Thursday, May 9, 2013

What is the name of this animated tv show?

Q. When i was little i used to love a tv how that aired on Disney Channel ( in france).
It was the story of a little kid who becomes a spy. His main gadget was a yo-yo and he had a very muscular sidekick.

Does anyone know how ts called?

A. Inspector Gadget?

What is a good plotline for a children's spy story?
Q. I'm writing a novel for kids (10-12 year olds) and I need a good plotline that makes sense. I started already but it was bad and I had to delete it all. Thanks in advance, and if you have rude or mean comments, take them somewhere else. Thanks again.

A. I think you can never go wrong making things complicated. In fact, the more complicated it is, the more kids will be hooked.
Try to have one character who seems to be obviously the villain, but then isn't. Instead, a character who had subtle hints given about their identity is.
To hook both genders, have at least one main character who is a boy and one who's a girl. (They need to be kids or teens to hook the pre-teens.) That way you also have the way paved for a romance. (Pre-teen girls, especially, like that, and you'll be surprised how few pre-teen boys mind it.) If you want to have a main audience of just one gender, have the character of that gender set out on the journey and meet the other chracter later. Sidekicks, especially dogs, hawks, or some mythical creature, are also highly in demand for pre-teens.
This is cliche, but to make the girls (and the boys) happy, make the girl extremely pretty and the boy extremely handsome.
The gadgets the characters use should be a little magical, because magic is in vogue this book season.

(I gave you helping tips instead of a plot because I know you can write that spy story. I always find people work better with their own plots they made up. Don't worry about being weird or far-out. As long as there's lots of action and gadgets, some romance that's un-sappy, and a cool animal sidekick, they'll be happy.)

becoming a spy does anybody hav any ideas on how to?
Q. im an 11 yr old girl i wnt to become a spry kid will anybody help me by saying tips how to make spy gadgets and ect...

A. If you want to help do black opps. Become a navy seal. Or one of the other special forces.

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