Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Hello I'm Chinese Canadian an I'm sick and tired of crappy J-10 fighter jet, when do I get my J-20 killer toy?

top 10 kids toys uk
 on Top Toys For Christmas
top 10 kids toys uk image

Phillip Gu

J-10: (obsolete J-10A) (obsolete J-10A) (obsolete J-10A)\ (obsolete J-10A) (obsolete J-10A) (obsolete J-10A)
J-20 Black Eagle:

Don't you think we are sick n tired of you asking the same questions. Just kidding. :)) Pick whatever one you like best.

How to tell mother in law thanks, but no thanks?

Bogan Mum

Ok, my mother in law is being a right pain in my backside while i have been pregnant. Anyway. She lives about 7 or 8 hours away (yipee) so doesnt get to see us or our son much. Im currently 28 almost 29 weeks pregnant with a girl. Both these children (my son and girl on the way) are her only grandchildren.

She came to where we live yesterday because she is flying to the uk today. Anyway she bought some stuff for the baby, the thing is, its all second hand and its not even nice stuff (i know i may sound snobbyish, but i dont mean to be) and its not even pink! She bought a blue cardigan type thing and a white and blue AIO. She has bought a few other things from the op shops too. And none of the stuff i plan to use. Why you ask. Because 1, i dont like any of it and 2, its just extra stuff on top of the piles of stuff me and my fiance have already bought.

My fiance has just had a pay rise and is being considered for a superviser roll which would mean even more money. He does overtime at work every single night. We have about $200-$300 extra a week (new zealand dollars) and can afford to be buying things brand new. We pretty much have everything we need already, i have of course bought a few cute outfits, a few cute aios and then the seperates. The only things i havnt got are the basic short sleeve aio things and socks, mittens etc, because well they are boring, lol.

She asked me if i had bought much about 2 weeks before she flew up and i told her i have pretty much everything she will need for the first few months. Then she asked me if i kept the reciepts, i said of course. Then she told me to take it all back because she can just pick things up cheap as at the second hand shops! She didnt even want to see the things i had bought when i asked her if she wanted to see them.

She is also ripping into my fiance (her son) because i bought a brand new bassinet and sheets. She told him that she could have just made the sheets and that she saw one at the op shop for $10 she could have bought.

I dont mean to sound snobby and ungrateful and bichy. But i just want to be able to give our kids the best. Especially since we are starting to finally get ahead with money and are able to afford these nice things. So how can i tell her thanks, but that she can stop buying things for her now because we already have too many
This is not the only problem i have with her. LOL. But if i started i couldnt stop. Hahaha. I do buy second hand myself, but i buy all the 'name' brand sorts of things that i cant justify spending big money on brand new. Thanks for all the comments guys, i cant believe someone didnt go on about how ungrateful and bichy i was being, lol

Oh man, parents. If its not your own, its your in-laws. Once they get the title "Grandma" they go a little nuts. I decided to try cloth diapers on #1 (her first grandchild even though some of my husband's siblings have been married for 5 years +). The diapers she made are seriously big enough to wear on an adult. They made me laugh.

Then when #1 was 9 months old, MIL started talking about potty training. Maybe its just me, but if the kid can't talk OR walk, I don't want to think about potty training. Its been over a year since then and the potty chair still hasn't been used. My mother is similar now that she moved farther away. (She used to live an hour away, not she lives 5 hours away.)

And yes, all the junk they bring you will not stop. No matter how much you say "we don't need it." If its not clothes, its toys. No matter how much you try and explain that you have bins and bins of toys, and most of them are never played with.

You could always use the 'ugly' clothes as play clothes or every day clothes. Then if you have a diaper blow out you won't feel bad throwing away the outfit the baby was wearing.

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