Saturday, February 15, 2014

i smoked out pf striaght plastic and weed 4 years ago should i have brain damage?


i just wanna know i smoked out of plastic little flute toy thing straight weed in a plastic thing lighter to weed and plastic what kind of damage should i have i feel fine but i mean it was awhile ago and i only smoke out of glass on glass bongs now it just scares me what could that have done to me when i was younger im 18 now and was 13 when i did it scared of it messing with me when i get older or like it messed me up and i dont know :/ was to in the moment when i was a kid would never ever do that again tho
it WAS oonly one hit like put one bowl in there hit it once and now i realized i smoked out of plastic i know it was stupid whats necrotizing fasciitis should i be fine

Only one time with the plastic, then you should have very minimal damage to your LUNGs, your brain would not have been effected, now your long term weed usage is a different matter.

"Driving after smoking even a small amount of marijuana almost doubles the risk of a fatal highway accident, according to an extensive study of 10,748 drivers involved in fatal crashes between 2001 and 2003â. -

Marijuana smoke was listed as a cancer-causing agent by California on June 19, 2009

Even after adjusting the figures to take account of the other known risk factors, marijuana use remained a clear risk factor for testicular cancer. Just being a marijuana smoker seemed to carry a 70% extra risk, while those who smoked it regularly, or had smoked from an early age, had twice the risk compared to those who had never smoked it. -
âFor example, chronic marijuana use is associated with reduced hypothalamic release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, decreased plasma levels of gonadotropins (follicle-stimulating hormone, lutenizing hormone, and prolactin) and testosterone, reduced spermatogenesis, and impotency in men.â -

Britain's most senior coroner is warning that hundreds of young people are dying in accidents caused by their prolonged use of cannabisâ¦.The dangers of cannabis were highlighted in research published last month, which showed a sharp increase in drug-related deaths. According to the European Centre for Addiction Studies at St George's Hospital Medical School in London, in 2002, British coroners cited cannabis as the major cause of death in 18 out of 853 drug-related deaths. The drug was also implicated in a further 31 out of 1,579 deaths involving a cocktail of drugs.

Teens who routinely smoke marijuana risk a long-term drop in their IQ -
âPre-natal marijuana exposure had persistent negative effects through age 16 on higher-order thinking, including problem solving, memory, planning, impulsivity, and attention.â

Long-term heavy cannabis use in healthy individuals is associated with smaller cerebellar white-matter volume similar to that observed in schizophrenia. Reduced volumes were even more pronounced in patients with schizophrenia who use cannabis. Cannabis use may alter the course of brain maturational processes associated with schizophrenia.

Our findings indicate long-term cannabis use is hazardous to the white matter of the developing brain. Delaying the age at which regular use begins may minimize the severity of microstructural impairment. -

Recent research from the past 5 years has shown that marijuana exposure during pregnancy has been associated with anencephaly, a non-sustaining life condition where a large part of the skull or brain is absent, neurobehavioral deficiencies, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disabilities and memory impairment in toddlers and 10 year olds, as well as neuropsychiatric conditions, including depression, aggression and anxiety, in teens. -

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