Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Where is the best place to buy kids toys for Christmas?

best kids toys age 2
 on Where to Get the Best Toys for Kids Online: Top 5 Outdoor Toys for ...
best kids toys age 2 image


Where is the best place to buy kids toys for christmas?
I am buying for a varitey of ages (1, 2, 4, 5 and 9), and want to get good prices too. Suggestions on national chain stores with good selection and good prices would be appreciated. Thanks!

Shop around on line first. That way you can check prices in the comfort of your own home. Good luck and Merry Christmas.

How do I Babysit 4 bratty kids that can't do anything fun like crafts or coloring, playdough?

Kimberly S

How do I babysit 4 bratty kids of the ages 2,4,9,10 years old? All we can do is play with their toys, eat. There is nothing todo, they can't color because they will throw the crayons, we can't do crafts, we can't play with playdough. I just need help!

Considering you are calling them "bratty kids" I don't think you should be babysitting. I wouldn't let you baby sit my 2 year old daughter.

but if someone is willing to let you babysit then you could get some kids songs 2 year olds really like that. Also if you can manage any sorts of crafts 4 year olds really enjoy making cards and such for there parents. 9 and 10 year olds could play a board game together.

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