I want to grab toys for my kids that will be a great buy for the future. Should I just look for unique toys or what? My friend had the McDonalds magic maker for French fries. Now the Nugget maker is $80.
What you buy your kids now depends very much on the age, interests and personalities of your kids.
If/when they're old enough to appreciate toys as collectables rather than as toys, then you can begin to start a joint hobby for you and them of collecting vintage/antique toys as a more or less separate thing from the toys they actually play with.
The most valuable antique toys are not normally "unique", indeed their value often depends on them being known as a commercially made item, but are very, very, rare to have survived in reasonably good condition, even rarer still in their original box.
Perhaps the best way to kindle an interest your kids in the right directions for this purpose is to gently steer their interest towards the general types of modern toys which have been made a very long time, and have a 'back catalogue' of similar, very collectable, antique counterparts, such as toy cars, trains and soldiers for boys, and dolls, and doll houses for girls, and board games for both. If they grow to like the modern products, they are more likely to appreciate vintage examples of the same thing.
What you buy your kids now depends very much on the age, interests and personalities of your kids.
If/when they're old enough to appreciate toys as collectables rather than as toys, then you can begin to start a joint hobby for you and them of collecting vintage/antique toys as a more or less separate thing from the toys they actually play with.
The most valuable antique toys are not normally "unique", indeed their value often depends on them being known as a commercially made item, but are very, very, rare to have survived in reasonably good condition, even rarer still in their original box.
Perhaps the best way to kindle an interest your kids in the right directions for this purpose is to gently steer their interest towards the general types of modern toys which have been made a very long time, and have a 'back catalogue' of similar, very collectable, antique counterparts, such as toy cars, trains and soldiers for boys, and dolls, and doll houses for girls, and board games for both. If they grow to like the modern products, they are more likely to appreciate vintage examples of the same thing.
Do they make a modern "Jack in the Box" kids toy or is the only one available vintage?
We all know the kids toy "Jack in the box" that plays the toon, "Pop goes the weasel." Is this toy no longer being made? Does anyone make a modern day version? I saw some on eBay, but and a sock monkey version, but wondered about other similar toys?
here you go: http://www.tintoyarcade.com/categories/Tin-Toys-Games-and-Kits/Tin-Toys-Jack-in-the-Box/
here you go: http://www.tintoyarcade.com/categories/Tin-Toys-Games-and-Kits/Tin-Toys-Jack-in-the-Box/
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