My kids were until a few months ago the only grandchildren on both sides of the family, so unsurprisingly they have way too many toys already (no fault of ours!). So I'm a bit at a loss for what to get them this Christmas. They don't really have a wish-list (aside from art supplies, and my little guy wants more trucks), but obviously we'd still like to find them something they'd love.
I'm not interested in any toy that beeps, talks, lights up, or otherwise drives parents insane. I'm not interested in what's trendy or ties in with a tv show or purports to be a "learning toy". I'm just wondering for the following age groups what toy or other item your child *plays with* the most? Not the one that cost the most or that they were most excited to get at first or that they're asking for, but the one that they truly love and keep on using month after month?
I'm looking for a 9-year-old, 7-year-old, 5-year-old, and 3-year-old. They're girl-boy-girl-boy, but the girls are pretty tomboyish and the boys are pretty flexible in what they play with, too.
Thanks for your input!
I know 9-year-olds are pretty much past playing too much with "toys" per se ... it doesn't have to be a toy so much as something that your kid really loves.
they would love a pet, but can't because of allergies and asthma (and parental overload ... there are enough living things in this house already!)
okay i apparently missed all the troll/dog drama and am really not trying to be a forum for trolls here. talk about "so high school...."
thanks to the people giving actual help....
You are sooooo cheating! But I will help you, having walked that mile. Plus, hey I like you.
My 9 year old (boy) has been into video games, baseball, soccer (anything where running is promoted), and more recently, cartooning. He likes a "cool room" and gets thrilled at cool stuff for his walls and bedding. Signs like No Girls Allowed, while frowned upon by us level headed grownups, are the living end for a 9 year old boy.
At 3, sadly enough, he liked any toy that beeps, talks, lights up, or otherwise drives parents insane.
Gina's 6, right smack between your 5 and 7 year olds. Pet Shop things are her world. There are all kinds of little pets and playthings for them. They come with toys and houses and accessories. Kind of like a four legged Barbie. About as easy to open as a Barbie too. I'd rather get a raw egg out of a steel box wrapped in barbed wire. But it's for the greater good right? Gina also has a huge immagination, and loves pretending, so we are getting her dress up clothes this year. This was a huge hit with our (now) 18 year old when she was the same age. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Are you handy around the house? For their birthdays Mr. Mozz made Evan a treehouse and Gina a sandbox. Another year we painted their rooms. We rag-rolled Evan's room camoflauge pattern, and Gina's we made stencils around the walls. Can you open this? I dont know if I did it right.
Mostly it boils down to the personality of the child. Cartooning gear is a great choice for Evan but wouldn't be for Gina. Good luck, and pay attention when they go flying into a room to see a particular commercial!
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The dog comment is for me. I'm sorry someone else's drama got dragged into your question. It's inappropriate. Apparently my kids are ugly and I'm a dog. Wasn't much more to it than that. That's a lotta hate.
You are sooooo cheating! But I will help you, having walked that mile. Plus, hey I like you.
My 9 year old (boy) has been into video games, baseball, soccer (anything where running is promoted), and more recently, cartooning. He likes a "cool room" and gets thrilled at cool stuff for his walls and bedding. Signs like No Girls Allowed, while frowned upon by us level headed grownups, are the living end for a 9 year old boy.
At 3, sadly enough, he liked any toy that beeps, talks, lights up, or otherwise drives parents insane.
Gina's 6, right smack between your 5 and 7 year olds. Pet Shop things are her world. There are all kinds of little pets and playthings for them. They come with toys and houses and accessories. Kind of like a four legged Barbie. About as easy to open as a Barbie too. I'd rather get a raw egg out of a steel box wrapped in barbed wire. But it's for the greater good right? Gina also has a huge immagination, and loves pretending, so we are getting her dress up clothes this year. This was a huge hit with our (now) 18 year old when she was the same age. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Are you handy around the house? For their birthdays Mr. Mozz made Evan a treehouse and Gina a sandbox. Another year we painted their rooms. We rag-rolled Evan's room camoflauge pattern, and Gina's we made stencils around the walls. Can you open this? I dont know if I did it right.
Mostly it boils down to the personality of the child. Cartooning gear is a great choice for Evan but wouldn't be for Gina. Good luck, and pay attention when they go flying into a room to see a particular commercial!
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The dog comment is for me. I'm sorry someone else's drama got dragged into your question. It's inappropriate. Apparently my kids are ugly and I'm a dog. Wasn't much more to it than that. That's a lotta hate.
How many toys is too many?!!! HELP!!!?
I have 4 kids, 3 boys and 1 girl. boys are ages 6,4,and 1. girl is about to turn 3. Too many toys! how do i choose what to keep and what to get rid of? and how many to keep?
I'm about to have my 4th, my oldest is 5, and I understand your situation. My husband always complains about the toys. They seem to be reproducing in my playroom. Anyway, at birthdays I let the kids open all the presents, but only take a few favorites out of the box. At Christmas I stick to a theme, and limit my purchasing because the grandparents always over do it. Always, throw away anything that is broken or missing pieces. When adding toys to the collection, I always take a few and pack them away in the garage for later. When the kids are bored with everything in the house I take out a old toy or open a new one, and of course pack one away. Only have out enough toys, so that cleaning up is something the kids can do without much assistance. Also, have a place for everything. I have a specific tray, box, or see-through plastic container for every type of toy. It keeps the space where most of the toys are organized and neat looking. Additionally, sorting toys helps build math skills so there is reason behind the madness of keeping the toys straight. Get rid of them if they begin to collect dust. That's a sure sign the kids are not interested in the toy any more. I wouldn't set a number of toys to keep, I think its all about what you and your kids can control. I think big toy boxes are a bad idea. Daycares organize their toys by type and use, which makes the thousands of toys they have seem organized. If you are able to offer a wide variety of toys to your child be happy, just give them the skills they'll need to keep the organized and neat. I love that my kids have plenty of toys to kept them engaged and happy without much television. We have toys outside and inside, in the playroom and in their bedrooms. Yes, I play with them and I too enjoy the variety. But, its also nice too rarely hear, "I'm bored," and to be able to cook dinner without a little one tugging on my pants.
I'm about to have my 4th, my oldest is 5, and I understand your situation. My husband always complains about the toys. They seem to be reproducing in my playroom. Anyway, at birthdays I let the kids open all the presents, but only take a few favorites out of the box. At Christmas I stick to a theme, and limit my purchasing because the grandparents always over do it. Always, throw away anything that is broken or missing pieces. When adding toys to the collection, I always take a few and pack them away in the garage for later. When the kids are bored with everything in the house I take out a old toy or open a new one, and of course pack one away. Only have out enough toys, so that cleaning up is something the kids can do without much assistance. Also, have a place for everything. I have a specific tray, box, or see-through plastic container for every type of toy. It keeps the space where most of the toys are organized and neat looking. Additionally, sorting toys helps build math skills so there is reason behind the madness of keeping the toys straight. Get rid of them if they begin to collect dust. That's a sure sign the kids are not interested in the toy any more. I wouldn't set a number of toys to keep, I think its all about what you and your kids can control. I think big toy boxes are a bad idea. Daycares organize their toys by type and use, which makes the thousands of toys they have seem organized. If you are able to offer a wide variety of toys to your child be happy, just give them the skills they'll need to keep the organized and neat. I love that my kids have plenty of toys to kept them engaged and happy without much television. We have toys outside and inside, in the playroom and in their bedrooms. Yes, I play with them and I too enjoy the variety. But, its also nice too rarely hear, "I'm bored," and to be able to cook dinner without a little one tugging on my pants.
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