Erin Lauve
I just like to know what other people do for their Holidays, I'm nosy. Lol. I think it's fun to see what kinds of different things people do. So what are your favorite things about Christmas? What do you look forward to the most? What are your traditions? What do you have for Christmas dinner?
I'll share mine. I spend the entire week before Christmas shopping for gifts and baking cookies and pies. My kids help decorate the sugar cookies and gingerbread men because they're the only ones I make that require decorating. We always go as a family to pick out a tree and then the next morning we decorate it together and spend the day decorating the house and putting up outside decorations. On Christmas Eve night we go to church and then over to my in laws to let the kids open one present. Christmas day is sort of chaotic. We wake up and the kids open their gifts over here at our house and then we have a breakfast casserole always for breakfast. I always feel bad cuz the kids don't have much time to play with their new stuff. We go over to my husband's parents house and the kids spend a couple hours with them opening gifts. Then we pack up and head up to my parents for the rest of the day which is usually from about 1pm-late at night. I am always excited to get over there and see my family. Me and my sister help my mom make dinner. We always have ham, mashed potatoes, corn, green bean casserole, rolls, cranberries, beats, squash, deviled eggs, ham rolls (sandwich ham rolled up with cream cheese and garlic powder inside), stuffed celery, and a veggie tray. My mom always has tons of baked cookies, cheesecake, pumpkin pie, apple pie and candy in several jars all over the house. So the kids don't get antsy, we let them open one gift shortly after we arrive and then we all open gifts as a family after dinner. It's always my mom, dad, sister, 2 brothers and their girlfriends, me, my husband and our three children. Then the next morning my kids still don't get to play with their new stuff, lol, cuz we go 3 hours to my husband's grandparents family Christmas every year. We all (about 14 of us) go out to lunch and then go back to their house to open gifts and spend the day together. Every year we spend the night there and finally when we get home the next day, they get to play with all their stuff. And the house is a disaster from hauling things home from 3 different places so it keeps me busy :) Also, every year my husband and I donate to Operation Christmas Child, Toys for Tots, a local food pantry, a children's hospital and the Salvation army. Christmas doesn't feel complete to me unless we help those in need out so that is my favorite part. Especially packing the Operation Christmas child boxes. My second favorite thing is that I have a Christmas party at my home every year with a few close friends and their kids. So the men usually watch football in the living room while us girls sit around drinking wine and chatting at the table and then all the kids run around playing. We have pizza, subs, veggie and cracker trays, desserts, adult drinks and everyone just has a really good time. I can't wait to hear about your traditions. :)
Ill start from the 10th December - well I'm 15, and I love christmas. I have two nans (grandmas as you may call them) and on the 10th I decorate one of my nans homes and a few days after, sometimes on the same day I go decorate the others home. Whilst we decorate we dance around to Christmas music and if we're still decorating after a while we'll start a film up (this is in both of my grandmas homes that we do this) we put out some cinnamon scented candles and light them, and ill usually stay over in one of their houses. The next day I go back home to my mums and my nan (my mums mum) comes with me and we decorate ours. First we will put up the little decorations,
Then we decorate my room then put up the tree, and decorate that (my Favourite part). Sometimes I help decorate my dads apartment but usually he does that without me, he just puts up a tree and some little decorations like some lights around the TV and a photo of us on the wall, one year, I think it was 2011, it was really nice. We went christmas shopping (which never happens usually with me and him because he hates town) then we came back to his flat and wrapped gifts. It was so nice and he was playing christmas music too, which never usually happens either because he hates it haha. So yeah usually a week after the 12th I break up from school for my holiday break. We make things and write cards and post some to the neighbours and walk in the ice and snow (if it has snowed) to people we know's homes and deliver the cards. I love doing that. So yeah usually on the 21st we go shopping to get some last little gifts and see the last of the decorations in the shops. We go for the food shopping (starting from the morning) on LIKe the 22nd or 23rd. On the 24th it's so magical, everyone's all excited and I read christmas stories to my 4 year old brother and tell him about Santa. We leave cookies, milk and carrots out for the reindeer and Santa and its all exciting. We watch a christmas film, usually home alone or it's a wonderful life, sometimes both, and then go to bed. Me and my mum tuck up my brother into bed and read him christmas stories. When he falls to sleep I go and lie in the bed with my mum for a bit and read a magazine or tell christmas stories or something and then I head up to my room. I usually still can't sleep because I love christmas so much. Sometimes I cry at night thinking about all the memories and how ill have to wait another year for this fantastic season again. On christmas morning I'm usually first to wake up then my brother and me wake up my mum. She says (and she's said this from when I was a child :')' 'let me go and see if he's been' referring to Santa. This gets my Brother (and me) so excited. Then we go and open our gifts. Last year I got a tarantula from my mum (I'd wanted a pet spider for so long) and a bunch of other things, but she also put some money towards a dog for me later on in the year as part of my christmas present along with my two nans. So we open our things and then I go down to my nans and open what I get off her. My mum drives along to her mums (my other nans) and then I go to hers and open my things from there. Sometimes we go up to my great aunts for dinner and open gifts from the whole family there. Sometimes we just stay in my nans for dinner though. If we went to my aunts for dinner we usually head back to my nans and my mum and brother and me sleep there then go to ours on the 26th. So yeah that's basically my traditions and sorry it's so long. I'm glad this question was asked because it got me all excited for this christmas. 4 months :-) happy holidays
Ill start from the 10th December - well I'm 15, and I love christmas. I have two nans (grandmas as you may call them) and on the 10th I decorate one of my nans homes and a few days after, sometimes on the same day I go decorate the others home. Whilst we decorate we dance around to Christmas music and if we're still decorating after a while we'll start a film up (this is in both of my grandmas homes that we do this) we put out some cinnamon scented candles and light them, and ill usually stay over in one of their houses. The next day I go back home to my mums and my nan (my mums mum) comes with me and we decorate ours. First we will put up the little decorations,
Then we decorate my room then put up the tree, and decorate that (my Favourite part). Sometimes I help decorate my dads apartment but usually he does that without me, he just puts up a tree and some little decorations like some lights around the TV and a photo of us on the wall, one year, I think it was 2011, it was really nice. We went christmas shopping (which never happens usually with me and him because he hates town) then we came back to his flat and wrapped gifts. It was so nice and he was playing christmas music too, which never usually happens either because he hates it haha. So yeah usually a week after the 12th I break up from school for my holiday break. We make things and write cards and post some to the neighbours and walk in the ice and snow (if it has snowed) to people we know's homes and deliver the cards. I love doing that. So yeah usually on the 21st we go shopping to get some last little gifts and see the last of the decorations in the shops. We go for the food shopping (starting from the morning) on LIKe the 22nd or 23rd. On the 24th it's so magical, everyone's all excited and I read christmas stories to my 4 year old brother and tell him about Santa. We leave cookies, milk and carrots out for the reindeer and Santa and its all exciting. We watch a christmas film, usually home alone or it's a wonderful life, sometimes both, and then go to bed. Me and my mum tuck up my brother into bed and read him christmas stories. When he falls to sleep I go and lie in the bed with my mum for a bit and read a magazine or tell christmas stories or something and then I head up to my room. I usually still can't sleep because I love christmas so much. Sometimes I cry at night thinking about all the memories and how ill have to wait another year for this fantastic season again. On christmas morning I'm usually first to wake up then my brother and me wake up my mum. She says (and she's said this from when I was a child :')' 'let me go and see if he's been' referring to Santa. This gets my Brother (and me) so excited. Then we go and open our gifts. Last year I got a tarantula from my mum (I'd wanted a pet spider for so long) and a bunch of other things, but she also put some money towards a dog for me later on in the year as part of my christmas present along with my two nans. So we open our things and then I go down to my nans and open what I get off her. My mum drives along to her mums (my other nans) and then I go to hers and open my things from there. Sometimes we go up to my great aunts for dinner and open gifts from the whole family there. Sometimes we just stay in my nans for dinner though. If we went to my aunts for dinner we usually head back to my nans and my mum and brother and me sleep there then go to ours on the 26th. So yeah that's basically my traditions and sorry it's so long. I'm glad this question was asked because it got me all excited for this christmas. 4 months :-) happy holidays
What's christmas like in your country?
Q. Here in Iceland on the 1st of december they start showing on TV a kids show that is aired everyday until December 24th. The show is literally called "The Christmas Calendar" (Jóladagatalið). Normally, every episode is about 5 minutes long but it's never the same story every year, they either make a new show every year or show older episodes that have been shown some years before. The episodes they're showing this year was actually made in Denmark and is called "The Christmas Calendar 2011: The Pact. (Jóladagatalið 2011: Sáttmálinn). It's about a kid that helps some elves find a pact that will kill some evil elf queen. Well enough of that.
December 12th kids put a shoe in their window to get a present from one of the Icelandic santa clauses, called The Yule Lads (Jólasveinarnir). We have 13 santa clauses. Every night, from 12th - 24th december they put presents in the children's shoes, like candy or small toys, but if the kids behaved badly they will give them a potato, which kids don't like. That's why most kids behave well this time of year. In case you're confused it's actually their parents that give them the presents ;), but the kids don't know that.
On December 23rd, many Icelanders have a skate (a type of fish) for dinner. It's an old Icelandic tradition.
Christmas is actually celebrated on the 24th, not the 25th. All day until 6 pm on the 24th, everybody waits for christmas to start. A few minutes before 6 pm, you can hear ringing church bells ringing on the radio and on the tv. Then when they stop at exactly 6 pm, a man says "Good Icelanders, merry christmas" (góðir Ãslendingar, gleðileg jól). Then kids open the present their mom and dad gave them, and then we eat. Some people eat lamb meat, some eat pork and some eat ptarmigan meat which is very popular on christmas. Then after we've washed the dishes after dinner we open the rest of the presents, from relatives and friends. We don't get any gifts from the American Santa Clause. Usually at my home my parents film us opening our presents, and I'm sure some people do too. We still have tapes older than 10 years old of me and my siblings opening presents. The presents are kept, while still in the christmas packages, under the christmas tree. Some people have a fake tree and some people have a real tree.
Christmas ends at the end of january 6th the next year. called "the 13th" (Ãrettándinn), the 13th day of christmas. At that day we light a bunch of wood and stuff and make a big fire. Usually one fire in every town (towns are really small in Iceland expect for ReykjavÃk, which is not a really big city when you think about it. My town only has about 1000 habitants.) People stand by the fire and some some men are hired to shoot fireworks near the fire. We also have fire and fireworks on december 31st, the last day of the year.
Now i have explained almost everything about christmas in Iceland, expect for a few things like decorations and that but yeah. What's christmas like in your country? (I know you won't be able to explain it in a very long way like i did.)
December 12th kids put a shoe in their window to get a present from one of the Icelandic santa clauses, called The Yule Lads (Jólasveinarnir). We have 13 santa clauses. Every night, from 12th - 24th december they put presents in the children's shoes, like candy or small toys, but if the kids behaved badly they will give them a potato, which kids don't like. That's why most kids behave well this time of year. In case you're confused it's actually their parents that give them the presents ;), but the kids don't know that.
On December 23rd, many Icelanders have a skate (a type of fish) for dinner. It's an old Icelandic tradition.
Christmas is actually celebrated on the 24th, not the 25th. All day until 6 pm on the 24th, everybody waits for christmas to start. A few minutes before 6 pm, you can hear ringing church bells ringing on the radio and on the tv. Then when they stop at exactly 6 pm, a man says "Good Icelanders, merry christmas" (góðir Ãslendingar, gleðileg jól). Then kids open the present their mom and dad gave them, and then we eat. Some people eat lamb meat, some eat pork and some eat ptarmigan meat which is very popular on christmas. Then after we've washed the dishes after dinner we open the rest of the presents, from relatives and friends. We don't get any gifts from the American Santa Clause. Usually at my home my parents film us opening our presents, and I'm sure some people do too. We still have tapes older than 10 years old of me and my siblings opening presents. The presents are kept, while still in the christmas packages, under the christmas tree. Some people have a fake tree and some people have a real tree.
Christmas ends at the end of january 6th the next year. called "the 13th" (Ãrettándinn), the 13th day of christmas. At that day we light a bunch of wood and stuff and make a big fire. Usually one fire in every town (towns are really small in Iceland expect for ReykjavÃk, which is not a really big city when you think about it. My town only has about 1000 habitants.) People stand by the fire and some some men are hired to shoot fireworks near the fire. We also have fire and fireworks on december 31st, the last day of the year.
Now i have explained almost everything about christmas in Iceland, expect for a few things like decorations and that but yeah. What's christmas like in your country? (I know you won't be able to explain it in a very long way like i did.)
It was very interesting to learn about Christmas in Iceland! Thank you! Here is how we celebrate Christmas in the USA! :
Throughout the month of December people decorate there houses and there is TV shows and movies that have to do with Christmas on TV! On December 24th it is Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve lots of people like to eat seafood. Its kind of a tradition. And before kids got to sleep they leave milk and cookies out for Santa to eat.On December 25th it is Christmas day and kids run down to the Christmas tree and open tons of presents they got! We tell the kids that Santa Clause left them there! (But its actually the parents who did). We also have stockings which are in the shape of a sock much much bigger. There is small gifts inside of them. If the child was bad they get a piece of coal inside theirs. We also have a big dinner on Christmas with turkey. We also like to sing songs around Christmas time! Here is two verses to a very popular Christmas song in our country:
You better not shout
You better not cry
You better watch out im telling you why
Santa Clause is coming too town
He sees you when your sleeping
He knows when your awake
He knows if you've been bad or good so be good for goodness sake
Santa Clause is coming to town
It was very interesting to learn about Christmas in Iceland! Thank you! Here is how we celebrate Christmas in the USA! :
Throughout the month of December people decorate there houses and there is TV shows and movies that have to do with Christmas on TV! On December 24th it is Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve lots of people like to eat seafood. Its kind of a tradition. And before kids got to sleep they leave milk and cookies out for Santa to eat.On December 25th it is Christmas day and kids run down to the Christmas tree and open tons of presents they got! We tell the kids that Santa Clause left them there! (But its actually the parents who did). We also have stockings which are in the shape of a sock much much bigger. There is small gifts inside of them. If the child was bad they get a piece of coal inside theirs. We also have a big dinner on Christmas with turkey. We also like to sing songs around Christmas time! Here is two verses to a very popular Christmas song in our country:
You better not shout
You better not cry
You better watch out im telling you why
Santa Clause is coming too town
He sees you when your sleeping
He knows when your awake
He knows if you've been bad or good so be good for goodness sake
Santa Clause is coming to town
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