Thursday, June 20, 2013

What are those rings that toddlers can sit/walk in with wheels on them and trays/toys surrounding them?

best toddler walker toys
 on Best Baby Walker Toy, baby walker, walker toy for sale of item ...
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Play rings? Toddler walking rings?? I can't find them anywhere! Please someone give me a link, thanks!

You can't get walkers any more. They're too dangerous. But you can get the kind they stand up and play in.

What are some of the best toys for a toddler?


My family and I opened up a family business - I have a son who is turning one in 3 weeks. I take him to work with me all of the time, but he is getting too big for his walker (he actually climbs out of it now) and he will only stay in his playpen for a little while before he gets bored. I am thinking about getting one of those octagon shaped gate-yards and investing in a big toy to keep him occupied. I was looking at one of those tables with a piano and music and noises, etc. Have those worked with your kids (keeping them occupied for longer periods of time) or do they get bored easily. Any other suggestions?

I would invest in a few small toys, instead of a big toy, which will probably keep him entertained longer. You can get a shape sorter, cups of different sizes, big blocks. My son at that age use to like to play with burp cloths ( don't ask me why ? :)
Get a big bucket and balls that are big enough so he can't swallow them and then he can throw the balls in the bucket- which is also something you can do while your working- he will probably like the interaction.
I have over the past two years that the toys my son liked most were the most simple, and could usually be found at home! (i.e. burp cloths, tupperware, spatulas, etc)
As a side note, use these toys only in the hexagon gate, so he will want to stay in the gate and play.
Good luck!!!!!!!!

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