Saturday, April 27, 2013

I have to make a invention for school. Does anyone have any ideas?

Q. I need something easyy and it's due Jan.22nd 2010. Please Help! Thanks!

A. You have lots of time, so if it's too easy you won't get a good grade.
First think of a problem that you want to solve, and then think of how you could solve it. Your invention probably won't be totally new, but maybe you could improve on one that already exists. For example, my son is an artist and he designed an improvement on easels that made it possible for little kids to adjust the height by themselves. This meant that the kid could keep the easel a few years longer as he grew, because little kids' easels aren't easily adjustible. Think of something you're interested in, or look at all the gadgets in your kitchen or work area. Also keep an eye on those "as seen on TV" products. You can't copy those things, but they may give you an idea.

What, in your opinion, is the most stupid way the government spends our money?

A. The federal government spent billions of dollars in 2011 on some unusual projects.
Here are some that seem utterly outrageous to me...

1. $764,825 for a study on how college students use cell phones and social media

The National Science Foundation awarded the University of Notre Dame this grant to study the mobile and social media habits of college freshmen. I can tell you exactly how college freshmen use mobile phones and social media: for 3 a.m. texts and phone calls to that guy in American History. I could have saved the government a lot of money.

2. $136,555 for teachers to retrace Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales in England
Ads by Google

This grant, awarded to teachers from Kent State and Eastern Illinois Universities, allowed Middle English lit fanatics to take the trip outlined in Canterbury Tales. I'm betting £10 that the tour guides just make up half of the landmarks.

3. $55,660 on butter packaging

Kriemhild Dairy Farms received this chunk of change to package their grass-fed cow butter. The funding isn’t the only thing that’s too big: The butter itself is 85 percent fat.

4. $606,000 for a study about online dating

Columbia University researchers received over a half-million dollars to study online dating. Maybe the Ivy League nerds who conducted this study should put down the lab coats and go to a bar — or at least the library.

5. $484,000 for a pizza restaurant

Arlington, Texas has one more beer and pizza joint, thanks to this grant to a private developer. The groovy Mellow Mushroom, a national chain, is known for its hippie theme.

6. $48,700 towards the Second Annual Hawaii Chocolate Festival

These funds were awarded to promote Hawaii’s chocolate industry. The Aloha State is already full of sandy beaches, clear blue water, and sun. Why do they get all the good stuff... (That’s the mayor of Hershey, Pennsylvania on Line 1.)

7. $147,138 to build a magic museum

Maybe the wizards at the American Museum of Magic in Marshall, Mich., can make the federal deficit disappear. The grant was awarded to promote the “history of magic entertainment.”

8. $96,000 on iPads for kindergarteners

One school district in Maine was awarded this grant to buy every kindergarten student the latest Apple gadget. These kids can’t add yet, but thanks to Uncle Sam they’ll never need to.

9. $175,587 for a study on the link between cocaine and the mating habits of quail

The funding for this super-important scientific study is down from its 2010 level of $181,406. But I think the amount is ridiculous for research that proves what the film “Blow” already did: that cocaine is linked to high-risk sexual activity.

how do I get my youtube videos more popular?
Q. Okay I'm trying to get my videos to have at least thousands of views. I have videos of song lyrics, anime slide shows and one short animated video. I've made the names more interesting and I've sent messages of my videos to my friends and I've posted links to my videos on facebook. What else do I have to do to get them to have thousands of views?

A. Put your tags as:

activism, advertising, alternative-news, ancient-history, animals, animation, anime, architecture, arts, astronomy, atheist, bizarre, blogs, books, buddhism, business, cars, cartoons, cats, celebrities, christianity, classic-rock, clothing, comedy-movies, comics, computer-graphics, computer-hardware, computers, cooking, crafts, crime, cyberculture, dogs, drawing, drugs, ecommerce, environment, fashion, fine-arts, firefox, geography, graphic-design, guitar, guns, hacking, health, history, humor, illusions, interior-design, internet, internet-tools, iraq, liberal-politics, liberties, linguistics, linux, literature, mac-os, mathematics, movies, multimedia, music, nature, network-security, news, online-games, open-source, painting, philosophy, photography, physics, poetry, politics, programming, psychology, quizzes, relationships, religion, satire, science, science-fiction, self-improvement, shopping, software, space-exploration, stumblers, stumbleupon, tattoos, travel, tv, video, video-games, web-design, windows, writing, actors, america, apple, art, aviation, blog, blogging, bush, california, car, cartoon, cat, celebrity, charity, children, climate-change, college, comedy, comic, community, dance, death, debate, design, diet, diy, dog, economy, election, elections, energy, entertainment, exercise, facebook, film, finance, flash, flowers, food, football, funny, gadgets, game, games, gaming, global-warming, god, google, graffiti, green, home, humour, illustration, images, internet-marketing, life, living, love, mac, marriage, math, media, medicine, microsoft, money, music-video, obama, oil, online, paintings, pakistan, peace, photo, photos, photoshop, pictures, pirates, president, quotes, recipe, recipes, republican, rock, sculpture, security, social-media, social-networking, society, space, star-wars, tech, technology, television, tips, tools, tutorials, ubuntu, vegan, video, videos, vintage, war, water, web, web-development, weird, wordpress, youtube, president, 2008, 2009, 2010, winter, secret, omg, no, way, amplafitesttag, art, arts, bank, barackobama, bi, bisexual, blues, broadway, business, c, canvass, children, classical, college, comedy, community, communityservice, concert, conference, convention, country, county, dance, debatewatchparty, design, development, drive, election, election08, entrepreneur, event, events, fair, family, festival, field, filmfest, florida, football, for, free, fun, fundraising, halloween, haunted, indie, iowavoteearlyforchangeweekofac, jazz, kids, league, live, local, localfieldoffice, london, management, marketing, media, meeting, music, musicals, mybo, national, networking, new, nfl, nyc, obama, of, office, organizing, party, performance, phone, phonebank, pop, pride, prideevent, pridefest, registration, rock, service, show, shows, social, sport, sports, startup, technology, theater, tour, voter, voterregistrationdrive, w, web, western, women, women for obama, workshop, , free, money, cash, movie, download

or something like that, also, put it in your description:

activism, advertising, alternative-news, ancient-history, animals, animation, anime, architecture, arts, astronomy, atheist, bizarre, blogs, books, buddhism, business, cars, cartoons, cats, celebrities, christianity, classic-rock, clothing, comedy-movies, comics, computer-graphics, computer-hardware, computers, cooking, crafts, crime, cyberculture, dogs, drawing, drugs, ecommerce, environment, fashion, fine-arts, firefox, geography, graphic-design, guitar, guns, hacking, health, history, humor, illusions

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What's the best free email website for kids?

Q. I need to find a good free email website for kids, for my friend. He's 11, and he can't find a good email website for kids under 13. Can you please help?

A. Google cuz u can Have A iGoogle and decorate it with themes and games and gadgets!

how soon will you start shopping for Chirstmas?
Q. there is about 1.5 months left for shoping, when is a good time to start shopping?
what is a good gift for brothers that are 25, and 27, they both have no kids and are good ppl? any suggestions?

A. the best time is the day after thanksgiving where you will get all the best sales! You will have to start early that morning to avoid the store rush.
For your brothers, you can try MP3 players, digital cameras, cell phones, any gadget type stuff, cologne, clothes if you know their sizes, laptops

here's some more manly ideas

Why do you think society has changed so much?
Q. Because of new technology?
Have we become more intelligent?
Or do you think evolution is reversing?
When we compare modern day society with the past centuries, what do you believe has been influencing us?
Do you think this change is positive or negative?
When I say society of course, I DO mean humans. Sorry if this confused anyone.
Society = group of people, I really meant us.

A. Well if you look at kids right here trying to get answers for their homework by asking random strangers to help (not to mention the whole google thing at their disposal), added to the gadgets and appliances grown-ups simply must-have to make life easier, it all leads to one conclusion = we are getting lazier by the day

I predict a future where pavements will be replaced by travelators so no one has to endure the botheration and hardships of having to walk anywhere...

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Friday, April 26, 2013

007 Skyfall Questions Please Answer 10 points!!!?

Q. Okay so its a great film and I am kinda looking forward to the next, seeing as how they will be reverting to the classic James Bond movies, but I have questions!


1. M (Mom) says the F word, is this the first time in the series (I believe so..)

2. While in the Skyfall orphanage, Bond gets his fathers hunting rifle.. the last name was Bond... I was under the impression that all agents are GIVEN the codename/cover James Bond, how does his father have the name?

3. I was deeply saddened by what happened to the beloved M character... and I saw how they brought Moneypenny back, and how the new M is a man, like it used to be before Judi Dench.. My question is are you optimistic or a bit worried about the next Bond movie preformances.. I mean can the man become as good and as warming of a presence as Judi Dench? Will things change, more gadgets, less physical fighting? Thoughts?

4. While given the word association test the man says "man" Bond replies "provacator" (I think) then "woman" Bond says "provocatrix" what exactly does that mean?

5. When Bond digs the bullet shrapnel out of his shoulder and hands it in to be analized he says "for our eyes only" is that a homage to the Bond film?

6. While being hacked, Q says the s word 3 times in a row.. and as I mentioned earlier the F word from M.. Bond calls M a b.... is any one else kinda worried the Bond franchise will start using all those words, I honestly think it makes the film LOSE class.. and I curse every f...... day lol..

7. Also, this is just for fun; anyone else laugh when Bond threatened to eject M from the Austin Martin and M says "I dont care bloody eject me!" lol Judi Dench will be missed... I always found her presence to be warm and motherly.. hense the name Mom..

A. 1. I think so as well. Although they call her Ma'am.

2. Skyfall was not an orphanage, but the Bond estate where young James grew up. (In the UK, many larger residences have names.) Bond was orphaned when he was about 11 or so, when his parents (Andrew Bond and Monique Delacroix Bond) were killed in a mountaineering accident. Rather ironic that their home should be called "Skyfall," no? That was why his father's gun was in the domicile. That's also why his parents' headstone is on the property. The concept of James-Bond-as-job-title (like "Dread Pirate Roberts") is a fan-generated theory to accommodate why the spy in Dr. No served in WWII, but is still young and virile in 2012. I don't believe it's considered "canon." Just accept the fact that the James Bond in Dr. No is the same James Bond in Skyfall, and that certain incongruities will just exist.

3. Obviously things will change. They have to. That's life. You can't keep things the same if you wanted to, otherwise every Bond film would have been From Russia With Love, Goldfinger, or On Her Majesty's Secret Service. More/fewer gadgets? More/less fighting? More/less horizontal bopping? Who can say. I won't worry about it. What will be will be. So long as it works within the story, it's all good.

4. I don't know if "provocatrix" is an actual word, but I would take it to mean a female who incites someone to partake in or commit criminal acts. Basically, this means that Bond thinks nobody (male or female) is to be trusted. Remember Vesper Lynd in Casino Royale. Remember Moneypenny and M at the beginning of the film, the latter giving the former authorization to take the shot which seriously wounded Bond and let the bad guy get away. In his place, I'd have trust issues, too.

5. If you watch enough Bond films, you'll notice that the later ones have plenty of homages to previous films. To be truthful, though, the terms like "for eyes only" is not unique to Bond films. It means that the information is not to be copied or transcribed in any way.

6. If every other word is F-this or C-that, then yes, that would be troublesome. But if an obscenity is used only now and then, then that can help to underline the stress the character is under. Honestly, if you were the unflappable head of MI6 and you found out that your personal laptop was being hacked, wouldn't YOU let fly with a few S-words? Also, remember that when the first Bond films came out, there were no PG or PG-13 ratings. Goldfinger was right there with Disney's Jungle Book as a G-rated film! Unless they wanted to exclude kids and teenagers from seeing a Bond film by making it R-rated, they had to keep the language clean (LOTS of kids and teens watched those brother and myself were among them!) Nowadays, any action film that wants to be taken seriously would probably HAVE to have a PG-13 rating. So yes, a little swearing can filter through. Also, Connery's Bond was a bit more "Tuxes and 'Tini's" than Craig's Bond (which is more "Blood and Brawling"). Reflections of the times (or at least, competing action films)? Possibly.

7. May the ghost of Bernard Lee forgive me, but Judi Dench was fantastic. Of course, it helped that they let her get out of the office and pick up a gun on occasion. And yes, I laughed the moment they showed the ejector seat button (I'm an old-school Bond fan, so I knew what it was for). But warm and motherly? Hardly. She was about as cuddly as a sack full of nails and broken glass. But considering that she's got to ride herd on a bunch of operatives that know they have very short life expectancies, are ready, able, and WILLING to kill people, and tend to work alone, rather than be "team players," she'd *have* to be a tough lady. And Dame Judi was perfect in portraying that role. And yes, I will miss her very, very much.

Are these good fortunes? For paper fortune tellers (aka cootie catchers) for adults and kids?
Q. You will be bold next year
Help your friend this week
Your smile speaks volumes
Raid your fridge tonight!
Hold your nose!
Boys will be boys
You will write a hit song
You love chocolate!
remember the little people
u will see and old friend soon
watch your step
try to see as much of the world as you can
you will have 10 kids
twins are all around you!
hold someones hand
You have successfu dreams
Help is always just around the corner
Green is the new black
Haste makes waste
When you talk people listen
Pink is your favorite color today
You have a unique talent
Help a STRONG person
A uniform is in your future
Clear eyes equal clear skies
You will ride a horse this year
Lucky numbers: 3,6,9,12,15,18
You will wear a hat this week
Shake someones hand
Read a long book soon
Think about your future...laugh about your past
You will get a new gadget soon!
You will meet a famous guy.
snowy days are cold BUT beautiful
you will get a lucky break on a test
red is your color
hug the person to your right
your health is your priority
you will be a youtube phenomena
you will see a crop circle
Mambo with your mama
geniuses are born AND made
wear clean socks!
hold the door open for an old lady
white is the color of purity
you have an infectious....laugh!
peoepelple---people learn from mistakes!
winks are as warm as hugs
stop at red lights
wave at the next car with kids in it!
it's clear you are a winner
you will get a lucky break on a test
chinese fire drill at the next safe intersection!
good things come in small packages
wear blue tomorrow
hug your friend today
eat something special today
stand tall tomorrow
call someone dear to you
Smile. You earned it!
Your nose will grow.
Your favorite PJ's will get a hole =-(
You will travel soon
A gift will come your way
Hop on one foot
wild hearts can't be broken
blue is your color today
you have a great eye
you will have 10 cars in your lifetime
you will eat less than you thought
your signature will be worth something someday.
Your next car will be electric.
You will have 10 kids
You will be attacked by a giant banana
Lucky numbers 2,4,6,8,10,12.
you will go blonde
Remember this date 12-22-2012
you heal quickly
you will make a great discovery
you will try a new food
An apple a day keeps the Dr. away
You will be class president
You will have a tea party with Bigfoot!
Watch where you step!
You will start the next jeans trend.
Nobody likes a tattle tale =-(
You will invent something great
You will host many events
Sunshine is ahead
You win contests!
You beleive in yourself.
High five the next guy you see.
"No" is a complete sentence.
A penny saved is a penny earned
You will tan easily

A. Yeah, I guess so.

2002 Spiderman vs. 2012 Spiderman?
Q. I saw the new one last night. To be honest, it was good and Andrew Garfield did a great job, but I still prefer the 2002 movie and overall I prefer Tobey Maguire. Some things I didn't like about the new one:
1. I thought Garfield was good, but wasn't nerdy enough. they didn't portray him as a very "nerdy" kid like Peter Parker is
2. For some reason, it really bothered me that the new Spiderman used home made spiderweb launchers on his wrists instead of it coming right out of him like the original ones. My dad says that in the normal comic books, he used webbing gadgets (I don't believe that's true) but to me it kinda made this spiderman less "spidier"
3. I thought Tobey Maguire was more of a "super hero" and had more "superhuman strength" and stuff like that. I mean, come on, when you get shot in the leg and are a super hero, that shit's supposed to tickle you
4. last but not least, I didn't really like the new outfit too much. I thought the old one was better

In conclusion, I thought Garfield was good and the movie was entertaining. i thought the story line was pretty good and the villain was ok. I still think Tobey played a much better Peter Parker even though Garfield is a hell of an actor

A. I agree with pretty much everything you said. The new one was really good, and will go down as one of my favorites, but the 2002 version is what I grew up with and it would have been really hard to top it

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What are good stocking stuffer gifts for boys ages 12-14?

Q. Not too expensive, please. I can't afford all those electronic gadgets. Thanks

A. *They have the "lump o' coal" stocking stuffers at many retailers that have different gifts inside. Personally my oldest son collects cars. So what I bought last year was a pack of two that had the hotwheels inside.
*You can buy those small remote control cars ( I mean matchbox size small). Which seems to be a big hit with kids and parents alike b/c they are cheap and are not too space consuming. They can be found at walmart for about 3 or 4 dollars.
*Pack of Batteries.
*Finger Flashlights.
*One of their favorite cartoons or movies on DVD. I know it sounds expensive but relatively not. Walmart had ones like Spiderman 2 etc for 2.96.
*School Supplies( things you were going to have to buy anyway, its an even better idea if they are into drawing etc.) *You could get pencils, pens, colored pencils, etc.
*A Watch.
*Want to try something different and unique? How about going to a local museum or novelty store, you could buy some space food/drinks,lunar ice candy and funny gifts like talking pens or whoppie cushions.
*If they have a collection of some sort (rock, stamp, etc.) you could buy them something to add to that collection.
*You can buy those handheld games (starting anywhere from a dollar at dollar stores and walmart and on up. )
*Some cool Spy gagets/gear.
*If they like Harry Potter you could buy them some of those harry potter jelly beans in a bag for a dollar. They have many weird and different ones with burn toast flavor and many more. I bought several b/c they are very neat. They even come in a purple bag that can be reused. They also have choclate covered bugs, and Jelly slugs and range from 1.00-3.00.
*A Hat.
*I got Nextar 512 mb Digital MP3 players for 9.99 a few days ago.(TOYS R US)
*What about bath gift set ( or singles ) Like Axe or Bod. You can get body sprays, colognes, deoderent and body washes.
*A small box of nascar shaped chocolate cars. (you can get their favorite racer if they are into nascar)
*Do they play a sport or an instrument? (get them something related to that, new knee pads etc.)
*If they already have some electronic gagets how about some accesories for it, like new earphones or skins.
*A book.
*A science experiment book.
*Video Games if they already have a system like psp, xbox, playstation etc. You could get them a new game or any one that you think they would enjoy.
*A new toothbrush.
*How about some nostalgic candy assortments like:
Candy Buttons
Candy Cigarettes
Wax Fangs, Bazooka
Jaw Breakers
Mary Janes
Candy Necklace
Cinnamon Fire-Pix
Atomic Fire Balls
Sugar Daddy
Lemon Heads
Boston Baked Beans
Licorice Pipe
Root Beer Barrels

*Electric Toothbrushes
*Electric Razors (if its that time)
*Their Favorite magazine.
*Their Favorite Candies

I go to our Eveything is a dollar store, where I buy a huge stocking for both of my boys (you see these elsewhere for 15 dollars or more). They stand about 2 and a half to 3 feet tall. Not a bad deal for a dollar,and have good quality, they withhold all I pack in them and hanging up. Good luck and I hope this helps. Happy Holidays !

Are you more of a "toy" grandparent or a clothing,socks and underwear grandparent?
Q. Christmas time, birthdays, any other time you give your grandchildren a gift, do you give them toys or clothes and practical things?

My mother in law thought it totally disgraceful that I always gave my own kids toys and games. Clothes when they needed, but most often, toys and games. Now, as a grandma, I still give my grandkids the video games or electronic gadgets that they particularly want. Leave it to their other grandma or whoever, to give them the clothes.
What is your feeling on this?

A. We always buy toys for the grandchildren when they are young but when they get older then we give them a choice of a gift card or clothes.

How did you change when you became a mother?
Q. unfortunately, I am pretty selfish. I fear that my maternal instincts wont kick in or something!!! Are there any former selfish women out there that changed when the baby arrived, if so please give me details. I would love to hear your stories.

I am 18 wks pregnant, I love to travel, shop, treat myself to spas, spend like crazy, spoil myself with electronic gadgets like the most current car to come out, current phones and new DVD blue ray (stuff like that).

A. Well on the up side, someone new to shop for! If you have people to watch your baby sometimes then it prob wont be so bad. If it is just you and only you 24/7 then you are in for a rude awakening. I loved to shop, I called it a sport, one I was damn good at! WIth just one kid I think you can still travel and do some stuff just bring them along. You prob wont have time or the interest to get the newest stuff. I still havent the time how to work the ipod I got two years ago!! I still consider myself a bit selfish but the kids come first always no matter what and it is kinda automatic. I didn't fall madly in love with the girls when they were born, it took a little time for me to get to know them and then oh boy, I am in love with them. I did however fall in love with my son from the minute I saw him. He is blissfull.
Don't worry you will be fine. It sounds like you have enough money to get help if you need it. Start looking for help now it is hard to find a babysitter or nanny you can trust.
Good luck and enjoy the ride!!!!

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What should I get my 12 year old kid for his 13th birthday?

Q. I don't know what to get my son for his 13th bday. I don't want him to have a cell phone yet, and no laptop because of unsupervised internet access. I know he's going to be a teen, and he wants some expensive gifts. I don't want to disappoint him. He likes basketball, books, and tech. (gadgets) Please help!

A. Basketball? How about some special BB shoes?

Gaming systems? Which ones does he have?

For tech stuff, when I was that age (early 60's) I built a radio receiver from a kit. Is there still stuff around like that? (Yes. See link. But that's not very expensive.)

Toy rockets were fun for me at that age. But he might need mom or dad to supervise. Same for remote controlled planes and boats.

Coin collection kit?

Wait 'til he gets to be 17. Then it gets much tougher.

What do you think about adults living like they are in their teens?
Q. These are people in their 30s, 40s, etc but are still living like as if they are in their teens. They dress in young, hip, ragged fashion, go for the current hype tech gadgets (gaming consoles, latest mobile, hot bikes/autos), value figurines, they go cruising the streets and clubs late nights, they date as in teen relations, basically, they do things normally associate with the teens. Are such lifestyle common and looks immature? Will these people get over this phase?

A. Wow, this question is messed up. Did you grow up in the 1950's? The days when people start families in their early twenties and settle down to a life of raising kids until they're old enough to play bingo and shuffleboard at an AARP social club are long past. People wait longer to have kids or don't have them at all. There are fewer traditional marriages and more separations and unorthodox relationships. These types of social changes enable more free time to people at an older age than previously and the things you describe are not 'teen things', they are simply fun things that you need time & money for.

People in their 30s, 40s and even 50s today grew up playing video games, listening to music their parents hated and dressing how they liked. You think they should reach some arbitrary age and suddenly conform to your idea of what they should be doing? This is not a 'phase', it's a choice, just as it is for teens.

I will agree that some older people wear clothes that are not the best choice for them, but I've seen plenty of size 16 teens stuffing their fat into size 10 pants and the same applies. If you've got cottage cheese thighs you should say no to any lightweight fabrics, regardless of age.

I hope when I'm older I don't stop having fun or start acting like my parents just because the next generation wants me to. You need to re-evaluate your teen associations!

High school kids and their tech gadgets and video games?
Q. What if all the high school kids in the world. . . had all of their tech gadgets and cellphones and video games taken away for one week? What would happen to the world?

A. It's too bad most high school kids have never played a real video game, and don't have any high-tech stuff.

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

What was your favorite TV shows when you were a kid?

Q. Mine was Super Smash Brothers the old Mario cartoon, He-Man, Inspector Gadget, The Flinstone Kids, Goosebumbs, Gumby, The Smurfs, Transformers, and Alf. LOL.

A. Arthur && Hey Arnold.! =)

How do you feel about letting small children use your expensive gadgets?
Q. I don't like hardly anyone, especially kids, using my electronics (my 3DS, for example) -- they're not allowed to, in fact.

Why? It's because their hands are sticky/dirty and they are often not gentle.

I take good care of my things and simply cannot trust others to be careful.

It seems that it's seen as offensive if I ask others to be gentle, as if I'm assuming that they will not be.

Am I in the wrong here?

I ask because of a little debate that I had with my mom and step-dad earlier about letting a 2-year-old play on an iPad -- with supervision, of course.

A. I have kids and I didn't have a problem letting my children play with my expensive "gadgets". I knew that they'd be gentle and careful. I am more reluctant with other people's kids.

You are completely within your rights to refuse other people's children or your own children to play with your electronics. These are YOUR items, not public property. Even if you are overprotective of your items, it does not change a thing. If a child does accidentally break the item, most parents will offer to replace it BUT...but they will expect you to turn down their offer and get offended and/or angry if you don't-especially if it's a family member.

Are there any gadgets for removing dust from the air that actually work?
Q. Already have vacuum that supposed to do it, also carpet cleaner and special filters for furnace and vents. and the ducts have been cleaned. live in a farming area, have kids and pets.

A. the only 'gadget that works in a furnace system is an ionizer

the oreik air purifirer actually works very well

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What are some good topics teen girls should learn?

Q. I'm leading a girl group of ages 12-15, and we're short on ideas of what to learn. I want to plan the 2013 calendar, but I'm not sure what type of lessons should be put into it. What are some suggestions?
Examples we've already covered include, but are not limited to: morse code, languages, nutrition, safety precautions, first aid, crocheting, and physical education.

A. For many of these girls, it won't be long before they want to apply for their first job. How about doing a lesson on applying for jobs, interviewing, writing Thank You notes/emails, giving proper notice when planning to quit, etc. A lot of teens think that living alone at 18 will be easy. Try doing a lesson on budgeting so they get a sense of how much money they will need to pay rent, Renter's Insurance, Car Insurance, gas, groceries, utilities, etc. for one month. If these are at risk kids, you could do a lesson on cost of rasing a baby. You could have them find prices of carseats, formula, diapers, cribs, highchairs, baby food, bottles, sippy cups, clothes, toys, saftey items, etc.

Do you notice that kids in this generation look younger than they look?
Q. I noticed this from the beginning of kindergarten all the way to the end of high school though I didnt really say anything about it at firt until reaching high school. I was born in the year 1988 and I personally believe that people born in my year were the first ones to look younger than they look for the majority of them and people born after that year. Kids born before 1988 like between 1980 and 1987 all of them looked younger too except they looked more like adult kids and people born before 1980 definitely looked like adults and you would notice it when watching tv shows like full house and saved by the bell when they're teenagers they look like they should be 30. Now I'm not sure what people would say about this trend that oh looks dont mean anything whether you look younger or older. I believe it does because graduating in 2006, growing up with my age group even since elementary they just behaved like children. I know almost every kid would misbehave in elementary school or what not but people my age would keep up with doing mischief, even kids younger than me. When I was in 9th grade kids who were upperclassmen in 10th grade and so forth used to tell me that oh your class sucks all the kids your age and younger are idiots. Upperclassmen also were mischievious too but very less. I would say that my age group and younger would start a new generation. The only positive about this generation now is that the younger the look the more good looking you are but the more immature your behavior could be. Sorry if this is a stupid question or I'm confusing you guys but I hope you all know where Im getting at. Anyone agree.
I would rather hang out with older kids

A. No, your class is not the last class to look old. It's definitely my class, the class of 2013. I am suffering through exactly what you are it's actually scary. Like ever since kindergarten, I've always had an immature class (we were born in 1995 in case that matters) and now here I am at my senior year and we all still look and act like middle schoolers. Like I feel like the class that just graduated, the class of kids born from 1993-1994 were so much more mature and adult-like than us in both looks and attitude, and ready to move on to college. Idk this always annoys me because I hate looking young and want to look like how the seniors of last classes did haha. And the senior classes I'm comparing myself to don't even look half as old as the ones from when my parents were in high school! Like they all looked so cool whereas we look and act 13-14.but yea anyway, I completely understand and have no idea why this phenomenon is happening, and it is only getting worse. Like the freshmen this year look like 6th graders. Like by the time they graduate I feel like high school is just going to be a second elementary school with people giving out toy cars and **** at graduation. Maybe it's something in the water, maybe malnutrition, or maybe it's just better medicine as time goes on meaning well look younger for our whole lives and therefore live longer :)

How to make some cash as a stay at home mom?
Q. I have no college degree. my boyfriend works a weird schedule, so I can't get a day or night time job. what would be a good way to make some money? (legally, no drugs or anything like that)

A. Can you write? Magazines are always looking for articles - every library has a copy of Writers Market 2013 in their reference section.

Can you sew? I do a nice side business making cat toys (I also pick and dry the catnip and design my own toys). You can retail or wholesale them.

Can you babysit? In home sitting does not require a visit from the city that in home day cares do (but you have to keep it under 5 kids a day).

Can you drive and have a car? Craig's List has several people offering 'rent a mom/rent a daughter/rent a helper' for people looking for extra help grocery shopping when they're shut ins, or for help painting a room or cleaning up the garage.

Can you walk? Dog walking is roughly $20 per hour, $10 per half hour (you can walk a dog 10 blocks in half an hour).

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Is it normal for a 2 year old to only say 4 words clearly?

Q. So, my son turned 2 march 3rd 2013. & I've begun to get worried at his speech. Kids younger than him even talk more words and clearer. He only says yes,no,mama,dada. He never uses to words together like yes mama or such. He doesn't repeat words, and won't try to say words when I'm playing with him such as 'car' or 'toy'. Idk if he's just delayed or if there is a definate speech disorder? I'm a first time mother so could use any advice! Thanks.

A. By 2 he should be saying several words and making simple sentences at times like "Go bye bye", "Night night, mama", etc. It's okay if his pronunciation is not great at age 2. Many 2 year olds don't have all their sounds down perfectly.

Just because he has a speech delay now doesn't mean there is something seriously wrong with him, but you should get him tested by your state's early intervention program (it's usually low cost or free) so you know where he's at and what is recommended. In the meantime, just keep working on his speech with him (but don't let him know you're trying to get him to talk... you know how 2 yr olds can be!).

-Read to him often. Ask him to point at pictures that you name. Then point to pictures and ask him to name them for you. If he won't, then you say what they are.

-Make sounds with him. This can help his pronunciation. Make animal sounds, car sounds, train sounds, people sounds (mmmmm, uh-oh, etc).

-Ask him questions with 2 options and wait for a reply. If he doesn't, then you answer him verbally. Ex: "Do you want milk or juice?.... You're pointing to the milk. You must want milk. Let me get you some milk."

-Talk to him frequently. Especially about the things he's showing interest in. Ask him questions, make it a conversation, even if his answers are just head nods or pointing, get him used to having conversations. Look for ways to incorporate the words he does use into the conversations.

Good luck! Here are 2 webpages I would recommend:
-Tips for helping toddlers speak:
-Language Development in toddlers:

running a child care facility- do we give in and let the kids bring in gameboys, baseball and pokemon cards?
Q. I am a director at a child care and after school care for kids up to age 12. We are in a small town in missouri. We don't allow kids to bring in cell phones, i pods, baseball cards or any kind of trading cards. Under our policies we state ABSOLUTELY these items are not allowed and if a child brings them in they will be taken away and not returned until a parent comes to pick the item up. No exceptions. Many of our kids did not like that policy and even some of our parents had problems with that policy. But we said, sorry that's our policy, those items aren't allowed, that's it. We are in a small town and for a while we were the only after school care facility in our town, so therefore we really had no competition. In March 2011 another after school care facility opened down the street and for the first time since about '96 we had competition and didn't think they could compete with us.- we were wrong! Within a month after they opened we had 12 different parents pull their children out of our center and enroll in their new center. We were shocked. When I was at the soccer field I ran into one of the parents who took their child out of our center and she said, 'i don't understand why you don't allow kids to trade cards. Kids like to that stuff, their not allowed to do that at school, but at after school care I don't see why you don't allow that.' She then went on to tell this new place allows children to bring in trading cards. They allow kids to have more freedom and that was their reason for switching centers and she also said other parents switched for the same reason. It seems like such a small reason! When we checked the other centers' web site, sure enough right there it said kids are welcome to bring gameboys (as long as they turn the sound down), baseball cards, etc. As long as it's not causing a problem, your child is welcome to bring these items in. When summer 2011 the number of kids at our summer camp was WAY DOWN!!! When fall came and the kids went back to school the number of kids at our center went down even more. In January 2012 we had a little more than half the number of kids from the previous January. This was also reflected in the number of people calling to enquire for information on our center and the number of visitors which was very few. Years past we had visitors all the time. I suggested to some of the other employees maybe we should consider allowing kids to bring some of these items in. Their response to me: absolutely not! They claimed that this was temporary and some families would come back and the other center was growing too quickly. We would be fine they said and we couldn't give in on our policies and rules. In the summer of 2012 we almost didn't have a summer camp- we were now down to less than half the number of kids from January 2011. In November 2012 we came up with a grand idea- offer half price tution for the first 3 months. We thought this would hit it out of the park. It brought in 8 new students, which was great but way below what we were hoping. We were thinking it would bring in about 20-30 new kids. Nope, just 8. Here we are in Feb 2013. The other center is just crippling us. Do we allow kids to bring these items into our center and let them have more freedom and just try it out. If our numbers don't go up soon... I worry we will be in serious trouble! Every summer we would have college girls come to work for us. This summer we can only bring back 2 girls. We don't have the number of kids- we don't have the need for too many workers. I'm about out of my mind... what to do. I would love to hear from day care directors, day care workers, etc.

A. I'm not a day care provider though I have provided services to children through social services, managing a Federal program for the state of Illinois and I have an MBA. Your day care has a severe communication problem. You were able to ignore it because you didn't have competition but that is no longer the case. You did not hear what the kids and some parents were telling you prior to the competition and I'm not sure you explained (you din't in your post) to them the reason for your policy. You can't tell adults with the ability to choose, "That's our policy because we say so". If you din't explain the benefits that come from your policy it just seems that you are out of touch. And it is nice to get some feedback from employees but YOU are the director and your day care is failing. The next conversation you are going to have with them is an unpleasant one about their jobs. If people are so dissatisfied that they left, it is going to be very difficult to bring them back and you have a limited population to work with, you are in a small town. To survive you are going to have to let the kids have those items, if you and your staff believe so much in the alternatives you offer the present them in such a way the kids choose them over the gameboys, baseball and pokemon cards. And not only are you going to offer the kids the option of having their toys, you are going to have to offer something the other place isn;t to get your clients back.

I Heard Pixar Is Making a Toy Story 4?
Q. I heard it is coming out November 2013. Or maybe it is Incredibles 2? I know they are coming out with Monster's Inc. 2. Do you agree that Cars 2 bombed? I saw it with my kids and it was AWFUL. I hope the other installments of classic Pixar movies aren't as bad...Thoughts?Opinions? Please share your feedback.

A. By The Way, Monsters Inc. 2 is already titled Monsters University and already got a release date, June 21, 2013. Speaking to Vacanted Date To Pixar, It could be Toy Story 4 in 2013 because of Tom Hanks said about the terrible-reviewed movie, Larry Crowne, there will be a Toy Story 4. it might be cross a $4 billion mark for Pixar if Brave and Monsters University went up to $280M in the final gross. Cars 2, i agreely bombed down for the worstest gross Pixar movie since A Bug's Life in 1998 all because of Jeff Gordon???? man, Jeff Gordon won 84 races in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series and 4 Championships, don't bombed down that movie with Jeff Gordon in it!!!! I Think Pixar is going to get a Razzie for the first time for the Worst Animated Movie.

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What are some good topics teen girls should learn?

Q. I'm leading a girl group of ages 12-15, and we're short on ideas of what to learn. I want to plan the 2013 calendar, but I'm not sure what type of lessons should be put into it. What are some suggestions?
Examples we've already covered include, but are not limited to: morse code, languages, nutrition, safety precautions, first aid, crocheting, and physical education.

A. For many of these girls, it won't be long before they want to apply for their first job. How about doing a lesson on applying for jobs, interviewing, writing Thank You notes/emails, giving proper notice when planning to quit, etc. A lot of teens think that living alone at 18 will be easy. Try doing a lesson on budgeting so they get a sense of how much money they will need to pay rent, Renter's Insurance, Car Insurance, gas, groceries, utilities, etc. for one month. If these are at risk kids, you could do a lesson on cost of rasing a baby. You could have them find prices of carseats, formula, diapers, cribs, highchairs, baby food, bottles, sippy cups, clothes, toys, saftey items, etc.

Do you notice that kids in this generation look younger than they look?
Q. I noticed this from the beginning of kindergarten all the way to the end of high school though I didnt really say anything about it at firt until reaching high school. I was born in the year 1988 and I personally believe that people born in my year were the first ones to look younger than they look for the majority of them and people born after that year. Kids born before 1988 like between 1980 and 1987 all of them looked younger too except they looked more like adult kids and people born before 1980 definitely looked like adults and you would notice it when watching tv shows like full house and saved by the bell when they're teenagers they look like they should be 30. Now I'm not sure what people would say about this trend that oh looks dont mean anything whether you look younger or older. I believe it does because graduating in 2006, growing up with my age group even since elementary they just behaved like children. I know almost every kid would misbehave in elementary school or what not but people my age would keep up with doing mischief, even kids younger than me. When I was in 9th grade kids who were upperclassmen in 10th grade and so forth used to tell me that oh your class sucks all the kids your age and younger are idiots. Upperclassmen also were mischievious too but very less. I would say that my age group and younger would start a new generation. The only positive about this generation now is that the younger the look the more good looking you are but the more immature your behavior could be. Sorry if this is a stupid question or I'm confusing you guys but I hope you all know where Im getting at. Anyone agree.
I would rather hang out with older kids

A. No, your class is not the last class to look old. It's definitely my class, the class of 2013. I am suffering through exactly what you are it's actually scary. Like ever since kindergarten, I've always had an immature class (we were born in 1995 in case that matters) and now here I am at my senior year and we all still look and act like middle schoolers. Like I feel like the class that just graduated, the class of kids born from 1993-1994 were so much more mature and adult-like than us in both looks and attitude, and ready to move on to college. Idk this always annoys me because I hate looking young and want to look like how the seniors of last classes did haha. And the senior classes I'm comparing myself to don't even look half as old as the ones from when my parents were in high school! Like they all looked so cool whereas we look and act 13-14.but yea anyway, I completely understand and have no idea why this phenomenon is happening, and it is only getting worse. Like the freshmen this year look like 6th graders. Like by the time they graduate I feel like high school is just going to be a second elementary school with people giving out toy cars and **** at graduation. Maybe it's something in the water, maybe malnutrition, or maybe it's just better medicine as time goes on meaning well look younger for our whole lives and therefore live longer :)

How much to charge @ neighborhood garage sale 2013?
Q. Hi I am 14 and want to make extra $ and my neighborhood is having a garage sale in May and i was wondering what to charge for these items:
- pants (old navy, the buckle, gap, target, aeropostle, american eagle)
- Shirts (American Eagle, Hollister, Disney, Aeropostle, Target, Gordmons, Forever 21)
- Toys
- Books (Hard back kids, chapter books)


A. To get people to buy things at a garage sale you need to price them pretty low. The pants should be $1.00 to $1.25 unless they're almost new. In that case maybe $2.00. The shirts should sell for between 75 cents and a dollar. Toys if they're pretty used maybe $1.00 and the same with books.

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Monday, April 22, 2013

What are some songs for kids to dance ballet folklorico to ages 3 to 14?

Q. I need to know some songs for the kids to dance ballet folklorico to ages 3 to 14 o easy songs

A. Kid’s Songs (Disney & More)

Jem & the Holograms--When It’s only me & the music, I Got my eye on you, Universal Appeal, Depends on the mood I’m in, People who care
Disco Mickey Mouse Album- Disco Mickey Mouse, Mousetrap, Macho Duck , Watch out for Goofy, Welcome to Rio
Animanaics—There is only 1 of you, U.N. Me, I’m Cute, I’ll take an island, Quake! A Quake!, Monkey song
Will Smith-- Wild wild west, Summertime, Men in Black, parents just don’t understand
Bill Haley & the Comets--ABC Boogie, See you later alligator
They Might be Giants—Istanbul, particle man, birdhouse in your soul
Rockin Robin—Bobby Day
Who’s Johnny-El Debarge
Inspector Gadget theme (ska verison)—Ska king Crab
The Bumblebee tuna song (ska verison)—Mephiskapheles
Head to toe—Lisa Lisa & the Cult Jam
Labyrinth--Chilly Down, Magic dance
Rainbow Connection—Kermit the frog
Annie-- Dumb Dog, Let’s go to the movies, Hard knock life
Muppet show theme
Purple people eater—Sheb Wooley
Happy trails—Sons of the pioneers
Who put the bop—The Big Bopper
Baby Bumblebee
Fraggle Rock theme
Farmer in the dell
Hokey pokey
Puff the magic dragon—Peter, Paul & Mary
Yankee Doodle Dandy—James Cagney
My bonnie lies over the ocean
Monster mash
Yellow polka dot bikini
Witch doctor
I have the power—She-ra: Secret of the sword
Raining Sunshine - Miranda Cosgrove (cloudy w/ a chance of meatballs)
Let's Get Together (The Parent Trap)
The Ugly Bug Ball (Summer Magic)
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah (Song of the South)
Are We Dancing (The Happiest Millionaire)
Oogie Boogie's Song (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Heffalumps and Woozles (Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day)
Lavender Blue (Dilly Dilly)-- (So Dear to My Heart)
Cruella De Vil (101 Dalmatians)
Some Day My Prince Will Come (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
You've Got a Friend in Me (Toy Story)
The Siamese Cat Song (Lady and the Tramp)
Space Jam—theme song, Hit ‘Em High (Monstars theme)
Batman-Partyman-Prince, Batdance-Prince
Fern Gully--Toxic Love—Tim Curry, If I’m gonna eat somebody it might as well be you—Tone Loc, A dream worth keeping—Sheena E
Oliver & Co-- Once Upon a time in NYC-Billy Joel, Perfect isn’t easy-Bette Midler
Aladdin--A Whole New World, One Jump Ahead
Little Mermaid--Under the Sea, Kiss the Girl, Poor Unfortunate Souls, Part of Your World
Lion King--Circle of Life, Hakuna Matata, I Just Can't Wait to Be King, Be Prepared, Can you feel the love tonight
Beauty and the Beast--Beauty and the Beast, Be Our Guest, Something There, Belle
Mary Poppins--Jolly Holiday, A Spoonful of Sugar, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, Feed the Birds (Tuppence a Bag), Let's Go Fly a Kite, Stay Awake
Pete's Dragon--Candle on the Water, Boo Bop Bopbop Bop (I Love You, Too), I swear I saw a dragon
Bambi-- Love Is a Song, Little April Shower
Disneyland--Main Street Electrical Parade, It's a Small World (After All), The Tiki Tiki Tiki Room
Bedknobs & Broomsticks--The Age of Not Believing, Portobello Road, Substitutiary Locomotion, A Step in the Right Direction
Cinderella--Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo, Oh Sing Sweet Nightingale, A dream is a wish your heart makes, So this is love
The Jungle Book--The Bare Necessities, I Wanna Be like You, That's What Friends Are For
Pinocchio--When You Wish upon a Star, I've Got No Strings
The Hunchback of Notre Dame-- Out There, God help the outcasts
Pocahontas--Colors of the Wind, Just Around the Riverbend, Steady As the Beating Drum"
Sleeping Beauty-- Once Upon a Dream, I Wonder
Dumbo--Pink Elephants on Parade, Baby Mine, When I See an Elephant Fly
Robin Hood--Oo-De-Lally, Love
The Aristocats--Thomas O'Malley Cat, Everybody Wants to Be a Cat

What was the best invention for kids that made one crazy inventor and investor a millionare?
Q. Remember those animal rubber bands? The guy probably is at home in retirement on his pool,exercising,young, and living the dream life selling those animal rubber bands. I'm doing a project for Economics about the best product made for children because kids are particulary suckers somewhere at age 3-5 years old.

That woman who made a book for kids who are in stress I know its kinda funny but she made millions of dollars probably at home same as that animal rubber band guy. LOL

A. It has to be LEGO. A small Danish toy company with only seven or eight employees bought a plastic injection moulding machine and invented a 'self binding brick'. In less than twenty years, by the 1960s, the company was worth millions. No other invention: doll, clay, game, construction set or gadget, comes close to it.

Kids love it: they buy a few bricks and play for weeks on end. They start at 4 or 5 years old, and are still playing and collecting at 12.

There are compatible bricks, (such as Canadian Mega Bloks) but parents prefer the original brand, so it still sells like hot cakes. LEGO fans always seem to need the latest set.

Who would win in a fight between the Gadget Mobile or a Transformer?
Q. Would Optimus Prime kick the gadget mobile butt or what???
This is a serious problem I would to have figured out.
Any Transformer will do does not have to just be Optimus Prime.

A. You're kidding right? An alien biomechanical Cybertronian versus an earth made rust bucket with an attitude? The latter will soon be at the junk heap anytime Bumblebee kicks its behind.

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Do guns at home really make it a safe enviroment for kids?


A. I think so. Let us look at Sandy Hook.

One gun in the hands of one adult and 19 lives could have been saved.

Here is a simple idea that comes from real world combat. When someone has decided to kill the only choice you have is to die............or kill them first.

Now can a home be safe with a gun in it? I am assuming you are worried about the child getting a hold of the gun? Reality you teach the child to not touch guns just as you would about the hot stove. All of my children know guns, I have them. You take a plastic Air Soft handgun and leave it around and the child learns to not touch from scolding them, through negative re-enforcement. At three they know what a gun is and to not touch them AND to get an adult to put the gun away...all again without touching it. By ten all my children could unload and make safe all weapons in the home and put the gun away.

At five years old my son found a gun in the park and instead of thinking it was a toy and playing with it came and got me and I called the police who removed the weapon from the park. Even if you don't like guns you must teach them about them because they will find them and then it does get dangerous.

Another child dies for his parent's "Freedom". Are pink guns a good thing to have laying around?
Q. Another child dies for his parent's "Freedom". Are pink guns a good thing to have laying around with children in the house?


3-year-old S.C. boy killed after mistaking pink handgun for toy

A. Who the hell has a pink gun laying around loaded.

Another example of responsible gun ownership.

Any good movies or books?
Q. 2012-2013 .... any genre, Thanks

A. Watch django
It's a GREAT movie, only of you can endure seeing blood ALOT and some penises
Read Scott westerfield series they're great.
And the outsiders
And the giver
And watch the boy in the striped pajamas, it's sad but a great movie.
Watch toy story!!!!!
Pitch perfect is funny
Watch slumdog millionaire it's a great movie.
Search any movie here
You can watch them free!

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Sunday, April 21, 2013

My friend has cool gadgets and always manages to impress me during sleepovers. How do I do the same to her?

Q. My friend has gadgets such as a Nintendo DS, Game Boy Advance, and Wii. She also has a pet dog. When I go over for sleepovers, I always have lots of fun at her house. But when she comes over, I don't know how to use the time since I don't have the GBA or Wii. We both aren't big fans of games and we'd like something to do. We both have a love of animals and I have a pet hamster. How do I make a good sleepover?

A. You could ask her to bring over some of the gadgets so that you can play at your house too. But if you don't like that idea, then I wouldn't try to compete in the same area. Rather, don't try to compete in the area of technology, because it sounds like she will always be one step ahead with that.

That doesn't mean that technology is the only fun thing though! Think about what you do at your house that is fun to you. Share those things with her. Is there something fun to do outside? Do you have board games? Particularly good movies? Could you get some craft supplies and make something? Baking food is always fun. You could decorate cookies together o there's always decorating a cake - you both could decorate your own privately and then share them to see how different they are.

If you both really like animals, and you have a hamster, you could think of something fun to do with the hamster. Maybe make a fun contraption for the hamster to play in (like a big maze if you have an active hamster!). Or build it a house.

There's a lot to make sleepovers fun and it doesn't have to involve games! In fact, it's much better for you in the long run if you do something active (like exercise) or "educational" (educational can definitely be fun!). All of the above will probably teach you a lot more than playing video games for hours. Ask your parents to look for books on fun science experiments (or search online for fun science experiments for kids). There are lots of really fun, surprising things for people of all ages to do. Next time try mixing some corn starch and water and see how weird that substance is... :)

Overall, let it be something that's fun to you and then likely it will be fun to her too.

Should my 3rd grader still be counting on her fingers for math?
Q. She is 8 years old and has always disliked math. I try and help her and so does her dad. I am frustrated because I feel like she should know all her multiplication facts quickly...instead she counts on her fingers.Any suggestions for help. I am trying to avoid a tutor?

A. As a math teacher and tutor, I've found that students who don't memorize their math facts usually end up struggling in math. Some kids try to get by with figuring them out each time, but that takes so much time and effort that they have trouble understanding the rest of more complicated problems. Figuring the facts on your fingers may work for simple multiplication, but it makes it very hard to get your head around long division, or fractions, or algebra.

You don't need a tutor. You just need to have her work on her facts. There are computer games that you could have her use. Or have her drill with flashcards daily. Or my dad used to make me write them 100 times each. Or there are lots of games and books and gadgets at bookstores and educational stores; however you have her work on it, the main thing is she needs lots of practice. Lots and lots of practice. Until she knows them without having to stop and think about them.

Children's electronic gadgets Vs playing outside in the nature?
Q. Nowadays there are thousands of different kinds of toys for children out there. However, I find it sad that these toys (especially the electronic gadgets) make children "loose contact" with nature? (i mean, quite a lot of them do not really play outside anymore). What do you think about this?

A. I agree. The concept of a lot of them is to be educational, atleast the ones for little kids, and that's all good. My daughter's got the leap pad and the leapster game system (and others!) and it's cool because she learns while she's
playing, but there is no substitute for hands on learning with another human being. We can't expect our children to learn everything from an electronic device, or even a book. We go outside and she can ask questions and we can discover things and it is so much more enriching to her mind. That totally beats sitting inside with some expensive toys because we get to spend time with each other at the same time.

I think that it also has a lot to do with the fact that a lot of moms are really busy these days. I think a big idea behind buying some of the toys is that it can keep the kids occupied by themselves so mom can get some work done, or just get a rest. Granted, if you're going to buy them, atleast get something educational instead of something that will load their minds with crap. Children need to have some sense of imagination as well to be mentally and emotionally stable. Nature presents a wonderful inspiration for children to be able to create their own fantasies. Not only that, playing outside and getting fresh air can aleve restlessness and boredom for children as well, allowing them to get a better nights sleep.

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