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I didn't raise him to be this way , he did not play with this girl toys as a kid I believe this is something that has just sprang up !
First of all I am his father and yes I believe he chose this behavior to try and hurt our family !
Sorry to be so blunt, but you did your son a big favor by kicking him out of the house. I can only imagine how he suffered growing up and having to keep his true nature concealed from the people who are supposed to love him the most - his family.
What makes you think he CHOSE this behavior? Have you even tried to understand the science on homosexuality? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/12/why-are-there-gay-men_n_1590501.html?utm_hp_ref=sex
You are seriously narcissistic if you think he "chose" this behavior to hurt the rest of the family. It's not about YOU!
And how would it "hurt" the family? Is your family so dysfunctional and weak that they would be "hurt" by the cruel opinions of pinheads? You seriously need to re-think what is important in your life.
The loss is yours.
Sorry to be so blunt, but you did your son a big favor by kicking him out of the house. I can only imagine how he suffered growing up and having to keep his true nature concealed from the people who are supposed to love him the most - his family.
What makes you think he CHOSE this behavior? Have you even tried to understand the science on homosexuality? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/12/why-are-there-gay-men_n_1590501.html?utm_hp_ref=sex
You are seriously narcissistic if you think he "chose" this behavior to hurt the rest of the family. It's not about YOU!
And how would it "hurt" the family? Is your family so dysfunctional and weak that they would be "hurt" by the cruel opinions of pinheads? You seriously need to re-think what is important in your life.
The loss is yours.
Is Lucas Arts going to make any more Star Wars movies?
I think all of the star wars movies are great,but what happens after Luke save the galaxy?? Some people would like to know. I have read stories of him and Leia getting getting married and having kids but i don't like to read books i want to watch it in a action film.
Unfortunately no amount of "waiting, or kicking back, or being patient" will change the facts. The fact is that there will NOT be anymore live action Star Wars movies ... anyone who says differently is so full of it that it is pouring out of their ears. I wouldn't be surprised to see some of the book series come out in an animated form, doubt it will be to theaters more likely direct to DVD things, but there will not be anymore live action movies.
We all know that Lucas has the ability to change his mind with the direction of the wind but in this case I think we can believe him. In the years since the release of ep III Lucas has been asked two questions over and over and over and over again ... first, will he ever make anymore Star Wars movies and will he allow someone else to pick up where he left off. For the past four years the answer to those two questions has never changed ... NO ... and ... NO ... that's about as close to written in stone as you can get from Lucas. It only came to light last year but shortly after the release of ep III Lucas made a "minor" change to his Will. Everybody still gets all the same "stuff" BUT it has a condition to it now ... if any one of them ever allows anyone to make more movies or remake the ones already done everybody looses everything. We are talking millions and millions of dollars here ... do you really think they will risk it ... neither do I.
I do have to say that this is the first time I've ever seen anybody "witching" about Luke and Mara getting married ... personally I thought they were the perfect couple.
The future of Star Wars is animation ... the current series is running full steam ahead and will be around for a long time ... the live action TV series set in between ep III and ep IV is on track to debut in the fall of 2010 ... Lucas is still looking at the target date of 2012 to bring all 6 movies back to theaters in a true 3-D format. There's a ton of stuff that will be going on in the Star Wars world but none of that stuff will be new movies ... ticks me off too but George owns it all lock stock and barrel and what he says goes.
May The Force Be With You ...
EDIT: To "Boba Fett": Not really ... lol ... keeps my point total up. Now the "reboot" Star Wars questions ... hell hath no fury like an old school fan having his memories messed with ...
EDIT 2: Unless Lucas changes his mind ... then I'll be just another idiot who took him at his word and got hosed again ... I think might have to grab my toy lightsabres and go have a "talk" with the man if he does that ... lol ... but only after he's done making the new movies of course.
Unfortunately no amount of "waiting, or kicking back, or being patient" will change the facts. The fact is that there will NOT be anymore live action Star Wars movies ... anyone who says differently is so full of it that it is pouring out of their ears. I wouldn't be surprised to see some of the book series come out in an animated form, doubt it will be to theaters more likely direct to DVD things, but there will not be anymore live action movies.
We all know that Lucas has the ability to change his mind with the direction of the wind but in this case I think we can believe him. In the years since the release of ep III Lucas has been asked two questions over and over and over and over again ... first, will he ever make anymore Star Wars movies and will he allow someone else to pick up where he left off. For the past four years the answer to those two questions has never changed ... NO ... and ... NO ... that's about as close to written in stone as you can get from Lucas. It only came to light last year but shortly after the release of ep III Lucas made a "minor" change to his Will. Everybody still gets all the same "stuff" BUT it has a condition to it now ... if any one of them ever allows anyone to make more movies or remake the ones already done everybody looses everything. We are talking millions and millions of dollars here ... do you really think they will risk it ... neither do I.
I do have to say that this is the first time I've ever seen anybody "witching" about Luke and Mara getting married ... personally I thought they were the perfect couple.
The future of Star Wars is animation ... the current series is running full steam ahead and will be around for a long time ... the live action TV series set in between ep III and ep IV is on track to debut in the fall of 2010 ... Lucas is still looking at the target date of 2012 to bring all 6 movies back to theaters in a true 3-D format. There's a ton of stuff that will be going on in the Star Wars world but none of that stuff will be new movies ... ticks me off too but George owns it all lock stock and barrel and what he says goes.
May The Force Be With You ...
EDIT: To "Boba Fett": Not really ... lol ... keeps my point total up. Now the "reboot" Star Wars questions ... hell hath no fury like an old school fan having his memories messed with ...
EDIT 2: Unless Lucas changes his mind ... then I'll be just another idiot who took him at his word and got hosed again ... I think might have to grab my toy lightsabres and go have a "talk" with the man if he does that ... lol ... but only after he's done making the new movies of course.
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