Q. She is 8 years old and has always disliked math. I try and help her and so does her dad. I am frustrated because I feel like she should know all her multiplication facts quickly...instead she counts on her fingers.Any suggestions for help. I am trying to avoid a tutor?
A. As a math teacher and tutor, I've found that students who don't memorize their math facts usually end up struggling in math. Some kids try to get by with figuring them out each time, but that takes so much time and effort that they have trouble understanding the rest of more complicated problems. Figuring the facts on your fingers may work for simple multiplication, but it makes it very hard to get your head around long division, or fractions, or algebra.
You don't need a tutor. You just need to have her work on her facts. There are computer games that you could have her use. Or have her drill with flashcards daily. Or my dad used to make me write them 100 times each. Or there are lots of games and books and gadgets at bookstores and educational stores; however you have her work on it, the main thing is she needs lots of practice. Lots and lots of practice. Until she knows them without having to stop and think about them.
You don't need a tutor. You just need to have her work on her facts. There are computer games that you could have her use. Or have her drill with flashcards daily. Or my dad used to make me write them 100 times each. Or there are lots of games and books and gadgets at bookstores and educational stores; however you have her work on it, the main thing is she needs lots of practice. Lots and lots of practice. Until she knows them without having to stop and think about them.
Do you think today's kids are better off than kids 50 year ago?
Q. With the modern world's electronic gadgets, the Internet, rules and regulations, political correctness, school standards, two-income homes, suburban living, etc., are children better off than 50 years ago? Or worse off?
A. That depends on which kids and what you mean by "better off." In general, kids today have more financial security, better health care, more educational and career opportunities, are safer and more protected, and face less prejudice and discrimination than kids of the 50's. On the other hand, they face more pressure to achieve, are more likely to experience their parents' divorce, spend more time in front of computers, eat less healthy foods, get less exercise, have to worry more about strangers and predators, and are expected to be mature at an early age.
I would say neither is better or worse than the other. But I personally would prefer the kind of childhood I had, which was closer to the generation of the 50's. I've tried to give my kids some of those same experiences.
I would say neither is better or worse than the other. But I personally would prefer the kind of childhood I had, which was closer to the generation of the 50's. I've tried to give my kids some of those same experiences.
Children's electronic gadgets Vs playing outside in the nature?
Q. Nowadays there are thousands of different kinds of toys for children out there. However, I find it sad that these toys (especially the electronic gadgets) make children "loose contact" with nature? (i mean, quite a lot of them do not really play outside anymore). What do you think about this?
A. I agree. The concept of a lot of them is to be educational, atleast the ones for little kids, and that's all good. My daughter's got the leap pad and the leapster game system (and others!) and it's cool because she learns while she's
playing, but there is no substitute for hands on learning with another human being. We can't expect our children to learn everything from an electronic device, or even a book. We go outside and she can ask questions and we can discover things and it is so much more enriching to her mind. That totally beats sitting inside with some expensive toys because we get to spend time with each other at the same time.
I think that it also has a lot to do with the fact that a lot of moms are really busy these days. I think a big idea behind buying some of the toys is that it can keep the kids occupied by themselves so mom can get some work done, or just get a rest. Granted, if you're going to buy them, atleast get something educational instead of something that will load their minds with crap. Children need to have some sense of imagination as well to be mentally and emotionally stable. Nature presents a wonderful inspiration for children to be able to create their own fantasies. Not only that, playing outside and getting fresh air can aleve restlessness and boredom for children as well, allowing them to get a better nights sleep.
playing, but there is no substitute for hands on learning with another human being. We can't expect our children to learn everything from an electronic device, or even a book. We go outside and she can ask questions and we can discover things and it is so much more enriching to her mind. That totally beats sitting inside with some expensive toys because we get to spend time with each other at the same time.
I think that it also has a lot to do with the fact that a lot of moms are really busy these days. I think a big idea behind buying some of the toys is that it can keep the kids occupied by themselves so mom can get some work done, or just get a rest. Granted, if you're going to buy them, atleast get something educational instead of something that will load their minds with crap. Children need to have some sense of imagination as well to be mentally and emotionally stable. Nature presents a wonderful inspiration for children to be able to create their own fantasies. Not only that, playing outside and getting fresh air can aleve restlessness and boredom for children as well, allowing them to get a better nights sleep.
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