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I am 17 years old and i work at a daycare. I have worked there since may 2012 to current day and i am ready to quit!!!! I work in pre-preschool room also known as the 2-3 year old room. My first problem is that the age range is actually a year and eight months to over 3 years old. Its hard to teach the kids something because when i ask the kids what color something is one of the kids will say "blue" and another kid will say "wall" they don't all understand the same material. My second problem is that I a hard time watching 8 kids by myself ( the teach-kid ratio is 1:8). I feel like a lot of the kids at my daycare need individual attention because they all act out or they mimic their friends when they are doing something naughty, sitting in time-out, or crying. The other teachers (the daytime staff) lets the kids go "potty" by themselves. One teacher even left a child in the bathroom for 10 to 20 mins to make him not scared of pooping in the toilet. I do not agree with letting kids go by themselves because they mess around playing in the sinks or toilets or they get scared and i mean when you think about it, you dont know if a kid slips and falls in the bathroom and needs help and they make it seem like taking 5-7 kids in the bathroom that is made for 2 people is okay. When i tried that i had kids playing in the sink and in the toilet and running around with their friends and screaming and spitting in the toilet and i dint feel like i was giving the kids the time and attention to make sure they went potty all the way. So i started taking 2-3 kids potty each time. It was less stressful for me but other workers started complaining that i wasn't doing my share of the work. because i was constantly out of the room and i had the other teacher if there was on in my room change the kids that dont go potty get while i would take them potty. My boss then complained to me about how i need to be more interactive with the kids and i try really hard to be but its hard to talk to a group of 2-4 kids while other kids are i guess in my "blind spots" Idk if they are throwing toys or getting into shelves they arent suppose to or hitting other kids. So to be safe i stand in a corner during play time so i can watch all the kids and make sure nothing is going wrong. My problem is it seems like the kids no matter what i try dont listen to me. I put them in timeout and they get right back up and i keep putting them in it and they dont understand they are in timeout no matter how many times i put his but on the ground then i have other kids that flex their legs and say no and scream and kick and hit and gets right back up out of time out. its hard to keep them in time out and watch the kids the other teachers even went as far as putting him in a high chair for a few mins. Idk how to get them to listen to me. Ive tried everything i talk to them nicely and tell them what they did was wrong, i tell them in a stern voice that wasnt okay and thas why are in timeout and they dont listen and they still do the thing i told them not to do. And once one kids is doing something naughty when i do get them all setttled down then they all start doing it like when im reading a book one of them gets up and runs around so i try to be more interactive and yet they all start running around so i change what im doing to try to grab their attention, It seems like the kids listen to the other teachers but in my opinion i think how they act is VERY wrong. they discipline the kids by yelling their name and telling them to knock it off and ive seen teachers do stuff like slam a kid down on the the bench and say you do not eat off the ground and smack his hands and ive seen a teacher take a kid by his hair on the back of his head and yank his head back and say you do not get into the shelf. Today one of the teachers body checked a kid and laughed and said that is why you dont walk where im walking and then for lunch they fed them fish and one of the kids is allergic to fish so he had his own food well he ended up taking someone elses fish and he has a allergic reaction to it and his lips got red and puffy and he threw up and they called his mom and his mom wanted them to use someone elses medicine because he didnt have any there. Also they discipline he children by saying stuff like if not good im going to take you to go see mr spiderman ( all of the kids r scared of this spiderman figure that my boss had in his office around Halloween time). Idk what to do anymore i couldn't tell you how many times i have come home from work crying and upset. Im constantly feeling overwhelmed and people at my work think im slacking and so if i tell my boss i feel overwhelmed then he will really think im slacking, PLEASE help me as soon as you can im so close to saying im quitting and finding another job because i don't think its ethical and its to stressful.
I do not know where you live but where I live a 1 to 8 ratio I'd not correct for 2 year olds (I think it is 1 to 4).
I would look up regulations in your area to see what the regulations are in your area.
Also to me it sounds like none of the staff have any formal child care training. I suspect there are other violations at your place of work (I cannot over-emphasise how dangerous it is to let a 2 year old go into the bathroom by themselves, a toilet has more than enough water to drown in).
Also the space does not seem to be very well thought out. When you have a room full of 2 year olds (especially with a ratio of 1 to 8) there should not be lots of places that the children can get themselves into trouble (ie there should not be shelves that they are not allowed to get into at child level).
Personally what I would do is at the moment work as hard as you can. Ask your employer for a reference (I usually write one for myself and email it to my employer, it is easier for them as they don't need to bother writing it themselves, but they can still change/ add things if they want). After you get a reference I would put in my notice and leave (not necessarily immediately, but it is good to get the reference ASAP so you can leave whenever you want).
If you feel that things are dangerous you may need to report your workplace (anonymously).
I do not know where you live but where I live a 1 to 8 ratio I'd not correct for 2 year olds (I think it is 1 to 4).
I would look up regulations in your area to see what the regulations are in your area.
Also to me it sounds like none of the staff have any formal child care training. I suspect there are other violations at your place of work (I cannot over-emphasise how dangerous it is to let a 2 year old go into the bathroom by themselves, a toilet has more than enough water to drown in).
Also the space does not seem to be very well thought out. When you have a room full of 2 year olds (especially with a ratio of 1 to 8) there should not be lots of places that the children can get themselves into trouble (ie there should not be shelves that they are not allowed to get into at child level).
Personally what I would do is at the moment work as hard as you can. Ask your employer for a reference (I usually write one for myself and email it to my employer, it is easier for them as they don't need to bother writing it themselves, but they can still change/ add things if they want). After you get a reference I would put in my notice and leave (not necessarily immediately, but it is good to get the reference ASAP so you can leave whenever you want).
If you feel that things are dangerous you may need to report your workplace (anonymously).
How long would it take santa to deliver presents to children in america?
Jack Frost
Now, before you make fun of me for even asking this, I of course know there isn't such a thing (my parents never even raised me to believe there was). But, mathematically speaking, how long do you think it would take such a person to deliver presents to children ONLY in America. Seeing as there is about 73.7 MILLION children ages 0-17 in america in 2012, and estimating that there are 2.5 children per household. what do you think?
and logical answers please! i just really want to see the mathematical version of the answer, not just magic :]
Well, what do you think...twenty minutes per household with kids? According to your statistics there should be about 29.48 million households with kids. So. 29.48 million times 20....589.6 million minutes total. That works out to 9,826,666 hours and twenty minutes, or 409,444.44 days, or about 1121 years. (But there are of course numerous factors I did not account for...traffic, weather, does Santa need to do more than one trip because all the toys do not fit in the sled at once...?)
Well, what do you think...twenty minutes per household with kids? According to your statistics there should be about 29.48 million households with kids. So. 29.48 million times 20....589.6 million minutes total. That works out to 9,826,666 hours and twenty minutes, or 409,444.44 days, or about 1121 years. (But there are of course numerous factors I did not account for...traffic, weather, does Santa need to do more than one trip because all the toys do not fit in the sled at once...?)
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