Saturday, October 26, 2013

What should I do about my 3 year olds behavior?

best kids toys 3 year old
 on best kids toys for 1 year old on Riding Toys for Girls and Boys ...
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My 3 year old can be really bad he doesn't listen, he yells, he hits, he spits,he throws stuff, he breaks his toys he talks back, he throws fits and he has been potty trained since he was 2 but lately he has been not telling me when he has to pee all the time, he will just be standing there and pee his pants when we are at home, he peed in one of his toys the other day, he is also mean to other kids sometimes and adults he will push them and hit them and he spills his drinks on the floor and in the car on purpose. I have tried taking his toys, time out, putting him in the corner, talking to him, smacking his butt. Does anyone have any advice and is this normal behavior?

The ways you are disciplining are either for older kids (taking away toys) or just plain ineffective (spanking to teach don't hit? how does that make sense?).

You need to take on a more positive view of discipline. You need to be teaching him the correct ways to behave, not just reacting to what you don't like. Model the behavior you want, praise him when he does something you want to re enforce. When he hits, take his hands and tell him that hitting isn't kind and that he needs to use his words when he is mad or sad. The same applies when he throws toys. When he yells tell him you can't understand yelling and that he needs to use a softer voice. Don't respond to him until he can be calmer. And make sure you don't yell at him, that just teaches him that behavior is acceptable.

What would a 6 year old girl want for christmas?

Mad as a H

At my moms work, there's some program where you can give a family christmas gifts. My mom put me in charge of finding gifts for the kids. There is a 2 year old girl, a 3 year old boy, and a 6 year old girl. The smaller ones are easy to get gifts for. A stuffed animal and toy car or something. But six year old? So, any one know any six year old girls who have been asking constantly for some thing for christmas?

I always wanted the popular doll, or a barbie vehicle. They have cheap barbies at walmart. She might also like playdoh or something like that. Tea party set....pretty much any really girly toy, most 6 yr old girls would love :)

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