Megan Quin
Hi guys :)
So, im getting rid of my old toys ( bratz, barbies, dollhouses, pollypockets& littlest petshop ) & they are actually in really good condition, i just have no idea where to sell them. any ideas?
Ooh & i would prefer to sell at a store, not anything to do with the internet like ebay & amazon.
I would try craigslist first. You can either look for a buyer (WTB) or post your items under toys. After that I'd look for an independent toy shop and try to sell to them. Like Kokomo Toys in well Kokomo, Indiana. After that I'd look for a general thrift store hoping they would buy toys.
I would try craigslist first. You can either look for a buyer (WTB) or post your items under toys. After that I'd look for an independent toy shop and try to sell to them. Like Kokomo Toys in well Kokomo, Indiana. After that I'd look for a general thrift store hoping they would buy toys.
What toys will work my 7 month old kid smart?
Nhoy, my career encompassed 27 years selling toys to retails stores. In addition, I raised a son and a daughter.
When I was young, available toys, compared to today's, were simple and unsophisticated. Also, rather uncomplicated. We, myself and brother Philip, had wonderful times with such objects as shoe boxes, spatulas and other rather simple household items. Think, if you will, how our imaginations thought of the shoe box as a castle or a gasoline station or a school house. Think, if you will, how the spatula imitated a cowboy's pistol. Modern toys, although intricate and seemingly interesting leave little to the imagination. The first 2 years of a child's life, the "formative years", present immense opportunities for parental influence in areas involving the development and stimulation of the child's mind. Leave your 7 month old to discover his or her imagination with simple items. They may be candy dishes, spoons or napkin rings by your definition and preference, but to a 7 month old that , which sparks their imagination will adopt the "toy" title. Babies find incredible interest in natural items within their environment. They are curious and inquisitive. Spending large amounts of money on elaborate "toys" is unnecessary, at best. Reading to your child, although you may feel that at 7 months the child is incapable of understanding, is most beneficial both as an example of reading and as mental stimulation. Children learn, in their formative years, through imitating those within their environment. Reading to your child may, very well, encourage that "first word" sooner than later. It will also, hopefully, set a presendent for reading that your 7 month-old may wish to inherit later as he or she gets older. In addition to reading, talk to your 7 month old and talk a great deal to him or her. Conversation directed to your child not only stimulates it's mind, it also shows ongoing attention and illustrates love and importance. Your 7 month old may not presently understand the spoken word, but definitely understands the mental stimulation and graciously understands his or her importance within your family unit.
The purchase of toys for children is okay, within limits and for the right reasons. For gifts and occassions, certainly toys may be appropriate. However, many parents purchase toys to selfishly offer their children distractions so they may have uninterrupted time. Factually, a child's interest in new toys is short. Soon you have a large box filled with toys of which your child has no further interest. Second-hand stores thrive on such things.
The best and most mentally stimulating toys from which a child may benefit are his parents. Hopefully, you or your and you spouse, if appropriate, are parents who have investigated and developed a proper agenda for contributing to their children's intelligence, or "smarts" as is used in your question.
I hope I have been helpful.
Nhoy, my career encompassed 27 years selling toys to retails stores. In addition, I raised a son and a daughter.
When I was young, available toys, compared to today's, were simple and unsophisticated. Also, rather uncomplicated. We, myself and brother Philip, had wonderful times with such objects as shoe boxes, spatulas and other rather simple household items. Think, if you will, how our imaginations thought of the shoe box as a castle or a gasoline station or a school house. Think, if you will, how the spatula imitated a cowboy's pistol. Modern toys, although intricate and seemingly interesting leave little to the imagination. The first 2 years of a child's life, the "formative years", present immense opportunities for parental influence in areas involving the development and stimulation of the child's mind. Leave your 7 month old to discover his or her imagination with simple items. They may be candy dishes, spoons or napkin rings by your definition and preference, but to a 7 month old that , which sparks their imagination will adopt the "toy" title. Babies find incredible interest in natural items within their environment. They are curious and inquisitive. Spending large amounts of money on elaborate "toys" is unnecessary, at best. Reading to your child, although you may feel that at 7 months the child is incapable of understanding, is most beneficial both as an example of reading and as mental stimulation. Children learn, in their formative years, through imitating those within their environment. Reading to your child may, very well, encourage that "first word" sooner than later. It will also, hopefully, set a presendent for reading that your 7 month-old may wish to inherit later as he or she gets older. In addition to reading, talk to your 7 month old and talk a great deal to him or her. Conversation directed to your child not only stimulates it's mind, it also shows ongoing attention and illustrates love and importance. Your 7 month old may not presently understand the spoken word, but definitely understands the mental stimulation and graciously understands his or her importance within your family unit.
The purchase of toys for children is okay, within limits and for the right reasons. For gifts and occassions, certainly toys may be appropriate. However, many parents purchase toys to selfishly offer their children distractions so they may have uninterrupted time. Factually, a child's interest in new toys is short. Soon you have a large box filled with toys of which your child has no further interest. Second-hand stores thrive on such things.
The best and most mentally stimulating toys from which a child may benefit are his parents. Hopefully, you or your and you spouse, if appropriate, are parents who have investigated and developed a proper agenda for contributing to their children's intelligence, or "smarts" as is used in your question.
I hope I have been helpful.
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