Saturday, July 6, 2013

What are some appropriate toys for a 3 year old?

good kids learning toys
 on It's a good idea to be prepared with a gift idea for the inquisitive ...
good kids learning toys image


Well hell be 3 jan 31st.I need help figuring out what to get my son for christmas..No learning toys..I already know what im getting when it comes to that..I am at a loss as to what to get him this year..Any suggestions..What does everyone's 3 yr old's play with? Thanks in advance..
He has a ton of play-doh and crafts stuff.Im looking for just toys right now.

If you haven't already, introduce him to T-Ball. Buy him a t-ball set with bases, ball and bat, the works. Boys love that. Then help him to learn to play and enroll him in the sport when he's a little older. Also a v-smile could work. Kids love video games, and they're made for children. You can buy diego games, spider-man, etc. Also things like, power wheels, roller blades, other sports things, etc. Hope this helps... Good luck!

Is there a free version of Turbo Tax? What are some things we can claim that aren't obvious?


I did our taxes last year with the free version of H&R block. It was okay, but I heard of ALL these things you can claim that they didn't give me the option of claiming with the H&R block one. I want to use Turbo Tax. Has anyone used that, the free version? Is it any good? We have 3 kids- is it really possible to claim learning toys we buy for them?

We use Tax Act. It's They found us a TON of deductions we didn't know we could take. They just ask very detailed questions about your life and money. Make sure you have a receipt for everything you're going to deduct, though!!!

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