best tech gadgets for kids
Bree D
I'm wanting to know how to make home made spy gadgets because I am having a birthday party and it's a spy theem and I'm very intrested in this kind of stuff but not put a cup to the door!
first it depends on how old you are, and how high tech u want it to be. if you want it very simple, try making a grappling hook, or somthing of that sort...fake earpiece...camera sun glasses...ect
Why do schools push kids so hard these days?
Q. Why do they expect them to be so smart, they push subjects so fast, then a struggling kid falls behind, and right away they want them to be on medication, or hold them back! What is the rush, why can't they pace subjects so the kids have a fighting chance?
All really good answers, thanks but whatever happened to kids just being kids, they have a stressful future ahead of them, why stress them out now?
You people don't know how stressful it is because YOU grew up in simpler times where they just asked you what 4+3 is.
I will copy and paste my answer from a similar topic:
For you misguided souls... Keep in mind that an excess of anything is NOT good for you. Education isn't what it used to be when we grew up in simpler times. Kindergarteners have homework, first grade stuff is being taught in preschool, and fourth graders learn the stuff they shouldn't learn until middle school. That's ridiculous. And there comes the cutbacks on recess and PE(and expect the children to sit still for ever long hours-if they can't do that, they solve it by drugging them-and how dare they blame child obesity rates when they ARE part of the problem), and standardized testing for second graders.
A child does not grasp logical reasoning until the ages of at least 6-7 before they should be introduced to formal education. And numerous studies agree that in the years before that, play and sensory is most important in development to begin logical reasoning. Now it's seem this stage is skipped altogether. And standardized testing is virtually child abuse for second graders as a medium "of knowing whether they can read and do math" as a excuse for overzealous educators. Sure, they might be the best in filling in bubbles, but can they learn and if so, are the tests accurate in any way other than testing memorization. Because anyone can memorize a bunch of stuff, color in bubbles, without the slightest hint of what actually's going on. It's virtually child abuse because those who can't handle the stress face emotional suffering and the fear and disgrace of failure. And get this, the teacher's manual for testing second graders explain how to clean vomit(kids throw up from stress) from the scantrons so they are readable. And they feel nothing but apathy for the poor child.
One of the reasons for the radical change for the worse in education is the whole concept of why test scores and performance remains low. And to supplement this deficiency, there comes the half-assedly thrown in one-size-fits-all policy known as No Child Left Behind that addresses not one bit on how to improve education for everyone, how to reform issues(overcrowding, maintenance, order) and being able to conform to various learning styles for the kids. As a result, schools have to do anything possible under unreasonable pressure and circumstance to boost their percentages. And they do this by either dumbing down the standards or setting the bar too high and loading kids up with homework.
The second big reason apart from the idiotic No Child Left Behind law is an increasingly competitive world. Now this I especially hate. An increasingly competitve world equals a just as competitive society on the home front. Thus, people are obsessed with achievement and work and the economy. Is the frenetic pace for the better? Absolutely not. With what people expect out of kids today, the US is still falling behind in education. And other countries don't repress or overload their kids' learning the way it's taking place here. You can come up with as many tests and as many cool hi-tech gadgets and incentives you want, but the only way to make education any better is to fix the problems such as poor funding, overcrowding, crime, maintenance, then teach BETTER, not MORE in a lighter but more consistent manner. If kids aren't liking it, they probably aren't going do it or do well. And this can have implications later in life. We overprotect our children nowadays(and even THAT can be a bad thing in not setting up the kids for the future to be risktakers), but we are incapable of protecting their emotional well being.
For the worse, unreasonable policies followed by competitiveness is unhealthy. In doing so, people become blinded because the issue doesn't reach them. Childhood is simply being forgotten, since God knows the people are all about 'maturity' and 'discipline' without setting a reasonable standard for the children's needs and natural activeness. Some people devote their entire lives and still don't get the status they want. The people with 4.0 and over GPAs? They might not even get into a college of their choice? That's how hard it is nowadays.
If this keeps up, eventually the schools will be more and more like a prison than a learning environment. Children who faced mental torture and stress will grow up to hate school, drop out, not get anywhere with their lives, and face a variety of psychological problems associated with their stress etched into their memory forever.
Childhood is short. Maturity is forever. Kids are active, they need to go out an run and play to be happy. So how do you cope with these times? Sometimes it's best not to try to please everyone's expectations. Or, reorg the priorities(a radical change to cope with radical zeal). As soon as child comes home, he/she can have the day completely to herself to do whatever she pleases. But in the evening hours it's time to do that homework since she wouldn't be out playing at night.
Since society has to always label and repress the weak, being a child is hard. And it only gets harder and overwhelming once it gets to high school.
Yes, the moronic No Child Left Behind law. Sure, no child may be left behind, but there sure are alot of them being dragged on the ground. And secondly, the rise of an increasingly modernized world, alot of developing countries=massive competition.
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