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My son's elementary school has a program in which each student chooses to buy gifts for those who can not afford them. My son's benevolence outweighs his sense of money, so he chose to take an entire family's wishlist. They have asked for a gameboy, another gameboy, an RC car, and gift cards to pathmark, target.
I come from a high income town, the median income is well over 100k, so I am wondering what exactly they are expecting here. How much should I give in gift cards, did they mean both stores or just one? There are so many different models of gameboys, the children asking for them are aged 7 and 8, so I dont think they are expecting brand new DS lites but I cannot know for sure. Lastly, is there any specific RC car that a 5 year old boy would have his heart set on? I would really like to make this family's holiday special, but I dont have the money to not be a little thrifty with these purchases. Any advice would be so appreciated!
That's great your son wants to give. That is such a great quality to have. Now, if the family is truly a needy family they don't need expensive game boys. Most truly needy people are Happy to get any thing. I can tell you from experience that they need toothbrushes, shoes,cloths, bubble bath soap, kid shampoos. Things they can use and eat. Kid only need a few toys. I spent less than 100 dollars on my own family, that's all I had to spend and my kids wont know any different. A friend of mine was given a gift card to walmart for back to school. The person that gave it to her told her to buy cloths and food and school supplies for her daughter. She bought movies and Cd's for her self and let the shelters give her used cloths for her daughter and made the school supply for her. So try to be specific with cards like a payless shoe source card. Grocery store gift cards are good. Hope this helps you ~~ Have a Mary Christmas!
That's great your son wants to give. That is such a great quality to have. Now, if the family is truly a needy family they don't need expensive game boys. Most truly needy people are Happy to get any thing. I can tell you from experience that they need toothbrushes, shoes,cloths, bubble bath soap, kid shampoos. Things they can use and eat. Kid only need a few toys. I spent less than 100 dollars on my own family, that's all I had to spend and my kids wont know any different. A friend of mine was given a gift card to walmart for back to school. The person that gave it to her told her to buy cloths and food and school supplies for her daughter. She bought movies and Cd's for her self and let the shelters give her used cloths for her daughter and made the school supply for her. So try to be specific with cards like a payless shoe source card. Grocery store gift cards are good. Hope this helps you ~~ Have a Mary Christmas!
What rc helicopter would you recommmend?
Kevin H
I am searching for them and the reviews are either 5 stars or 1 star. Each of them has a rating that says it breaks on the first flight and it also has a rating that says its really durable and its the best toy ever. What should I get?
The Air Hogs Havoc is a great beginner's helicopter and a great Christmas stuffer. It is nearly indestructable. Unless you abuse the helicopter, then it shouldnt be damaged at all. (Abuse as in drop stuff on it, shooting it) It is easy to control and easy to learn. Great for kids and adults. kids at least 8+
The Air Hogs Havoc is a great beginner's helicopter and a great Christmas stuffer. It is nearly indestructable. Unless you abuse the helicopter, then it shouldnt be damaged at all. (Abuse as in drop stuff on it, shooting it) It is easy to control and easy to learn. Great for kids and adults. kids at least 8+
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