Tuesday, August 6, 2013

How do I go about requesting toys from toys for tots in Houston Texas?

best kids toys this year
 on Baby Toys 1 Year Old | Kids Safety Awareness
best kids toys this year image


I need a little help for the holidays this year.I dont have any money to buy my kids toys this year.If anyone can help me out with the information i'd really appreciate it. Thank you!

This is the link I found, but it says that requests are closed for this year. There is also a phone number listed, so you could try calling them to see if they allow any exceptions.


Is anyone else afraid to buy your children toys for christams?


I am very apprehensive about giving my kids toys for christmas this year because of all the recalls. Is anyone as worry as I am, and what are you giving them instead?

Hi I have a 4 year old and it has taken forever for myself and my wife to get his xmas presents. Yes the recalls were a factor. and small pieces.. to be honest though you have to let go of a lot of fears and go with what you feel is safe. The usual fisher price Little tykes.. etc. Basically any toy can be dangerous and can be part of a recall.. Basically ... you have to think you cannot protect your child from every single danger you basically have to minimise the dangers... Go with age appropriae toys... and then at least you get away from the too small swallow problem..
have a good xmas and ... bring your kids some joy nt worries.
BTW .... the young lady saying she is giving toys that have not been tested on animals .. basically how safe are they.. also .. it is well known hat all the chemicals in everything used by people has been tested on animals. Becasue a comany states they have not tested thier products on animals ony means they havnt doen tthe testing... in the past all the ingredients they use have been tested on aimals. They use already tested chemicals known to be safe.... and then they dont have to test thier final products to forfill sate and federal laws.. Think about it .. if they produced totally untested products.... and a reaction how eer small they would be sued for millions.. these comanies are not stupid but they believe the public are.. and in general unfortunately the public fall for this every day........ You only have to look at comanies like the Body shop... yep ..they were taken to task about this very same thing...

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