Sunday, August 4, 2013

Any ideas for 'different' Christmas presents for kids aged 7-11 years?

best new gadgets for kids
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Are there any new crazes or gadgets that kids want this year?

For the younger ones try a free letter from Santa Claus

What do I need to know about Nintendo DS?


My kids have decided to ask Santa for Nintendo DS for Christmas. They are 9 & 11. Will this be an appropriate gadget for kids this age or will they quickly outgrow it? What do I need to look for when shopping for them?
Also, what colors do they come in?
Also, do you also need the starter kit, or does it come with everything you need already? Thanks!

You want to get the Lite rather than the original DS. It will be fine for them at these ages and they won't outgrow them for a long time. Besides, you can keep getting different games as they get older. I know there are some adults that still use them all the time.

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