Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What does ergonomics & anthropometrics mean in product design?

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Jagex T

For my product design coursework we are designing a new childerens toy and i need to research ergonomics & anthropometrics for kids what does it mean? Please?

Thanks - 10 points for best answer!!

ergonomic would be its safety and comfort to the human body and its usability. For children, something like size would need to be considered as you won't want the parts to be swallowed. Here is some info on it:

anthropometric- from what I have read, since this is designed for children hand grip of the toy based on children hand size is important

you could probably ask for more info here:

Will getting a dog help my children overcome their fear of dogs?

Love my ba

I have two kids who are 2 and 4. They are deathly afraid of dogs, I mean absolutely terrified. If they see a dog DOWN THE ROAD that is even on a chain and it is barking they still freak out and run inside. The main problem is my 4 year old. He is so scared of dogs that it's almost ridiculous. My daughter who is 2 is also scared of dogs but I believe it's only because of her big brother being afraid of dogs. When he is not around to show fear, she is interested in dogs and even pets them, but doesn't want to be put down or I guess in a position where the dog could get her. The main problem is when they come at my kids, playful or not if they come running at my kids that's when they really get scared. Or bark loudly at my kids. If they are far away and playing or doing something funny like chasing a toy my son will laugh and laugh but if they get near that's when he gets scared. He has no reason to have this fear but has had it since before the age of 1. I am wondering if I get a dog, maybe one that is a little older past the puppy stage like 2 or 3 that is calm and not all jumpy, but still plays, and is very sweet and loving, if it will help my children over come their fear? At least to some degree? Has anyone has experience with this? Also if you could recommend and good bread for this? I am shelter currently has at a Puggle, and a beagle lab mix that I have been looking at pictures who are both 2-4 years old and cute! Thanks for any help

No no no no. Your kids should feel safe in their own home. That means no dog until they are ready for it. Further, kids age 2 and 4 are NOT a good home for the dog either. The younger child especially is at the age where kids can be absolutely abusive to a dog (or any animal) without understanding the consequences. That's why THOUSANDS of toddlers are bitten every year....

Here is a website with some good ideas for you to try:

In 2011, there were 43,989 dog bites reported for kids age 4 and under. And I'm betting at least that same number went unreported....

BTW, "cute" should be the LAST consideration. Wait until your youngest is 5 before getting something like a Lab or Golden Retriever, or a cross of those. That will give you lots of time to work on your children's phobias.

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