Thursday, June 27, 2013

what are some quality open-ended toys every child should have?

best quality toys for kids
 on Best Toys for Kids 2012 - The TreeHouse Toy Store Buffalo, NY
best quality toys for kids image


besides wooden blocks, legos, tinkertoys etc. what are which children can use their imagination? Looking for ideas for all ages- store bought as well as homemade toys- links would be great?

I don't know how old your kids are, or what gender but here are a few from mixed age groups:

-Lincoln logs

-A Marble Run (my son loves it)

-A Playmobile set (there are many, here's one))

-Lacing Beads

-Mr. Potato Head bucket

-A Sand and Water Table (you can also bring it inside in the winter and put beans in it, the water wheels usually work great with the beans too.)

-A Costume area
(this one in the link is really inexpensive, I'm sure you could come up with an inexpensive area on your own)

-A Kitchen (The Play Wonder kitchen sets are so neat, actually everything Play Wonder brand I've seen, is great, quality, and very imaginative!)

-Melissa and Doug Puzzles

Some great books with great homemade ideas are:


Toddler Theme-a-saurus

More Mudpies 101 Alternatives to Television

I could go on, but I've got things to do, if you'd like more Ideas let me know!

Who thinks American companies should reduce manufacturing in China?


Chineses companies have consistently bad products- poisonous dog food, lead-coated kids toys, unsterilized recycled chopsticks, deadly medication/food and many other careless and dumb public health-risk products. These are not simple mistakes but mistakes due to a non-rigorous safety code/culture (just think about it.) There is no telling how long these bad production-practices have been going on. They are overwhelmed! I say production should move to Africa. Contrary to what the media makes people think, not all African countries are war-torn and you can get the labor in Africa just as well as you can get in China.
Plus, you can tell they are overwhelmed by a CEO over there committing suicide, the Chinese head of their food and device adminstration was executed and many other things like this.

Anytime you manufacture in a country without good regulatory agencies, you are going to have this problem whether it is China, Africa, Bangladesh or any other country... If American manufacturers aren't demanding quality assurance in the products they make in foreign countries, no amount of moving around is going to make their products safer. That's why American manufacturers go there in the first place. It adds to their cost when they have to follow government regulations on safety and quality assurance. American consumers have to boycott foreign goods until they are proven safe. That's the only way to get the message across to manufacturers.

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