Thursday, December 26, 2013

What do these ages of kids like to play with?

best toys for kids 4
 on Toys For Kids Up To 6 Months Old-All About Best Toys For Kids
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Q. Toys and stuff that my daughter can bring along when she babysits and can u seperate them by girl and boy toys?
Pre-school kids: ages 2-3
Toddlers: 4-6
School Age:6-10

toys like barbies or legos and non-expensive stuff

Ages 2-3 Girls& Boys (boys and girls are really the same at that age)

Elmo dvds& play toys,dora dvds, Lots of disney dvds like robin hood, and little kids love seasme street and elmo, (girls only) dolls like cabage patch or one at dollar store

4-6 Girls

Barbies Bratz Webkinz hannah montana stuff dressup spongebob and nick stuff dora & doodlebops stuff

4-6 Boys

Matchbox cars

How to calm down a child with anxiety?


I worked at what's called "After School Care", where we deal with primary school kids (aged 4 to 12) before and after school, and during the school holidays. The majority of the kids that we work with are pretty relaxed- between all of the toys and activities we arrange for them, visiting can be the highlight of their day.
Being in Australia, the new school year started in late January/early February, so the kids have all had time to settle down. However there is one particular child (she's in prep, so about aged four or five) that is still suffering from quite a lot of anxiety. She is clearly taking a lot longer than the other newcomers to settle in. For a while she found it difficult to separate herself from her Mum in the mornings (which resulted in tears), and in the afternoons she'd often end up crying about how much she missed her (which is understandable, what with her being so young and suddenly being away from the comfort of home 5 days a week). Thankfully we've managed to calm her down to the point where she isn't so worried about leaving her parents anymore.
Unfortunately, she seems to have taken a particular liking to one other staff member and myself (me in particular). When it comes time to walk her down to the classroom before school starts, she often becomes very clingy and breaks down into tears, and we usually end up having to pry her off our legs and over to her teacher. As for when she sees us wandering around the school, she'll often run over, bear hug you, and not want to let go.
She's an absolutely gorgeous little girl, and I always feel terrible for having to leave her feeling so anxious. I should also probably mention that she's rather frightened of the 12 year old boys, who are considerably larger (and a hell of a lot rougher) than she is.
We try to make her experience as relaxed as possible by engaging her in activities such as drawing or colouring in (which she adores), but what are some other things that can be done to try and calm her down, and make her a little happier about going off without us?

Dancing? music?

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