Monday, May 13, 2013

What is like an iphone, but not a phone, that can download apps? Thinking of Kids Christmas Present?

Q. Anybody got any good gadget ideas for a 10 year old? I don't want to spend $500 on a phone, but maybe something like it????

A. Any ebook sized tablet running android or iOS (or even stretch to windows, but it has limited amounts of apps)

Or an iPod touch.

For app availability and style, go for iOS products. (iPod touch, ipad mini etc)
For price and flexibility, go for android. I bet after a quick google search you'll find a cheap android tablet (possibly below £100)

What's the best free email website for kids?
Q. I need to find a good free email website for kids, for my friend. He's 11, and he can't find a good email website for kids under 13. Can you please help?

A. Google cuz u can Have A iGoogle and decorate it with themes and games and gadgets!

how soon will you start shopping for Chirstmas?
Q. there is about 1.5 months left for shoping, when is a good time to start shopping?
what is a good gift for brothers that are 25, and 27, they both have no kids and are good ppl? any suggestions?

A. the best time is the day after thanksgiving where you will get all the best sales! You will have to start early that morning to avoid the store rush.
For your brothers, you can try MP3 players, digital cameras, cell phones, any gadget type stuff, cologne, clothes if you know their sizes, laptops

here's some more manly ideas

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