3. nothing that results in any type of learning, please.

4. Friends
a. they should be available whenever im in the mood to use someone else's toys or ingest someone elses cookies.
1.these friends may not ever so much as look as my toys or Cookie supply.
2. ever, ever, ever.

5. Sleep
a. is when i say, where i say, and how i say. if i want to sleep upside down with my legs locked around your neck, then that's how it will be.
1. and you will enjoy it.

6. affection
a. occasionally i enjoy being hugged and kissed. I stress occasionally.
b. i will not be pelted with wet-mouthed assaults on an hourly basis. should you feel the need to hug or kiss, you must provide me with a written request.
1. and then wait for me to offer my pudgy cheeks.

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What are some good learning toys to buy a toddler for Christmas?


My son is 18 months old and I am not sure what to get him other than what I already have. I wanted to get him something specifically aimed at learning, not just fun time.

It may sound weird, but at this age - EVERYTHING is a learning toy. Your child will be able to learn from anything. Kids are sponges at this age and absorb everything from how something feels, to the noise it makes, to the way it moves, etc.

My son always loved things with wheels. He would flip cars over just to play with the wheels - especially ones that you could pull back, and then they'd go forward on their own. You could see the excitement in his face when he figured out how to do this on his own. =)

I've read articles that said constantly giving your baby toys that are teaching, and learning things can actually be detrimental. They say it limits a child's imagination. If a toy is telling your child that something is a bear.. then it's a bear. Nothing more. It's not a magical bear with super powers.. or a bear that loves to eat vanilla pudding.. it's just a bear.

My son does have some learning toys, but I've found he doesn't like them that much. (He likes cause and effect toys like keyboards/pianos.. those pop a shape things, etc where you have to do something to make something happen)

Here's a list of the top 5 educational toddler toys :


Toddler learning resources?

My little girl just turned 2. She is extremely intersted in learning her colors, numbers and shapes. She is recognizing letters on newspapers, t-shirts and pointing out certain shapes to me. I have never really sat down and taught her any of this, but I would love to help her along as she truly loves learning. I wanted to see if any other parents of toddlers had suggestions for specific flashcards and learning tools that I could purchase for her that she would enjoy. I have looked around, but most of the resources seemed geared towards older children.
Thank you!

I have worked with children about the same age as your little one for years. There are tons of things you can do with her. Books are a wonsderful way to teach things. You can buy books on numbers, alphabet, shapes, and colors. You can do crafts with her that work around anything. For letters, you can have a letter for everyday, and do things that day that start with that or eat things that start with that letter. I would be creative and make up your own stuff!

Here are some books that might help you:

The Alphabet from A to Y With Bonus Letter Z! by Steve Martin and Roz Chast

Dr. Seuss's ABC: An Amazing Alphabet Book! by Dr. Seuss

Eric Carle's ABC (The World of Eric Carle) by Eric Carle

One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Beginner Books(R)) by Dr. Seuss

Those are just a few, or you can go online to and search for books, here a link to directly what you need or go to your look book store is a good sit eto go to for arty and craft ideas or google what you are looking for and you will have tons of results.

If you have a teaching store in your area, they might have stuff too!

They also have tons of learning toys out, like leap frog, check your local walmart or target for them.

If you have any other questions, email me! Good luck and hope i have helped!

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