Thursday, July 25, 2013

help organizing my 5 year olds closet and room?

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 on Kids Safety Trampoline with Handle
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so my 5 year old has a very small a coat closet...i do not have bins or anything but its a mess with toys and she cannot reach her clothes. her room is a disaster. i do have a cube organizer but she has soooo much stuff..that she will not part with and no where to put never looks clean..HELP! and i cannot afford to go buy the cool closet organizers so please any household ideas plz.

Drop-box organizing is really best for kids that age. You organize shoe boxes or plastic bins in the cubes or on the shelves, and that way when she want the box of one thing she takes it out, then drops everything back in and puts it away.

As for the height of the clothing, your best bet is to lower the bar to her height but that would take up the bottom where you want to put the cubicals. So it really is a mater of what you need more-- the cubicals in the closet, or the bar lower.

Maybe you can get the clothes down for tomorrow and put them on the doorknob or something, or designate a place for her to put her hangers and re-hang her clothes, and then you just have to grab them and put them up top.

Parting with some toys is going to be difficult, you can tell her that the room is too crowded so you're going to put the toys on a rotation. Ask her to separate them and put half in a box that you will store elsewhere (your room, or the garage, whatever).

Tell her that after a few weeks, you will bring the old box in and she can switch out whatever she wants-- and since she hasn't seen them it will be like having new toys all over again. Explain she's not losing them, you're just trying to keep them organized by switching them out-- you can even mark "switch day" on a calender and she can look forward to it each month.

But after a couple of months you'll start to see what stays on the bottom of the box that she doesn't touch at all, and you might be able to start convincing her to part with them.

One way I got my kids when reluctant to part with old toys is by telling them to trade them in-- bring them to a thrift shop to trade in for a credit-- bring 10 things and they get to pick out one new one (sometimes their stuff wasn't worth anything so I'd put $2 or $3 down for credit myself).

Once you do get things in order the most important thing is going to be training her to keep up with it, so it's important to strictly enforce rules like 1 thing at a time/put away when done, or have big fun clean up times together and make it fun. Give her lots of praise for keeping her things in order.

What are some game ideas for a 5 year old boy's birthday party?


I'm planning a birthday party for a 5 year old boy (there will be girls and boys of this age at the party). Theme doesn't matter...just wondering if anybody has some games or activities that can be done?

pin the tail on the donkey board games card games duck duck goose tag if you are going to get a jumper let them play in it A piniata is always a hit at our parties, we do one every year. Potato sac races, use pillow cases. Treasure hunts....break out the easter eggs, fill them with some goodies, have a few special eggs, gold or with stars and those kids get a prize..or not. Pin the tail on the donkey, they have different versions now. If there are alot of kids you can have a girl and boy theme game. Bingo, musical chairs, the limbo, Have a table set up with coloring books, water colors, playdoh or a craft for when the kids are "out' of a game or get boared.
Instead of a cake have make your own cupcakes, have icing, different sprinkles and candies to put on them. I would still have a small cake to sing Happy Birthday and for the adults.
The piniata is such a huge hit at all our parties, I don't like to give alot of candy so instead of goodie bags i do a super duper pinata. I put punching balloons(HUGE hit) whistles, noise makers, small toys, jewlerey for the girls(neclaces, rings bracelets) tiny bottles of bubbles, and some candy. Just so the kids know they arent getting goodie bags, I get colored lunch bags and write the kids name and goodie bag on them before hand. This way the kids get to play with the stuff they get at the party, they seem to have alot of fun this way and it takes up alot of time. When my kids get a goodie bag at a party, itis junky stuff, they look at it in the car and like it but never seem to play with it at home, and I am mean, I let them have one or two pieces of candy and hide the rest, or eat it if it is

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