Saturday, June 1, 2013

Is making a kid pee his pants during a 2 hour interrogation without a parent present bullying?

Q. 'A kindergartner who brought a cowboy-style cap gun onto his Calvert County school bus was suspended for 10 days after showing a friend the orange-tipped toy, which he had tucked inside his backpack on his way to school, according to his family and a lawyer.

The child was questioned for more than two hours before his mother was called, she said, adding that he uncharacteristically wet his pants during the episode. The boy is 5 — “all bugs and frogs and cowboys,” his mother said."

Is this liberals mean when they say they want gun control -- bullying and terrorizing kindergarteners?

This is the same state that suspended the kid with the gun shaped pop tart and the kids who made finger guns. Idiots.
It's Maryland. One instance, ok. Two? Coincidence. Three, a Pattern.

A. I read this earlier today.

This is yet *another* reason we home school. The idiocy of "zero tolerance" is taken dramatically overboard.

To answer your question: YES that is bullying. On the school's part. Pathetic of the the school. Wrong, and just pathetic.

I can understand the school perhaps calling the parents about the incident, but a 2 hour interrogation of a FIVE year old is utterly stupid. When the child wets their pants because of it? Enraging. The parents should have been notified at once, not hours later.

I do agree that it was wrong on the part of the boy to sneak the toy into school, and even the mother states that action needed to be taken, but THIS was not the action to be taken.

This, America, is what over protection to the extreme has done to our society. Liberal or not, this was plain idiocy.

First time going to Anime Expo! Need overall tips and help.?
Q. A couple friends and I are planning on going to AX 2013 this July. This is my first time going there and I'm really excited. I've already pre-registered and live in LA, so food, water, hotels, and showering won't be issues.

Things I want to know:

- What should I do in line on Day 0?
- What sorts of things do they sell in the exhibition hall?
- How much money would I need to bring? I wanna buy a crap load of merchandise
- How much are concerts (If they do cost extra)?
- Should I cosplay? (I kind of want to)
- Are there fandom-specific events?
- What should I do first?
- How can I maximize my timeand have the best experience possible? (I'm going all 4 days)

And most important of all: Are there going to be any crazy weeaboos/japanophiles there? I'm Asian and I really don't want to be glomped or bothered by those people. I've read the tumblr blog weeaboostories and don't want to have my con experience ruined by things like that.

Thank you for answering~!

A. >- What should I do in line on Day 0?
Talk to the people next to you. Be like "hey we're gonna be in line for a while. Where you guys from? Any cosplay planned?" etc etc. It's great to break the ice and meet people that can become your future con friends that you look forward to seeing every year.

>- What sorts of things do they sell in the exhibition hall?
Anime DVDs, manga, artbooks, figurines, pillows, shirts, key chains, toys, stationary, Japanese pre-packaged food, visual novels, novels, doujinshi, weapons, cosplay, etc. Just about everything.

>- How much money would I need to bring? I wanna buy a crap load of merchandise
That depends on how high of a spender you're on. Lowest price stuff is about $2 but there are items that go up to $800.

>- How much are concerts (If they do cost extra)?
Depends on who's playing. Yes, some do cost extra. They go on pre-sale at a later date. As of right now only 1 concert has been announced. So that concert's tickets would go on pre-sale before the other concerts. Also, you can buy concert tickets at the con as long as they don't sell out. So far only the Hatsune Miku concert sold-out online in the history of Anime Expo. And the Kalafina concert sold out at the con.

>- Should I cosplay? (I kind of want to)
It's all up to you.

>- Are there fandom-specific events?
Yes, panels and photoshoots have fandom-specific ones. Check the schedule for what you want.

>- What should I do first?
Get your tickets first.

>- How can I maximize my timeand have the best experience possible? (I'm going all 4 days)
Sign up on their twitter and get mobile feeds. Pre-print out your confirmation email for the badge and the schedules. Highlight what you want so you can manage time better for food and for when you just want to look around at cosplays or the Exhibition Hall.

>Are there going to be any crazy weeaboos/japanophiles there?

>I'm Asian and I really don't want to be glomped or bothered by those people.
It's in LA. Being Asian in LA is like being Asian in China. Nobody cares.

>I've read the tumblr blog weeaboostories and don't want to have my con experience ruined by things like that.
Like all things in life, there are always crazies.
At the library there is always a crazy guy muttering to himself.
At school there's always that creepy kid who's way too fascinated by knives.
At work there's always that coworker who doesn't understand personal space and makes sexual jokes.

Everywhere. In any group.
There are crazies.
Anime cons included.

Be safe. Be smart. If you see someone doing that sh*t try to get a quick pic of them and report them to con ops (with picture it's easier to track them). What they are doing is illegal. The con has staff as security and actual police officers.

19 months and can't situp,walk, or eat on own?
Q. My 19 month old niece is a very sweet baby, but we have noticed problems since she was about 9 months. at 9 months she still was not sitting up on her own, she cant push her self up into a sitting position. she cant crawl or feed herself. she chokes of the smalliest amonts of food. now at 19 months not much has change. she can now stand on the side of the couch if a person puts her there. she walks really good in her walker.the doctor told her to wait and see what happens i told her to get another option and she did. they just did a MRI and awaiting results on Jan 3, 2013. is there antbody who can help me understand and, or share there story with me

A. I would try not to worry so much untill you know for sure. It may be nothing, some kids are just slower to get through some stages of development and its not always because there is something wrong with them.
My nephew never learned to crawl, he just skipped that stage entirely. His thing was the he was just a little lazy, very laid back type and didnt seem to be interested in moving from where he was placed. When he was put on the floor to play, he developed this technique of screaming when he wanted something so we would move his toys closer to him and hes still get what he wanted. He also learned to walk a little later than most, at around 2 yrs old, but part of that was because by skipping crawling he didnt develop the back and leg strength he needed to walk till later. So his delays were mostly personality quirks and had nothing to do with anything physically or mentally wrong, he is totally normal otherwise.
And a friend of mine had a daughter that also refused to crawl. Her problem was she didnt like the feel of a hard floor on her knees. On a carpeted floor she would try to crawl, but in a timid slow kind of way gingerly placing her knees, and only when she was wearing pants. with bare knees she wouldnt try it at all. And when she reached a hard surface she would belly flop and resort to a different method, wiggling forward like a snake while pushing along with her toes, lol... it was the oddest thing, but it worked for her because she hated to hurt her knees. She was also slower to learn to walk, because she was a bit timid to try. she would stand where she was placed, but if you held her hands to walk her she would refuse and just sit or let her self be dragged.
for your niece i'd recommend you try to get her involved in active play as much as possible. Dont let her just lay around too much, make sure she spends time sitting and standing so she can begin to develop her leg and back strength. Try to encourage her in moving about so she can work her muscles. Her delays may have nothing to do with something being wrong with her, it just might be a lack of motivation or personal quirk shes become accustom to.

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