Friday, September 6, 2013

When will the fading generation take responsibility for this economy they left the youth and blame Obama for?

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Growth vs

What generations sold kids lead paint toys? What generations are willing to sell a loan they themselves would not take? What generations did not use the best of the best equipment available to drill safer? What generation wants to raise the retirement age on the youth?

Easy there. A lot of the good you have is down to them and a lot of the bad is because a select few made the decisions while fooling the rest.

Obama is simply trying to clear the mess he was given by many years of Bush.

Why would I vote for generation outsources republican party?

Demand Des

They would not even pass a made in America prevision. Companies don't have feelings or we would not have lead paint toys to kids. And saying it is up to the parents to check for killer products does not fly with me.

because republicans create jobs not more welfare
romney started STAPLES

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