Sunday, May 11, 2014

what fun educational toys are there for a 3.5 year old.?


Ive been thinking about getting her the leapfrog clickstart computer toy, and ive thought about it a lot since its so expensive (50 bucks), she likes her dads comp and plays the little ball game and such on it, and shes seen the clickstart comp and has asked for it for christmas, but ive been looking at it and i keep seeing pics of kids playing with it with a blank look on their faces! you know like the stoned look! anyways im trying to think of other things to get her that may be better but that can help her learn and stuff, we do little things here and there but i need to find something that she can learn with thats mainly kid propelled, meaning she can activate it and work it and she actually learns but thats minimal parent involvement, she has been fighting help on everything ands wants to do it all herself, i mean she knows how to fix her own cerial and start her own music and even get dressed and she learned all this in the past few months by not letting anyone help, so if thats how she wants to then thats fine.....
lol well i put that because believe it or not, there is a HUGE diff in the development of a Just turned 3 year old and that of a 3 in a half year old, as well as a 4 year old......

Fisher Price Snap N Style dolls are great. My daughter loves them and she's about the same age.

Anything 'Little People' too. She likes to line the people up and have them all talk to one another.

Building blocks. We have the Imaginarium set from Toys R Us. She can build things for hours.

A doll house filled with furniture and people.

Dress-up and pretend clothes

Puzzles no more than 30 pieces.

My mom always bringing the kids toys...innocent habit or bad precedent?

Mom to Lea

My folks live a little over an hour away and come to see my kids who are 3.5 and 10 months about twice a month. My kids are crazy about them, especially my 3.5 year old son. My mom loves shopping Goodwill, garage sales, etc. and is always bringing some little trinket or toy. So now when she comes through the door, he is checking her bag to see what she brought him. Let me add he is a really sweet kid and never throws a fit demanding stuff (well at least not yet, knock on wood). But I still wonder if its setting a bad example that he expects something, or if its just fun for him and Nana and to leave it alone?
Chase's mom-my mom was the one who announced she would bring a toy everytime, even though I told her he loves her for her and she doesn't need to. I have told him she doesn't have to bring him a toy. And he does love playing with my folks, he is all over them when they are here, its not like give me a toy and go away. But he does get excited to see what she's brought him. Its usually something like a little matchbox car she got for a quarter.

I do the same thing with my grandson.....he has a toy box at my house, and I periodically add a new toy so there is usually something new for him to see when he visits.

And when I visit I usually have something I picked up for him, but I do not give it to him as soon as I walk through the door. I visit for a while first, and then give him my gift.

Maybe you could just have your son wait for a while, so his focus is on your mom, rather than what she brought.

It's hard to resist when you have grand kids, you are out shopping, and see something cute that you know the child would like. :o)

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