With the modern world's electronic gadgets, the Internet, rules and regulations, political correctness, school standards, two-income homes, suburban living, etc., are children better off than 50 years ago? Or worse off?
That depends on which kids and what you mean by "better off." In general, kids today have more financial security, better health care, more educational and career opportunities, are safer and more protected, and face less prejudice and discrimination than kids of the 50's. On the other hand, they face more pressure to achieve, are more likely to experience their parents' divorce, spend more time in front of computers, eat less healthy foods, get less exercise, have to worry more about strangers and predators, and are expected to be mature at an early age.
I would say neither is better or worse than the other. But I personally would prefer the kind of childhood I had, which was closer to the generation of the 50's. I've tried to give my kids some of those same experiences.
That depends on which kids and what you mean by "better off." In general, kids today have more financial security, better health care, more educational and career opportunities, are safer and more protected, and face less prejudice and discrimination than kids of the 50's. On the other hand, they face more pressure to achieve, are more likely to experience their parents' divorce, spend more time in front of computers, eat less healthy foods, get less exercise, have to worry more about strangers and predators, and are expected to be mature at an early age.
I would say neither is better or worse than the other. But I personally would prefer the kind of childhood I had, which was closer to the generation of the 50's. I've tried to give my kids some of those same experiences.
Why have a career and dump your kid's in daycare?

Bone Daddy
Is your expensive,clothes,vacations,gadgets, jewelery or just keeping up with the Joneses worth dumping your kids in daycare? Are you trying to prove your independent pride from your hubby? If your divorced, this is not addressed to you. Who's raising your kids?
So having possessions is more than spending quality time and being a family that loves and care for eachother?
Answer, and clearly you're asking this question in a jerky manner. But for your information...
I am a full-time working mom who has 4 small children. Do I want to be working? NO! Am I paying for expensive cars, an expensive home, clothes or a vacation? If you consider my 2004 Toyota mini van, our nicest car, expensive, then yes. If you consider our rented home an extravagance, then yes. My clothes are coming unraveled at the seams and my shoes have scuffs on them...but if those are fancy to you, then yes. My nicest and pretty much only piece of jewelry is my wedding ring, but if that is excessive jewelry, then call me guilty. I haven't had a vacation in years, but my husband and I did splurge a little and had dinner at Applebees for our anniversary last year.
For your information, I don't "dump" my kids anywhere. I spent a lot of painstaking hours choosing a nanny who comes to our home each day. I work closely with her to be sure she does fun and educational things with my kids instead of watching tv all day. I get home at 5:30 pm and don't go to bed until 1:30 am because after the kids go to bed is when I get started cleaning the house, doing laundry and having some quiet time to myself. The few hours between my arrival home and their bedtime is precious family time.
I am not trying to prove independence from my husband...I am hopelessly dependent on his love and support to get through every day.
I work because I love my family. If my husband and I didn't work, we would not have a home, food, or clothing for them. This is not my ideal...I spend countless nights crying about the things I am missing, and hours praying that God will bring a change so I can be home with them again. I was a stay at home mom for 5 years, but the business we sunk every penny we had into failed, and instead of taking the easy way out and declaring bankrupcy from our responsibility, we are taking care of our debt the old fashioned way...paying it back.
Before you go labeling others by declaring all full-time working moms people who "dump their children in daycare" I suggest you try walking in my shoes for one week. I doubt (from the pompous tone of your question) that you would last even one week.
I am proudly raising my children in the best way I can, and I don't need idiots like you judging me., and clearly you're asking this question in a jerky manner. But for your information...
I am a full-time working mom who has 4 small children. Do I want to be working? NO! Am I paying for expensive cars, an expensive home, clothes or a vacation? If you consider my 2004 Toyota mini van, our nicest car, expensive, then yes. If you consider our rented home an extravagance, then yes. My clothes are coming unraveled at the seams and my shoes have scuffs on them...but if those are fancy to you, then yes. My nicest and pretty much only piece of jewelry is my wedding ring, but if that is excessive jewelry, then call me guilty. I haven't had a vacation in years, but my husband and I did splurge a little and had dinner at Applebees for our anniversary last year.
For your information, I don't "dump" my kids anywhere. I spent a lot of painstaking hours choosing a nanny who comes to our home each day. I work closely with her to be sure she does fun and educational things with my kids instead of watching tv all day. I get home at 5:30 pm and don't go to bed until 1:30 am because after the kids go to bed is when I get started cleaning the house, doing laundry and having some quiet time to myself. The few hours between my arrival home and their bedtime is precious family time.
I am not trying to prove independence from my husband...I am hopelessly dependent on his love and support to get through every day.
I work because I love my family. If my husband and I didn't work, we would not have a home, food, or clothing for them. This is not my ideal...I spend countless nights crying about the things I am missing, and hours praying that God will bring a change so I can be home with them again. I was a stay at home mom for 5 years, but the business we sunk every penny we had into failed, and instead of taking the easy way out and declaring bankrupcy from our responsibility, we are taking care of our debt the old fashioned way...paying it back.
Before you go labeling others by declaring all full-time working moms people who "dump their children in daycare" I suggest you try walking in my shoes for one week. I doubt (from the pompous tone of your question) that you would last even one week.
I am proudly raising my children in the best way I can, and I don't need idiots like you judging me.
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