Wednesday, August 21, 2013

How can i get my 5 and 7 year old to listen and not get in trouble?

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What is the most effective way to get a 5 and 7 year old to do what they are told to do the first time? I have to repeat myself at least 5 times before they get the hint while raising my voice. They seem to seek out trouble instead of avoid it because they know the discipline they receive will not be as harsh as it should be. What is the best way to get them to listen and what is the best punishment if they don't? They are both boys.

I am guessing these aren't your kids if they are not your kids than put them in time out for 5 min for the 5 year old and 7 min for the 7 year if they are your kids punish them by taking toys away, putting them in time out, or a good old fashioned spanking would work.

Which is the best age for a kid to start to learn music in a more formal way?

I want my kids to learn to play a musical instrument. I always have heard that the earliest the kid starts is the better; my kids are 3, 4 and 7 years old. I want to hear personal experiences too, thanks!!!
My 4 and 7 years old kids had been asking me for musical instruments, however, my 3 years old boy has not show yet any interest in music but I would like him to learn something. Should I push him a little or wait some more?

The recorder is usually an easy instrument for child to learn to play because it isn’t difficult for small hands to handle. Many toy stores sell very inexpensive recorders but I would suggest you invest a little money because the sound is far superior. We got a very nice recorder from Courtly Music for less than $30.00. My daughter took private recorder lessons for 4 years starting when she was 7 years old. Originally the plan was she would only take recorder lessons for about 1 to 2 years and then switch to the flute but she liked her teacher and so she stayed with it a bit longer. She did eventually play the flute in the school band and for a time was playing 2 instruments.

I started taking piano lessons when I was 7 years old but I beleive children can start earlier; it just depends on their patience and interest level.

No matter what instrument your child decides to play the most important thing is finding a good teacher. A teacher who can develop good rapport which your child is paramount. If your child does not like and respect the teacher then you are wasteing your time and money.

I hope this helps. Good luck!

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