Thursday, June 6, 2013

Im 15 and i dont want to get older or grow up. help?

Q. Ok if someone really can help me please do it. Ive asked familiar questions like this and half of the people just made fun of me. Another amount of people went on and made no sence whatsoever about something totally irrelevant. I just turned 15 last month and i can honestly say it feels so eeird to say it. And it feels weird that its already 2012 theres nothing to look foward to as an adult or young man. I like the feeling that im still just a kid(secretly) because like any other kid my age would think im crazy but idk what it is i just miss my past when i was a kid. It sucks because my friends are rally good friends and at school they act different they dont acknowledge me as much as outside of school because they wanna be popular. But idc about that stuff. Outside school theyre really cool. I just fear thr furture. Every year has gotten worse for me since 7th grade. 7th grade wow this sucks i miss being a kkd, 8th grade damn i miss 7th grade this year sucks and i miss the age 12 and below and 9th grade damn what happened with my life? Im asking all these questions and wondering what to do everyones growing up, changing, no more toys, no more being a kid :'/, i realise i have more responsibility. I wish i can go back to elementary school and just have fun. I dont wanna move foward i cant believe in a year ill be 16 and itll be 2013. Thid is very depressing for me. Please help me out i just wanna be a younger kid again. Not knowing about sex or drugs. I dont do any of these i swear i miss it all. And so far no one seems to have helped me and i want the help

A. Life's about taking the good with the bad son. Life's not all sunshine, rainbows and lollipops. Yes it kind of sucks. Look everything happens for a reason. Ok you need to know this. We all have somewhere that we're headed. We all age but you can still be you at heart. And ask God to help you get through your rough times. There's a good song called simple man. It might help you out and hopefully this helps you to.
“Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. 
Life is, admire it. 
Life is a dream, realize it. 
Life is a challenge, meet it. 
Life is a duty, complete it. 
Life is a game, play it. 
Life is a promise, fulfill it. 
Life is sorrow, overcome it. 
Life is a song, sing it. 
Life is a struggle, accept it. 
Life is a tragedy, confront it. 
Life is an adventure, dare it. 
Life is luck, make it. 
Life is too precious, do not destroy it. 
Life is life, fight for it.” 
― Mother Teresa

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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What movie character should I be for halloween?

Q. My young adults/ youth group at church is having a "hollywood" themed party in about a week and a half. I have no idea what to be.

(p.s. - i'm a girl... lol)

A. Every year, after a slew of hit, blockbuster movies, there is a surge of movie Halloween costumes. And 2010 movies provided no shortage of fun, colorful, and interesting characters to pick from. Adults and kids will both have fun choosing from all the movie inspired costumes that will be available. Here's a list of some of the biggest movies that came out this year, to help you choose what movie character you'll be this Halloween:

1. Avatar- One of the biggest movies of all time gave audiences a glimpse of the planet Pandora and its nature-loving inhabitants-the Na'vi. There will be no mistaking anyone who dresses up like one of Pandora's residents as they will be hard to miss dressed from head to toe in a bright blue color with tribal markings. Take cues from the movie and try to capture Sully's or Na'vi Princess Neytiri's look. Or be creative and invent your own unique Na'vi persona.

2. Toy Story 3- It has been about ten years since the last Toy Story movie, but the love for the story about Andy's toys-Woody, Buzz, Mr. Potato Head, Rex, and everyone else- has clearly not faded. Toy Story 3 has become the first animated movie in history to gross over a billion dollars at the box office. Suffice it to say, that there will be Toy Story movie Halloween costumes by the handful this year. Though the sequels have introduced new characters into the mix, it is the original gang that will be out in full force this Halloween.

3. Alice in Wonderland- Lewis Carroll's charming tale of a young girl was completely re-imagined in this year's Alice in Wonderland directed by Tim Burton. The technicolor sets and costumes only add to the fun of getting to dress up as some of your favorite characters. Don an orange wig and a top hat to transform into the Mad Hatter, or dress up like royalty and play the Queen of Hearts. Whatever Alice in Wonderland movie Halloween costume you choose, it will colorful and fun!

4. Twilight:Eclipse- Twilight is the phenomenon that took the world by storm. Everyone will be dying to sink their fangs into a Bella, Edward, or Jacob costume. As an added bonus, these costumes are generally low maintenance and have a shorter prep time than other more elaborate costumes. Unless, of course, you decide to go full on Wolf-Jacob, or are trying to copy Edward's hairstyle!

5. Iron Man 2- The Iron Man 2 Halloween costumes are sure to be plenty in number this year. The movie series based on a comic book follows an unconventional superhero with cool high-tech gadgets. The elaborate (and shiny) costume will definitely have people turning their heads.

6. Kick Ass- Though you might not find these costumes on too many kids, adults will get a 'kick' out of dressing up like one of the characters from the Kick Ass movie, which was inspired by a popular comic book.

7. Shrek Forever After- The Shrek movies are great for having a big and eclectic variety of characters- so choosing the right character to dress up as won't take any time at all. Shrek Forever After movie Halloween costumes will be out in full force this year due to the success of the movie this past summer.

8. Harry Potter- Since the first movie debuted in 2001, the world has had Pottermania, and people have shown time and time again that Harry Potter costumes are an absolute staple during Halloween. There is so much Harry Potter gear available you'll have no trouble putting together your costume to make you into Harry, Ron, Hermione or even Vol...He-Who-Must-Not Be-Named!

9. How To Train Your Dragon- This movie is definitely a kid favorite. How to Train Your Dragon movie Halloween costumes can be fun to make. Choose from any of the different types of dragons or dress up as a Viking!

10. Batman- OK, so the last Batman movie was released over two years ago, but this costume choice has lasting power and will still be a popular choice this Halloween season. Kids and adults both can both dress up as the Dark Knight, or one of his enemies, like The Joker.

There are so many great movie characters to choose from this Halloween. Don't forget to buy your costume early. If you wait too long, your choice might be sold out. But most importantly, have fun and be creative!

Most popular tags to place in the "tags" section of a YouTube video as of now (July 2010) to increase views?
Q. Hi yeah I'm looking for educated answers, sensible ones and as many as possible please as would really help me - many thanks and top points to best answer.

A. activism, advertising, alcohol, alternative-news, ancient-history, animals, animation, anime, architecture, arts, astronomy, atheist, bizarre, blogs, books, buddhism, business, cars, cartoons, cats, celebrities, christianity, classic-rock, clothing, comedy-movies, comics, computer-graphics, computer-hardware, computers, cooking, crafts, crime, cyberculture, dogs, drawing, drugs, ecommerce, environment, fashion, fine-arts, firefox, geography, graphic-design, guitar, guns, hacking, health, history, humor, illusions, interior-design, internet, internet-tools, iraq, liberal-politics, liberties, linguistics, linux, literature, mac-os, mathematics, movies, multimedia, music, nature, network-security, news, online-games, open-source, painting, philosophy, photography, physics, poetry, politics, programming, psychology, quizzes, relationships, religion, satire, science, science-fiction, self-improvement, shopping, software, space-exploration, stumblers, stumbleupon, tattoos, travel, tv, video, video-games, web-design, windows, writing, actors, america, apple, art, aviation, blog, blogging, bush, california, car, cartoon, cat, celebrity, charity, children, climate-change, college, comedy, comic, community, dance, death, debate, design, diet, diy, dog, economy, election, elections, energy, entertainment, exercise, facebook, film, finance, flash, flowers, food, football, funny, gadgets, game, games, gaming, global-warming, god, google, graffiti, green, home, humour, illustration, images, internet-marketing, life, living, love, mac, marriage, math, media, medicine, microsoft, money, music-video, obama, oil, online, paintings, pakistan, peace, photo, photos, photoshop, pictures, pirates, president, quotes, recipe, recipes, republican, rock, sculpture, security, social-media, social-networking, society, space, star-wars, tech, technology, television, tips, tools, tutorials, ubuntu, vegan, video, videos, vintage, war, water, web, web-development, weird, wordpress, youtube, sex, sexy, hot, love, porn, president, 2008, 2009, winter, secret, omg, no, way, amplafitesttag, art, arts, bank, barackobama, bi, bisexual, blues, broadway, business, c, canvass, children, classical, college, comedy, community, communityservice, concert, conference, convention, country, county, dance, debatewatchparty, design, development, drive, election, election08, entrepreneur, event, events, fair, family, festival, field, filmfest, florida, football, for, free, fun, fundraising, halloween, haunted, indie, iowavoteearlyforchangeweekofac, jazz, kids, league, live, local, localfieldoffice, london, management, marketing, media, meeting, music, musicals, mybo, national, networking, new, nfl, nyc, obama, of, office, organizing, party, performance, phone, phonebank, pop, pride, prideevent, pridefest, registration, rock, service, show, shows, social, sport, sports, startup, technology, theater, tour, voter, voterregistrationdrive, w, web, western, women, women for obama, workshop, free, money, cash, movie, download, horny, quickscope, free, lobby, hard, scope, barrett, intervention, high, ******, 1600, microsoft, points, 10th, prestige, ak47, montage, sniper, m9, acr, m16, you, tube, rawr, lol, mp3, download, hillary, clinton, ohio, indiana, apple, banana, modern, warfare, leaked, info, gameplay, ninja, defuse, mw2, snd, optic, h3cz, sniper, montage, mp5k, 50cal, acog, Modern, Warfare, M16, footage, Sniper, Montage, by, OpTic, H3CZ, .50cal, m200, copycat, steady, aim, pro, nation, gaming, hecz, dtreats, hutchisyodaddy, zzirgrizz, topnotchmultimedia, waw, dogs, infinity, ward, tutorials, 3ds, max, song, vegas, adobe, photoshop, cs4, ps3, xbox, 360, hack, exooutsider, nextgenupdate, search, and, destroy, hood, thug, jake, brandon, retard, hangove, hill on, a, the, as, an, how, to, tags, pavelow, harrier, knife, too, damn, good, for, you, nuke, chopper, gunner, scary, zombie, exploits, tuts, views, sir, mix, a, lot, baseball, basketball, football, hockey, unban, sony, camcorder, ipod, orange, purple, haze, blue, pineapple, microsoft, never, get, patchaed, banned, loser, halo, left, dead, argentina, australia, evolution, of, dance, potter, book, puppet, pals, paper, airplanes, pregnant, quagmire, soundboard, springboard, blackra1n, jail, break, touch, iphone, grabber, nano, itunes, lag, keyboard, escape, search, keyvault, drive, hoops, goal, net, celtics, magic, lakers, los, angeles, sorry, if, words, are, in, twice, eminem, cent, ludacris, gucci, boobs, belt, saint, video, garden, chicken, steak, cow, liger, tiger, zebra, trees, garden, urban, random, :), will, jordan, sick, nasty, gross, lazy, insect, pursuit, happiness, romantic, spelling, humming, birds, eachother, microwave, japan, malaysia, africa, vietnam, indians, elephant, lone, these, were, all, thought, up, by, myself, carpol, tunnels, stewie, fat, man, lois, cartman, suprise, aperance, gotta, school, sucks, worst, biggest, fattest, funniest, longest, first

I have to make a invention for school. Does anyone have any ideas?
Q. I need something easyy and it's due Jan.22nd 2010. Please Help! Thanks!

A. You have lots of time, so if it's too easy you won't get a good grade.
First think of a problem that you want to solve, and then think of how you could solve it. Your invention probably won't be totally new, but maybe you could improve on one that already exists. For example, my son is an artist and he designed an improvement on easels that made it possible for little kids to adjust the height by themselves. This meant that the kid could keep the easel a few years longer as he grew, because little kids' easels aren't easily adjustible. Think of something you're interested in, or look at all the gadgets in your kitchen or work area. Also keep an eye on those "as seen on TV" products. You can't copy those things, but they may give you an idea.

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How do you feel about letting small children use your expensive gadgets?

Q. I don't like hardly anyone, especially kids, using my electronics (my 3DS, for example) -- they're not allowed to, in fact.

Why? It's because their hands are sticky/dirty and they are often not gentle.

I take good care of my things and simply cannot trust others to be careful.

It seems that it's seen as offensive if I ask others to be gentle, as if I'm assuming that they will not be.

Am I in the wrong here?

I ask because of a little debate that I had with my mom and step-dad earlier about letting a 2-year-old play on an iPad -- with supervision, of course.

A. I have kids and I didn't have a problem letting my children play with my expensive "gadgets". I knew that they'd be gentle and careful. I am more reluctant with other people's kids.

You are completely within your rights to refuse other people's children or your own children to play with your electronics. These are YOUR items, not public property. Even if you are overprotective of your items, it does not change a thing. If a child does accidentally break the item, most parents will offer to replace it BUT...but they will expect you to turn down their offer and get offended and/or angry if you don't-especially if it's a family member.

Are there any gadgets for removing dust from the air that actually work?
Q. Already have vacuum that supposed to do it, also carpet cleaner and special filters for furnace and vents. and the ducts have been cleaned. live in a farming area, have kids and pets.

A. the only 'gadget that works in a furnace system is an ionizer

the oreik air purifirer actually works very well

What are some detectives that kids may know?
Q. For a holiday program my church is organising, the theme is detectives. The age group is prep (age 5) to 12 year olds. For every day, a 'detective' will be comming to talk to the kids (an adult dressed up) For the 5 day week, we will need 5 different detectives that primary school age kids would know. We have already thought of Nancy Drew and Sherlock Holmes. Can u think of some other ones. Thanks.

A. The Hardy boys, Dick Tracey, Scooby doo, Inspector Gadget, Detective Conan.

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

What is the name of this animated tv show?

Q. When i was little i used to love a tv how that aired on Disney Channel ( in france).
It was the story of a little kid who becomes a spy. His main gadget was a yo-yo and he had a very muscular sidekick.

Does anyone know how ts called?

A. Inspector Gadget?

What is a good plotline for a children's spy story?
Q. I'm writing a novel for kids (10-12 year olds) and I need a good plotline that makes sense. I started already but it was bad and I had to delete it all. Thanks in advance, and if you have rude or mean comments, take them somewhere else. Thanks again.

A. I think you can never go wrong making things complicated. In fact, the more complicated it is, the more kids will be hooked.
Try to have one character who seems to be obviously the villain, but then isn't. Instead, a character who had subtle hints given about their identity is.
To hook both genders, have at least one main character who is a boy and one who's a girl. (They need to be kids or teens to hook the pre-teens.) That way you also have the way paved for a romance. (Pre-teen girls, especially, like that, and you'll be surprised how few pre-teen boys mind it.) If you want to have a main audience of just one gender, have the character of that gender set out on the journey and meet the other chracter later. Sidekicks, especially dogs, hawks, or some mythical creature, are also highly in demand for pre-teens.
This is cliche, but to make the girls (and the boys) happy, make the girl extremely pretty and the boy extremely handsome.
The gadgets the characters use should be a little magical, because magic is in vogue this book season.

(I gave you helping tips instead of a plot because I know you can write that spy story. I always find people work better with their own plots they made up. Don't worry about being weird or far-out. As long as there's lots of action and gadgets, some romance that's un-sappy, and a cool animal sidekick, they'll be happy.)

becoming a spy does anybody hav any ideas on how to?
Q. im an 11 yr old girl i wnt to become a spry kid will anybody help me by saying tips how to make spy gadgets and ect...

A. If you want to help do black opps. Become a navy seal. Or one of the other special forces.

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Where can I sign up to be Obama's food taster?


Being paid to eat FREE food?!? Wow, that is totally awesome!
I'm not a troll. This is my real picture.

A. So you actually ain't kidding?

Get some self-esteem.

Other than that the idea is good.

There also was this woman in the UK whose job was to test sex toys. Even cooler, eh? Better still, combine the two jobs, you get food and sex for free plus some change. Woo hoo. All you need now is a place to stay.

Why am i so obsessed with having a baby?!?
Q. I am 20 years old and my fiance is 21. We have been in a solid relationship for 4 years and got engaged last christmas. We have already made our wedding plans and are ready to put things in motion for our 2013 wedding. However I am having trouble concentrating on anything but babies!! Three of my friends just had babies and i find myself so jealous I cant even be happy for them. I have been looking online at other peoples newborns and I'm starting to scare myself. My fiance and i have decided we want children soon but I'm not sure if now is the best time. We are stable in our own 2 bedroom apartment, we have a car we own, several baby needs such as high scair bouncer, toys, ect ( from my sister who had a baby last year) and stable well paying jobs. But i dont want to feel like im missing out on anything. I always said i wanted to be stable so i could give my children what the want not only what they need. But am I ready??

A. I say go for it! Jealousy just reveals what you want: Children.

Yet go on a nice adventurous vacation before you have kids. There are a few years with young children that really ties you down, so you'll want to look back and know that were able to go somewhere cool before that.

Good luck! and pick out family names for their middle names!

Is Disney World or Universal Studios better for someone who does not go on thrill rides?
Q. This is probably really early but i am going to Orlando Florida with my family next August and I wanted to know which park is better for someone like me, who is not into roller coasters. I have been to both theme parks back in 2006 and i had fun at both but i wanted to see which one is better in other people's eyes. So please give me an answer and your experience at either park plz and thank you
by the way i wanted to know if u recommend either park for teens and children
i am also a 16 year old

A. It is never to late to plan for Disney. We make the trip every other year. Our last trip will be in 2011. Sadly, we will be taking a break for 2013, since my daughter will be graduating high school, and the focus will be transitioning her to her new life. We hope to make it back in 2014.

First spend the money on the Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney, the 2011 guide will be out in the near future. We never plan a trip without it. No I make no commision off recommending the book, but it has been helpful. Next, I've placed some helpful websites for you below. The All Ears gang is just great at giving advice and they send out monthly updates for your planning. If a ride is going down for maintenace, you will be in the know! Sorry Universal doesn't offer anything like All Ears, if they do, I don't know about it. Maybe someone reading this can advise. Mousesavers is another site, that is very helpful in planning and I use Mouseguest just to get some more info, Deb's folks are the best at giving advice when it comes to the World!

As for the parks, well if you have little ones we advise the Magic Kingdom, it is never a good day at the Kingdom as for crowds, so pack the water in your backpack. I'd suggest heading the teenagers head to the coaster ride since it is long wait and just misearble in the heat, and your heading in August, so cool is the word. FAST Pass the Buzz Light Year ride or wait until the parade and fireworks display and hit it as many times, since no one rides it late at night. If your a Pirates nut like me, I wait until the fireworks and ride the ride with the wife.

As for Disney Hollywood, go Fast Pass on Toy Story ride. If possible, send a runner with all your tickets, get their and so you can FAST Pass it in a half an hour, if not the lines are just nuts. Then meet in front of the ride, go in and have the kids take a picture with Woody and Buzz, the lines are nuts after 11. You will be glad you did, then ride Toy Story, then head to Tower of Terror and Rockin Rollercoaster. My daughter gives a 5 of 10 on Rockin. My son gives a 6 of 10 on Tower of Terror, but they've made updates to the ride this year, so next year when we go, should have some new twist.

My son will tell you that DisneyQuest in Downtown Disney is great. He spends about 8 hours there when we go. Never have to drop a quarter on games. He loves that. Ride the Pirate ride, but get there early.

As for waterparks, both Blizzard and Typhoon give thumbs up from my son. Daughter doesn't care for water parks, but it is a hair thing for her. All about looking good. You know teenage girls. So normally my son and I head to the waterpark with his friend and the girls shop at the Outlet malls for the day.

As for Universal, Hulk gets a 6 of 10, and Dragon Challenge gets a 7 of 10 for rides. Both kids didn't care for it that much, we had a five day pass, they used only two days of it. My daughter will have a friend along for 2011, and they plan to do it in one day. Son doesn't even want to head to Universal. Opting for the waterpark at Aquatica.

When staying at the World, then I normally let the olders one come back to the room when they want. Next year, we will have our rig (we drive from Texas) and one rental for the girls (since we are staying at a timeshare this time).

At the time of this posting, both my teenagers give the thumbs up to Disney for overall satisfaction. Opt for a two day at Universal, if you plan to stay for a week. Note for Adult nightlife, head to City Walk, since Pleasure Island is now closed.

Good luck and enjoy your vacation. Hope this post helps.

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High school kids and their tech gadgets and video games?

Q. What if all the high school kids in the world. . . had all of their tech gadgets and cellphones and video games taken away for one week? What would happen to the world?

A. It's too bad most high school kids have never played a real video game, and don't have any high-tech stuff.

What sorts of tech gadgets do you imagine we'll have in the year 2044?
Q. Right now we've got iphones, ipods, remote starters for your car, powerful computers that are the size of a childrens book, wifi, hands free, GPS, TomTom, digital cameras, voice activated everything, etc...

Almost 40 years from now, how do you think those existing luxuries will be improved upon or what new things do you think we'll see? Try to keep it to consumer electronics too. Military tech is another story.

A. I love kseigal's idea about the bed! I want to make love in a bed like that! 8^)

We are seeing a lot of integration now--cellphones with cameras and GPS, GPSs with MP3 players, etc. I think we'll see a lot more of that. TVs, computers, media players, GPSs, cellphones, internet terminals, etc. etc. will all come together into general 'electronic devices'. They'll probably come up with some good name for them, like iGizmo.

Notice how small cellphones and MP3s have gotten in just the last few years. It's just a matter of time before we're wearing them on the ear like a bluetooth earpiece, and then -inside- the ear like a hearing aid. These could also have GPS and guide you to your destination with voice commands. ("Now turn left up there by the gas station. It's the fourth house on the left, with the birch tree. Watch out for that kid on the bike!")

I have seen 'glasses' that have little TV screens on them. They could be made into real glasses that you wear all the time. You could watch TV on them, or other kinds of media, or use them as computer monitors. They are always with you, always connected to the Internet, integrated with your phone and your GPS and your MP3 player and video camera and. . . well, you get the idea.

We are now only starting to realize remote-control devices. I mean calling your phone and entering codes on the keypad to turn on your heat, record stuff on your TV, thaw something for dinner, warm up your bed, etc. We'll see a lot more of this integrated into the Internet and your personal in-ear phone/media device/Internet terminal.

WiFi will die, and good riddance! It will be replaced by something more universal. Wireless Internet that you can carry with you anywhere. Maybe a satellite-based system that you can use anywhere in the world, like GPS is today.

how do you make home made spy gadgets for kids?
Q. I'm wanting to know how to make home made spy gadgets because I am having a birthday party and it's a spy theem and I'm very intrested in this kind of stuff but not put a cup to the door!

A. first it depends on how old you are, and how high tech u want it to be. if you want it very simple, try making a grappling hook, or somthing of that sort...fake sun glasses...ect

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What was the best invention for kids that made one crazy inventor and investor a millionare?

Q. Remember those animal rubber bands? The guy probably is at home in retirement on his pool,exercising,young, and living the dream life selling those animal rubber bands. I'm doing a project for Economics about the best product made for children because kids are particulary suckers somewhere at age 3-5 years old.

That woman who made a book for kids who are in stress I know its kinda funny but she made millions of dollars probably at home same as that animal rubber band guy. LOL

A. It has to be LEGO. A small Danish toy company with only seven or eight employees bought a plastic injection moulding machine and invented a 'self binding brick'. In less than twenty years, by the 1960s, the company was worth millions. No other invention: doll, clay, game, construction set or gadget, comes close to it.

Kids love it: they buy a few bricks and play for weeks on end. They start at 4 or 5 years old, and are still playing and collecting at 12.

There are compatible bricks, (such as Canadian Mega Bloks) but parents prefer the original brand, so it still sells like hot cakes. LEGO fans always seem to need the latest set.

What are some songs for kids to dance ballet folklorico to ages 3 to 14?
Q. I need to know some songs for the kids to dance ballet folklorico to ages 3 to 14 o easy songs

A. Kid’s Songs (Disney & More)

Jem & the Holograms--When It’s only me & the music, I Got my eye on you, Universal Appeal, Depends on the mood I’m in, People who care
Disco Mickey Mouse Album- Disco Mickey Mouse, Mousetrap, Macho Duck , Watch out for Goofy, Welcome to Rio
Animanaics—There is only 1 of you, U.N. Me, I’m Cute, I’ll take an island, Quake! A Quake!, Monkey song
Will Smith-- Wild wild west, Summertime, Men in Black, parents just don’t understand
Bill Haley & the Comets--ABC Boogie, See you later alligator
They Might be Giants—Istanbul, particle man, birdhouse in your soul
Rockin Robin—Bobby Day
Who’s Johnny-El Debarge
Inspector Gadget theme (ska verison)—Ska king Crab
The Bumblebee tuna song (ska verison)—Mephiskapheles
Head to toe—Lisa Lisa & the Cult Jam
Labyrinth--Chilly Down, Magic dance
Rainbow Connection—Kermit the frog
Annie-- Dumb Dog, Let’s go to the movies, Hard knock life
Muppet show theme
Purple people eater—Sheb Wooley
Happy trails—Sons of the pioneers
Who put the bop—The Big Bopper
Baby Bumblebee
Fraggle Rock theme
Farmer in the dell
Hokey pokey
Puff the magic dragon—Peter, Paul & Mary
Yankee Doodle Dandy—James Cagney
My bonnie lies over the ocean
Monster mash
Yellow polka dot bikini
Witch doctor
I have the power—She-ra: Secret of the sword
Raining Sunshine - Miranda Cosgrove (cloudy w/ a chance of meatballs)
Let's Get Together (The Parent Trap)
The Ugly Bug Ball (Summer Magic)
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah (Song of the South)
Are We Dancing (The Happiest Millionaire)
Oogie Boogie's Song (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Heffalumps and Woozles (Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day)
Lavender Blue (Dilly Dilly)-- (So Dear to My Heart)
Cruella De Vil (101 Dalmatians)
Some Day My Prince Will Come (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
You've Got a Friend in Me (Toy Story)
The Siamese Cat Song (Lady and the Tramp)
Space Jam—theme song, Hit ‘Em High (Monstars theme)
Batman-Partyman-Prince, Batdance-Prince
Fern Gully--Toxic Love—Tim Curry, If I’m gonna eat somebody it might as well be you—Tone Loc, A dream worth keeping—Sheena E
Oliver & Co-- Once Upon a time in NYC-Billy Joel, Perfect isn’t easy-Bette Midler
Aladdin--A Whole New World, One Jump Ahead
Little Mermaid--Under the Sea, Kiss the Girl, Poor Unfortunate Souls, Part of Your World
Lion King--Circle of Life, Hakuna Matata, I Just Can't Wait to Be King, Be Prepared, Can you feel the love tonight
Beauty and the Beast--Beauty and the Beast, Be Our Guest, Something There, Belle
Mary Poppins--Jolly Holiday, A Spoonful of Sugar, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, Feed the Birds (Tuppence a Bag), Let's Go Fly a Kite, Stay Awake
Pete's Dragon--Candle on the Water, Boo Bop Bopbop Bop (I Love You, Too), I swear I saw a dragon
Bambi-- Love Is a Song, Little April Shower
Disneyland--Main Street Electrical Parade, It's a Small World (After All), The Tiki Tiki Tiki Room
Bedknobs & Broomsticks--The Age of Not Believing, Portobello Road, Substitutiary Locomotion, A Step in the Right Direction
Cinderella--Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo, Oh Sing Sweet Nightingale, A dream is a wish your heart makes, So this is love
The Jungle Book--The Bare Necessities, I Wanna Be like You, That's What Friends Are For
Pinocchio--When You Wish upon a Star, I've Got No Strings
The Hunchback of Notre Dame-- Out There, God help the outcasts
Pocahontas--Colors of the Wind, Just Around the Riverbend, Steady As the Beating Drum"
Sleeping Beauty-- Once Upon a Dream, I Wonder
Dumbo--Pink Elephants on Parade, Baby Mine, When I See an Elephant Fly
Robin Hood--Oo-De-Lally, Love
The Aristocats--Thomas O'Malley Cat, Everybody Wants to Be a Cat

What is the new gadget all Japanese kids want these days?
Q. Tamagoshi a few years ago, what are the new cool stuff for kids now?

A. nintendo ds light

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Monday, June 3, 2013

Is Disney World or Universal Studios better for someone who does not go on thrill rides?

Q. This is probably really early but i am going to Orlando Florida with my family next August and I wanted to know which park is better for someone like me, who is not into roller coasters. I have been to both theme parks back in 2006 and i had fun at both but i wanted to see which one is better in other people's eyes. So please give me an answer and your experience at either park plz and thank you
by the way i wanted to know if u recommend either park for teens and children
i am also a 16 year old

A. It is never to late to plan for Disney. We make the trip every other year. Our last trip will be in 2011. Sadly, we will be taking a break for 2013, since my daughter will be graduating high school, and the focus will be transitioning her to her new life. We hope to make it back in 2014.

First spend the money on the Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney, the 2011 guide will be out in the near future. We never plan a trip without it. No I make no commision off recommending the book, but it has been helpful. Next, I've placed some helpful websites for you below. The All Ears gang is just great at giving advice and they send out monthly updates for your planning. If a ride is going down for maintenace, you will be in the know! Sorry Universal doesn't offer anything like All Ears, if they do, I don't know about it. Maybe someone reading this can advise. Mousesavers is another site, that is very helpful in planning and I use Mouseguest just to get some more info, Deb's folks are the best at giving advice when it comes to the World!

As for the parks, well if you have little ones we advise the Magic Kingdom, it is never a good day at the Kingdom as for crowds, so pack the water in your backpack. I'd suggest heading the teenagers head to the coaster ride since it is long wait and just misearble in the heat, and your heading in August, so cool is the word. FAST Pass the Buzz Light Year ride or wait until the parade and fireworks display and hit it as many times, since no one rides it late at night. If your a Pirates nut like me, I wait until the fireworks and ride the ride with the wife.

As for Disney Hollywood, go Fast Pass on Toy Story ride. If possible, send a runner with all your tickets, get their and so you can FAST Pass it in a half an hour, if not the lines are just nuts. Then meet in front of the ride, go in and have the kids take a picture with Woody and Buzz, the lines are nuts after 11. You will be glad you did, then ride Toy Story, then head to Tower of Terror and Rockin Rollercoaster. My daughter gives a 5 of 10 on Rockin. My son gives a 6 of 10 on Tower of Terror, but they've made updates to the ride this year, so next year when we go, should have some new twist.

My son will tell you that DisneyQuest in Downtown Disney is great. He spends about 8 hours there when we go. Never have to drop a quarter on games. He loves that. Ride the Pirate ride, but get there early.

As for waterparks, both Blizzard and Typhoon give thumbs up from my son. Daughter doesn't care for water parks, but it is a hair thing for her. All about looking good. You know teenage girls. So normally my son and I head to the waterpark with his friend and the girls shop at the Outlet malls for the day.

As for Universal, Hulk gets a 6 of 10, and Dragon Challenge gets a 7 of 10 for rides. Both kids didn't care for it that much, we had a five day pass, they used only two days of it. My daughter will have a friend along for 2011, and they plan to do it in one day. Son doesn't even want to head to Universal. Opting for the waterpark at Aquatica.

When staying at the World, then I normally let the olders one come back to the room when they want. Next year, we will have our rig (we drive from Texas) and one rental for the girls (since we are staying at a timeshare this time).

At the time of this posting, both my teenagers give the thumbs up to Disney for overall satisfaction. Opt for a two day at Universal, if you plan to stay for a week. Note for Adult nightlife, head to City Walk, since Pleasure Island is now closed.

Good luck and enjoy your vacation. Hope this post helps.

I was just told Mrs. Canada was stripped of her crown, I am unable to verify this. Is anyone able to do a....?
Q. Is anyone able to do a better Google search than me? This is actually someone I know and I care about this. Any 15 y/o's here better than me, a 50 y/o at Google searches? Please?

And yes, because even the trolls are better at searches than I am, this is where I know people. This kinda matters to me folks, any help would be sincerely appreciated.
Com'on you guys, I need some help here. I do stuff when I can, turn the tables, please?
Melonie Wildman
And I believe it was last year, 2011.
Yeah, she is. She's amazingly... A weight loss surgery patient.
And, FWIW, she's not Miss Canada, she's MRS. Canada.
@Steve... but dude, was she actually stripped of her crown? And if so, WHY??
@Steve, OMG, thank you so much. This matters to me so thank you very very very much! I could not imagine why her crown was stripped. This crown, it matters not to me, but it does to her. So thank you for cleaning this up. Many appreciations to you!

Don't know how to pay you back, but I owe you big time!
@Steve, btw.. thank you, sweetie!
@Steve... okay, maybe this isn't saying much but you are my new best favorite poster on Y/A politics. But you really are. Thank you very much. I cannot say more. I feel better now because of you. Thank you.
@Steve.. Actually, that is a real dog!!!!!!!!!!! Swear to Zog, he's a 1.5# poodle. He was sick and neurotic when he came to me. Today.... he's my shadow. My little tiny baby boy. 7 years old and still kicking............... well.

A. yeah, found it

EDIT: OK I'll do my best,give me more time
What is her name ? Is she Miss Canada 2010, 2011, 2012 or 2013 ?


EDIT: She is not Mrs Canada, she is Mrs Galaxy

EDIT: She was stripped off because later they found someone who was more beautiful than her .

just kidding. She still holds the title ! Your friends were lying when they told you that LOL

EDIT: You're welcome....Miss Yahoo? :)

edit : lol Annie you are funny x)
is that a dog or a toy in your avatar picture ?

very nice.

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how do you make home made spy gadgets for kids?

Q. I'm wanting to know how to make home made spy gadgets because I am having a birthday party and it's a spy theem and I'm very intrested in this kind of stuff but not put a cup to the door!

A. first it depends on how old you are, and how high tech u want it to be. if you want it very simple, try making a grappling hook, or somthing of that sort...fake sun glasses...ect

Why do schools push kids so hard these days?
Q. Why do they expect them to be so smart, they push subjects so fast, then a struggling kid falls behind, and right away they want them to be on medication, or hold them back! What is the rush, why can't they pace subjects so the kids have a fighting chance?
All really good answers, thanks but whatever happened to kids just being kids, they have a stressful future ahead of them, why stress them out now?

A. You people don't know how stressful it is because YOU grew up in simpler times where they just asked you what 4+3 is.

I will copy and paste my answer from a similar topic:

For you misguided souls... Keep in mind that an excess of anything is NOT good for you. Education isn't what it used to be when we grew up in simpler times. Kindergarteners have homework, first grade stuff is being taught in preschool, and fourth graders learn the stuff they shouldn't learn until middle school. That's ridiculous. And there comes the cutbacks on recess and PE(and expect the children to sit still for ever long hours-if they can't do that, they solve it by drugging them-and how dare they blame child obesity rates when they ARE part of the problem), and standardized testing for second graders.

A child does not grasp logical reasoning until the ages of at least 6-7 before they should be introduced to formal education. And numerous studies agree that in the years before that, play and sensory is most important in development to begin logical reasoning. Now it's seem this stage is skipped altogether. And standardized testing is virtually child abuse for second graders as a medium "of knowing whether they can read and do math" as a excuse for overzealous educators. Sure, they might be the best in filling in bubbles, but can they learn and if so, are the tests accurate in any way other than testing memorization. Because anyone can memorize a bunch of stuff, color in bubbles, without the slightest hint of what actually's going on. It's virtually child abuse because those who can't handle the stress face emotional suffering and the fear and disgrace of failure. And get this, the teacher's manual for testing second graders explain how to clean vomit(kids throw up from stress) from the scantrons so they are readable. And they feel nothing but apathy for the poor child.

One of the reasons for the radical change for the worse in education is the whole concept of why test scores and performance remains low. And to supplement this deficiency, there comes the half-assedly thrown in one-size-fits-all policy known as No Child Left Behind that addresses not one bit on how to improve education for everyone, how to reform issues(overcrowding, maintenance, order) and being able to conform to various learning styles for the kids. As a result, schools have to do anything possible under unreasonable pressure and circumstance to boost their percentages. And they do this by either dumbing down the standards or setting the bar too high and loading kids up with homework.

The second big reason apart from the idiotic No Child Left Behind law is an increasingly competitive world. Now this I especially hate. An increasingly competitve world equals a just as competitive society on the home front. Thus, people are obsessed with achievement and work and the economy. Is the frenetic pace for the better? Absolutely not. With what people expect out of kids today, the US is still falling behind in education. And other countries don't repress or overload their kids' learning the way it's taking place here. You can come up with as many tests and as many cool hi-tech gadgets and incentives you want, but the only way to make education any better is to fix the problems such as poor funding, overcrowding, crime, maintenance, then teach BETTER, not MORE in a lighter but more consistent manner. If kids aren't liking it, they probably aren't going do it or do well. And this can have implications later in life. We overprotect our children nowadays(and even THAT can be a bad thing in not setting up the kids for the future to be risktakers), but we are incapable of protecting their emotional well being.

For the worse, unreasonable policies followed by competitiveness is unhealthy. In doing so, people become blinded because the issue doesn't reach them. Childhood is simply being forgotten, since God knows the people are all about 'maturity' and 'discipline' without setting a reasonable standard for the children's needs and natural activeness. Some people devote their entire lives and still don't get the status they want. The people with 4.0 and over GPAs? They might not even get into a college of their choice? That's how hard it is nowadays.

If this keeps up, eventually the schools will be more and more like a prison than a learning environment. Children who faced mental torture and stress will grow up to hate school, drop out, not get anywhere with their lives, and face a variety of psychological problems associated with their stress etched into their memory forever.

Childhood is short. Maturity is forever. Kids are active, they need to go out an run and play to be happy. So how do you cope with these times? Sometimes it's best not to try to please everyone's expectations. Or, reorg the priorities(a radical change to cope with radical zeal). As soon as child comes home, he/she can have the day completely to herself to do whatever she pleases. But in the evening hours it's time to do that homework since she wouldn't be out playing at night.

Since society has to always label and repress the weak, being a child is hard. And it only gets harder and overwhelming once it gets to high school.


Yes, the moronic No Child Left Behind law. Sure, no child may be left behind, but there sure are alot of them being dragged on the ground. And secondly, the rise of an increasingly modernized world, alot of developing countries=massive competition.

What are good Christmas gifts for a grandson and granddaughter?
Q. I really am at a loss as to what to get them. He's six and she's four. And they have everything they could possible want. If I ask them they just say I don't know. My son says surprise them. They have all the sports equipment and latest gadgets. Should I just send money? The other grandkids aren't a problem to buy for because their parents aren't rich, but my son is. The other grandkids seem grateful for whatever I get them. They don't believe in Santa. My son and daughter-n-law don't think they should tell the kids about Santa, the Easter Bunny, tooth fairy, etc.

A. Sometimes the simplest gifts are really the best. Even though kids nowadays are exposed to high-tech toys, they are still kids, nonetheless. I know very few 4 year old girls who don't appreciate a beautiful doll. At her age, I'd say get a giant stuffed animal doll. For the boy, how about a truck or toy airplane...What would make the gift most special is if you spend time playing with it with him.

BTW, one of my most cherished photos is a picture that was taken with me and my grandmother at Christmas when I was about seven. It's her watching me open a gift she got for me. That would be a good photo for someone to take if you are around when the gifts are opened.

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What gadgets do you think will be most popular in 2013?

Q. I am researching new market trends that are likely to produce more gadgets in 2013. Efficiency, especially in terms of how we run our daily lives, is essential here. I have looked at websites such as and have gotten a few good ideas, but would like any more suggestions. This is NOT a homework assignment. I am looking for investmentts.

A. You will find things you never new existed in this list. If you are like me, you will also find yourself wishing you were a kid, just so YOU could get some of these hot toys. I know they didn't have cool toys like this when "I" was a boy.Technology is something that kids understand a lot better than us old folks. Many of these toys and gadgets are technology based (although not all of them). Kids understand them and love them.

What makes some kids instantly cooler than others?
Q. At school there are the populars and unpopulars. The populars are animals, they make out with people, sware, attack people (physically, emotionally, mentally, and verbally), they do drugs and drink. What makes them cooler than us when we do the right thing, we don't sware, we don't make out, we dont drink and do drugs, and every fricken girl/ boy wants to be their bf/gf. Every kid bends to their every will. Why are they cool.

A. They are popular for all the wrong reasons.

The country, the mass media and popular culture celebrates materialism, selfishness and pride, all at the expense of others. It’s like if you are in a criminal gang and all they do for a living is deal in drugs, kidnap, rob, rape and kill; you’d be very popular and cool if you did a lot of that. BUT law enforcement and the rest of the country would want you arrested and executed.

So the kids at school who are popular and cool are misguided, spineless and unoriginal people who stoop to all kinds of evil because they don’t have the courage, wisdom and moral fibre to be good. Those who think they are popular and cool are equally misguided, unoriginal and spineless themselves.

If you look carefully, you will see that those who are popular invariably employ all kinds of outright or subtle intimidation so that others fear them for the bad that they can do to them. They are not liked ---- they are feared. They are not so much popular as they are notorious.

Besides, they are people who are so insecure inside that they are constantly upgrading their wardrobe, buying the latest gadgets, doing the latest prank, going to parties, etc, basically being very, very busy with all kinds of transient, meaningless things, like the way monkeys get so busy if you plant a fake tree and throw in a few used tires in their cage. Would you call monkeys cool? We laugh at monkeys because they look like clowns swinging, running, jabbering and fighting inside their cage all the time. But if you see a monkey sitting in a corner and he's reading a book and pondering the deeper things in life; now that's one helluva cool monkey.

ONLY KIDS WHO DON’T KNOW ANY BETTER BEND TO THEIR WILL. Most adults will kick their asses if they so much as try their antics on them. Why? Because we think they are weak, insecure, notorious little idiots who are up to no good. Popular and cool? Not by a trillion miles!

What kind of being was Inspector Gadget?
Q. I was reminiscing about an old cartoon I used to watch on Nickelodeon as a kid called Inspector Gadget. Today it has me wondering just what the hell was this guy? Is he android, human, or a mix of the two? And who or what made him? His niece, Penny, was Gadget really an uncle towards her? Instances when he'd extend his metallic neck many feet into the air would have me puzzled. How can someone do this, and still manage to be alive as a human?

A. I guess you'd call him a human cyborg. He's a person with robotic parts. Unless it was some secret to the story, Penny was his real niece and he was her legal guardian.

As to the extent of the gadgets, that's just the cartoon aspect, which like many cartoons, requires a good deal of suspension of disbelief.

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Name 12 kids with these guidelines?

Q. 1 and 2. Boy/Girl twins: First names must be names that could be nicknames for other names (ex Nathan, Bob), Middle names must be at least 3 syllables

3. Girl: First name must mean beautiful/pretty/etc. , middle name must be a nature name

4. Girl: First name must be two syllables, middle name be one syllable

5. Boy: First name must be a place, middle name must have a meaning that involves numbers

6. Girl: Fist name must be a season, but it can be a name that means that season in another language too, middle name must be a virtue name

7. Boy: First name must be your favorite actor, middle name must be a character that actor played

8. Boy: First name must have the same amount of letters as your first name, middle name must have the same amount of letters as your middle name

9, 10, 11, and 12: Quadruplets 2 boys and 2 girls: One first and middle name must both ahve to do with water, one with fire, one with air, and one with earth

Feel free to add pictures, personalities, and ages. Ones with more detaila re more likely to win best answer.


1 and 2. Xander Demetrius and Rissa Marietta- 17. They are both athletic and outgoing. They are both on the swim team, Rissa does gymnastics, and Xander runs track. They are very popular and well-liked.

3. Callista Rowanna (Callista means most beautiful one and Rowanna like the Rowan tree): 13. She is very much a girly-girl. She is in middle school cheer and on the dance team. She wants to be prom queen in high school and wants to be a model some day.

4. Lina Mae: 11. She loves reading and telling stories. She wants to be an actress someday and is already very talented. She is very creative.

5. Athens Septimus (Athens. Greece and Septimus means seventh son): 10. He is very, very smart. He loves math. He also loves playing pokemon. The other kids at school call hima geek but he doesn't care.

6. Winter Grace: 6. She is very pretty but very shy, and quiet. She is a very sweet little girl. She is very small for her age. She loves ballet.

7. David Hamlet (David Tennant played Hamlet once): 5. He is a very serious and calm little boy. He is very compassionate and would like to be a doctor someday.

8. James Nicholas (Tiera Mychelle): 4. He is usually very happy and friendly and loves making people laugh but mess with his family and you'd better watch out.

9, 10, 11, and 12: Hali Marina (both mean of the sea), Aiden Blaze (Aiden means fire and Blaze like a blazing fire), Skyler Kalani (SKYler, and Kalani means the heavens), Demetrius Gaeos (Demeter was the goddess of the harvest and Gaea was the goddess of the earth): 2. Hali is sweet, optimistic and cheerful, she is also very adventurous. Skyler is a hyper little thing around people she knows well but can be very shy around strangers. Aiden loves to meet new people and has never been shy in his life. Demetrius is quiet and observant and when he does speak it's something worth listening too.
(from left to right: Aiden, Hali, Demetrius, Skyler)

"Xander, Rissa, Callie, Lina, Athens, Winter, David, Jamie, Hali, Sky, Aiden and Demmy"

Have fun! :D

A. • Matty Avery
Matty is 14 years old and is a very well rounded boy. He loves to play basketball and football but he also loves to sing and act in his school drama club. Matty loves taking care of all of his little siblings, and he has a special bond with Spring. He's also quite the ladies' man.

• Liza Maria
Liza is 14 and is currently in love with love. She reads any romance novel she can get her hands on and posts pictures of her favourite actors all over her room. Matty adores Liza so much but nonetheless, he loves to poke fun at her for her obsession with love.

• Elle Violet
Elle is 13 and is incredibly outgoing and popular in her school. She has many friends and lots of the boys in her grade like to follow her around. However she is also very sweet and responsible and rather than basking in all of the attention, she loves to go make friends with kids who are shy.

• Olive June
Olive is 11 and loves to hang out with her family whenever she can. She's a bit shy to anyone outside of her family, but at home she's quite the talkative one. She's very optimistic and always settles arguments between her siblings.

• Hudson Adam
Hudson is 9 and is quite the wild thing. He loves to run around the neighborhood with his friends and play street hockey and go exploring. It takes a lot of persuasion to get him to come home at the end of the day.

• Spring Amity
Spring is 8 and is crazy about her brother Matty. She thinks he is the best football player in the whole world and she goes to all of his games and plays. He's teaching her how to play football and basketball and how to sing. She hopes to be just like him one day.

• Anton Charlie "Tony"
Tony is 6 and loves to have all of the attention on him. He spends a lot of time with Olive because he knows she'll play with him, but when someone is ignoring him or he doesn't get what he wants, he gets very huffy. He is only 6 though, and Liza is working hard to teach him to become a little gentleman.

• Lance Sebastian
Lance is 5 and is a very wise little boy. He's a great listener and is always there when one of his siblings needs someone to vent to. He doesn't understand a lot of things yet, but he can tell what emotion someone is feeling and is always ready with a great big hug.

• River Dylan
River is 3 and is the family's little teddy bear. He loves to cuddle and watch cartoons and stay in his pajamas all day long. He almost never cries, as long as he has his blankie and his sippy cup.

• Georgie Eade
Georgie is 3 and is totally obsessed with toy cars. He plays with them all day, everyday and it breaks his heart to see a car at the toy store and not be able to bring it home.

• Adena Sera "Addy"
Addy is 3 and is positive she is going to marry either Matty or Daddy. She is absolutely enamored by both of them and cries every time Daddy goes to work and Matty goes to school.

• Ora Zephyrine
Ora is 3 and is quite the little girly girl. She is positive that she is a princess, and she loves nothing more than to get into Mummy's make up and jewelry and have Liza tell her stories about princes and princesses falling in love.

--- Matty, Liza, Elle, Olive, Hudson, Spring, Tony, Lance, River, Georgie, Addy and Ora.

Loved this. :3

Which 2013 movie do you think will perform the best at the box office?
Q. Of all the potential blockbusters this year, which do you think will have the best box office run?: Jack the Giant Slayer, Oz: The Great and Powerful, The Croods, G.I. Joe 2, The Host, Iron Man 3, The Great Gatsby, Star Trek 2, Fast and Furious 6, The Hangover 3, After Earth, Superman: Man of Steel, Monsters University, Despicable Me 2, Lone Ranger, Grown Ups 2, The Wolverine, The Smurfs 2, 300: Rise of an Empire, Red 2, Percy Jackson 2, The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2, Paranormal Activity 5, Thor 2, Catching Fire, and The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. I personally believe Iron Man 3 will be the top movie this year, because Iron Man is very popular already and it is likely that the films with The Avengers characters will get a boost from now on. The one that's likely to perform the worst is probably Paranormal Activity 5, because the Paranormal Activity movies are consistently getting worse and making less. What do you think? Thanks.

A. Jack the Giant Slayer,: not feeling it.. i think Singer has lost his edge as a diresctor
Oz: The Great and Powerful, toss up... Raimi is always good, but Franco as Leading man?
The Croods,: first I've heard of it, not impressed
G.I. Joe 2, : already delayed 9 months (was originally due the week before Dark Knight) and last I read being 'dumped' in February, not a known hot time
The Host, Solid Opening week due to TwiHards, seriosu drop after that
Iron Man 3,: block buster... only danger is how close the Next one is released to it
The Great Gatsby,: I don't think enough people Care about the source Material, and it was shot in 3D which might turn people off as superfluous for a Period Drama
Star Trek 2, : big numbers (like Iron Man 3 the only stumbling Block is what comes out the week after
Fast and Furious 6, Does it really nead #6? I can't see anyone more than the Fanboys showing up for this one, and the franchise as a whole didn't hold the top spot often if at all
The Hangover 3, : after 2 feeling like bad rerun I don't see long lines for number 3 unless the promos make it clear its 'original'
After Earth, : Shyamalan like Singer hasn't been that solid of late... and the synopsis from IMDb implies its Jaden Smith's Movie, and Will Smith is just there to help the kid out
Superman: Man of Steel,: I know I'm there on opening night... I think it'll do well
Monsters University,: after Toy Story 3 I see a lot of original fans coming back, not sure how the Kids will grasp a Prequel
Despicable Me 2,: similar to the first
Lone Ranger, : I think it comes down to Fans accepting Johnny Depp as A Native American (regardless of any really NA Blood he may have) and B a supporting character (this also assumes the Director doesn't turn this into Tonto The Movie
Grown Ups 2,: all Adam Sandler Movies play the Same as it is, why bother making a real sequel
The Wolverine,: I think it'll open High, but the Japanese setting will lead to drop off, especially if the next week sees another Big Name release
The Smurfs 2: Really the first one did well enough to Justify a sequel?
300: Rise of an Empire, Save for the Former Bond Girl this looks like a Syfy Saturday night kind of Movie
Red 2, It'll pay for itself, possible Justify a 3rd, but It's more of a Dark Horse than a Block buster
Percy Jackson 2,: I'll see it, but I think it's too far delayed (3 years might not seem like much but last I checked their based on 'Young Adult' Books based on Teenaged Demi-Gods (the actors were already too old then)
The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, I see book fans showing up early... but I don't see it even Justifying 1 sequel let alone the full franchise adaption they are hoping for
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2,: not feeling it, 1 was quirky fun, 2 might be overkill
Paranormal Activity 5, : the horse is dead and now the ghost of the Horse if flogging its own corpse
Thor 2, respectable open, the new director and story will tell
Catching Fire,: hard to say... my understanding is that the Tone is completely different from HG... this may play well in teh book series but movie goers can be more fickle
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. : of course its Jackson i iddle arth

I see the Top 5 being Dominated by the Hobbt and Superheroes (I'm clearly not the demographic for the Young Adult adaptations so they Could surprise me)

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Is it normal for a 2 year old to only say 4 words clearly?

Q. So, my son turned 2 march 3rd 2013. & I've begun to get worried at his speech. Kids younger than him even talk more words and clearer. He only says yes,no,mama,dada. He never uses to words together like yes mama or such. He doesn't repeat words, and won't try to say words when I'm playing with him such as 'car' or 'toy'. Idk if he's just delayed or if there is a definate speech disorder? I'm a first time mother so could use any advice! Thanks.

A. By 2 he should be saying several words and making simple sentences at times like "Go bye bye", "Night night, mama", etc. It's okay if his pronunciation is not great at age 2. Many 2 year olds don't have all their sounds down perfectly.

Just because he has a speech delay now doesn't mean there is something seriously wrong with him, but you should get him tested by your state's early intervention program (it's usually low cost or free) so you know where he's at and what is recommended. In the meantime, just keep working on his speech with him (but don't let him know you're trying to get him to talk... you know how 2 yr olds can be!).

-Read to him often. Ask him to point at pictures that you name. Then point to pictures and ask him to name them for you. If he won't, then you say what they are.

-Make sounds with him. This can help his pronunciation. Make animal sounds, car sounds, train sounds, people sounds (mmmmm, uh-oh, etc).

-Ask him questions with 2 options and wait for a reply. If he doesn't, then you answer him verbally. Ex: "Do you want milk or juice?.... You're pointing to the milk. You must want milk. Let me get you some milk."

-Talk to him frequently. Especially about the things he's showing interest in. Ask him questions, make it a conversation, even if his answers are just head nods or pointing, get him used to having conversations. Look for ways to incorporate the words he does use into the conversations.

Good luck! Here are 2 webpages I would recommend:
-Tips for helping toddlers speak:
-Language Development in toddlers:

Do you think it is right to even suggest that a two year old killed by a pit bull could be at fault?
Q. I had someone suggest that perhaps the pit bull was provoked. I'm sure that two year old was threatening the pit bulls life and it had to kill the toddler. No way a growl or nip would have sufficed? This person is actually suggesting that the dog could have been justified.

I say that there is no provocation under the sun that a two year old could possibly do anything to justify that reaction. This person is far more ready to blame a dead toddler over a 100+/- pound dog.

The person also goes on to defend the mother saying it wasn't her fault. They apparently don't see how leaving a two year old with a 100#+/- pit bull is completely irresponsible and that if she was determined to have such an animal in her house that it was her duty to protect her child and ensure that the animal was secured and could never be a threat to her child. After all, two year olds are known to be somewhat unpredictable themselves.

Of course it is her fault. She left a two year old unsupervised with a 100# biting machine. It doesn't matter if the dog had been good for years. Leaving a toddler with any large dog is totally irresponsible. If she was determined to have such an animal in her home, it was her duty to secure the dog and never leave her child alone with it.

Finally, I find it noteworthy that the mother left the house without a scratch. I guess her house is so big that she couldn't hear her child being eviscerated or she was too scared to even try to rescue her child.…

A. Do I think a 2-year-old could provoke an unstable dog to bite? Yes, certainly. The dog isn't going through some mental checklist of "can this human kill me?" or "what response would best make my point?". The dog is reacting in the moment to a child who *might have* seriously hurt or startled the dog in some way. The injury that killed the child may also be exaggerated by media. That is not to say that it wasn't a serious bite, but one serious bite to the head, neck, or thigh could quickly result in fatal blood loss.

However, that does not mean that the child is "at fault" for the incident. A toddler is impulsive and does not understand safety or the effects of her actions on others. The person/persons to blame for the incident would be whichever ADULTS made the terribly poor decision to leave the dog and the toddler alone together.

All those supposedly cute youtube videos of infants and toddlers mauling the "good old family dog" by chewing his ears, yanking his tail, bopping him with toys, etc. make me cringe. One momentary loss of control on the dog's part and their child may be damaged for life and their beloved dog may be have to be euthanized. Little kids and big dogs can mix, but there must be adult supervision, a safe space away from the child for the dog, and adult guidance so that the child is taught proper behavior around the pet.

Do guns at home really make it a safe enviroment for kids?

A. I think so. Let us look at Sandy Hook.

One gun in the hands of one adult and 19 lives could have been saved.

Here is a simple idea that comes from real world combat. When someone has decided to kill the only choice you have is to die............or kill them first.

Now can a home be safe with a gun in it? I am assuming you are worried about the child getting a hold of the gun? Reality you teach the child to not touch guns just as you would about the hot stove. All of my children know guns, I have them. You take a plastic Air Soft handgun and leave it around and the child learns to not touch from scolding them, through negative re-enforcement. At three they know what a gun is and to not touch them AND to get an adult to put the gun away...all again without touching it. By ten all my children could unload and make safe all weapons in the home and put the gun away.

At five years old my son found a gun in the park and instead of thinking it was a toy and playing with it came and got me and I called the police who removed the weapon from the park. Even if you don't like guns you must teach them about them because they will find them and then it does get dangerous.

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Sunday, June 2, 2013

How do you feel about letting small children use your expensive gadgets?

Q. I don't like hardly anyone, especially kids, using my electronics (my 3DS, for example) -- they're not allowed to, in fact.

Why? It's because their hands are sticky/dirty and they are often not gentle.

I take good care of my things and simply cannot trust others to be careful.

It seems that it's seen as offensive if I ask others to be gentle, as if I'm assuming that they will not be.

Am I in the wrong here?

I ask because of a little debate that I had with my mom and step-dad earlier about letting a 2-year-old play on an iPad -- with supervision, of course.

A. I have kids and I didn't have a problem letting my children play with my expensive "gadgets". I knew that they'd be gentle and careful. I am more reluctant with other people's kids.

You are completely within your rights to refuse other people's children or your own children to play with your electronics. These are YOUR items, not public property. Even if you are overprotective of your items, it does not change a thing. If a child does accidentally break the item, most parents will offer to replace it BUT...but they will expect you to turn down their offer and get offended and/or angry if you don't-especially if it's a family member.

Are there any gadgets for removing dust from the air that actually work?
Q. Already have vacuum that supposed to do it, also carpet cleaner and special filters for furnace and vents. and the ducts have been cleaned. live in a farming area, have kids and pets.

A. the only 'gadget that works in a furnace system is an ionizer

the oreik air purifirer actually works very well

What are some detectives that kids may know?
Q. For a holiday program my church is organising, the theme is detectives. The age group is prep (age 5) to 12 year olds. For every day, a 'detective' will be comming to talk to the kids (an adult dressed up) For the 5 day week, we will need 5 different detectives that primary school age kids would know. We have already thought of Nancy Drew and Sherlock Holmes. Can u think of some other ones. Thanks.

A. The Hardy boys, Dick Tracey, Scooby doo, Inspector Gadget, Detective Conan.

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Which of these qualities is most important for a paranormal investigator?

Q. 1. Gullibility or ability to inspire gullibility in others.
2. Electronic gadgets.
3. A van ("if it weren't for you meddling kids..!")
4. Mojo bag with silver & chicken feet at least.
5. A ouija board.

A. Even though its not a quality, the most important would be the electronics gadgets. They would be the most useful in catching spirits or disproving them.

If some students are smarter than others then why are all students treated the same?
Q. I understand why public schools treat all kids alike. I mean you don't want to give favors to one student and deny favors to another one. That is also wrong but when a student works hard and has actually achieved more than his or her class mates. Doesn't that student deserve to learn something else rather than the same old repetitive stuff that he himself or herself learned on their own?

Lets face it, some students really don't want to be there and they prevent other students from learning. That is why I believe that the private sector can do a far better job than the public school system. In the private sector the parents are paying for that child's education so they expect them to learn something. If that child isn't learning much then the parent can try another school. No two kids are exactly alike so teaching our kids exactly the same thing isn't going to work in every single situation.

Some kids do well in a public school system and others do better when they are home schooled. Wouldn't it be great if we had businesses out there trying to find ways to educate our children and make a profit for themselves at the same time?

Think about it. The pharmaceutical, internet and technical fields are an example of what the free market can accomplish. The students are actually breaking public school regulations by playing with their little electronic gadgets rather than studying in class. That is because the free market has produced products that are far superior to anything that the public school system could ever come up with on their own. Imagine if we allowed the free market to teach our kids. Wouldn't the free market find a way to keep the students interested?

I mean if they don't or can't do it then they won't remain in business for long.

A. I agree 100%, if the school system would go private, results would highly improve. Private or home schooling are the best options for education, the numbers don't lie.

I went to public school and my experience was teachers did not treat students the same. Many teachers would have over crowded classrooms. They would spend half of the time trying to control noisy and disorderly students. The other half repeating the same thing, to students who had a hard time understanding the subject.

I don't blame the teachers, they have overcrowded classrooms and few resources.
And I don't blame the students. Some come exhausted to school, dazed, hungry and even high from the crazy home life they have.

I was the lucky few to take proactive steps to educate myself at home. And would go to high school to socialize with students and help out the teachers by tutoring problem students.

What do you think about the practice of sending brag letters in Christmas cards?
Q. They tell about how rosy their life has been and how great the past year has been to them. For example, their son is class president, and their daughter is on the honour roll. Some of them brag about how many grandchildren they have and/or how fast they are collecting them. They talk about their extensive travels or what wonderful jobs their spouses or kids have. Nowdays, they brag about their electronic gadgets and their computers. The sun shines perpetually on these people. You would really think they knew Santa Claus better than anyone else, and they make other people feel sick and depressed. They even seem to imply that they are getting all these things because they have been good.

Is this practice in keeping with the spirit of Christmas?

A. Hmm... not keeping with the spirit at all. We've got a family friend who sent those letters out every year until last year and instead she sent a family newsletter. For crying out loud, a newsletter. It had little blurbs for her children... 'Katie's Corner' and even one for the dog. She went on and on about how her son was a black belt and on the Honor roll and how her daughter was the best reader in her class and all this other bull crap that nobody really wants to hear on Christmas. I agree... they just want you think think they're something special. For them, Christmas is the time of year to let everyone know how great life is, even if it's only to avoid thinking about the downpoints. I don't buy a word of it though. It's great to share love and be friendly and even if people don't mean to brag, they do... and they shove the rest of us down. Whoever said, on this page, that you're 'not whorthy' to read those letters proablby has never recived such a Christmas card. I wish we could all brag and be happy for one another. It'd be great if Christmas worked that way, but it doesn't in our heads because the world bassically sucks.

There's an answer in here somewhere. Happy Holidays.

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Whats the best gift to give on Valentines day to a Game Techie?

Q. My better half is what you call a Video game junkie. He works, lives and breathe gaming. Though I am thankful that he hasn't crossed the overly gross stereotype nerd, being that he is a techie and works for a prestigious electronics firm, most of the time he gets all his Must haves in advance. Like Apple products, latest release on games, freebies, premium tickets to concerts and heck even field level seats on our local football stadium for the NFL season ( he already just got his for the 2011 season).
Also he has been generous with me on gifts, which puts me to shame since he is becoming difficult to shop for. Most items I would like to get him are either sold out, something he already bought, over the $300.00 mark, not from this country or special participation items.

His birthday is right smack around Valentines day being only 3 days apart of each other.
I want to give him a good gift that he would absolutely be wowed with. And for those who would say just cook him dinner. That's difficult for me. He recently just turned Vegetarian and is switching now to Vegan which makes my cooking list getting relatively smaller.

As a note, he is a huge fan of Electronica and Trance, but prefers downloading mixes via itunes, he collects a lot of Vinyl records from rap and dj/dance singles
He is an avid Street Fighter and Capcom fan and has a vast collections of merchandise of their games
He is also a Japanaholic and loves everything Japan. especially electronics
He is a Mac user and has both an iphone and ipad.

Any Ideas for a gift or websites with cool electronic gadgets that are unique.


A. All I have to say is wow. you have your hands full. He is like a big kid like my bf. My bf is a video game junkie too. Plays black ops all day. I cant get a chance to watch my food network or law and order etc.
You can try to step out the box and get him something sentimental that would remind him of you all the time. He might be touched. Think of some memories that he shared with you in the pass that he really like or appreciated and see if you can come up with something unique.

Check this site out, it has some cool stuff, it helped me, hope this helps good luck

i have 170 dollars to spend on a gadget...HELP!?
Q. some requirments please,
3.has wi-fi.4
4.i like if it had a radio,any kind.1
5.i like tablets,stuff like 3ds,dsi,ipod,get the idea?4 music,love free apps, im a gamer.4 phones.1
8 app store of some kind.3
9.cheaper than 170 dollars NO MORE!4
i now there wont be anything 170 dollars with all these features, SO I PUT NUMBERS next to the feature 1-5 of how much i would enjoy it.(ex.8 app store of some kind.5,so the 5 indicates i REALLY want that feature.

A. You should get the 3DS.

Because you can play music (even with the system close).

You can LOWER the VOLUME of 3D so it does NOT give you headaches for the first time in your life (if you're the kind of person to ever get headaches from 3D, otherwise just turn the 3D all the way up).

And you can also turn the 3D OFF Completely.

And 3D is good for working out your eye muscles & brain to keep them in shape as shown in this link:

And the Nintendo 3DS has downloadable 3D Music videos from today's American music artist which I have already downloaded the 3 free 3D Music Videos to watch anywhere and the 3DS has 3D "Blue Man Group" video and College Humor (in 3D) with the FREE "Nintendo Video" App that you can download (but its 4 3D Videos at a time and they replace them once in a while) and you can download cheap downloadable 3D Apps & 3D games costing from 99 cents to $5.99 and the Nintendo 3DS also has FREE downloadable 3D Apps & 3D Games, which I have already downloaded 3 Free 3D Apps and I have downloaded 2 Free 3D Games and the 3DS has a 3D Camera and I have already used the 3DS 3D Camera to take 3D photos and I have uploaded some of my 3D footage online using the Nintendo 3DS's Web Browser to upload my 3D footage online and I have used my 3DS Web Browser to also download other peoples 3D footage from the Internet on my 3DS Web Browser and I have view all sorts of 3D content on 3D Websites online on my 3DS's Web Browser and I have use my 3DS 3D Camera to play 3D Augmented Reality games as well and it's all in 3D without the Glasses using the 3DS 3D Camera and It has beautiful 3D HD graphics that equal to that of a 3D HD version of Wii Graphics and I have Streamed 3D Videos Online on my 3DS in the eShop and I have also Watch 3D Trailers for upcoming 3D movies coming to Theaters in 3D and I have done all of this in 3D Without the Glasses.

So you can pay $169 for a Nintendo 3DS and buy the greatest Games ever & all in 3D Without the Glasses like Petz Fantasy 3D and Cooking Mama 4 and Gabrielle's Ghostly Groove 3D and Nintendogs + cats and Zoo Resort and Cave Story 3D and Kid Icarus and Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7 using the MOTION SENSORS to play the game like if you were turning a real steering wheel to turn the Kart left & right and also play such other 8 GB 3D Games like TheatRhytem Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts 3D and Crush 3D and Shinobi and Animal Crossing and Rodea the Sky Soldier and Michael Jackson: the Experience 3D and Ridge Racer 3D and Super Street Fighter 4 3D and Monster Hunter 4 and Golden Sun 4 and Star Fox 3D and Zelda 3D and Sonic Generations 3D and Tetris 3D and Resident Evil: Revelations and Tekken 3D which also has the 3D Movie Tekken the Movie 3D in it to watch and also play other 8 GB 3D HD games as Spider Man 3D and 100% of the 3DS games are in HD 3D Without the Glasses.

And the 3DS pixel density is MUCH sharper than an average HD TV.

And they're making Angry Birds 3D as a downloadable game.

And the 3DS has DLC (Downloadable Content) like Xbox Live for a bunch of 3DS games to add content to the game later on for Free.

And 1 of the Free 3D Apps I have downloaded was Netflix.

And Netflix is getting 3D Movies in the next few months, so for $169 you can watch 3D movies on the free Netflix App on the 3DS in 3D Without the Glasses.

And 100% of the people who have said that they get headaches from 3D, have said that after up to 1 to 2 weeks of using the 3DS they NO LONGER get headaches anymore and that they now play with the 3D all the way up 100% all the time, non-stop.

But I have never had any problem with the 3D at all, but each person has a different experience with the 3D ON during the first week.

And you can now pay to download 3D & 2D Videos on the 3DS.

And the 3DS is getting Hulu Plus before the end of this year (2011) as a Free downloadable App and Hulu already has 3D Content.

and you can check this Link below for more 3DS Games:

P.S. You will want to check these sites out for the Web Browser's 3D ability:

And the 3DS is getting a Wi-Fi Update this MONTH to RECORD 3D Videos and upload it to YouTube and all of this in the 3DS this Month by hooking your 3DS up to a Wireless Internet Connection like Wi-Fi or your own Home Internet or the Library and so fort during this Month as shown in this Link.

Favorite cartoon shows ...?
Q. if u remember ..

A. i'm looking up a list so i can remember more

The Mickey Mouse Club, Felix the Cat, The Flintstones, Mr. Magoo, The Bugs Bunny Show, Yogi Bear, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Top Cat, The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show, Casper the Friendly Ghost, Spider-Man, Pixie and Dixie and Mr. Jinks, The Pink Panther Show, The Tom and Jerry Show, Jabberjaw, Richie Rich, The New Adventures of Zorro, Inspector Gadget, The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show, Berenstain Bears, The Care Bears, Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears, The Wuzzles, Dennis the Menace, Cap'n O. G. Readmore, Teen Wolf, Ghostbusters, The Flintstone Kids, Kissyfur, My Pet Monster, The Real Ghostbusters, any Scooby-Doo, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, DuckTales, Winnie The Pooh, Garfield and Friends, The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Beetlejuice, Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers, The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!, The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3, Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures, Gravedale High, TaleSpin, Merrie Melodies, TaleSpin, Tiny Toon Adventures, Rugrats, Where's Wally, Back to the Future, Fievel's American Tails, Darkwing Duck, Doug, The Ren & Stimpy Show, Super Mario World, Taz-Mania, Wish Kid,

Alright ^ thats 50's- earlier 90's I already had taped cartoons before i was even born :D but now its 1992 so my childhood to my teenager yrs :)

The Addams Family, Goof Troop, The Little Mermaid, The Plucky Duck Show, Problem Child, Family Dog, 2 Stupid Dogs, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, All-New Dennis the Menace, Animaniacs, Bonkers, Droopy Master Detective, Rocko's Modern Life, Sonic the Hedgehog, The Shnookums and Meat Funny Cartoon Show, Screwy Squirrel, Madeline, The Magic School Bus, Aaahh!!! Real Monsters, Aladdin, Beethoven, Bump in the Night, Gargoyles, Spider-Man, Itsy Bitsy Spider, The Little Lulu Show, Gadget Boy and Heather, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Dumb and Dumber, The Mask, Pinky and the Brain, The Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries, Timon & Pumbaa, The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat, All Dogs Go to Heaven, Dexter's Laboratory, Hey Arnold!, Jungle Cubs, Mighty Ducks, Quack Pack, Mary-Kate and Ashley in Action!, 101 Dalmatians, The Spooktacular New Adventures of Casper, Arthur, The Angry Beavers, Cow and Chicken, Nightmare Ned, Pepper Ann, Recess, CatDog, PB&J Otter, Pinky, Elmyra & the Brain, Bad Dog, Pippi Longstocking, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Little Bill, Mickey Mouse Works, Sabrina, Spider-Man Unlimited, SpongeBob SquarePants, The Weekenders, Donald's Dynamite, Digimon, Dragon Tales, As Told by Ginger, Poochini's Yard, Clifford the Big Red Dog, George Shrinks, Maggie and the Ferocious Beast, Disney's House of Mouse, The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, Invader Zim, The Legend of Tarzan, Lloyd in Space, The Mummy, The Proud Family, Braceface, The Fairly OddParents, Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat, Totally Spies!, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius, Baby Looney Tunes, filmore!, Kim Possible, Cyberchase, Max and Ruby, All Grown Up!, Duck Dodgers, Lilo & Stitch, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, My Dad the Rock Star, Brandy & Mr. Whiskers, Danny Phantom, Fatherhood, Maya & Miguel, Watch My Chops, 6teen, American Dragon: Jake Long, The Emperor's New School, The Replacements, Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated, The Looney Tunes Show (the end) haven't watch a good cartoon since 2011

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