Q. I'm in my mid-thirties and I have now decided to seek a second degree in graphic design. Don't ask me why I took so long - I graduated with a Management degree in 2001...along with some health problems that I had to overcome, I could not really use the degree to find satisfaction in the work place. Also, fear had a lot to do with it too (fear of sucess if you can believe it.)
Soon after college, I started a desktop publishing company, and then somehow I turned it to a gift basket business, which sadly didn't do well. Afterwards I joined the family business where I'm currently in, as accounts manager, not happy and not interested in the business (which is why I'm not happy.)
Through out this period, I developed a portfolio of my work as a hobby (which was well-noted when I was accepted in the design school - I start Jan 2013.) I tried sending my designs to a well-reputable greeting card company, which to put it short, said, "we like your work, but it's not in line with our product line. Please resubmit your work more along the lines of our products and we'll consider you..."
I never did because between life's events and a little discouragement, time did not allow me.
I also created a children's book and book proposal that I'm very proud of. All this work I submitted to the school where I was accepted.
The thing is, I really do not know where my talents lie in graphic design. I love lots of color in my work and I love children, so I really want to create a product line in that department...more along the lines of the brand "Lamaze," just to give you an example. Even designing everything from nursery decor to stuffed toys for kids would be a dream job for me. But I am very aware how difficult starting a business like this would be.
I have limited space here so I cannot elaborate further, but I would appreciate some advice, especially since I will be signing up for classes soon and meeting with my advisor, and I would like to be able to express myself in order to be better directed and advised.
I know this is a very competitive field and i know I'm not 20 years old, but I have passion for what I like to do, and I just need direction as to where to look. I love baking as well, and I know that';s more pastery/culinary degree, but I know starting a bakery shop is extremely difficult now (even though I'd focus on Greek pasteries which are great and not to many shops have them here.)
But I hope to hear about positive and encouraging ideas from you - it will help me tremendously. Thank you!
A. It's hard to say where your talents or strengths are in graphic design without seeing any of your work.
From what you have written, I would say that you're interested in the branding part of graphic design. Meaning, you like coming up with designs on how a brand/company looks and feels. This includes: colors, fonts, use of illustration/photography, etc.
Instead of starting your own company you may want to try finding a job at a design agency that specializes in branding, with experience working with lifestyle type companies. Or you could try getting a job at a toy company, food or baby brand company. You could learn a lot and over time you would feel more comfortable branching out on your own.
Another option is to create your own baby-related pieces that you could sell on a website such as http://www.etsy.com, which will give you some great experience in owning your own business, marketing and of course design. And by baby-related pieces, I mean posters or artwork that people could hang in a nursery or give as a gift to expectant parents. Of course, it doesn't have be baby-related. Whatever you want to design, you could try to sell and make a profit.
If your college offers it, you might want to look into product or packaging design since that has a lot to do with baby products. Or like someone else mentioned, if you really like drawing then majoring in illustration may be the way to go.
Good luck!
Citing Sources in MLA Format?
Q. In which order would I put these citations in? Thank you!
“Child Life Wish List.” PhoenixChildrens.com. Phoenix Children’s Hospital, n.d. Web. 9 Jan. 2013.
“Max’s Market.” PhoenixChildrens.com. Phoenix Children’s Hospital, n.d. Web. 9 Jan. 2013.
Bodine, Alicia. “How to Donate Toys to a Children's Hospital.” eHow.com. Demand Media, n.d. Web. 9 Jan. 2013.
A. It's alphabetical, so it would be like this:
Bodine, Alicia. “How to Donate Toys to a Children's Hospital.” eHow.com. Demand Media, n.d. Web. 9 Jan. 2013.
“Child Life Wish List.” PhoenixChildrens.com. Phoenix Children’s Hospital, n.d. Web. 9 Jan. 2013.
“Max’s Market.” PhoenixChildrens.com. Phoenix Children’s Hospital, n.d. Web. 9 Jan. 2013.
Next time, try using easybib.com. It's an easy way to put everything in order and in MLA format!
What To do When Social Services Shows up?
Q. I was granted 50 percent custody on my 6 year old daughter, legal and physical. I have my own place a 1 bed 1 bath with a really big living room. i am living with my girlfriend, and our 2 children where are 18 months and 6 months old. i have my daughter every other wednesday for 6 hours, every thursday for 7 hours and then friday saturday sunday and monday until 810am when she starts school. so i was granted this custody november 2012. January 2013 i served my ex with a temporary emergency order because our daughter told me and my girlfriend and her mom and dad at dinner that her mom and her boyfriend showed her a what a pipe was and what weed was. she could describe it completely, so on the court date we talked about it and stayed the same order as before, but on her response she put that i showed her and i told her to say that about her, although she also attached her Cannabis Certificate onto it, plus adding that shes pregnant. but in january that was the 3rd time. now granted i wasnt always there. the first 2 years i was, then we broke up, i ended up attending/living at a vocational school (job corps) january 2009, graduated in december, and january - may 2010 i was in Great Lakes Illinois, for navy boot camp. then in may i was assigned to lemoore Ca Naval Air Station, so i moved close to there in which my sister lived. i stayed there till november 2011. and moved back to the bay area january 2012, so yes my daughter had a bigger bond with her mom then i do. Now i am working 2 jobs 1 full 1 part plus the Reserves in the Navy, have my own transportation, and we got a 1 bed 1 bath apt. My ex lives with her mother renting "a" room, so its my daughter, her mom, her grandmother, and a baby on the way. Everything was going fine till Early April when i got a call from CPS. (I called CPS on HER 3 times for the weed situation but they said it probably wouldnt be worth it without evidence) an interviewer talked to me about 15 minutes before saying i was clear. She told him that i kicked my daughter and made her watch my babies while i slept, so i cleared everything up. Then april 23rd she served me with temp. emergency orders for full custody saying the same thing. so 5/8/13 we go to court Judge reviews my response and i put shes making false allegations against me and i feel that theres a grudge of some kind. So judge caught her a few times mixing up words and sentences... Judge called CPS and talked to the guy and judge said according to the interviewer there is nothing unsafe going on but the judges order said for both parents no spanking, and denied my ex full custody. Now what my ex said was that i hit and kick her and every time she comes home from my house she has bruises. so court ends i go home, kids are at daycare, and when my gf comes home she tells me Social Services left a business card infront of the door. so she calls and the social services lady says that my ex, the same day she got denied, made a police report that there was bruises on my daughter again!! now i havent seen my daughter since monday morning when i took her to school, but also on saturday we went to a wedding and for the kids they had a jumper, and she was in there for 4-6 hours playing with all the other kids. i remember one of the kids came with angela up to me she was crying and said a boy landed on her leg so i comforted her and she went to play again. that where the social worker said she had bruises. i picked up my daughter today and asked her if she had fun on saturday at the wedding she said yes, then i asked her why she told her mom i hurt her on the leg? she started mumbling didnt look at me and then stayed quiet, then i said u came crying to me because a boy landed on your leg on saturday and she said yes, and i told her lying is not ok and she said her mom told her to. i believe shes getting alot of neglect, mainly because she tells me her mom is always at her boyfriends. and only comes home to shower her and put her to bed then leaves again. social services is coming at 2pm PST. what are my options? i hear that on fridays its because if they feel anythings wrong they will take the children. i have nothing illegal in my house i just need to vacuum when i get home and wash a few dishes. i also heard to not tell them anything because they dont have anything. also i read that to use the 4th amendment and not let them inside but wouldnt that make u look more suspicious? please a concerned father needs your help.
@-Natalia. U seem to no so much about this situation then tell me what allegations am i saying? These are documented facts and who are u to tell me im a bad parent? At least i came back instead of leaving. What have you accomplished in life that yoube. pyroud of? What are you the uncle that went to prison for raping little girls? Or her brother in law whos on his second strike for possesion of drugs? Or maybe your her boyfriend who first introduced my daughter to weed? Or even her abusive mother that locked her in the back of her trunk and beat her in high school and tells my daughter i dont love her?
You dont know anything about me? U dont no the history. So until u do know whats going on do your fucking research? Nothing i asked u have answered so u groqw up stop putting peoples u dont no emotions down. For all i no u got all your kids taken away because ur some crack whore on welfare, selling your ass for 10$. Bet it feels great degrading someone. Fyi i cant afford to move. U dont
A. you need to grow up...your not exactly a great father...she lives with her mom and you are living with your gf, and two other babies in a one bedroom apartment and you think that's something to brag about...where do your kids sleep where do you sleep....You started by making stupid allegations over and over again and when it comes to you, you feel abused...Seriously read your post...you will come to the realization that you are in no position to judge...You are with your daughter for the first 2 years and then you are gone for the next 3..really not wining any dads awards here...if you two dont stop this crap right now you will both loose custody of this child...what you are doing is called psychological abuse and it wont be long before a children's lawyer will nail you for it....You have 50-50 now you see her every week she is fine, she looks good, enjoy that...stop taking her away from her mother and the only person who has been with her for 6 years. The only thing you are concerned about is yourself....get a bigger apartment so that your kids have rooms of their own...wow she even calls the other man Dad....you missed out...being bitter will not win you custody ....all of you are terrible parents and should take some parenting classes. kids are not a toy you can drag back and forth...your wife will not replace her mother....
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