Monday, June 24, 2013

toddler christmas craft idea?

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i was thinking of some cute ideas to do with my daughter when she came up to me with the toy catalogue and was showing me what she wants!
i came up with he idea of having her cut out the pictures of what she wants and sticking them on a big piece of paper creating her own "christmas wish list"
What do you think of this?
Also can you suggest any other ideas?

I think that's a great idea, but you should plan to do some other things, so she doesn't get the idea that Christmas is only about gifts for her. Also, make sure she knows that Santa doesn't always bring everything. You don't want her to be disappointed on Christmas morning because she thought she'd get everything she asked for.

You can make gifts for beloved friends and relatives with squares of unbleached muslin, a plain wooden embroidery hoop, and some fabric paint. Stretch the muslin into the hoop and paint her hand with the paint. Make a hand print. Let it dry, and you can use a fabric marker to write anything you want-like "Christmas 2010 Jennifer", or whatever. thread some narrow ribbon through the fastener on the hoop so it can be hung up on the wall or a tree. If you want to get fancy, you can sew lace on the edges of the muslin.

Remember shrinky dinks? You can buy the plastic at a craft store. Have your child help you trace a Christmas shape (cookie cutters are good for this) and then fill it in with the markers. You would cut it out and bake it. Make sure to punch a hole in it, so it can be hung.

You can cut out cardboard shapes that your child can paint. Paste a picture of your child in the middle and surround with little pine cones or other decorative shapes (buttons, scraps) that she can help you glue on. This can also be hung

Cut out the separate parts of the egg carton. Paint and pull a ribbon or pipe cleaner through to hang on a tree to look like a bell. (I still have some of these from when one of my children was little)

And even though she's little, you can have her help you mix when you're baking. She can also help decorate cookies.

Have a great time with your daughter on the holidays. Consult you library for more ideas.

What are problems caused by gangs?


1. (And the most important) CHILD ABUSE. By making the neighborhood where families live unsafe... By making damn sure that the children in the neighborhood live in fear 24/7 that a stray bullet might come through their window and kill their family... By making it so that a child has no sense of security for the entirety of their childhood, you end up with traumatized children that end up acting out. (Usually Violently for males, Sexually for females, but chicks can get violent as well.)

Children of Trauma end up seeing that environment as "Normal", which results in even those that get out of the negative environment being unable to cope with their feelings and treating their own children the way that they were raised. The generational transmission of trauma always leads to a slight escalation between this generation and the next, greater and greater trauma and chaos being accepted as "Normal".

2. Exploitation of women and children. Women abused as children, raised by mentally ill parent/s, addict parent/s, gang member parent/s, end up acting out sexually and can end up being taken advantage of by gangs either for use as mules, sex toys for the gang, or prostitutes raising money for the gangs in exchange for drugs. Children end up getting exploited by indoctrinating them from the womb into believing that they can't accomplish anything in their lives without the gang... The gang will be a better family than their actual family...

3. Violence due to inter-gang warfare, drug dealing, drug transporting, etc. In Chicago, it isn't unheard of to have the first weekend of Spring where the temperature gets over 65'F end up having double digit shootings. ALWAYS in black neighborhoods... ALWAYS involving gang members... ALWAYS ending up killing small kids that were out on the street, unsupervised, after 1:00am.

You need to watch the History Channel Show "Gang Land". SPECIFICALLY the episodes about Chicago Gangs.

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