Sunday, April 28, 2013

Help! How do I get my 6 yr old son to pay attention in school?

Q. My son is 6, almost 7 and he has developmental delays. He was never classified as autistic or having PDD, all we were ever told was he has a speech delay. My husband, inlaws, myself and his teacher and speech therapist are concerned with his inability to pay attention. He daydreams and "plays" video games in class (moves his hands and fingers like he's holding a controller). The teacher hasn't said it but I think she's thinking ADD or something similar. I've talked to friends with kids similar ages and they all say their kids do the same thing so I know part of it is just my son being a normal 6 year old. The problem he faces is when he drifts he risks getting lost and not being able to grasp what the rest of the class is working on. How can I teach him to stay focused on the task at hand and how to bring himself back when he does drift? Are there games we can play with him? He does watch too much tv, and I know I need to do something about that.

A. Honestly, you seem to have a pretty rough idea of what you need to do. Just stick with what you are doing and cut the cable off, and maybe take away the games. Just for a few months and see if he improves at school.

Yes, you are right. You do have a normal six year old boy. You could also try using some other sort of methods to increase his attention span.

1) TV Time Needs To Be Trimmed - A child's attention span only lasts about 8 to 10 minutes. Funny that 8 to 10 minutes is how long a television program is on for until it breaks for commercial.

2) Games and Gadgets - When it comes to game systems, just remove them from the picture. Two ways to do so, A) Take them from him while he is either using them or is around or B) Move them into a place where only you know the whereabouts when he is at school.

Some might also suggest using educational games to help but I have found that t defeats the purpose of taking away games all together. Besides, he needs to learn to stay focused and not get better hand eye coordination. Maybe to hone some math or english skills, but not for what you're dealing with right now.

I hope I could be of some help to you.

Is a plasma ball a safe gadget for a ten year old boy to have?
Q. I must admit that electricity scares the heck out of me, and I want to make sure that I'm not being overprotective. Are there any dangers to be aware of when giving one these lamps to a child (besides the obvious safe operation needed for any electrical device)?

A. Notwithstanding the fearmongering comments above, a plasma ball is perfectly safe. It will not generate waves or fields or anything else that would endanger a kid's life.

That said, a plasma ball is not particularly educational. If it inspires him to learn more, great, but if education is your objective, a kit of science or electronic projects would be a better choice.

Who do you believe will do better in creating higher paying jobs, Democrats or Republicans?
Q. Both Democrats and Republicans agree on one thing for sure...we need more jobs! The problem is that they differ in how to create those higher paying jobs. Democrats believe in a Keynesian approach by increasing infrastructure spending by asking the upper class to share a higher percentage of the burden during a recession, and the Republicans seem to believe reducing taxes and regulations will stimulate entrepreneurship to create higher paying jobs. Both appear to have historical examples. I want to know which is the better example, and why?

A. Well this, "is so, so clear... Democrats "just love to spend" money on not just infrastructure, but like FDR, (back in a day) "create programs" that (were/are revelant) to "the needs" of the people during their time. Infrastructure, (is one great avenue) in job creation, but, the world "is ever changing", and at such a rapid pace from a technological standpoint, that America (as President Obama) has said, needs "to keep in step" with that profound fact, and beef up the "educational skills" in the way of technology and starting with our kids, like "the handle" we had on (making and creating) great cars... we need "to outbeat" the Asians, when it comes to "creativity with technology." We "need to produce" more Steve Jobs, that is all there is to it!!!!! (smile...)

**The Asians, "have us beat", (3 to 1) with that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like Howard Hughes, said regarding aviation, "technology" (along with ecology/substainability) "is the wave" of the future, and that "is where" we need to go and be as Americans, here in the United States..."OUTDOING EVERYONE" ELSE. Also, it would not hurt, to utilize this "technology" for other uses, not just here in America, but world-wide like:

1. Aids/Medical Equipment
2. Environmental/Green Substainability
3. Food Sources
4. Automotive
5. Gadgets, of economic, effective and efficient use (like the Swedes and Germany)
and last but "most certainly" not least...
6. "EDUCATION, EDUCATION" AND "MORE EDUCATION", this also is why, "the creativity and ingenuity" is getting lost, on our part as America. Europeans somewhat, "laughs at us", from that end as well... (dah, never mind)

That is just a few thoughts and examples...(smile)

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