Friday, July 12, 2013

Does anyone know of any good toy spy gear for kids aged 7 and above?

best kids toys age 3 uk
best kids toys age 3 uk image


My younger brother's birthday is like in a week and I still haven't worked out what to get for him (he's going to be 8 if it helps). He asked for some spy gear he saw recently in a TV ad. And, as any kid of his age can't remember what the name of the thing was - does anyone know of a camera device that is able to transfer the recorded video to a watch-looking device that a kid could wear and see whatever is happening in a place where the camera's hid? Sorry if that's a bit confusing but that is how he described it to me. I tried to look for it over the internet but unsuccessfully.
If anyone heard of such thing could you please tell me where to find it? And if not - I'd still be grateful to anyone who could tell me of any children's spy gear that could be a good replacement...

Thanks you in advance.


Do you mean this??? Other good solutions are:

here there are!! pls because i am looking for help too i hve also set a question of doctor who toys if you konow anything good please tell!!!!!!!!!!!!

if you were spending one week in england with four kids?


what are some things you wouldn't want to miss doing with them?

in april. based in london, but could travel from there. kids are aged 6-12.

I'm going to assume you're going as a tourist.

As I recall you've read Harry Potter with your kids so I'd probably spend a day doing "Harry" stuff. Meaning stop by Kings Cross and seeing platform 9 3/4, the phone booth that's the entrance to the Ministry of Magic, etc. for more suggestions.

I'd take a double-decker bus tour. You can get on and off the bus all over town which is kind of a fun way to see the city.. And my kid would enjoy riding on the open top. There are also options to take a open top boat up the Thames from the Tower to Big Ben.

Westminster Abbey. If you don't want to pay the entry fee, you can always go in for either a free organ concert or for a service. There is minimal wandering allowed afterward, but it's totally worth hearing the organ.

Take the tube through town. Learn what "Mind the Gap" means. Keep in mind that like New York, London's subway is not very handicapped accessible.

Changing of the Guard outside Buckingham Palace. You'll have to check the days they do it with fanfare.

The British Museum. Lots of stuff for kids too, and who doesn't like mummies and the Rosetta Stone? To be fair, most of the stuff in there shouldn't be there and may one day have to be returned to the countries it was taken from, so go see it now.

Stonehenge. It's so funny, you're driving along and suddenly in the middle of a big field, up pops Stonehenge.

Find Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens.

Hamley's Toy Shop. It's pretty cool.

Going in the London Eye is neat, but...overrated imho.

The Tower of London with the Beefeater tour is worth the money. The McDonald's there, as I recall, is the only place to pee anywhere near it. If you know your British History - especially the Henry VIII stories - it's much more interesting.

If you have Mary Poppins fans, going to see St. Paul's (where the Bird Woman feeds the birds) and running through Hyde Park and Mayfair might be worth doing.

And because it's 2012, you might want to check out the Olympic Village if you can.

EDIT: Sorry, I kept thinking about it. While it's not interesting for kids, it's kind of interesting for adults to walk by 10 Downing Street. Go to Harrods and go into the basement where the food stalls are. Oh. And if you want to get around the "tourist route" on public transit, look into the #12 bus. And if you want to travel, go see the Royal Pavilion at Brighton . It's....probably the most obnoxious building I've ever seen. And if you go to the British Museum, have tea at Bea's of Bloomsbury.

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