best vintage kids toys image
John Arkan
I have old vintage toys, Japanese robots; Sideshow collectibles; action figures.,etc. I wanted to trade, buy or sell with other collectors.
Howdy John, I'm a fellow toy collector and I have had no luck with any clubs, well none that are active anyway. I collect anything from Japan plus Legos , action figures (any) Pokemon (for the kids) , mostly 70's and 80's toys. Send me an email. I'd like to know what you have.
Howdy John, I'm a fellow toy collector and I have had no luck with any clubs, well none that are active anyway. I collect anything from Japan plus Legos , action figures (any) Pokemon (for the kids) , mostly 70's and 80's toys. Send me an email. I'd like to know what you have.
What should I buy the kids for Christmas?
Country Ch
My fiancé and I will be doing our Christmas shopping next week and I could use some help with ideas for his kids. His daughter is the easy one but his son isn't. He's 15, plays videogames, plays football, rides his bike even when it's cold and raining. I was thinking just get him a gift card of some kind but that's not all I want to give him. Any ideas would be very helpful.
when i was 15 i really did prefer gift cards. then i could get what i wanted. if he likes football, maybe you can get some tickets for a football game. doesnt necessarily have to be NFL but maybe a college game, or even a good highschool game. if he likes to ride his bike alot, you can get him some bike accessory to encourage him to keep using it and stay active. maybe like, i dunno, a trailor thing for the bike so he can go shopping with it, they have these weird covering things you put over your bike, and its like a kind of a shelter thing lol sounds weird but if he likes to bike in the rain its something to look into. i suppose you can get him a new video game but it might be better to get him a gift certificate for one, for an electronics store, or if he plays a certain game you can sometimes buy cards for the game itself so they can buy weapons and stuff for their characters. there are also all kinds of collectors items related to video games out there. toys and stuff related to the game. you can also try to find a vintage video game set, like an old original nintendo system or atari or something like that, with some games. you can try on ebay, or other local trading posts. if it works and has all the proper cords and paddles, they can be alot of fun for a video game fan. some of those old games are harder than new ones. so theres original Nintendo. called Nintendo entertainment system, or NES for short, then there is Super Nintendo System, SNES, and there are other brands, like Sega, You can get Sega Genisis, or Sega Saturn, Or SegaMegaDrive. There are older ones still, like Atari (remember Pong?) or a brand called Coleco. there are others still. you can check out http://www.old-computers.com/ for more information on those games and other old computer systems. they also sometimes feature items for sale on there. but at least it can give you brand names and games to look up. personally, if i was a 15 year old video game fan, i would want one of those old systems, because vintage is the cool thing these days. prices range from very cheap, like 20 dollars for the system with some games, to a hundred dollars or more, depending on the system, and how many games the person has to sell with them. you can also try to find some at pawn shops. some of those old systems also had alot of extra things you could purchase seperately. like the duck hunt gun for NES, Nes also had a glove controller, allowing you to control your man with your hand rather than a paddle, and there are those dance step mat thingies as well. NES was the most successful home arcade system in its day, and had the most extra features, which you can still find online sometimes, though they can be pricey sometimes because they are collectors items but hey you can tell him, i got ya the system if you want the added extra things do some housework and save your allowance. he can do his own hunting for them and learn how to make online purchases and go to yardsales etc
I've played a variety of different systems, and my personal favourites were my original Nintendo NES, and also sega genesis.they are probably the easiest ones to find these days as well, and had the most games which you can still find. one thing to beware of however, is that these old games are not on cd's like today, but old style cartridges that look kind of like an old 8track thing. and they can get dusty inside the game cartridge. if its dusty, it wont work right in the machine. you can sometimes fix this by blowing and blowing and blowing into the cartridge to get the dust out. you can also try those air can duster things you buy at walmart. the machines themselves can get dusty as well, and if it is, it wont load the game. i used to have to open the door of the machine and blow into it until my lungs fell out. but that usually did fix the problem. you can also use those air cans in the machine too. so if you purchase an old system like NES or any of those, make sure its not dirty and dusty, and i would ask the seller to plug in the machine and load a game up for you to see, to verify it works. .
when i was 15 i really did prefer gift cards. then i could get what i wanted. if he likes football, maybe you can get some tickets for a football game. doesnt necessarily have to be NFL but maybe a college game, or even a good highschool game. if he likes to ride his bike alot, you can get him some bike accessory to encourage him to keep using it and stay active. maybe like, i dunno, a trailor thing for the bike so he can go shopping with it, they have these weird covering things you put over your bike, and its like a kind of a shelter thing lol sounds weird but if he likes to bike in the rain its something to look into. i suppose you can get him a new video game but it might be better to get him a gift certificate for one, for an electronics store, or if he plays a certain game you can sometimes buy cards for the game itself so they can buy weapons and stuff for their characters. there are also all kinds of collectors items related to video games out there. toys and stuff related to the game. you can also try to find a vintage video game set, like an old original nintendo system or atari or something like that, with some games. you can try on ebay, or other local trading posts. if it works and has all the proper cords and paddles, they can be alot of fun for a video game fan. some of those old games are harder than new ones. so theres original Nintendo. called Nintendo entertainment system, or NES for short, then there is Super Nintendo System, SNES, and there are other brands, like Sega, You can get Sega Genisis, or Sega Saturn, Or SegaMegaDrive. There are older ones still, like Atari (remember Pong?) or a brand called Coleco. there are others still. you can check out http://www.old-computers.com/ for more information on those games and other old computer systems. they also sometimes feature items for sale on there. but at least it can give you brand names and games to look up. personally, if i was a 15 year old video game fan, i would want one of those old systems, because vintage is the cool thing these days. prices range from very cheap, like 20 dollars for the system with some games, to a hundred dollars or more, depending on the system, and how many games the person has to sell with them. you can also try to find some at pawn shops. some of those old systems also had alot of extra things you could purchase seperately. like the duck hunt gun for NES, Nes also had a glove controller, allowing you to control your man with your hand rather than a paddle, and there are those dance step mat thingies as well. NES was the most successful home arcade system in its day, and had the most extra features, which you can still find online sometimes, though they can be pricey sometimes because they are collectors items but hey you can tell him, i got ya the system if you want the added extra things do some housework and save your allowance. he can do his own hunting for them and learn how to make online purchases and go to yardsales etc
I've played a variety of different systems, and my personal favourites were my original Nintendo NES, and also sega genesis.they are probably the easiest ones to find these days as well, and had the most games which you can still find. one thing to beware of however, is that these old games are not on cd's like today, but old style cartridges that look kind of like an old 8track thing. and they can get dusty inside the game cartridge. if its dusty, it wont work right in the machine. you can sometimes fix this by blowing and blowing and blowing into the cartridge to get the dust out. you can also try those air can duster things you buy at walmart. the machines themselves can get dusty as well, and if it is, it wont load the game. i used to have to open the door of the machine and blow into it until my lungs fell out. but that usually did fix the problem. you can also use those air cans in the machine too. so if you purchase an old system like NES or any of those, make sure its not dirty and dusty, and i would ask the seller to plug in the machine and load a game up for you to see, to verify it works. .
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