Q. My young adults/ youth group at church is having a "hollywood" themed party in about a week and a half. I have no idea what to be.
(p.s. - i'm a girl... lol)
(p.s. - i'm a girl... lol)
A. Every year, after a slew of hit, blockbuster movies, there is a surge of movie Halloween costumes. And 2010 movies provided no shortage of fun, colorful, and interesting characters to pick from. Adults and kids will both have fun choosing from all the movie inspired costumes that will be available. Here's a list of some of the biggest movies that came out this year, to help you choose what movie character you'll be this Halloween:
1. Avatar- One of the biggest movies of all time gave audiences a glimpse of the planet Pandora and its nature-loving inhabitants-the Na'vi. There will be no mistaking anyone who dresses up like one of Pandora's residents as they will be hard to miss dressed from head to toe in a bright blue color with tribal markings. Take cues from the movie and try to capture Sully's or Na'vi Princess Neytiri's look. Or be creative and invent your own unique Na'vi persona.
2. Toy Story 3- It has been about ten years since the last Toy Story movie, but the love for the story about Andy's toys-Woody, Buzz, Mr. Potato Head, Rex, and everyone else- has clearly not faded. Toy Story 3 has become the first animated movie in history to gross over a billion dollars at the box office. Suffice it to say, that there will be Toy Story movie Halloween costumes by the handful this year. Though the sequels have introduced new characters into the mix, it is the original gang that will be out in full force this Halloween.
3. Alice in Wonderland- Lewis Carroll's charming tale of a young girl was completely re-imagined in this year's Alice in Wonderland directed by Tim Burton. The technicolor sets and costumes only add to the fun of getting to dress up as some of your favorite characters. Don an orange wig and a top hat to transform into the Mad Hatter, or dress up like royalty and play the Queen of Hearts. Whatever Alice in Wonderland movie Halloween costume you choose, it will colorful and fun!
4. Twilight:Eclipse- Twilight is the phenomenon that took the world by storm. Everyone will be dying to sink their fangs into a Bella, Edward, or Jacob costume. As an added bonus, these costumes are generally low maintenance and have a shorter prep time than other more elaborate costumes. Unless, of course, you decide to go full on Wolf-Jacob, or are trying to copy Edward's hairstyle!
5. Iron Man 2- The Iron Man 2 Halloween costumes are sure to be plenty in number this year. The movie series based on a comic book follows an unconventional superhero with cool high-tech gadgets. The elaborate (and shiny) costume will definitely have people turning their heads.
6. Kick Ass- Though you might not find these costumes on too many kids, adults will get a 'kick' out of dressing up like one of the characters from the Kick Ass movie, which was inspired by a popular comic book.
7. Shrek Forever After- The Shrek movies are great for having a big and eclectic variety of characters- so choosing the right character to dress up as won't take any time at all. Shrek Forever After movie Halloween costumes will be out in full force this year due to the success of the movie this past summer.
8. Harry Potter- Since the first movie debuted in 2001, the world has had Pottermania, and people have shown time and time again that Harry Potter costumes are an absolute staple during Halloween. There is so much Harry Potter gear available you'll have no trouble putting together your costume to make you into Harry, Ron, Hermione or even Vol...He-Who-Must-Not Be-Named!
9. How To Train Your Dragon- This movie is definitely a kid favorite. How to Train Your Dragon movie Halloween costumes can be fun to make. Choose from any of the different types of dragons or dress up as a Viking!
10. Batman- OK, so the last Batman movie was released over two years ago, but this costume choice has lasting power and will still be a popular choice this Halloween season. Kids and adults both can both dress up as the Dark Knight, or one of his enemies, like The Joker.
There are so many great movie characters to choose from this Halloween. Don't forget to buy your costume early. If you wait too long, your choice might be sold out. But most importantly, have fun and be creative!
1. Avatar- One of the biggest movies of all time gave audiences a glimpse of the planet Pandora and its nature-loving inhabitants-the Na'vi. There will be no mistaking anyone who dresses up like one of Pandora's residents as they will be hard to miss dressed from head to toe in a bright blue color with tribal markings. Take cues from the movie and try to capture Sully's or Na'vi Princess Neytiri's look. Or be creative and invent your own unique Na'vi persona.
2. Toy Story 3- It has been about ten years since the last Toy Story movie, but the love for the story about Andy's toys-Woody, Buzz, Mr. Potato Head, Rex, and everyone else- has clearly not faded. Toy Story 3 has become the first animated movie in history to gross over a billion dollars at the box office. Suffice it to say, that there will be Toy Story movie Halloween costumes by the handful this year. Though the sequels have introduced new characters into the mix, it is the original gang that will be out in full force this Halloween.
3. Alice in Wonderland- Lewis Carroll's charming tale of a young girl was completely re-imagined in this year's Alice in Wonderland directed by Tim Burton. The technicolor sets and costumes only add to the fun of getting to dress up as some of your favorite characters. Don an orange wig and a top hat to transform into the Mad Hatter, or dress up like royalty and play the Queen of Hearts. Whatever Alice in Wonderland movie Halloween costume you choose, it will colorful and fun!
4. Twilight:Eclipse- Twilight is the phenomenon that took the world by storm. Everyone will be dying to sink their fangs into a Bella, Edward, or Jacob costume. As an added bonus, these costumes are generally low maintenance and have a shorter prep time than other more elaborate costumes. Unless, of course, you decide to go full on Wolf-Jacob, or are trying to copy Edward's hairstyle!
5. Iron Man 2- The Iron Man 2 Halloween costumes are sure to be plenty in number this year. The movie series based on a comic book follows an unconventional superhero with cool high-tech gadgets. The elaborate (and shiny) costume will definitely have people turning their heads.
6. Kick Ass- Though you might not find these costumes on too many kids, adults will get a 'kick' out of dressing up like one of the characters from the Kick Ass movie, which was inspired by a popular comic book.
7. Shrek Forever After- The Shrek movies are great for having a big and eclectic variety of characters- so choosing the right character to dress up as won't take any time at all. Shrek Forever After movie Halloween costumes will be out in full force this year due to the success of the movie this past summer.
8. Harry Potter- Since the first movie debuted in 2001, the world has had Pottermania, and people have shown time and time again that Harry Potter costumes are an absolute staple during Halloween. There is so much Harry Potter gear available you'll have no trouble putting together your costume to make you into Harry, Ron, Hermione or even Vol...He-Who-Must-Not Be-Named!
9. How To Train Your Dragon- This movie is definitely a kid favorite. How to Train Your Dragon movie Halloween costumes can be fun to make. Choose from any of the different types of dragons or dress up as a Viking!
10. Batman- OK, so the last Batman movie was released over two years ago, but this costume choice has lasting power and will still be a popular choice this Halloween season. Kids and adults both can both dress up as the Dark Knight, or one of his enemies, like The Joker.
There are so many great movie characters to choose from this Halloween. Don't forget to buy your costume early. If you wait too long, your choice might be sold out. But most importantly, have fun and be creative!
Most popular tags to place in the "tags" section of a YouTube video as of now (July 2010) to increase views?
Q. Hi yeah I'm looking for educated answers, sensible ones and as many as possible please as would really help me - many thanks and top points to best answer.
A. activism, advertising, alcohol, alternative-news, ancient-history, animals, animation, anime, architecture, arts, astronomy, atheist, bizarre, blogs, books, buddhism, business, cars, cartoons, cats, celebrities, christianity, classic-rock, clothing, comedy-movies, comics, computer-graphics, computer-hardware, computers, cooking, crafts, crime, cyberculture, dogs, drawing, drugs, ecommerce, environment, fashion, fine-arts, firefox, geography, graphic-design, guitar, guns, hacking, health, history, humor, illusions, interior-design, internet, internet-tools, iraq, liberal-politics, liberties, linguistics, linux, literature, mac-os, mathematics, movies, multimedia, music, nature, network-security, news, online-games, open-source, painting, philosophy, photography, physics, poetry, politics, programming, psychology, quizzes, relationships, religion, satire, science, science-fiction, self-improvement, shopping, software, space-exploration, stumblers, stumbleupon, tattoos, travel, tv, video, video-games, web-design, windows, writing, actors, america, apple, art, aviation, blog, blogging, bush, california, car, cartoon, cat, celebrity, charity, children, climate-change, college, comedy, comic, community, dance, death, debate, design, diet, diy, dog, economy, election, elections, energy, entertainment, exercise, facebook, film, finance, flash, flowers, food, football, funny, gadgets, game, games, gaming, global-warming, god, google, graffiti, green, home, humour, illustration, images, internet-marketing, life, living, love, mac, marriage, math, media, medicine, microsoft, money, music-video, obama, oil, online, paintings, pakistan, peace, photo, photos, photoshop, pictures, pirates, president, quotes, recipe, recipes, republican, rock, sculpture, security, social-media, social-networking, society, space, star-wars, tech, technology, television, tips, tools, tutorials, ubuntu, vegan, video, videos, vintage, war, water, web, web-development, weird, wordpress, youtube, sex, sexy, hot, love, porn, president, 2008, 2009, winter, secret, omg, no, way, amplafitesttag, art, arts, bank, barackobama, bi, bisexual, blues, broadway, business, c, canvass, children, classical, college, comedy, community, communityservice, concert, conference, convention, country, county, dance, debatewatchparty, design, development, drive, election, election08, entrepreneur, event, events, fair, family, festival, field, filmfest, florida, football, for, free, fun, fundraising, halloween, haunted, indie, iowavoteearlyforchangeweekofac, jazz, kids, league, live, local, localfieldoffice, london, management, marketing, media, meeting, music, musicals, mybo, national, networking, new, nfl, nyc, obama, of, office, organizing, party, performance, phone, phonebank, pop, pride, prideevent, pridefest, registration, rock, service, show, shows, social, sport, sports, startup, technology, theater, tour, voter, voterregistrationdrive, w, web, western, women, women for obama, workshop, free, money, cash, movie, download, horny, quickscope, free, lobby, hard, scope, barrett, intervention, high, ******, 1600, microsoft, points, 10th, prestige, ak47, montage, sniper, m9, acr, m16, you, tube, rawr, lol, mp3, download, hillary, clinton, ohio, indiana, apple, banana, modern, warfare, leaked, info, gameplay, ninja, defuse, mw2, snd, optic, h3cz, sniper, montage, mp5k, 50cal, acog, Modern, Warfare, M16, footage, Sniper, Montage, by, OpTic, H3CZ, .50cal, m200, copycat, steady, aim, pro, nation, gaming, hecz, dtreats, hutchisyodaddy, zzirgrizz, topnotchmultimedia, waw, dogs, infinity, ward, tutorials, 3ds, max, song, vegas, adobe, photoshop, cs4, ps3, xbox, 360, hack, exooutsider, nextgenupdate, search, and, destroy, hood, thug, jake, brandon, retard, hangove, hill on, a, the, as, an, how, to, tags, pavelow, harrier, knife, too, damn, good, for, you, nuke, chopper, gunner, scary, zombie, exploits, tuts, views, sir, mix, a, lot, baseball, basketball, football, hockey, unban, sony, camcorder, ipod, orange, purple, haze, blue, pineapple, microsoft, never, get, patchaed, banned, loser, halo, left, dead, argentina, australia, evolution, of, dance, potter, book, puppet, pals, paper, airplanes, pregnant, quagmire, soundboard, springboard, blackra1n, jail, break, touch, iphone, grabber, nano, itunes, lag, keyboard, escape, search, keyvault, drive, hoops, goal, net, celtics, magic, lakers, los, angeles, sorry, if, words, are, in, twice, eminem, cent, ludacris, gucci, boobs, belt, saint, video, garden, chicken, steak, cow, liger, tiger, zebra, trees, garden, urban, random, :), will, jordan, sick, nasty, gross, lazy, insect, pursuit, happiness, romantic, spelling, humming, birds, eachother, microwave, japan, malaysia, africa, vietnam, indians, elephant, lone, these, were, all, thought, up, by, myself, carpol, tunnels, stewie, fat, man, lois, cartman, suprise, aperance, gotta, school, sucks, worst, biggest, fattest, funniest, longest, first
I have to make a invention for school. Does anyone have any ideas?
Q. I need something easyy and it's due Jan.22nd 2010. Please Help! Thanks!
A. You have lots of time, so if it's too easy you won't get a good grade.
First think of a problem that you want to solve, and then think of how you could solve it. Your invention probably won't be totally new, but maybe you could improve on one that already exists. For example, my son is an artist and he designed an improvement on easels that made it possible for little kids to adjust the height by themselves. This meant that the kid could keep the easel a few years longer as he grew, because little kids' easels aren't easily adjustible. Think of something you're interested in, or look at all the gadgets in your kitchen or work area. Also keep an eye on those "as seen on TV" products. You can't copy those things, but they may give you an idea.
First think of a problem that you want to solve, and then think of how you could solve it. Your invention probably won't be totally new, but maybe you could improve on one that already exists. For example, my son is an artist and he designed an improvement on easels that made it possible for little kids to adjust the height by themselves. This meant that the kid could keep the easel a few years longer as he grew, because little kids' easels aren't easily adjustible. Think of something you're interested in, or look at all the gadgets in your kitchen or work area. Also keep an eye on those "as seen on TV" products. You can't copy those things, but they may give you an idea.
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