Sunday, February 16, 2014

Toddler Behavior, how can I keep the peace?

Amanda A

I am the mom of two children, ages 2 and 3. It seems like here lately the only thing they want to do is fuss, fight, and scream at each other. I am so confused I don't know what to do, I make them stand in the Corner and they still continue five minutes later. Please help, with suggestions and advice experienced mothers, fathers, and teachers anyone who can give real advice not snobby answers!

Try setting them activities that make them work together, things like washing garden toys or painting something. You could also try introducing hobbies to them that they have to help each other with, such as football or some other sport. This might also tire them out and they'll be too tired to fight :P

What are toddlers "into" these days (in the UK)?


Hey everyone

I'm 22 and about to start full time work experience as a teaching assistant in a nursery class and have just realised how clueless I am! I love children, but have no siblings or younger cousins and at the moment the only experience I have at home is with 11-13 year olds (boyfriend's little brother and his friends)

So my question is what do 3-4 year old children like these days? More specifically what TV programs, toys, books, films, (magazines even) etc are targeted at children this age? I know which programs and cartoons I liked as a child but I'm pretty sure times have moved on...I'd really like to know in case they start talking to me about things they like and watch and do...

Any other advice and help also welcome :) Thank you!

my boys like
handy manny
mickey mouse clubhouse
scooby doo
toy story
timmy time
phineas and ferb
riding bikes
playing with there little sisters
going on there trampoline
running around the garden
going on there daddy yacht
swimming in the pool
playing with the dogs
dr. seuss books

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