best toddler toys ever image
Margo maki
holiday do you determine that it's not a good idea to host the meal at your home. I am up to my eyeballs in dirt, dog hair and toddler toys. Even if I do get my home "company clean" it won't last more than an hour. Is it ever acceptable to hide in your basement chain smoking Marlboro Lights until your guests stop knocking?
Walk with me margo... Whats your cocktail of choice?
Walk with me margo... Whats your cocktail of choice?
How do I get my toddler to listen to me?
People say toddler are young to know what no mines.
He has the habit to hit and I dont know how to stop it.
First off his behavior will escalate before it gets better once you start implementing consistent discipline so don't let that discourage you.
I have a 3 year old and I have to get tough with him every 6 months or so, they go through different phases which are frustrating but completely normal they just have to be nipped in the bud before it gets out of hand. I also have a 1 1/2 I have had to start getting tough with :)! I do not believe in spanking a child, I don't think hitting is ever the answer it just tells the child that sometimes it's okay to hit like when your really mad.
There are 3 things that you might want to try that have really worked my child and for many others. I started using these methods with him just before his 2nd birthday because he started hitting and it was getting out of control.
1. Use what is called an emotional time out. Whatever the behavior and where ever you are you just set the child down without saying a word and ignore them. I know as a mom this will be very hard -it took me a while to get the hang of it. Our children typically act up to get attention and when you put them in timeout and talk to them about why they did wrong etc... They are getting your undivided attention so by ignoring them they get the opposite result and quickly learn that their behavior is not working.
2. Find out what your child’s currency is whether it is a special show they watch every day, a toy, etc... And take it away - it can not be earned back until the next day.
3. PRAISE your child for ever good thing they do. It seems a bit silly to tell them they are doing a good job for everything but it really works. (Insert name here) I like the way you are playing so nicely with your friends. When my son, at 22 months, was going through his hitting phase at the play area I would call him over every 5 mins or so and tell him what a great job he was doing being nice to the other kids not hitting or kicking and after a while I didn't have to do it anymore and he would come to me telling me what a good job he was doing.
No matter what you do it requires consistency as parents we have all threatened something and then not followed through as we should have this only makes the next behavior worse and harder to control.
After about a week my sons hitting was under control using the emotional timeouts and PRAISE!
Best of luck - stay strong it will be your best gift you could ever give your child!
First off his behavior will escalate before it gets better once you start implementing consistent discipline so don't let that discourage you.
I have a 3 year old and I have to get tough with him every 6 months or so, they go through different phases which are frustrating but completely normal they just have to be nipped in the bud before it gets out of hand. I also have a 1 1/2 I have had to start getting tough with :)! I do not believe in spanking a child, I don't think hitting is ever the answer it just tells the child that sometimes it's okay to hit like when your really mad.
There are 3 things that you might want to try that have really worked my child and for many others. I started using these methods with him just before his 2nd birthday because he started hitting and it was getting out of control.
1. Use what is called an emotional time out. Whatever the behavior and where ever you are you just set the child down without saying a word and ignore them. I know as a mom this will be very hard -it took me a while to get the hang of it. Our children typically act up to get attention and when you put them in timeout and talk to them about why they did wrong etc... They are getting your undivided attention so by ignoring them they get the opposite result and quickly learn that their behavior is not working.
2. Find out what your child’s currency is whether it is a special show they watch every day, a toy, etc... And take it away - it can not be earned back until the next day.
3. PRAISE your child for ever good thing they do. It seems a bit silly to tell them they are doing a good job for everything but it really works. (Insert name here) I like the way you are playing so nicely with your friends. When my son, at 22 months, was going through his hitting phase at the play area I would call him over every 5 mins or so and tell him what a great job he was doing being nice to the other kids not hitting or kicking and after a while I didn't have to do it anymore and he would come to me telling me what a good job he was doing.
No matter what you do it requires consistency as parents we have all threatened something and then not followed through as we should have this only makes the next behavior worse and harder to control.
After about a week my sons hitting was under control using the emotional timeouts and PRAISE!
Best of luck - stay strong it will be your best gift you could ever give your child!
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