Saturday, July 27, 2013

When did you move your LO to a toddler or regular size bed?

best toddler toys 18 months
 on Winners of the 2008-9 Best Baby Toy (6-18 Months) are:
best toddler toys 18 months image

Mrs. Z plu

With our first he went to a toddler bed when he was almost 3 years old. We moved in to a new house and decided -new house, new bed-

Our LO is 18 months old and tonight was VERY close to jumping ship out of his crib. I never had this problem with our first.

I am up for tips and suggestions. He has a 4 step convertible crib right now.

My kids are both top of the charts for height. At 15 months, my son was too tall for his crib. We took out his mattress and put it directly on the floor. We felt a little badly about it, but he just wasn't big enough for a toddler bed and may have hurt himself if he fell out.

Since then, we have found out that tons of parents do this before transitioning to a toddler bed.

Our son absolutely loved it as we had some safe toys and books, plus his cup of water. He would wait until we left the room, hop out of bed and read himself to a drowsy stage before climbing into his bed and falling asleep.

What are some good learning toys to buy a toddler for Christmas?


My son is 18 months old and I am not sure what to get him other than what I already have. I wanted to get him something specifically aimed at learning, not just fun time.

It may sound weird, but at this age - EVERYTHING is a learning toy. Your child will be able to learn from anything. Kids are sponges at this age and absorb everything from how something feels, to the noise it makes, to the way it moves, etc.

My son always loved things with wheels. He would flip cars over just to play with the wheels - especially ones that you could pull back, and then they'd go forward on their own. You could see the excitement in his face when he figured out how to do this on his own. =)

I've read articles that said constantly giving your baby toys that are teaching, and learning things can actually be detrimental. They say it limits a child's imagination. If a toy is telling your child that something is a bear.. then it's a bear. Nothing more. It's not a magical bear with super powers.. or a bear that loves to eat vanilla pudding.. it's just a bear.

My son does have some learning toys, but I've found he doesn't like them that much. (He likes cause and effect toys like keyboards/pianos.. those pop a shape things, etc where you have to do something to make something happen)

Here's a list of the top 5 educational toddler toys :


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