Saturday, August 17, 2013

Is the Leapster2 too simple for a child with 1st - 2nd grade reading skills?

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I'm looking for a gift for my nephew, who is in the 1st grade and reading on a 1st - 2nd grade reading level. I thought about buying him a Leapster2, but I'm afraid that this gift will cease being useful fairly soon, because I'm concerned that it's geared for not much higher than that. Is this correct, and does anyone have any advice on reading toys good through the 3rd-4th grade reading level? I'd like him to be able to use it for a little while.

Ditto on the magazine subscription. As a second grade teacher, I'd recommend Highlights for Kids or Ranger Rick (if he's into animals).

How Can I get my kids massive amounts of toys organized for them?


My kids love their toys, but only when they can find all the peices of the set. what are some good organizing ideas??

You need to buy bins and a labeler. Categorize the toys such as all transportation toys (airplanes, cars, firetrucks) all go in one bin and label according to what is in it. Then move on to the next set such as games and do the same thing. Keep going and when you are finished call the kids in for a "training session" and teach them where everything goes. If your children are too young to read then you place pictures on the bin of the toys that are in that particular bin. It is a lot of work but well worth it in the end. If there are some toys that the children do not play with then maybe you should consider taking them down to the goodwill so they can donate them.
Take care!

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what toys do you think are a great investment?

Does anyone know of a musical bath toy that sticks on the wall and blows bubbles?

Friday, August 16, 2013

I'm pregnant at15 and have a fiancé whos16. we're keeping him but we don't have the best homes, what can we do?

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 on Written by Best Toys in Tags: Best Toys 2010 , Lego Blocks
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First of all, it's obvious that neither of your parents are good parents, one, letting the two of you date without setting ground rules and two, not educating either one of you about sex, protection, and consequences of unprotected sex. If you were smart, you would have waited until you were with someone you really love. Believe me, this is just what's called 'puppy love' I experienced it as well at fifteen/sixteen but didn't find true love (and loose my virginity) until I was in my early 20's. Now, I am 28 years old and engaged to be married (no kids).

Engaged at 15 and 16 years old, how can that be legal even? no one is even going to consider marrying you right now, OR giving you a marriage license for that matter. Technically what he did was rape, and he can go to jail for it as you are still under the age of consent, which if you are in the U.S. is 16 in most states. LIVESTRONG.COM States: "Legally Speaking
You should know that the law varies on the age of consent (the age under which it is a crime to have sexual intercourse) in different parts of the world. It usually ranges from age 16 to age 18. This is also true for the United States, although in a few states the legal age is younger than 16. You would be breaking the law if you had sex before the age of consent in your state. Find out what the "consensual sex" age is in your state, especially if you are dating someone older than you are! * See “Age of Consensual Sex."

Read more:

If I were you, you only have two options here and unfortunately neither one of those is keeping this baby and raising it yourselves. For the two of you, financially you aren't going to be able to support this child, even with hand-outs from the government and the hard earned taxpayer dollar (other people work hard to support their families, so why shouldn't you?) Kids are expensive, don't you want whats best for this child? To grow up in an environment where his basic needs will be met, and then some? Where he can wish for a certain toy at christmas and actually get it? or his birthday? Where his parents can afford family vacations so he can travel and see more of the world and learn about different cultures and the environment around him? instead of whining to you and his father that his friends get to go on vacation during the summer and that because the family is poor, you won't get to?
Please, put this poor child up for adoption or get an abortion, the both of you aren't ready for this child right now ok? you aren't mature and responsible enough to make the tough decisions that you need when raising a child when it comes down to it. Both of you need to put off the engagement too, wait until are older, say 25+ and see if you feel the same about each other then. When you feel you are ready, move in with each other (it totally changed everything, believe me! I have been living with my fiancee for four years, engaged on Sept 25th 2010)

My last suggestion to you would be to go rent the movie 'Riding In Cars With Boys' A single mother, (Reese Witherspoon) with dreams of becoming a writer, has a son at the age of 15 in 1965, and goes through a failed marriage with the drug-addicted father. This movie also has Brittany Murphy playing the young mothers best friend, who becomes a young mother herself.
More on it here:

Good films for my kid sisters?

Silver Spa

My sisters are 9 and 11, I'm thinking of getting them some DVDs for christmas but I'm finding it hard to think of what to get them. My initial thoughts were Bring it On and Juno, but I'm not sure if these films are a bit grown up for them. They are rated a (uk) 12A, so legally they can watch them but I'm still a bit worried about being a bad influence.

Anyway, what films would you recommend for girls aged 9 and 11?

1) Toy Story 1 , 2 & 3 (All Good)

2) The Polar Express (2004)

3) The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)

4) Shrek (2001)

5) How To Train Your Dragon (2010)

6) Finding Nemo (2003)

7) The Lion King (1994)

8) Ratatouille (2007)

9) Monsters , Inc (2001)

10)Ice Age (2002)

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When should I start potty training my kids?

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 on ... walking pet balloon,walking animal balloon,children toys free ship
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I 2 kids a boy and a girl. My daughter is almost 2 and im not sure when I should start potty training her and how to go about it. So i would love some advice.

ANY tips or trick for potty training girls and boys would be nice.

Potty training is a rite of passage that all toddlers (and their parents) must go through. First you need to make you that both your toddler and you are ready to begin. Your toddler should be at least 2 years old, and be able to do such things as walk from room to room, raise and lower his or her own pants, sit independently, and follow a few one-step commands. Children also should have some awareness of and be able to communicate the need to urinate. You also need to be ready to provide consist support to your toddler as he or she learns to use the toilet. Your home life also should be fairly stable at this time (e.g., not in the process of moving or divorce.) Now you know that all parties are ready, here are some tips to help you both survive the process. They are called the 7 Ps, no pun intended.
1. Parent modeling. Frequently allow your child to go with either you or your spouse to the bathroom. Like almost anything else, young children first learn by observing and mimicking mom and dad’s behavior.
2. Potty chair. Give your child a chance to get used to and comfortable with the potty chair. Set it out and let your child sit on it, name it, put stickers on it, and decide (within reason) where to put it i.e. in front of the toilet or by the sink.
3. Practice. Let your child practice using the potty chair. This practice should be "play" practice, with clothes on. The next part may be difficult for some dads, but it’s only temporary. In the beginning, boys should be trained to sit on the potty chair or the toilet, for two reasons. First, sitting encourages bowel movements and so you might get a “twofer,” which is a bowel movement and urination during the same sitting. Second, sitting will help avoid what one might call the “garden hose” effect. Untrained boys have not yet had to stand, urinate, and aim all at the same time and may (will) accidentally spray the room (missing the potty or the toilet). Later, when toilet training is well established, they can stand.
4. Pull-ups. Unfortunately for your child (but fortunately for your budget), to make the program work, your child must go “cold turkey” on Pull-ups, except at bedtime. The reason for this approach is simple: Pull-ups are actually wearable toilets, and your child is unlikely to see much need for using the one in your home when he or she can much more easily use the one he or she is wearing.
5. Prompting: You will need to prompt your child to go to the bathroom and sit for a few minutes multiple times a day. Tell, them when they need to sit on the potty chair. Don’t ask if they need to go potty. The answer will invariably be “no” even as they do the ‘gotta potty’ dance in before your very eyes and a huge puddle forms on the floor at your very feet.
6. Praise. Praise you child for all correct toileting behaviors, Not just when he or she produces a poo-poo or a pee-pee but every time your child does any toileting behavior correctly – pulls down his or her pants, sits on the potty, whatever – be sure to praise him or her. Do this even when your child is having more accidents than successes. Remember, as children enter into the training phase, the training is likely to be way more important to you than it is to them. But if they get the idea that pooping and peeing into the potty is a way for them to get their names in lights, the importance of training will quickly increase for them, along with their cooperation. You can take this a step further and use rewards. One method is to wrap little items – stickers, tiny toys, beads, gum, etc. – in tin foil and put them in jar near the bathroom. When the child achieves a success at any level, he or she gets to grab one prize (not one handful) from the jar. Praise and rewards make the training experience fulfilling, and make it more likely that children will repeat the positive toilet behaviors.
7. Postpone. Here in P #7 we have some really good news. You can always postpone. You can always put them back in Pampers or Pull-ups, declare a moratorium on any discussion about toileting for a few weeks or even months, and then start again. They will ultimately be motivated to be trained, possibly by something other than your prompting. For example, the rules of social life in childhood weigh heavily against toileting accidents in school-aged kids. In fact, research shows that having an accident in school is the third greatest child fear, behind the death of a parent and going blind. (And I know that high school kids frown on their peers who wear Pampers or Pull-ups.) So the point of P #7 is that if training is going badly, for whatever reason, you can use the time-honored method for winning a war that is being lost – declare victory and retreat.
For more on potty training and other parenting issues, visit our website at

Counselor C.L.
Boys Town National Hotline

How do you ensure that your kids get enough exercise during the winter?


With the winter we've been having (blizzard one day, rain the next, repeat) what indoor, physical activities do you do with your kids to make sure they'll sleep during their nap. My 4-year-old refuses to nap, and then is cranky the latter half of the day because he hasn't been particularly active the last few weeks.

We live in Quebec, Canada and go outside everyday, irregardless of weather. My 2 boys, age 3 and 5, are so active that it is the only way to let them be sane. Some days we are just out for 10 minutes but we always go. Once we are back inside they play a lot on hopper balls for kids and we use couch cushions for sliding. They also have an exercise mini trampoline that they jump on to music (with adult supervision).
Another great toy that we have is a play tunnel. It folds up for easy storing and the boys run around and crawl through it.

We also love having musical parades. Gather a bunch of musical instruments and then have an energetic musical parade. Hide and seek burns loads of energy!

On high energy days we head to the mall and walk around, visit the pet store, and at the end they each get to pick a ride

Have fun with it!

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I have 7 yrs boy who is restless and fast, how can I straighten this guy?

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 on ... Ten Best Kids Toys | Recommended Shopping for the Top 10 Toys for Kids
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I making him a good student and shape up his future life as a father, who wants his kids to be one of the top tens in the society. How can I perfectly act to assist him? Please advise!?

No such thing as perfect - even if you were the wisest father or your son was super-human and had no character flaws. Also, success means different things to different people. Some things I would suggest though are:
- have him do chores around the house (some that he just has to do and some that he earns pocket money for doing). No privileges if he doesn't do his chores, and no pocket money
- make him aware of where his food and clothes come from (his parents work to buy these things, how they are grown/made etc. and where)
- encourage him to care for others and help people and not just think about himself (e.g. make sacrifices such as pocket money or good clothes or toys he can spare to donate to charity, do things to help the neighbours, learn about people who are sick, in poverty, in war-torn areas etc.)
- teach him how to save money as well, not just to spend it (and that money isn't everything as well)
- teach him how to talk to adults young and old and to other children younger and older than he is, and how to value the importance of sharing in life
- have structured homework time that he has to do in order to have play time. Help him with his homework and ask him what he learns about at school (if you are really interested, perhaps talk to his teacher and find out what things they are learning and how he is going so you can help him with more insight than just what he shares with you)
- teach him patience so he will work for things that take time and not expect to get things when he wants them
- encourage his activity and interest in sport and healthy eating and living and
- teach him that he is loved, special and your son no matter what, but also that good morals and respect for others is important (do this by being a good role model yourself). Good luck.

What are the most popular kids' toys this year?

Q. I want to get my cousins something special. They don't have any video games systems (nor am I going to get them one).

Here are the top 10 toys of 2007:

1.Nintendo DS Lite Onyx

2.Hasbro i-Dog - White

3.LeapFrog FLY Fusion Pentop Computer

4.Youniverse Keep Safe Diary

5.Hannah Montana DVD Game

6.Dance Dance Revolution DVD Game

7.6' Mega Giga Ball

8.Rescue Pets Wake Me Up

9.High School musical DVD Game

10.Hasbro i-Cat - black

GoodLuck :)
If you want to buy them go to:(

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Is it legal to take out LIFE INSURANCE on a child in the UK?

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 on ... to Get the Best Toys for Kids Online: Top 5 Transformers Toys 2010
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Was it legal for a mother to take out three life insurance policies on her daughter in 1990?
The three policies had a twenty year term and are due to return a dividend in 2010. Now that i am 19 and don't live with my mother anymore, legally who does this money belong too?

Please Help!

Some useful links would be appreciated too , Thanks!

Yes, you have an endowerment policy by the sound of it.

The money belongs to who the mother said she wanted it to go to, it could be herself or the child.

You have to be related/dependant upon them in some way.

Granparents do it for Granchildren for University or just a lump sum to help with the downpayment on a house.
Below is an example of a company retailing life assurance

Good parents,” said Dr. Jonas Salk, developer of the polio vaccine, “give their children roots and wings.” With a gift of permanent life insurance, parents and grandparents can do just that: provide the roots of financial stability and the wings of economic freedom that can help children soar toward their dreams.

So forget the latest hi- tech toy for your child, or giving adult children the most sophisticated culinary accessories. More and more, financially savvy parents and grand parents are giving a permanent life insurance policy as wedding gifts, graduation, and birthday presents and for just about any other meaningful family occasion. While a gift of life insurance may lack the immediate “wow” factor, its value can outlast any video game, computer, or even a brand new car. It’s probably the only gift where you may receive two thank you notes, one now and a second one 15 years or so later, when the child is an adult and begins to appreciate the enduring value of life insurance.

Purchasing a life insurance policy on the life of a young person can help establish a foundation for a lifetime of financial security. The cash value or death benefit can also be used to help pay for college or college loans, for a down payment on a new home, or to take advantage of a potential business opportunity.* It is an equally appealing gift to give to a young married couple just starting out to help provide much needed permanent protection the couple may not be able to otherwise afford. As one New York Life client said, “As I got older, I saw the benefit of a permanent policy. I wish I had been able to buy this type of life insurance in my 20s or 30s. Now I can do that for my kids. It’s a great feeling to know I helped to make them financially stable.”

What exactly makes life insurance a great gift?
Life insurance offers a lifetime of protection and financial security: Whether it’s a gift for a child or young adult, the policy can provide a lifetime of financial protection. As long as the premiums are paid, the policy can never be cancelled and when the child matures he/she may have the option to buy more protection at favorable rates. The policy you purchase for a son or daughter today can still be there years from now, providing death benefit protection for this child's own son, daughter, or spouse.

It’s a gift that will increase in value over time: A gift of permanent life insurance won’t end up collecting dust in a few weeks. Every year the premiums are paid, the cash value in the policy grows. Depending on the size of the policy, it can have quite a substantial amount of money in it by the time the child reaches the age of 18, which can be used to help pay for college. Or the policy can continue to grow and the cash value could be used as the down payment on a first home. Buy it for a young adult, and the cash value can grow to be used for any number of purposes, including funding their children’s education, or, if there is no longer a need for the full death benefit, partially funding their own retirement decades from now.*

The cash value grows on a tax favored basis: Under current law, cash values that accumulate in the policy are tax deferred. Even when cash values are borrowed through policy loans, there may be no tax consequences in many instances. Finally, proceeds received by beneficiaries are generally not taxable as income. Consult with your tax advisor for more details. Few gifts have so much versatility.

Now is always the best time to buy: Premiums for a life insurance policy are based on age, so whenever you buy, the premiums will never be lower. Of course, the younger the child is, the less you will pay in premiums. Also, buying now locks in the rate on a permanent policy at the insured's current age for life.

It protects the child’s future insurability: Once the policy has been issued, coverage cannot be canceled as long as all required premiums are paid. By purchasing a policy on a child or grandchild with a Policy Purchase Option(PPO), you can ensure that no matter what the health of that child is when they become an adult, he/she can obtain additional life insurance at affordable rates, with no evidence of insurability. In other words, no matter what the state of their future health, they will be able to buy life insurance and have at least some protection for their family. With a PPO, the insured has a right to purchase additional insurance at designated dates, regardless of insurability. That’s quite a gift.

How the policy works
If the insured is a minor, the policy is owned by the purchasing adult until the child reaches the age of majority as defined by state law (with ownership transferred at a later date). The beneficiary is generally a guardian or parent. With adult insureds, the policy is generally owned outright by the insured, who selects the beneficiaries.

You have two choices regarding how premiums should be handled. First, you can take a lump sum (such as $10,000) that would otherwise be given as an outright gift to the child or grandchild; instead, purchase a single premium life insurance policy for whatever face amount that sum buys. The advantage is that no further premiums are required. (There are tax consequences associated with gifting amounts. You should consult with your own tax professional for tax advice.)

The second choice is to select the premium or death benefit desired. Then, make the scheduled premium payments. (Note that there may be gift tax consequences, since the premium is considered a gift to the insured. Consult your tax advisor before acting.)

First Steps
The first step toward creating “roots and wings” for your children/grandchildren is to talk with a New York Life agent. After a thorough discussion with you about what you want the policy to accomplish, your agent can recommend the best permanent policy to fit your needs. Your agent can also provide customized policy illustrations that shows the potential cash value and how much the policy will cost, including how many years you will have to pay premiums and other payment options.

For many people, life insurance can be the first and most valuable financial gift they give to their children/grandchildren. Life insurance can be the gift that provides both lasting protection when children leave home and the economic freedom to pursue their dreams. Either way, it’s a gift that will have lasting significance for both the giver and the recipient.

If you would like to discuss how permanent life insurance may benefit your children or grandchildren talk to your New York Life agent or to find a New York Life agent near you go to

(*Loans against the policy accrue interest and decrease the death benefit and cash value by the amount of the outstanding loan and interest.)

What shaytards vlogs is the one where they buy and deliver things to the fire department?

Mary Anne

for kids who don't have toy. I think its in Venice Beach when they did this event. What vlog was it?

in the Shaytards Project for Awesome 2010

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Thursday, August 15, 2013

How much will these Star Wars action figures be worth in the future?

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 on toy retailing association astra unveiled its 2011 best toys for kids ...
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Smarty Pan

I have been collecting Star Wars Vintage Collection (2010-2011) Star Wars action figures because the cards and figures are awesome. Some of these are already very popular and sell for way over retail prices. How much do you think these figures might be worth in 5 years if kept well and not opened.

The thing with collectibles is you simply never know. It depends on many factors, here are just a few:

- Units in series (units produced)
- Quality of product
- Demand (this fluctuates over time, in 40 years another 3 movies might come out, making these worth way way more at that time)
- Collectibility (do they come with accessories? toys with accessories are worth far more down the road, kids tend to lose them making complete units rare)

Also, 5 years isn't a timeframe to consider for value, if they're going to have value, you're looking minimum 10 years, but usually closer to 20+ (especially with Star Wars toys, which historically go up and down in price based on the current culture around the movies).

How do I know what the best bike for me is?


I am looking to get a bike to give me a cardio alternative to walking or running. I haven't ridden a bike since I was a kid, so I am trying to figure out what kind of bike to get -- mountain bike, road bike etc. How do I make sure that I get the right bike for me --- kind and size?

Start by reading "Bicycles: How to Choose"

It's all based on "where & how" you will be riding. Road bikes will be your fastest choice but for the streets & smooth roads ONLY. Mountain bikes or all-terrain bikes basically suck on the streets because of the knobby off road tires & suspension parts zapping your energy. Knobby tires slow you down. And with every turn of the pedals, part of your energy is absorbed or soaked up by suspension parts. All-terrain bikes are OK on the streets ONLY if they have a smoother "street friendly" tread design & "lock-out" front forks. This (in essence) turns the suspension fork into a rigid fork with the simple twist of a switch.

Hybrids are a good "all around" type bike. They are great at nothing - but still good at many things. They can be ridden on the streets or light (man-made) groomed off-road trails of finely crushed stone.

"How do I make sure that I get the right bike for me --- kind and size?" Nine very, very simple words... See your authorized, independent, knowledgeable, friendly, local BICYCLE shop! Not K-Mart, Wally World or Target. At a REAL bicycle shop you can TRY B4 you BUY! You can test ride as many bikes as your little heart desires before the sale!

Other advantages are...
1) Professional sales - not some minimum wage "associate".
2) Professional assembly of the bike by a certified mechanic - again, not some minimum wage associate.
3) FREE service after the sale. ALL new bikes require a tune-up as shift & brake cables stretch a bit during the break-in process. Some shops do this only once. Some for a year. A bike shop near me does this for LIFE!
4) Vastly better quality. Wally World lists bicycles on their website in the TOY Dept.! Does that give you a clue? A quality bike from a REAL bicycle shop - taken care of properly - can last a lifetime. Those from discount stores are "disposable bikes", meant to be ridden a year or so - then into a dumpster.

See link below. This is my "pride & joy" - a 2011 Raleigh Sojourn touring road bike. Time spent in the shop for repairs? ZERO. Money spent after the sale? A bottle of chain oil (about $8.00) and a set of new tires when the original ones wore out. And I replaced them with the SAME tires. Flat tires to date? ZERO - none - nada. Sure - you'll need to do routine maintenance & cleaning on any type of bike. But getting a quality bike from the start cost LESS in the long run.

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What are the best toys for baby that are not too expensive to buy?

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Jill Tregr

Looking for the best toys for baby that are affordable. We are buying tons of toys and we are trying to cut down on expenses so what toys for baby would you recommend we get?

Babies at this age need basic toys, and not all the expensive electronic gadgets.

I would look for something that encourages the baby to crawl/cruise - often toys where you push a button down, and then the toy moves further ahead.

musical toys are always a hit. I would look for something that encourages cause and effect, and better hand/eye coordination - xylophones, drums (which you can make out of an empty plastic container and a small wooden spoon), tambourines, bells, maracas and rainmakers. There are lots of baby-proof toys out there, and the baby sets can be fairly inexpensive because they are plastic and small. Also nothing wrong with pots, pans, plastic containers and wooden spoons, and spatulas.

Books - this is so important for speech development, learning how to read, setting the precedent for enjoying reading, and getting some quality time with a parent or caregiver. There are all different types of books for babies and preschoolers, just be prepared for some chewing. I still buy board books for my toddler and preschooler, because they are cheaper than the paper ones. And, some of the board books have the entire story and illustrations for 1/2 the price. Get a family library membership - libraries also offer story time even for babies.

Stacking toys and shape sorters - Wal-mart and TRU each make their own cheaper version than Fisher Price, but the FP is a thicker plastic. Be prepared that your baby will not be able to sort shapes for quite awhile. Stacking toys just need to be varying degrees of sizes, shapes and colors (to help differentiate the shape, and keep their interest). Great for hand/eye coordination and motor skills.

Blocks - get something that is easier to grasp in their small hand - larger, or squeezable, or even small. Just not too small that they are a choking hazard. TRU and Wal-mart each have their own knockoffs, which will save you a bunch of money.

Balls - I would get a bunch of softer balls. I would buy them in different sizes. If you have trouble finding them, my toddlers seem to be into the dog’s balls (we won’t go there). I don’t mind because they are indestructible (no chewing off small pieces) and most are squeezable.

And a couple of plastic containers in which to put stuff in. The stuff can be the shapes from the shape sorter, blocks, balls or other small toys. Older babies like to put stuff into a container, dump this into another container or out on the floor.

Babies are fascinated with themselves (actually I think they just see "other" babies). One of our babies went to daycare. They have a mirror, mounted behind Plexiglas) that was about 3 feet tall and 6 feet long. All the babies and toddlers were fascinated with it. A small unbreakable mirror would do. We hooked up a baby car mirror (unbreakable), that was too small for the car, up to the side of the coffee table (in this house we attached it to the railing that runs along the living room).

And the very best toy is YOU! Babies want to interact with their parents/caregivers. They want to play interactive games like Peek-a-boo, or pat-a-cake or sing nursery rhymes or children’s songs. This is the best place to find the tunes and lyrics for nursery rhymes Because I was never great at remembering the tune or the lyrics, or both.

What to do with a toddler who stops breathing during a tantrum?


My friends' 18 month old throws a fit, screams and howls- and then holds his breath... until his lips turns blue. Meanwhile, everyone jumps up and down, shouting and waving over baby until he takes a breath, at which point not only the toddler but everyone present is upset. My question is two-fold: 1- is there any danger that a child could actually die doing this? (I am under the impression that the baby will pass out and then the brain takes over the breathing commands.) 2- is this possibly a control issue and how do you stop it? Another child in the family does the same thing. I've noticed that it is a very sucessful way for the children to get what they want. On the other hand, I feel a bit bad when I don't join in the frantic 'toddler dance'- like I don't love the child. What is the deal with this behavior? If I baby-sit and this happens, do I need to be worried?

You are right on both counts... if he is able to hold his breath long enough to pass out, then that is what will happen. Then, his regulatory system will take over, and he will begin to breathe on his own until he wakes up. Toddlers do this as a form of control. When they don't get what they want, they can throw some really awesome fits, and if they realize that holding their breath will get some attention- guess what they'll continue to do? Kids are smarter than people give them credit for, especially when it comes to getting what they want. Kids are also great at knowing who to play... if mom and dad respond to these tantrums, and you don't- who do you think they will attempt to manipulate this way? That's right- the ones who respond. If you happen to babysit, and you get this type of behavior (probably when telling them "no", or if you are attempting to get them to respond to a request to do something), do the following:
- Say, "I can't hear you when you are screaming. Please talk in a quiet voice."
- Do: walk away out of sight.
Doing this, you'll probably shock him, since he is used to people making a big fuss over his actions. Either he will continue to follow you throwing his tantrum, or he will stop once he realizes that you aren't paying any attention. Ignoring is a very effective tool when it comes to tantrums, especially the kind where the child is exerting control (as in breath-holding ones). Do not have eye contact, nor speaking. Pretend as if he isn't even there- go about whatever you are doing- laundry, dishes, make up something to do. Now, this may tick him off, since he isn't used to being ignored, but for it to work, you have to wait him out. Believe me, there is only a finite amount of time that a toddler can keep going on a tantrum before they are exhausted. In order to further help him develop some language (which is the basis for most tantrums- they aren't being understood by the people around them and they get frustrated), the parents should work on implementing some easy sign language into their communications with him (you can find some common ones on and some picture cards. Picture cards are easy... take pictures of the things around the child that they like (food, toys, places to go, drinks), print them out, laminate the cards, and put them onto a key ring (so they can be easily carried around). This way, when he is attempting to talk about what he wants, he can be show pictures and asked, "show me". This eliminates a lot of frustration on the toddler's part, since there is a concrete representation of the object that he can point to when he wants it. Signing and picture cards are easy ways to help a toddler develop ways to communicate with those around them. It greatly decreases their frustration, since the people are able to understand their communication attempts. Some people are afraid that using picture cards and signing will delay a child's speech development, but that is not true. These actually help develop language skills at a quicker pace, since they incorporate other modes of learning into making language connections by using visual and motor (muscles) sensory systems. This incorporation of the body's systems makes it more likely that information will be retained in more areas of the brain. Just because a child cannot talk yet does not mean that he doesn't have something to say. And, just because he throws a fit doesn't mean he has to get whatever it is he wanted. Can you imagine that as a teenager? Not a pretty thought. The parents can really help by ignoring the behavior (since that is all it is) and giving him some positive ways to communicate to them.

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How do I explain to my neighbors that any time my 3 yr old daughter plays outside, it's not an open invitation?

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.Brian T

For them to let their 3 & 4 year olds to come over unsupervised and steel my kids toys? I've tried explaining to them the difference between keeping an eye on my good kid, and suddenly having two more little heathens to look after. The best I get from them is after their kids have been over for about a half hour, they'll yell over if it's ok.
I often have to let them know when their kids are are riding their big wheels down the road.

I have no answer for this, other than to say, that's what you get for having kids. You get what you give, buddy.

What are the most educational games for a 3 year old?

Bella Vita

Also, what are the funnest board games and/or toys for a 3 year old? I wanted to buy my little girl some news toys and games. I am looking for input on what your toddler thought was the most fun and what you thought was the most educational.

Just about everything. I allow my one and two year old to "help" me with the housework and then I tell them the names of things.

I made a list of five minute activities for busy days, containing simple activities like: throwing and catching a ball, singing and dancing to a nursery rhyme.

I looove this channel from youtube: EC0urbanGeNiUs713
which tells you how to make flashcards, which really work trust me :)

There is also the site Brillkids and Brillbaby, with a forum, but I think that is for people with a bigger wallet (containing Your Baby Can Read-stuff) :P

Then finally, if possible or if you have a satellite: cbeebies. The channel from bbc for children aged 0-7. My favourite show: show me show me, featuring two words each episode and focused on playing and being creative (avoiding to spend it all on toys haha).

I also like their show Let's get squiggling, which teaches kids (and parents, I suppose) how to draw.

They have a nice site with lots of things also a grownup part for the parents.

I hope some of this can be useful to you, enjoy!

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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

how can i stop my kitten climbing the christmas tree?

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 on Exciting List Of One of A Kind Toys For Kids
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I have a 8 weeks old kitten, very playful. She has been climbing the christmas tree all the way to the top and broken 4-5 ornaments already. I took her down, spanked her and told her but this doesn't work so far. And now, she sees this whole action as a "play" for her. She would run to the tree, climbed it and waited for me or my kids to yell at her and took her down.

My cat used to do the dame thing. We got a spray bottle and I would dowse her everytime she got near the tree. Now that she has kittens, they like to play with the bulbs. I did the same thing with them. Cats can't stand the pray bottle, so when they see it, they run. Now when they go near it, they only lay under it.

You can't spank cats, like you can a dog. A dog sees it as punishment, especially when the "pack leader" does it. But when you do it to a cat, she sees the "petter" playing. Cats are so stubborn, that's why people think they're stupid. Cats CHOOSE what they want to learn. And the way you have to reach into the tree looks more like play time, then punishment.

So get the spray bottle and squirt her, at least, until she's out of the tree. And when she gets near it, squirt her again. She won't like the water, so she'll eventually get the hint. You could also take a toy that could hang and tie it onto something on the opposite side of the room. That way, she'll be distracted by the new dangling toy, and not worry about the tree.

Caging your cat will only tell her that when she wants to play, she's going to be caged. Animals can't comprehend ''you can play with this, but not that''. If they want to play with something, and they get caged, they'll stop playing.

How do you make Happy Meal Treats to take to school?


I have heard of moms sending these to school before. They are individually bagged for each kid, with a treat that resembles a hamburger, fries ( I think it is those string chips ), a drink, and a little toy.

Are you looking for a little treat that is shaped like a hamburger and fries? Or are you looking for fun lunch treats in general?

Here is a snack combo treat that resembles a burger and fries. The "burger" is a cookie and the fries are like a peanut butter fudge. They are from There are pictures at the website.

Cookie Burger
1 package (17-1/2 ounces) sugar cookie mix
2 drops yellow food coloring, optional
1-1/2 cups peanut butter chips, chopped
3/4 cup flaked coconut
5 to 6 drops green food coloring
1/2 cup butter, softened
2-2/3 cups confectioners' sugar
1/2 cup baking cocoa
1/4 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Prepare cookie dough according to package directions; add yellow food coloring if desired. Stir in peanut butter chips. Shape into 1-1/4-in. balls; place 2 in. apart on ungreased baking sheets. Flatten slightly with a glass. Bake at 375° for 9-10 minutes or until lightly browned. Remove to wire racks to cool.
Place coconut in a plastic bag; sprinkle 5 to 6 drops green food coloring into bag and shake until color is evenly distributed.
In a small mixing bowl, cream butter until smooth. Add the confectioners' sugar, cocoa, milk and vanilla; beat until smooth. Frost the bottoms of 22 cookies; sprinkle with coconut. Top with remaining cookies and gently squeeze together. Yield: 22 sandwich cookies.
"You may substitute your favorite sugar cookie recipe for the cookie mix; just add the yellow food coloring if desired and the peanut butter chips"

Peanutty Fries
1 package (10 ounces) peanut butter chips
1 cup sweetened condensed milk
Paper muffin cup liners (2-1/2-inch diameter)
Red icing, optional

In a microwave, melt peanut butter chips with milk; stir until smooth. Pour into a foil-lined and greased 9-in. baking pan. Cool completely at room temperature. Lift out of the pan and invert onto a cutting board.
Remove foil; cut into 3-in. x 1/4-in. strips. Fold muffin cup liners in half, pressing out creases; fold in half again. Fold point under; use as holder for fries. Use icing for ketchup if desired. Yield: about 3-1/2 dozen.

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Where can I get a beach-themed jigsaw puzzle round in shape and no more than nine inches in diameter?

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 on More like Children's Outdoor Toys in the Guide to the Best Toys
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Q. My granny needs a puzzle that has fish or some other beach themed item, even Spongebob, but it has to be nine inches or smaller. Links to online shopping items would be helpful.

Toys R Us has a huge stock of puzzles- and I've seen lots of different fish/beach designs

Other sources: Christmas Tree shops, dollar store, AC Moore, Michaels, some JoAnns Fabrics

Also, it is not difficult to use a kids crayon book picture, computer pic, your own photo and take it to a Staples or Office copy place. They can copy original work onto heavy stock and you can use an exacto knife to cut it into a puzzle.
That gives you total control over the content and size and it is not expensive For a base, just use a basic frame and precut mat.

Where is the best beach for families in Southern California?


We are going on a trip to Long Beach California, and wanted to know where a good beach that would be safe to swim in the area. We will have a car so we will be able to drive to it as long as it is worth the drive.

Corona Del Mar is good because it has somewhat of a enclosed beach unlike newport or Huntington where you can lose is more of a family beach..but GOOD parks for a good time are Santa Monica's pier, Venice is cool for the adult workout toys..

Balboa Island is cool because it is a bay and there are no waves..but you can cross on the ferry to the peninsula where there are TONS of things to is kind of the Coney Island of Orange County..

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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Can cancer be caused by the fancy toys we buy for our children?

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 on Renault Kids Car Battery Operated
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Q. We buy them dolls,cars,remote cars.Kid tend to put toys in their mouths,but not only that,the paint that it is used for the toy and evan the material.Something tels me that 75% of our children toys are cancerous risk high.Not to mention mothers milk formula.How can i make sure the toys for my children are safe,that it won t make him sick?Thank you!

YES! If it's made in China and has Lead Paint, there's about an 85% chance it can get you sick, possibly even cancer.

How can I remove a toy car from my toilet pipes?


I have a 2 year-old locksmith who is completely fascinated by the workings of our toilet. This is the fourth time he has done this and we can't keep the kid behind a locked, childproofed door.Maintenance refused to help this time. I've snaked 3 pair of panties, half our toiletries, and 2 toy cars (approx. 3"x 2") My assumption is this is what is behind the problem. They are plastic, so I'm hoping a solvent may be used without harming the plumbing please help!

I feel for you, mobby dick ended up in ours. Finally my husband gave up after days of everything you did and more. He ended up taking the toilet out and he still gets angry when he thinks of it. We found mobby stuck in there after taking it out into the yard and pulling it out with a home made tool he made to pull it out.My husband is a fabricator. Anyway, something just will not come out and there doesn't seem to be anything that will break it down. So you may want to think about pulling it out , but make sure you have a wax seal to replace the one you will break taking it out. Good luck.

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Where can I find the most popular gifts in other countries?

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I need to find out the most popular Christmas gifts in the following countries: Japan, China, Mexico and Russia. Any help will be appreciated. I need the most popular gifts of 2010. Websites will be most helpful. If the countries I have listed don't celebrate Christmas, please say what they do celebrate. Thanks!

I'm not sure I can answer the whole of your question, but I did find some interesting information that may help you. I did a google search for a better understanding of the holidays in the various counties. There is a site in the U.S. which shows the 'Dream Toys' - this originates in the U.K., and where people reside in a large city, you can expect that what is popular in the U.K. (for kids) would be popular in other countries in Europe. The site also has the most popular Christmas presents for the U.S., which would also likely translate to Mexico, again in the big cities. All sites I referenced are listed in the sources below.

Japan: The major religions in Japan are Buddhism and Shinto, so Christmas is more a commercial event. The main celebration revolves around Christmas eve and not Christmas day. In Japan it is common to give Christmas presents.

China: Only about one percent of people are Christians, so most people only know a few things about Christmas. Because of this, Christmas is only often celebrated in major cities such as Shanghai and Beijing. In these big cities there are Christmas Trees, lights and other decorations on the streets and in department stores. Santa Claus is called 'Shen Dan Lao Ren' and has grottos in shops like is Europe and America.

Mexico: Mexicans share many traditions with the Spanish. Their main Christmas celebration is called La Posada, which is a religious procession that reenacts the search for shelter by Joseph and Mary before the birth of Jesus. Mexican children receive gifts. On Christmas day they are blindfolded and taken to try and break a decorated clay piñata that dangles and swings at the end of a rope. Once the piñata has been broken, the children clamber to recover the candy that was inside the piñata. Those children who have been good also on January 6th receive a gift from the Three Wise Men. Mexicans attend a midnight mass service which is called la Misa Del Gallo or "the rooster's mass," and at the mass they sing lullabies to Jesus.

Russia: Russian Orthodox Christmas takes place on January 7th (following the Old Calendar this is the 25th of December) and the celebration lasts for six days. In the Orthodox tradition nothing is eaten or drunk on Christmas Eve until the first star appears in the sky. The star is symbolic of the great star that led the Magi to the newly born Christ. Once the first star has appeared in the sky, the festivities begin. Grandfather Frost is the Russian Santa Claus. He brings gifts to the children at New Year's, which is the most popular Russian holiday celebration. His grand-daughter, the "Snowmaiden," accompanies him to help distribute the gifts. They bring bags of candy for the children and Grandfather Frost listens to the girls and boys sing songs and recite poems. After this, he gives small Christmas gifts to the children.

I hope this helps!

What are my kid's rights when their father passed away?


My children's (3 & 8) dad passed away September 2010. Our divorce was finalized just two months before this. We live in Louisiana and have already applied for social security. My question however, is that my children and his other daughter are legally heirs, so why is his family not letting them have their belongings? They told me they do not need an attorney and that they are putting everything he had at his house in storage. The do not consider me family anymore because of the divorce, but is that reason to punish my kids? They dont even want his belongings just their toys and clothes. Is this legal?

Oh, I'm sorry for their loss. ):

And despite the fact of them being the heirs to his estate (by next of kin), their belongings don't fall under any inheritance. Just like if someone died and I left my purse there, the family can't put my purse in storage. I would march over there and get their belongings.

And not to mention, but it isn't just toys and clothing, especially to young children. It may even be stuff their daddy bought for them which isn't replaceable, more importantly not everyone can afford to "just replace it." Money is tight for some people.

I just hope he left behind some money to care for the kids in lieu of child support.

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Monday, August 12, 2013

Moms, what is the best way to keep your kids' toys and clothes organized?

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Like, what kinds of bins do you use? Any tips would be great, I'm feeling very disorganized with all of their clothes and toys! Thanks.

We decided not to get a changing table and instead take advantage of a multiple drawer dresser with a changing bean at the top. It is just as safe and less bulky. Inside the drawers I have cardboard boxes I wrapped with fabric, to keep the clothes from moving around if I need to reach for something quickly. This way, the socks, the pants, the shirts and the bibs are always in the box where they belong and we don't have to dig every time we need to find a particular thing. It only takes an extra bit of attention when unloading laundry to keep the system going.

In the closet I installed four hanging organizers, two per child, where we keep shoes, sweaters and blankets. I don't remember the brand, but I think pretty much any closet organizer will do. Ours have different sizes and shapes. At the top we keep the out of season clothes, so they don't get on the way and from middle downwards we find everything we use regularly.

I am constantly on the look for clothes they have outgrown. There is really no point on stumbling on the same pair of pants or dress they cannot use, as they don't fit anymore. Everything must go as soon as they are unusable.

As for toys, we also keep a very close eye on the amount of toys our children have. No one needs to have 50 different items to play at the same time. We know what they like and what they need. Everything else is just clutter. Small toys go inside lunch and shoe boxes, which then go under their beds, big toys go inside the toy chest, and only one toy is allowed to stay on the bed of each child. The boxes have pictures and the names of the toys that go inside each.

How much extra money should you have under your belt before it is okay to own a pet?

Hungry Tig

I really want a cat, but I most definitely can't afford one right now. But in the next few years, I would love to adopt one. How much extra money should I have coming in every month or year before I should consider it? Covering cost of the cat ($200-600?), the food, the litter and litter box, the puke cleaner, the dishes, the toys, and most importantly, money to be put aside in case a trip to the vet is needed.

If you get a kitty from a shelter the initial costs would be
Cat: $75-$175
Carrier: $10-$40
Dishes: $20
Litter Box: $20
Toys: $20-$30
Brushes: $10-$30
Bed: $30
Scratching Post: $30-$150
Registration: $20-$40 (depends on where you live)

"Free kitten" add on
Spay/Neuter: $100-$150
Microchip/Tattoo: $50-$100
Vaccinations: $150-$200

On-going Costs
Food: $20-$50/month
Litter: $10-$30/month
Deworming: $20-$30/year or $10-$20/month
Annual check/Vaccinations: $70-$150

It's always good to have an emergency fund in case your fur kid needs to go to the emergency animal hospital or develops an illness that needs to be attended to, diagnosing and treating a problem can get quite expensive but it's worth every penny to keep your friend happy and healthy! I'm glad to hear you are waiting until you are sure you can properly care for a cat, people often cut corners by not getting their kitties fixed or vaccinated or checked regularly or buying cheaper lower quality food/ Good for you!

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What is a calm way to handle your three toddlers when they make a huge mess of your house?

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Angel Y

I have three boys ages four and under. They like to tear up my house and when I tell them to clean their mess up they tell me to shut up. I yell and discipline them but sometimes they still just look at me. What is something you may recommend that I do. Please help!

First, I would recommend time out.

Second, I would try the trash bag method. When they refuse to clean up. Get a trash bag and tell them if you won't clean up I will. When they ask what you are doing with there toys tell them you are taking them away. They usually panic and go into a cleaning spree. When they start cleaning you stop. Take the trash bag full of toys and put it away where they can't get to it. If they show good behavior toys can be earned back. Example tell them the next night if they clean up all the toys they can earn one back.

Turn off the tv and radio so it is really boring and they have nothing to do other than clean.

Most importantly, tell them during the day. You need to put some off your toys away before you get more out that way at the end of the day things are not so unbearable.

Its basically teaching good habits and standing your ground.

How to handle a toddler after twins are born?

Our toddler is acting up and getting more easily upset since our twins were born. I realize there is a regression, but not sure how to handle it correctly. Any help would be appreciated.
LOL, Martha. I don't think it is a sin......

I agree with your other poster. Get your toddler to help with bottles and diapering. Have her hold one of the babies on her lap. Praise her for being "such a good big sister".

I'm a mother of twins myself. My boys are adults now. Never buy two of the same toy. They'll leave one sit and fight over one, even though they're identical items. Lay them down to sleep in the same crib. It makes them feel more secure. My twins had separate beds but still slept together until they were 12. They are going to have that deep spiritual bond where they're glued together and you never see one without the other. They're also going to be extremely competitive and fight like cats and dogs, sometimes coming to physical blows. Don't worry. It blows off, they're best friends again and forget all about it in 5 minutes. Warn their girlfriends or boyfriends that if they date one twin, they date the other because he'll always go along. One girl told my son it was her or his twin. He said, See ya.

Always take the one who cries the loudest first and tune the other ones out. They're just going to have to wait their turn. You only have two hands. It's okay to prop bottles when you have twins. Use one feeding dish and one spoon. Go back and forth between the two babies. Saves lots of time and crying. Buy the kind of stroller where the seats face each other or you have one seat behind the other. Side by side strollers won't fit through checkout counters or narrow aisles in stores.

Don't get too discouraged when you hear rude comments about birth control or "Oh, you must be busy" for the zillionth time.

Email me if you need any pointers. Will be glad to help.

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Sugar glider or asus transformer prime? "Sugar gliders are legal here"?

Sunday, August 11, 2013

How to teach kids from 18months to 36months?

Why can't i find any online shops that have toy guns in Australia?

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Q. I want to make a short action film but one problem i dont know where i can get toy machine guns or sub machine guns. I have looked on usa online shops for toy guns but they don't ship to Australia. I've tried ebay Australia they only have water guns. Please help me?

Maybe because they're smart and don't want kids playing with even fake guns.

How to calm down a child with anxiety?


I worked at what's called "After School Care", where we deal with primary school kids (aged 4 to 12) before and after school, and during the school holidays. The majority of the kids that we work with are pretty relaxed- between all of the toys and activities we arrange for them, visiting can be the highlight of their day.
Being in Australia, the new school year started in late January/early February, so the kids have all had time to settle down. However there is one particular child (she's in prep, so about aged four or five) that is still suffering from quite a lot of anxiety. She is clearly taking a lot longer than the other newcomers to settle in. For a while she found it difficult to separate herself from her Mum in the mornings (which resulted in tears), and in the afternoons she'd often end up crying about how much she missed her (which is understandable, what with her being so young and suddenly being away from the comfort of home 5 days a week). Thankfully we've managed to calm her down to the point where she isn't so worried about leaving her parents anymore.
Unfortunately, she seems to have taken a particular liking to one other staff member and myself (me in particular). When it comes time to walk her down to the classroom before school starts, she often becomes very clingy and breaks down into tears, and we usually end up having to pry her off our legs and over to her teacher. As for when she sees us wandering around the school, she'll often run over, bear hug you, and not want to let go.
She's an absolutely gorgeous little girl, and I always feel terrible for having to leave her feeling so anxious. I should also probably mention that she's rather frightened of the 12 year old boys, who are considerably larger (and a hell of a lot rougher) than she is.
We try to make her experience as relaxed as possible by engaging her in activities such as drawing or colouring in (which she adores), but what are some other things that can be done to try and calm her down, and make her a little happier about going off without us?

Dancing? music?

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What are the best investments when it comes to outdoor play toddler toys?

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What are the things you have gotten for your toddlers for outdoors that they played with and lasted the longest?

BQ: At what age do you think a toddler would enjoy sidewalk chalk? I know they usually say ages 3+ on them and I also know that at 17 months Ari is probably too young to play with it safely (aka not try to eat it) but 3 seems a tad old.

Nth swing set -- _loads_ of use out of ours

I nearly bought one of the wooden jobbies but went with a $200 metal one; very relieved about that. The wooden ones sold all over the place at Walmarts etc are (1) more than $200 (2) poor quality -- the wood is very thin, they're nothing at all like the playground-grade, thousands-of-dollars sets made with nice sturdy lumber. You want something that will last a good number of winters. The metal job is over a year old now and still looks new, and $200 was a "six station" thing with a glider, rings, regular swings and a baby swing, and a slide. We are a popular stop for all the tots on the block...

Second place is the sandbox. Also: a tot-friendly garden. Cucumbers, berries, easy-to-grow stuff they can graze on.

Go ahead with the sidewalk chalk; it's totally non-toxic.

How do I stop my 12 week old Australian Shephard puppy from digging?


He has a really large fenced back yard, and my 5 year old son is in the yard playing with him for most of the day, so I dont think he's bored. We feed him twice a day, he has numerous rawhide chews (flavored and unflavored) and many MANY toys, Kongs, rope toys, tennis balls, etc., and he wont play with any of thoes, he finds sticks to chew. How do I get him to be interested in the toys, and keep him from digging?

Discourage Your Dog From Garden Digging

If your dog likes to dig, you know that it can be a hard habit to break. It is, in fact, instinctual. Not only is garden digging extremely annoying, but also it can endanger your dog's health.

Why is my dog attracted to my garden?

If you think about it, gardens are wonderful dog playgrounds. There's lots of fun stuff there:

Smells: Manure is often used as fertilizer. Plantings often smell good and this may encourage your dog to dig around.

Playthings: Moles, mice and other fun things often live in a garden or stop by for a visit. And plants are fun to pull out of the ground.

How to stop digging

If you do some work in the garden, roll out the hose and fit a sprinkler on the end. When the dog goes to investigate the area, turn on the sprinkler. In this way the sprinkler is telling the dog off, and not you. The added bonus of letting the sprinkler do the work for you is that many dogs will learn not to dig whilst you are present but can dig away happily when you are away from home. The sprinkler causes the dog to think that the actual garden is chastising him and does not realise that you were involved at the tap end!

What if you do not have a sprinkler, or the dog is digging at a point too far away for the hoses to reach? Treat yourself to a toy water pistol. For very little cost, you can buy a water pistol that has a good accuracy over several meters. Then you just hang around in the garden and wait for the dog to start digging. As soon as this happens, deliver a jet of water at the dog, aiming for its head. Say nothing; act as if you were not involved. This can have a similar effect to turning on the sprinkler.

If your dog seems hyperactive, chews destructively and digs holes then this could be boredom. Take the dog out away from the garden for exercise for at least one hour each day. Play games of fetch with a ball and do not restrict the dog to the garden - allow him into the house. The more the dog is alone the more likely it is to dig. Leaving toys stuffed with food and goodies when he is left alone will make the "home alone" times more stimulating.

Dogs that dig at fences may well be bored and trying to get out to something on the other side of the fence. The scent hounds will especially do this when they can smell something really interesting on the other side of the fence - so watch out if you have a Beagle. If there are any gaps in your fencing fill them in but also watch for gaps below the fence - fill this in with concrete or attach chicken wire to the bottom of the fence and curve onto the ground, burying it below the surface. For dogs that do keep going back to the same hole to dig, try lifting some of the dog's own poo and placing that in the hole - few dogs will dig through their own feces.

If you find that despite all your attempts to stop it your dog keeps on digging, then you might consider ceding a portion of the garden. If your toddler likes to dig, we buy them a sandpit. The same can apply to the dog. Provide a sandbox - or just a small corner of bare, dug over earth, and bury bones and favourite toys. At first, leave part of the toy sticking out of the ground, take the dog over to the area, and act excited as if you are about to discover lost treasure. Let the dog dig to get the toy and praise like mad.

Whenever you then see the dog digging in other parts of the garden, switch into your "excited - buried treasure" routine and encourage the dog over to the digging area. Better to have one small area dug up by the dog than to have your whole garden looking like a minefield.

If you feel your dog is digging because he is bored and you decide to obtain another dog to keep him company, then expect to have two digging machines! Far better to solve the first dog's digging problem before multiplying this by two.

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