Monday, April 28, 2014

Little kid cars? that run on batteries?

Q. anyone know where I can find a bigger plastic car that runs on batteries for older kids?

are you talking about a toy car like hotwheel?

Dont kids play with toys any more?

Q. I see kids ages like 9-12 (Sorry kiddies but that is children) doing everything except play with toys lately.

I see them on cell phones,or 10 yr old girls dressing like hookers wearing way too much make up. I have even seen kids that age walking down the street smoking like its no big deal. They even talk about sex like they really know first hand what its like. ( Kinda scary I think)

Is it just my area here or are kids now a days trying to grow up too fast?

whose to blame for this?

When I was that age I was playing with cars,He-mans, Gi Joes and that sort of thing.
cancan: you gave me an idea for another question.

Kids toys are different these days - cell phones are the new "walkie-talkies". They play video games of cars, he-man, and GI Joe.

As for the "grow up too fast" argument, there are a few things going on that really don't go well together.

Twelve year olds have more knowledge (as you pointed out) about sex and other adult topics than newlyweds did a few generations back.

At the same time, the children aren't responsible for their actions as they are still children. Unfortunately, parents are limited in their right to discipline their children and many lack discipline themselves.

So, children remain children despite their abundant adult knowledge until long after they should've become adults. The nation is full of 20 year old children, and 12 year old girls dressed like hookers.

What's the solution? Turn off the fking TV and talk to your kids. Teach them responsibility. Be open with them about them becoming adults. Don't close your eyes and mumble abstinence - it isn't reasonable and it doesn't work. Instead, validate their emotions and facilitate their decision making.

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